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单词 All levels
1 Racism exists at all levels of society.
2 Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively.
3 He's responsible for recruiting at all levels.
4 Participation is encouraged at all levels.
5 Child cruelty exists at all levels of society.
6 Exercise classes cater to all levels of fitness.
7 We need to root out corruption at all levels.
8 Party congresses at all levels are convened by Party committees at their respective levels.
9 The main leaders of the government at all levels should stand in the forefront of the fighting against flood.
10 There will be cuts across all levels of the company.
11 The company provides training for staff at all levels.
12 It had some bearing at all levels of society.
13 Your Board and employees at all levels send you our very best wishes for a prosperous future with Palatine.
14 The law, which covers all levels of cricket, will also specifically ban bowlers from lifting the seam on a ball.
15 Opinions are sought at all levels and team-work training enhances management skills and customer service.
16 In fact all levels should be able to interact and feed information back to each other.
17 This can be debated at all levels from ministerial to street level.
18 Similarly(), financial administration is receiving increased attention by governmental units at all levels.
19 In terms of manpower all three types of decision are constantly being made at all levels of the nursing organisation.
20 Thus domestic service must be seen as a type of economic relationship operating in all levels of society.
21 The emerging New Forms of production demand ever higher levels of skill in the workforce at all levels in the hierarchy.
22 A similar picture emerges in the case of women except that women's earnings at all levels are only two-thirds of men's.
23 Alongside the formal structures, a network of informal relationships has grown up at all levels of the organization.
24 Technicians will be employed to develop educational and training materials for programs at all levels in public and private educational institutions.
25 The wide and undulating fields here provided good scope for riders of all levels.
26 Continuous liaison with legislators is maintained by agencies at all levels of government. Congressional committees work closely with administrative officials.
27 Events are organised at national, regional and local level and cater for people at all levels of ability.
28 All who work within the education service are acutely aware of the pressure for change at all levels.
29 It therefore needs to be incorporated systematically into teaching strategies and practices at all levels.
30 For 1993 we have organised four holidays to cater for students of all levels of experience and covering a variety of subjects.
1 Racism exists at all levels of society.
2 He's responsible for recruiting at all levels.
31 Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
32 Using the detailed knowledge of employees at all levels, dramatic results were obtained.
33 Fourth, church planting reaches all levels of society because the gospel is spread through family and relationship networks.
34 Thereafter, the conventional insistence on the balanced budget under all circumstances and at all levels of economic activity was in retreat.
35 This agreement includes pay reductions at all levels, contracting out of non-core activities and a three year industrial peace clause.
36 Individuals in most countries know that exporting is important, and that export success impacts at all levels of society.
37 Comrade leaders at all levels, you must give it your full attention.
38 He got them much more heavily involved at all levels.
39 Which allows her to bring us up-to-date on all current issues in the field with relevant for practical applications on all levels.
40 He has experience of leadership at all levels, as has his possible successor Ashley Metcalfe.
41 This phenomenon actually adds greatly to the congenial atmosphere of an agency and encourages friendship and good relations at all levels.
42 At all levels past the rudimentary, strategies for abstracting meaning from text and imparting meaning into text count for nearly everything.
43 That is the stark injustice of the total humiliation of women on all levels, by men.
44 Because of its preventive aspects, nutrition education should be included at all levels of the health delivery system.
45 Sport at the University of Ulster is available at all levels from recreational to highly competitive.
46 At all levels, there is a general-purpose fee payable by families for extra-curricular and additional facilities.
47 Entries for information technology were increasing significantly at all levels, the results show.
48 The ethical standards of Wall Street have to be monitored at all levels.
49 Over 13,500 full-time and part-time students are currently enrolled for courses at all levels, from doctoral studies to part-time certificate programmes.
50 Many of the requests are for practical, technical and vocational literature for all levels, from secondary schooling upwards.
51 Our top priority is therefore the introduction of fair votes for all elections at all levels of government.
52 I would like to thank staff at all levels for their tremendous efforts which contributed to this success.
53 A reunion should cater for all levels of work and it is hoped this can be rectified next time.
54 Conceptually,(http:///all levels.html) cognitive growth and development proceed in this way at all levels of development.
55 Promote effective two-way communication between employees at all levels to understand better the problems and concerns that affect productivity; 7.
56 We are long overdue for a complete overhaul of the mathematics curriculum at all levels.
57 The event had created great excitement at all levels of society and was eagerly anticipated.
58 The epidemic and the issues it raises will continue to test the essential skills and wisdom of management at all levels.
59 Some companies are making strenuous efforts to increase the proportion of women at all levels of employment.
60 A local microcomputer is like a manual record system which can be accessible to all levels of staff.
61 With time to spare, the Age Bulgers dominated all levels of politics and made sure their special interests came first.
62 This was an indication of those gay people who work at all levels of broadcasting.
63 People at all levels of the organization can accomplish very much more than they are asked to under contemporary conventions.
64 The need for stimulation has been recognised and utilised by social controllers at all levels, throughout history.
65 So there were great virtues in decentralisation and democratic accountability at all levels in any society.
66 Clinton appointed a record number of women and people of color at all levels of his administration, including the cabinet.
67 If we examine these data for gender differences, we see that at all levels women earn considerably less than men.
68 Courses cater for all levels of diver from the absolute beginner up to those who want to fine tune their technique.
69 It is also found at all levels, not just among our nearest evolutionary ancestors, the monkeys and the apes.
70 The problem of mismatch between curriculum and students is serious at all levels of education and largely unappreciated.
71 There are not a few municipal administration cases, in which mayors directly handle administrative issues of all levels, thus resulting in trans-hierarchy administrative crisis.
72 Professor Hooke has worked in international organizations, governments at all levels, universities and private industry.
73 Civil society organizations should, in my view, target businesses at all levels (local, regional, and national, as well as international) for support for right-minded causes.
74 As soon as refers to selects correspondence mountain all levels of headquarters to rest the head on from the top downward teaches delimits.
75 Article 20 Agricultural development organs at all levels should cooperate closely with the loan-providing bank, examine strictly the scope, term, and rate of discount interest.
76 Network the will of the people flourishingly so, how had done " net thing " become leaders of all levels unassailably " obligatory course " .
77 "The task force will look to ensure that our concerns are being raised at all levels with governments and international organizations," Shiner said.
78 The Chinese Communist Party's leadership for the politics and law is primarily achieved through the organization of groups within all levels of political-legal committees or departments.
79 Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity.
80 We recommend that the NSFC be allowed to provide a greater share of its support toward the personnel costs of active researchers at all levels, beginning with the support of graduate students.
81 Chinese governments at all levels have set up 6(),558 community rehabilitation centers.
82 Responding to the critical shortage of trained health workers at all levels, the Emergency Plan supported training for 312,000 providers in its first eight months.
83 Scenic Area at all levels is administrated by the district administrative division.
84 Since 1994, trade unions at all levels have organized "heart-warming activities" every year to offer help to badly-off families.
85 This problem exists, in varying degrees, in leading bodies at all levels throughout the country.
86 As a result , all levels pore specific surface present disciplinarian change in different coalification jump phases.
87 In this study, impact force is applied to non-destructively study cherry tomato fruit at all levels of ripeness from green to red ripe.
88 Performance appraisal is the work of the Organization of managers at all levels through the means of some of its lower completion of the work of the quantitative and qualitative evaluation process.
89 China's focus on science and technology is relentless, and it's occurring at all levels of its society, writes Computerworld.
90 It well informs the research advances in all aspects of marine botany, including marine microbiology and marine mycology , at all levels of biological organization from subcellular to ecosystem.
91 Governments at all levels list enhancement of family cultural levels in their overall planning for local cultural and ideological advance. Much effective work has been done.
92 If it passed all levels, this number is suffixed with a plus sign.
93 All levels of the oil industry are prone to talk themselves into a crisis.
94 One , leaders of all levels takes safe quality seriously to work to catch condominium together.
95 Article 7 Expenses incurred in administrative review and litigation in the tax authorities at all levels shall be covered by administrative budget.
96 Newspaper editorials spoke the need to sweep away corrupt practices in the government at all levels.
97 The highway traffic network construction in China is a developing trend. The highway systems at all levels in a region constitute the relatively closed network systems.
98 The auditing authorities at all levels of our country pilot and explore the efficiency audit in various degree similarly, but it is preliminary, fragmentary and lack of systematization.
99 In principle, government entities at all levels shall procure renewable resource products and environmental label products.
100 Diurnal variation of absolute humidity at all levels was higher in a day, and lower at night.
101 The system improved overall management of all levels and management efficiency, improved management model.
102 In the very first place, it is no denying that the governments at all levels should assume the full share of their responsibility.
103 According to tool machine principal axis box the error margin of which spread to move a chain to compute all levels to turn soon actual value and theories value.
104 Support dedicated Performance Improvement Teams at all levels of the hospital.
105 In fact, the excess budget for expenditure dose not only appear in Guangzhou(), but also in the governments at all levels in our country.
106 Open-book management Practice of sharing with employees at all levels of the organization vital information previously meant for management's eyes only.
107 The people's governments at all levels shall take measures to guarantee that the women enjoy the family planning technologies and services so as to enhance the women's procreative health level.
108 The state administrative, judicial and procuratory organs at all levels are appointed by the Congress and accountable to it.
109 Tibetan medicine establishments at all levels throughout Tibet give over 500,000 out - patient consultations annually.
110 Addictive game, good graphics, easy touch control, fun for all ages, must have! Don 't give up until you complete all levels.
111 All levels of leaders, without any exception, should never abuse their powers.
112 It is very significant to study and research DONG Zhongshu's theory on incorruptness, help to realize the responsibility of the Party Staff" on all levels;"
113 However, due to historical and current causes, for Chinese governments at all levels, research and actual application of civil office-bearer incentive theory remains a whole new topic.
114 About revitalization. Here , it is crucial to have younger leading cadres at all levels.
115 The Hall covers all facets and all levels of the sport, including international, world championship, Olympic and National Hockey League play.
116 And as Libyans forge a society that is truly just, let it enshrine the rights and role of women at all levels of society.
117 The governments at all levels, except chief executive, especially set up parallel patrol officer, one surveillant at every way and one patrol officer at every state.
118 Demonstrate ability to provide initial and continuing education to all levels of EMS personnel.
119 In torsion, both 1 - and 2 - level discs preserved motions at all levels.
120 The problem of information integration among all levels junction point in gas filed productive and manage department are resolved, which protected the gas field is security.
121 Perfecting legal rules as soon as possible and giving full paly to all levels of women's Federation's function are the effective ways to protect rural women's land right.
122 Forty-eighth article of trade unions at all levels at or above the county retired, retirees treatment, and staff of state organs treated equally.
123 The development of cell theory in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries caused biological research to blossom and bear fruit at all levels .
124 Centralized management system uses the entire data-level nested structure, at all levels alone to complete the work belongs to the parent to provide access interface.
125 Public security intelligence work is the strategy source of public security organs, which is the adviser for strategies of leaders of all levels.
126 In nearly 3 years, I have had broad contact with the Grenadian people at all levels. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Grenada and especially its hospitality of the local people.
127 These problems, Shanghai a matter of course - bound to government departments at all levels of poverty issues.
128 The E-4B is designed to provide National Command Authorities (NCA) with a survivable capability to direct and control military forces in all levels of conflict, including nuclear war.
129 Law school also has won in recognition of competent authorities at all levels.
130 Collective leadership with division of labour and individual responsibility should be practised at all levels.
131 Directly to the administrative and financial burden of Shoufangkuan institutions in sufficient maintenance funds on the basis of co-ordination by governments at all levels for subsidies funds.
132 "There must be consequences at all levels for individuals, institutions and governments who fail to deliver on their mandate," SAGE reported.
133 "[The Islamic community] has the lowest levels of scientific and technological development among all nations and suffers from a poor scientific infrastructure at all levels, " said Altwaijri.
134 With the increase of the hyperopic diopter, the aberrations at all levels increased.
135 Commanders at all levels in the anti - Japanese war should take note.
136 The leader's job is to empower people at all levels to step up and lead. Empowered leaders need sophisticated accountability systems with closed-loop management to ensure commitments are met.
137 It would be ill advised or even misanthropic for a society to not endeavor to share technology within all levels of the community.
138 Local governments at all levels must assume their full share of responsibility for regulation and oversight of local real estate markets.
139 CUSEC can now make this tool available to all levels of public safety and emergency response for organizations operating throughout its eight-state partnership region.
140 The State Planning Commission at all levels shall strictly control the working ability of cashmere processing.
141 It is the key job for all levels of government and maritime administration to prevent ship accidents, secure the safety of people lives and property, and protect from pollution of the Yangtse waters./all levels.html
142 Article 21 Agricultural development organs at all levels should supervise and examine the situation of finalizing discount interest funds, ensuring the benefit of discount interest funds.
143 Developing relationships within target customers at all levels including purchasing and product planning functions.
144 Party committees at all levels function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of work.
145 The election of delegates to Party congresses at all levels and of committees is secret ballot.
146 For at all levels, the overall investment in any World Cup tournament is immense.
147 The arbitrary charge edifice concentrate in a small region is expressed as the repeated addition of multiple molecules all levels.
148 All levels of public security department one after another has also appeared the series realization measure.
149 For that reason, there are numerous watch-dog committees at all levels of society.
150 The Supreme People's Court is the highest judicial organ of the PRC. It supervises the adjudicative work of the people's courts at all levels and other special people's courts.
151 Service tracking network from headquarters to the end of the market has been to build a sound, at all levels, both dealers and consumers receive timely, quality service.
152 Finally it is emphasized that the theory of conceptual integration opens up a broader prospect for studying meaning construction at all levels.
153 Government officials at all levels should go to the people in their neighborhoods and homes, listen to their views, care about their hardships and promptly attend to their grievances.
154 To effectively protect wild animal as well as the interests of people has become an important problem to the governments at all levels and departments of the wild life conservation.
155 A UN backed initiative is helping to foster gender equality on all levels of Timorese society.
156 With marriage preparations being hurriedly organized, Tom finds himself ordained the maid of honor, and in a struggle on all levels to outdo the wonderful groom Colin.
157 The Commission at all levels shall strictly control the working ability of cashmere processing.
158 At present a majority of governments all levels multiform debts.
159 Something approaching a three - way federalism embracing all levels of government may be said to exist.
160 Secondary service models are in progress, and many have standardized billing and metering models that have gained acceptance in all levels of business.




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