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单词 Apply to
1. I apply to get into your life.
2. Both boys and girls can apply to join the choir.
3. Shall we apply to fraternal factories for help?
4. What I have said does not apply to you.
5. These regulations apply to everyone, without exception.
6. These principles apply to learning maths.
7. The convention does not apply to us.
8. They may apply to join the organization.
9. The same provisions apply to foreign-owned companies.
10. Standard rates of interest apply to these loans.
11. These restrictions do not apply to us.
12. These safety standards apply to all workplaces.
13. Do the same rules apply to part-time workers?
14. For particulars apply to Mr. Brooker.
15. These arrangements under the treaty apply to the whole of Europe.
16. Find out ahead of time what regulations apply to your situation.
17. Please strike out whichever option does not apply to you.
18. You will have to apply to City Hall for a building permit.
19. The findings from the case study school may apply to schools elsewhere.
20. The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race, creed or colour.
21. "Enterprising" is not an adjective you would apply to him!
22. For further information, apply to the secretary of the company.
23. Students should apply to their local council for a grant.
24. These regulations apply to all cows sold after June 1998.
25. While her observations may be true about some men, they could hardly apply to the entire gender.
26. The same general guidelines on when to dress formally apply to both men and women.
27. That bit of the form is for UK citizens - it doesn't apply to you.
28. Soak a small towel in the liquid, wring it out[/apply to.html], then apply to the abdomen.
29. She had the arrogance to believe the law did not apply to her.
30. If you wish to join the club, you should apply to the secretary in the first instance.
1. Both boys and girls can apply to join the choir.
2. If you wish to join the club, you should apply to the secretary in the first instance.
31. Special conditions apply to the use of the library's rare books.
32. Prices in brackets apply to July and August departures.
33. But how does this ministry apply to today's church?
34. Supplements in brackets apply to July and August departures.
35. I want to apply to become an undercover agent.
36. They will apply to almost all workplaces.
37. The settlement terms only apply to Los Angeles County.
38. The same would apply to the abstracted car driver.
39. Nevertheless the Regulations still apply to such a contract.
40. This would apply to rented accommodation, council houses, etc.
41. This need not apply to basic research and design.
42. Whose regulations apply to whom and where?
43. The same suspicions, particularly in relation to civilian casualties, doubtless apply to footage from Baghdad.
44. The Bills of Sale Acts do not apply to documents accompanying transactions in which the possession of the chattels passes.
45. This definition does not affect each nation's own definition and the regulation does not apply to trade between member states.
46. If you live in separate districts you must apply to both the registrars of both districts.
47. Until recently, however, it was thought that these laws did not apply to the beginning of the universe.
48. These regulations apply to all personnel on site, including visitors.
49. Under my construction, the Act would apply to all customers in all the enumerated places of public accommodation.
50. The new attributes apply to characters subsequently printed to the screen.
51. The duty only applies in respect of dwellings and does not apply to commercial or industrial properties.
52. Why should abolition not apply to the poll tax during what are allegedly its last two years?
53. It is understandable for health authorities to err on the side of caution, as these guidelines will not apply to everyone.
54. The mechanism would apply to manufactures and processed agricultural products and capital goods, but not to agricultural raw materials.
55. It speaks of authoritative directives being based on or reflecting reasons which apply to their subjects in any case.
56. The scheme does not apply to claims for amounts greater than £1,500 per person or £75[Sentencedict],00 per booking form.
57. If adopted, it would apply to calendar year 1993 statements.
58. The same may well apply to those from the Maikop burial in west Caucasia.
59. All of the caveats that apply to radiocarbon dating apply to its use in authentication.
60. The regulations also apply to new buildings and alterations and extensions of existing buildings.
61. Some of these duties, such as the duty to assess risks, also apply to the self-employed.
62. Mr Maher said he had received assurances from the Government that new legislation on increasing competition would apply to the book agreement.
63. In chapters 15 to 17 we apply to the individual profile components the principles set out in chapter 14.
64. This standard would also apply to an individual appointed as a member of such a public body.
65. The Regulations make clear that these sections do not apply to any private companies, whether limited by shares or guarantee.
66. There are several tests you can apply to find out how old a tree is.
67. More habitual bankrupts have to apply to the court after five years and argue their case.
68. Of course, separate rules do not apply to Fidelity, but a different standard of public attention is in order.
69. This did not apply to credit sale agreements for under £30.
70. The legal principles that apply to teachers whose negligence causes injury are the same as those that apply to anyone else.
71. If adopted, the standard would apply to financial years beginning on or after 16 December 1993.
72. By analogy, the same principle could apply to other insiders, such as merchant bankers, who misuse confidential news.
73. The 30 % set-aside did not apply to city contracts awarded to minority-owned prime contractors.
74. Although these studies apply to older children the principle should hold for younger children where management problems are frequently linked with obesity.
75. That has created a precedent which, it is argued, could also apply to the presidential term.
76. The court ruled that the Federal Advisory Committee Act does not apply to such subcommittee working groups.
77. It is arguable that the provision does not apply to the transferor.
78. Procedural rules which apply to specific applications or orders are discussed in the relevant chapters.
79. The rules apply to the basic married couple's allowance and also to the age-related addition.
80. Economic restrictions to industry should only apply to those connected with armaments.
81. Accordingly the other subsections of section 4 and section 5 do not apply to section 15.
82. No matter how powerful the political interests, the same rules must apply to all.
83. You can still apply to the Rent Officer to fix a Fair Rent for your accommodation.
84. The law of contempt does not apply to reinforce the decisions of administrative tribunals.
85. A requirement imposed by regulations shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban.
86. This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body, e.g., an electricity authority.
86. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
87. The concession will not therefore normally apply to rights already granted under an approved employee share scheme.
88. Furthermore, those rules are based on general principles which apply to all armed conflicts and means of warfare.
89. Flexible working may apply to this job and would involve the successful applicant working on average one and half hours per week.
90. One physics task involves pupils examining which laws of physics apply to packages dropping down a parcels chute.
91. However many of the considerations which apply to small utility boilers are directly applicable to large industrial boilers.
92. Finland did not apply to join the EC until 1992.
93. However this is beginning to apply to classroom video materials too as more and more people today have video machines at home.
94. Prices do not apply to Public Holiday periods unless otherwise stated, and are subject to availability of suitable accommodation.
95. The basic principles of large units, deep ranks, and good characters doubly apply to Goblins.
96. In resolving these conflicts, the courts establish legal principles that apply to similar cases.
97. Such proposals should apply to all applicants and employees, regardless of disability.
98. He said the regulations did not apply to the whole building, only to the alterations carried out.
99. If they still do not pay, the council can apply to the magistrates court for a summons to be served.
100. But it should apply to the accused too until the crime is proved.
101. This will tend to apply to all the logs placed by any beaver bearing this particular mutation.
102. For the same reasons, the proposal also does not apply to chicken feed.
103. He may apply to the court if his right to redeem is disputed.
104. He says he wants the alterations to apply to new claims only.
105. Thus the First Amendment did not apply to this case since the discharge of the teachers was not a state action.
106. The Bill provides for the right to apply to and have papers considered by the adjudicator.
107. It is not legally necessary for the same notice entitlement to apply to both you and your employer.
108. Similar principles apply to whatever window manager you prefer.
109. Underline the following that apply to you.
110. The following social criteria currently apply to the textile processing level only.
111. This leafage apply to hover (), quality and cheap . welcomed to order .
112. To be sure, that average salary doesn't apply to all types of graduates. Depending on their career path, some are much better - and much worse-off than others.
113. Similar principles to those discussed above for purified water apply to Water For Injection (WFI) utilized in sterile and pyrogen-free BPC processing.
114. The question of what obligations should apply to the bank's controlling shareholders remains a stumbling block.
115. All parties agree that non-circumvention and non-disclosure under the regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce shall apply to this Agreement and are strictly adhered to.
116. On their road in the cause opening up an animated cartoon[sentencedict .com], have discovered the person apply to upper value of commercial advertisement.
117. The original directive recommended the ban should only apply to anyone under 12, however the UK decided to go for the more draconian limit of 16.
118. Why always apply to the company sales personnel policy support, but the results are far from ideal?
119. Article 47 The applicable laws chosen by the parties concerned by agreement shall apply to ill-gotten gains and negotiorum gestio.
120. Article 28 The laws at the habitual residence of the adopter and the adoptee shall apply to the qualifications and formalities of adoption.
121. The calculations of extreme value for monadic and binary function are essential problem in mathematical analysis , which can apply to calculate maximum and minimum.
122. These Rules do not apply to suretyship or conditional bonds or guarantees or other accessory undertaking under which the guarantor's duty to pay arises only on actual default by the principal.
123. Similar identification requirements apply to personal accounts such as corporations and partnerships.
124. BUDGET CONDITIONER: Try this every so often: Mash half a banana with about 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply to dry hair, wrap in cling film or a shower cap and leave for half an hour and wash out.
125. It apply to the fixed wiring or electronic and electrical equipment connecting wire of heat resistant requirement which up to and including 300/500V.
126. Duty rates on export goods are designed to collect export duty. Temporary duty rates may apply to export goods within a specific time limit.
127. Application: Apply to all kinds of solder wire with lead or lead - free.
128. Article Where an intellectual property right holder requests the customs to practice protection of his intellectual property rights, he shall apply to the customs for taking protective measures.
129. In the expansion equation obtained with the help of this new method, the number of terms is greatly decreased, so that it is easy to apply to engineering calculation.
130. OR limitation of liability of carrier shall apply to and be fOR the benefit of agents, staff members and representatives of cartier.
131. Benefits Management Programs The principles described in this white paper apply to many provider-payor business and professional relationships.
132. The Anklet Hypothesis can also apply to wrists, as so brilliantly demonstrated by Tsukasa in this pic. Doesn't her arm look so much more slender with that bracelet?
133. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People with " prediabetes " may want to pay close attention to their dental health, if new animal research findings apply to humans.
134. Article 17 ( Settlement of Disputes ) shall not apply to any such dispute.
135. Good knowledge of general research principles and practices as they apply to the application and use of electronic data processing equipment.
136. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income and on capital imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or of its local authorities irrespective of the manner in which they are levied.
137. Certain principle should apply to one or some kinds of foundations, but should not apply to all kinds of foundations or incorporated corporation.
138. This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or local authorities, irrespective of the manner in which they are levied.
139. This license is a modified version of the GNU GPL that closes a loophole where the copyleft restrictions do not apply to the software's usage but only its distribution.
140. Our ocean freight has the advantages in the market, we can apply to the shipping house for special freight of a single voyage based on customers' transportation burden.
141. The business space themes do not apply to the log-in page.
142. The standard you quote is not one I am familiar with and it appears to apply to spring steel, can you please clarify?
143. This Job Description shall apply to the Program Manager at Jabil Circuit China.
144. DIRECTIONS OF USE : Apply to a cotton wool pad and smooth over the face and neck.
145. This Act shall not apply to breaches of trust or of other fiduciary obligation.
146. In the Calculations options for this project area, in the Default fixed cost accrual list, select the accrual method that you want to apply to all new tasks in this project.
146. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
147. Apply to the PCB which has SMD on the DIP soldering side.
148. The appeals court ruled that because Hamdan was a member of al Qaeda, the Geneva Conventions did not apply to him and he could not assert the unlawfulness of the military commissions on that basis.
149. The researchers suggest these findings could apply to other Nepenthes plants, which counts for more than 86 species.
150. Apply to Become a partner of Skincare 39 or to Sell Skincare Products!
151. Provisions of this law concerning citizens also apply to aliens and stateless persons unless otherwise provided.
152. You must apply to the Customs . You can ask the ground staff about it.
153. So, for example, the state can set minimal age requirements for voting or getting a marriage license, but these must apply to all groups, not just minorities.
154. Yet, that self-mixing interference technique apply to carry information form the data of external feedback measure amplitude and frequency.
155. He goes on to explain that this is the principle that farmers apply to their live-stock.
156. Commercial Terms and Conditions as annexure apply to the order.
157. Electric Heating Protect allecate: Apply To Cow Pressure Ellctronic Tube Relay, Air Electronic Tube Relay Temperature Control, Heat Protect Utensils And Car Etc.
158. Consider a cyclic flow that has mutually exclusive branches; each branch has preconditions and invariants that apply to all activities in the branch.
159. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the customs' administration of the place of origin of imported and exported goods under preferential trade agreements.
160. May apply to being complex may the fissionable material critical computation, like pair of non- uniform even system critical computation.
161. We develop the new process and apply to produce. This has achieved the goal of recovery and utilization of acid tar and pollution control.
162. That contrast between flashy inspiration and stolidity may now apply to the world's big central banks.
163. When Epictetus says you have to be a money changer, he means as soon as an idea comes to mind you have to think of the rules you must apply to evaluate.
164. The Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes.
165. For those of high voltage level, after the estimate of their insulation parameters we draw the conclusion that those above methods cannot apply to on-line insulation monitoring of 110KV XLPE cable.
166. High effective positive ion active formula, soften and smoothen clothes, reduce static electricity of fabric, eliminate harmful germ, leave sweet well. Apply to towel.
167. Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the audit and special audit and investigation of government-invested projects and projects mainly invested by the government.
168. God, overstaffing, only apply to so many people a business.
169. Many of the specs I recommend also apply to desktops.
170. Apply to full automatic transfer rewind, assure core don't slacken off.
171. This Convention shall apply to all sea-going vessels registered in the country of any Member ratifying this Convention and to the owners, masters and seamen of such vessels.
172. The snag is that the familiar problems of monetary inflation apply to job - title inflation as well.
173. When you apply to a top university in the United States, your application materials overweigh your exam scores!
174. Apply to protect electrical relay , POWER , amplifier and so on .
175. Apply to: computer configuration is better, stronger self-analysis capabilities, like their design, technical analysis software requirements of powerful investors.
176. Threaded Valve Dimensions apply to both Standard and SR Threads.
176. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
177. USAGE: Apply to palm and smooth over the face, the massage gently with the palm.
178. JBK3 series machine tool control transformers apply to the exchange of 50-60HZ, output voltage not exceeding 220V, input rated voltage not exceeding 660V circuit.
179. Apply to factory and individual electronic product soldering tin handle.
180. Apply to an undercoated wall and spread glue on it.




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