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单词 As is
1) As is the husband, so is the wife. 
2) As is the workman so is the work. 
3) Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 
4) She arrived an hour late, as is her wont.
5) as is the workman so is the work.
6) As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.
7) He left the house at nine exactly, as is his custom.
8) Schizophrenia is not a "split mind" as is popularly believed.
9) As is usual with children, they soon got tired.
10) Please reply as soon as is practicably possible.
11) She's very tall, as is her mother.
12) He spoke for too long, as is his wont.
13) It is their duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the equipment is safe.
14) He was showing off, as is the way with adolescent boys.
15) We will do this as soon as is reasonably practicable.
16) As is stated above, this principle applies to all cases.
17) As is usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.
18) As is often the case with children, Amy was completely better by the time the doctor arrived.
19) Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.
20) The exhibit is free, as is parking.
21) Mass faxing is also a doddle, as is scheduling.
22) Mom and dad are Caucasian, as is their brother.
23) As is our confidence, so is our capacity. William Hazlitt 
24) As is the way of coast guard stations, it once had waves lapping at its doorstep.
25) Now he desires, as is but right, that my dowry should be returned with me.
26) Employers should provide a safe working environment, as far as is reasonably practicable.
27) Mr. Lorry had been idle a lo and had just poured out his last glassful of wine complete an appearance of satisfaction as is ever to be found in an elderly gentleman of a fresh complexion who has got to the end of a bottle, when a rattling of wheels came up the narrow street, and rumbled into the inn-yard.
28) Will you wait till it's finished or take it home as is?
29) She has gained a reputation for creating books as perfect as is humanly possible.
30) Even the pretrial depositions could prove embarrassing and politically damaging if, as is likely,[http:///as is.html] they were released to the public.
1) She arrived an hour late, as is her wont.
2) He left the house at nine exactly, as is his custom.
3) Schizophrenia is not a "split mind" as is popularly believed.
4) As is stated above, this principle applies to all cases.
31) But as is often the case with such second-hand reports, they were never amplified by other segments of the national media.
32) This would require farmers to apply for planning permission as is the case with other commercial or industrial developments.
33) As is often the case with dissertations, mine dealt with dramatic events but was abstract, academic, and lifeless.
34) The ink in your pen is a prospect, as is the next telephone number you dial - internally or externally.
35) Most people required as much practice as is required to play a not-so-decent game of tennis.
36) Many such incidents are of a consensual nature as is illustrated in the following example.
37) For his contemporaries, Gloucester clearly filled a double role, as is illustrated by his dealings with the city of York.
38) An optional gateway function to other terminals and personal computers is included, as is a printing function.
39) Marriage is a good deal like a circus: there is not as much in it as is represented in the advertising. Edgar Watson Howe 
40) As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings, Albright declined to be interviewed for this article.
41) Graveney feels that in county cricket there is not the same class of speed attack as is found in Test cricket.
42) It must be greater than unity unless all the molecules are of equal length, as is easily seen.
43) As is the custom at such ceremonies, we start with the lesser awards.
44) Loss is better as is, without reasons, full of hope and longing and looking out.
45) Repetition of the remedy is continued for as long as is required, and the doses are tailed off gradually.
46) As is so often the case, however, nature refuses to conform to such a convenient theory.
47) They doubt that Caravaggio was even homosexual, as is widely believed.
48) Yet, as is always the case the results sound quite different when directed from the keyboard.
49) The government remains overwhelmingly white Anglo-Saxon, as is the political culture.
50) As is customary, you will be paid a fixed fee for the job.
51) But most of the cast are quite funny, as is the script.
52) As is invariably the case in such matters, the only people to profit from the entire episode were the lawyers.
53) In civilized societies social considerations further intensified the value attached to ivory, as is the case of other materials.
54) It is as comprehensive as is possible at the present time.
55) Indeed, it goes beyond that, so far as is necessary to promote a written constitution based on federal principles.
56) This is not entirely explained by huge increases in population, as is widely propagated by the mass media and widely believed.
57) Users rightly expect the same standard of packaging as is found with other resources such as books and audiovisual material.
58) As is shown in Figures 15. 1c and 15. 2c,[http:///as is.html] a considerable amount of waste crosses State lines.
59) As mentioned above, to remove magnesium bicarbonate hardness requires twice as much lime as is needed for calcium bicarbonate.
60) As is to be expected such loans are liquid and generate income.
61) Serve over ice as is, or dilute to taste with water, fruit juice and / or a dash of rum.
62) As is frequently pointed out, every government in the Sahel fell after the droughts of the early 1970s.
63) As is increasingly true everywhere, many of the old customs in Madeira are dying out.
64) Emperor Tetras are a quiet, peaceful fish and not as delicate as is sometimes thought.
65) As is well known, Marx himself gave a somewhat ambiguous answer; but Poulantzas' reply is quite clear.
66) These lethal tinned cocktails are treated as soft drinks, as is beer.
67) But there is no guarantee an insurance pay-out would cover funeral costs, as is the case with the pre-payment schemes.
68) The well developed buccal capsule of the adult parasite is prominent as is the bursa of the male.
69) An environment must be created in which partners can feel free to raise or lower their involvement as is appropriate.
70) Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it. Rene Descartes 
71) However, this is essential to continuing success, as is the development and harnessing of the full potential of all employees.
72) And, as is customary, the families would erect a mourning tent.
73) For example, President Clinton, as is his instinct, has occasionally offered the prospect of flexibility in the talks.
74) Nevertheless, there was still considerable scope for policy to affect the situation, as is clearly apparent from Table 1.
75) As is to be expected, approximately 75 percent of the children come from poor families.
76) The decision of he judges is final, as is that of the Editor in all other matters affecting the competition.
77) And as is the way of things in nature, given sufficient heat and hammering, the result is forged steel.
78) As is typical of most women's paid employment, this work is not considered particularly skilled and wages are low.
79) What you must do is carry out as much investigation as is reasonably possible to narrow it down to one suspect.
80) The democratic principle is one person one vote, as is the principle of statistical analysis.
81) There is not only one way, as is demonstrated by the compound eyes of arthropods.
82) It is as dependent upon reason as is everything else.
83) In fact, as is clearly illustrated by this data, inequalities are relatively consistent throughout childhood.
84) As is evident from an examination of other rites, there are also other possibilities for congregational involvement in the eucharistic prayer.
85) The trustee must then exercise such care and skill as is reasonable in the circumstances.
86) Yet when tax is deducted at source, as is the case with a Pay-As-You-Earn scheme, that is precisely what happens.
87) The fabled dodo bird of Reunion Island is gone forever, as is the moa of New Zealand.
88) As is indicated above the judge must specify the sum to be disallowed or ordered.
89) Nevertheless,[sentence dictionary] changes constantly occur as is shown by a cursory glance at the development of local government services in Britain.
90) Fordwater is flat in top, St Mary's is tricky in third gear, as is Lavant.
91) Quite how the bridge-building side of things came about is a mystery as is the fate of the firm.
92) Note, however, that this should not be as explicit as is the name of the murderer.
93) As is now clear, it was this totally unnecessary act of hubris that more than anything else frightened the voters away.
94) It is as much a pattern of their inner being as is tail-wagging or chewing the cud.
95) Your life expectancy is another consideration, as is that of your partner and any dependants.
96) Its laws are as elegant as is the idea of natural selection.
97) It is tough but not as soul-destroying as is sometimes presented in more melodramatic stories.
98) The liberty which we are supposing may be most completely given to them in the form of such a power as is said to have been possessed by Gyges the ancestor of Croesus the Lydian.
99) As is often the case, this lab head was not doing hands-on research himself.
100) As is well known, drug costs have already declined dramatically.
101) As is well known, A. Q. Khan, a Pakistani metallurgist working for the Dutch, stole the design and in 1976 fled to Pakistan.
102) As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with.
103) China's Chang'e 1 spacecraft is already in lunar orbit, as is Japan's Selene.
104) As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray.
105) The heritage sector is also growing, as is cultural tourism; opening opportunities for cross-over knowledge between natural and cultural conservation and interpretation.
106) Being general to take charcoal gray as is good, deeply brown and dark brown and black time it, blue and purple color most bad, because these will be through more ultraviolet rays.
107) And in man the organ is not split into many parts, as is the case with some vivipara , neither is it smooth, but its surface is uneven.
108) The darkness moments of our lif will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.
109) The problem becomes especially pronounced if a physical disk partition is shared between all nodes (using NFS, for example) as is popular in Linux clusters.
110) Conversely, pain is a relatively rare symptom in patients with intra-articular phalangeal osteochondromas, just as is the case in those with conventional osteochondroma.
111) A statue of Mexico's former President Vicente Fox is seen as is pulled down by protesters in Boca del Rio, Mexico, October 13, 2007 , hours after it was placed by local authorities.
112) With the Madeira Islands and Cape Verde Islands, as is the Portuguese Azores dynasty Aziz, Prince Henry the Navigator, under the leadership of the great maritime expedition was found.
113) While Crapper patented a number of bathroom-related inventions, he did not — as is often believed — actually invent the modern toilet.
114) Instead of depending upon casinos as the primary source of income as is the case for many Native American tribes, the Hualapai decided to develop the land and build up its tourism industry.
115) The euro. In spite of all the talk about the euro's demise, and the problems of Greece and Spain and Italy, the currency is surviving, as is the economic union it represents.
116) Keeping the templates for transforming machine-readable entries is good programming practice, as is separation of concerns in general.
117) Also, as is the case with the government, there are multiple chefs--CERT-IN, NTRO, NIC, IB, DIA, RAW--and too few cooks!
118) Bread aroma is enhanced, As is the crust color[/as is.html], by a build-up of melanoidin compounds from nonenzymatic browning reactions.
119) Often, mixins are added to a language as an independent language feature, as is done in Jam.
120) Gilman adds that his team's approach would provide the same level of diagnosis in developing countries as is available to patients in industrialised nations.
121) The other thing that we took note as is what happens as l increases, and specifically as l increases for any given the principle quantum number.
122) In the cathodoluminescence images, the zircons show good crystal morphology and clear oscillatory zoning, as is the case of magmatic zircon.
123) The major change in foreign economic relations has been greater dependence on American as compared to British capital, as is happening throughout the capitalist world.
124) As is known that a magnetic component generally consists of a core and a winding, therefore, there are two kinds of losses in magnetic components: core loss and winding loss.
125) For participants who require such assistance after the race, the Main Medical facility is located just beyond the finish line, as is an Ice Tent and Podiatry Tent.
126) What Robert Boyle (1627-1691) gave in his Sceptical Chymist (1661) is not, as is commonly said, a modern definition of a chemical element, but a traditional definition of a chemical element.
127) But larger-than-life oil tycoons like McCarthy are long gone, as is the Shamrock Hotel.
128) As far as is concerned the process of learning of procedural knowledge of Chinese Medicine Chemistry, it has itself special characteristics.
129) As is well known, the EM field of TE11 mode at the wall of the circular waveguide changes as sine (or cosine) function azimuthally.
130) It means that 1,4-benzoquinone did damnify the ct-DNA, as is one of the ways by which benzene causes cancer, for the reason that benzoquinone is the ultimate metabolic product of benzene.
131) The root directory entry (dentry) object is cached here also, as is the block device on which this file system resides.
132) As the spectator is kinesthetically and sensorially engaged with multimedia objects, the space of the museum is altered , as is the role of the artist.
133) The mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is an ethnic Baluchi, as is his nephew Ramzi Yousef, who plotted the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
134) As is tradition, the Masked Rider leads the Texas Tech University football team onto the field in Lubbock.
135) If a host government refuses to probe further, as is the case with China, little can be done.
136) As is well known the main cause of traffic accidents is drivers'carelessness.
137) You still are an invariable diamond and platinic gold, regard as is the joker of various dress acted the role of taste?
138) And if our energy sources decarbonise over the coming decades – as is current policy – so the electric car really begins to come into its own.
139) The primitive people's worship to reproductive organs started from pudendum worship, as is already proved by the above-mentioned conventional practices.
140) It has covered masculine and feminine elements Yi Li extremely profoundly as well as is making widely known the cosmic inventory structure style profoundly.
141) But, in fact, the pavilion is as illustrative of this administration as is prorogation.
142) But if the nature of language is partly the nature of man, as is suggested in the present thesis, these assertions become tautological .
143) As is graphically revealed in the picture above, three little boys are playing on a teeterboard with a little girl.
144) Far from violating the laws of thermodynamics (as is often ignorantly alleged) they are relentlessly driven by them.
145) To be exact, his language fuzzy, jerky, vocative, symbolic, affective, and musical, as is typical of a poetic text.
146) As is shown in the pictures, with the rampancy of commercial fishing, the number of fishes dramatically decreased.
147) A cabinet maker is opening a new businessnearby, as is a local ceramicist.
148) When viewed by reflected light, the center of the pattern is black,[] as is a thin soap film.
149) The stomach and abdomen are areas of great erotic sensitivity, as is the small of the back and the area just above the cleft in their buttocks.
150) As is well known, we love peace and hate invasion.
151) Tom Ripley's assumption of Dickie Greenleaf (Jude Law) is executed perfectly, as is the cat-and-mouse game that follows.
152) Lecce defender Marco Cassetti is on their short-list, as is Reggina's Italian international Giandomenico Mesto.
153) The other two gases have significantly less impact: isoflurane is only a third as powerful a greenhouse gas as is desflurane and sevoflurance has only an eighth of desflurane's effect.
153) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
154) As is common with corrosion-resistant pumps, this series uses the magnetic drive method, eliminating problems caused by liquid leakage.
155) That four, can not the coal vein mistake as is leaf and the xylon fossil.
156) As is typical of the choreography around an industrial dispute, both sides have exchanged strong words in recent weeks.
157) UL provides this standard "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose.
158) If the enterprise carries on business as aforesaid, the profits of the enterprise may be taxed in the other State but only so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishment.
159) As is known, the language in the standard legal amanuensis is generally called legislation language. It is one of the behavior criterions which are ascertained in the format of language and words.
160) A hash index is often implemented using an array where each element in the array is a hash bucket with a fixed size, as is depicted in Figure 1.
161) As is often the case in software, an organized semiformal presentation of the use cases helps you get organized.
162) As is a new hardware device for network monitoring, TAP(Test Access Port) provides a method for obtaining the network traffic without disrupting the normal traffic.
163) I live in the heart of the American Midwest, the buckle of the bible belt as is often said of my small city.
164) Compression is of central importance, as is loss of information and ways to minimize it.
165) At present, the whole household industry with Chinese real estate market and the stock market "bull market", as is the growing state.
166) As is also their belief smoking ganja, weed or gank is known as the proper way for the Rastafarians to converse with their god - much like prayer or a peace pipe of sorts.
167) This gold-price calculation essentially assumes dollar-gold convertibility, as is mandated by the US Constitution and was utilized at various periods of American history.
168) As is obvious from their names, display is a function that prints out its argument and newline is a function that simply prints out an end-of-line character.
169) The workshop was highly successful, with papers devoted to media and methods development in food mycology , as is usual with these workshops.
170) As is known to all, the water invasion in reservoir caused by fracture water-breakthrough will seriously influence gas production, making the gas reservoir recovery be reduced.
171) This time, the calligraphy painting is almost completely obscured, save a few brush strokes, as is the brick wainscoting disappeared, which has been overrun by the water sluicing way from the moat.




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