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单词 Already in
1. He's already in training for the big race against Bailey.
2. Smith has had two breaks already in this set.
3. Important new laws are already in the pipeline.
4. Matthews was already in his mid 40s.
5. Voice recorders were retrofitted into planes already in service.
6. Important changes are already in the pipeline.
7. Similar legislation is already in place in Wales.
8. Funding arrangements are already in place.
9. Some of the people already in work will lose their jobs.
10. A casserole was already in the oven cooking gently for luncheon.
11. The teacher was already in the room when I arrived.
12. When we arrived the party was already in full swing.
13. The American edition of "Cloud Street" is already in its third printing.
14. Already in financial difficulties, Turner offloaded the painting on to the Getty Museum.
15. Already in the pipeline is a 2.9 per cent pay increase for teachers.
16. Although the new tax is already in force, you have until November to lodge an appeal.
17. The game was already in progress when we took our seats.
18. The post-independence generation is already in middle management positions.
19. To them, the pound is already in a straitjacket.
20. Anders was already in his bunk, looking ghastly.
21. Grooms and ostlers were already in the yard.
22. Similar laws are already in existence.
23. Lyden hurries to the patient,() often already in radiology.
24. But thenceforth the spacecraft is already in space.
25. The fudge was already in the fridge then.
26. It is a maturation of forces already in progress.
27. She tried to interrupt his speech, but he was already in full flow .
28. The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.
29. By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.
30. Though he is still a young man his political career is already in the ascendant.
1. He's already in training for the big race against Bailey.
2. Important changes are already in the pipeline.
3. A casserole was already in the oven cooking gently for luncheon.
31. Klein was already in the living room, pouring wine.
32. Sniper teams were already in place on the rooftop.
33. These young people were already in thrall with the Watergate legacy.
34. There is much of it already in academic circles and also in business centers.
35. Some liquid fuel stoves can be carried with fuel already in the tank, usually enough for a weekend.
36. This can involve materials already in school, some supplementary materials or the careful planning of a visit or trip.
37. Already in the saddle for some time, Rosecrans would spend the day there, a striking picture of courageous leadership.
38. So, some aspects of the technical infrastructure for electronic commerce are already in place.
39. The linkages were already in evidence from one point of view: road traffic.
40. His reputation already in jeopardy, Young further offended gentiles with what they thought was his most heartless scheme.
41. To climb up and remove the picture the thieves used scaffolding already in place for restoration work.
42. Such a blueprint could not help but postpone indefinitely important questions facing the integrative bodies already in existence.
43. These shifts are creating enormous ambiguity for those already in the workforce as well as those about to enter the business community.
44. If you have used curry powder, such flavours are already in the dish.
45. I see that I am already in danger of becoming side-tracked.
46. A new chaise longue and reclining chair have been added to the light shapely chairs already in production.
47. The United Nations has reported tightening of food rations already in the country.
48. Two workers casually dressed in navy blue shorts and singlets were already in the process of unloading the unwieldy hospital bed.
49. Some are already in use, and have achieved brilliant success.
50. A pair of black guillemots, already in winter plumage, fled in panic.
51. It showed itself to have a horror of socialism already in the nineteenth century.
51. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
52. Yet with the development of improved risk management techniques, they find that much of the technological infrastructure is already in place.
53. It comes at a time when the advertising campaign is already in full swing adding another dimension to the promotional mix.
54. Such virtual reality systems are already in existence today and foreshadow far more powerful developments likely within a few years.
55. Many of the largest users have a significant investment already in software, both generic and bespoke.
56. By early September it seemed that the fast, already in its sixth week, might go on indefinitely.
57. Derek Jefferson had certainly whizzed them round the factory, and was already in the final assembly area.
58. Already in the background there were the significant achievements of the newly developed science of geology.
59. High-school guidance counselors and friends who are already in college need to inform young people what they are getting into.
60. They urged the committee to investigate new eavesdropping systems already in operation to address Echelon s shortcomings.
61. He was already in Cork St. What was your early experience of running a gallery like?
62. The impending end of halon production is forcing the fire protection industry to consider recycling the halons already in use.
63. I caught a supply chopper out to my platoon, which was already in the field.
64. Except for the workmen who were already in the pubs splashing their pay packets about.
65. Everything they needed was already in the cupboard: flour, sugar, shortening, yeast, and other ordinary ingredients.
66. When I got home he was already in his room, whistling away cheerfully.
67. Five young men, already in custody, were stripped to the waist.
68. Too many programs have already in just a short time shown themselves to be long on promise and short on delivery.
69. The case is supplied with the power supply already in place and the motherboard with its memory modules fitted.
70. Kitty was already in the backseat when we reached the limo.
71. It would put his career at risk, but that was already in jeopardy, so what had he to lose?
72. Another survivor, who had no fewer than three sisters already in the trade, did not automatically follow them either.
73. Bass shift is already in, so all we need to look at are the gains and tones etc.
74. When we arrived at the studio, filming was already in progress.
75. Since gallery space was already in short supply, the connecting passage to the Sackler was recast as a subterranean exhibition hall.
76. Sixteen months later, in January 1858. the first tenants were already in their new farmhouses.
77. As the new Chancellor, he was already in a position of considerable influence.
78. In sum, middleware acts as an integrator for the various standard protocols already in use, or soon to be available.
79. When the Exposition closed Chicago was already in the grip of a serious economic downturn.
80. It is already in existence in a number of white-collar jobs.
81. He was already in bed when he heard the hotel fire alarm go off.
82. The till jangled like a fire alarm,(http:///already in.html) and Croughton the pot-bellied potman was already in a lather.
83. The administrative burden is increased but the processes are the same as those already in place for fundholding.
84. With enough delegates already in hand to clinch the nomination, the immediate importance of the primary has been vastly diminished.
85. Some of them were closely connected with those already in existence but they also sprang from advances in science and technology.
86. Finance ministers claimed that all the conditions for economic revival were already in place.
87. I was not a pioneer of part time senior registrar training in Wessex: several people were already in post.
88. Please retry specifying an alternative Part Number which is not already in use.
89. In a real economic sense, we are already in surplus.
90. Why are all the interesting men I meet already in relationships?
91. Houses with a mansard roof can not be converted, as the first floor rooms are already in the roof space.
92. Those projects already in hand have made progress presentations to the Steering Committee.
93. Say what you will about the Raiders, you have to admit that they are already in late-season form.
94. During the years of our research, numerous other publications were already in circulation, helping to create a favourable climate.
95. The big fear was that they would pass on potentially-harmful genes to other E. coli already in the gut.
96. But I can't alter a film that's - what's the expression - already in the can.
97. Both will capitalize on the beautiful assets already in place in Ventura -- the views, the ocean, the clean air.
98. People already in Yosemite were given the choice of staying or being evacuated.
99. The broadest strokes of that blueprint are already in place.
100. The terraced house in Station Road, Darlington, is already in multiple occupancy and retrospective planning permission had been applied for.
101. But a spokesman said there should be no need for further job cuts on top of 1,250 redundancies already in the pipeline.
102. Meanwhile, we are pressing for IMF teams already in Moscow and elsewhere to start preparing the ground.
103. But opposition from the business community to increasing the minimum wage is already in place.
104. The principle behind listing is that the ideas you want to write are already in your head.
105. Tam had taken to counting how many posts were already in, and how many were left to do.
106. The employee's affidavit was already in existence and the copy when first received by the defendants was not privileged.
107. The day the peony falls I will be sunk already in the sorrow of a lost spring.
108. By then an issue on women's rights was already in the planning stage.
109. In 1998 Brown started plotting the route to the next election, fixed already in his mind as May 2001.
110. Firecracker, already in his pajamas, took a running leap and hurtled into us.
111. But the general was already in hiding on a friends estate.
112. Ribeirao Preto and Londrina were allowed to continue to remain independent because they were already in operation at the time.
113. Mandela was already in his seventies when he became president.
114. That bad times were ahead became clear already in 1391 when, after centuries of relative amity, crowds rioted in Seville.
115. They charged for services or raised charges already in place to minimise real service cuts. 3.
116. The present contains nothing more than the past, and what is found in the effect was already in the cause. Henri Bergson 
117. If the message Can not rename file appears, you have chosen a filename which is already in use.
118. Property owners offered concessions to attract new tenants and renters already in place received no, or modest, rent hikes.
119. The prospect of artificial hearts replacing reliance on cadaver hearts is already in sight.
120. One day I found a dead blackbird, already in an advanced state of decay, in the road outside my house.
121. Such personnel are already in short supply and therefore efficient and cost effective training methods are required.
122. The scapula and pelvis were broken, but they may have been broken already in the pellet.
123. I started moving the lure when it was already in her beak, but before she could tear it.
124. If successful, this could promote the fuller integration of the children already in the schools.
125. The clinic is already in operation offering treatment by experienced chartered physiotherapists at £10 a session.
126. Roman candles, squibs and rockets were already in the shops and the protesters had armed themselves.
127. More than 600 Warriors are already in service and by 1994 a total of 1,053 are due to roll off the production lines.
128. Already in the 1950s the core was losing heavily, and this worsened in the next decade.
129. Most of the girls were already in the back room smoking with Coughlin.
130. The higher prices would dovetail nicely with production capacity increases that are already in the pipeline.
131. All three countries were already in a deep recession last summer, which the war has made worse.
132. When they went back to their desks to collect their belongings, they found younger replacement workers already in their seats.
133. An emergency "brownout" was already in effect.
134. A number of desalinization plants are already in operation.
135. However now already in slowly learning control own mood.
136. The Chancellery is already in ruins.
137. Some Middle Eastern markets, notably Dubai, already in trouble.
138. The grain is already in the granary.
139. But now their age is already in their mid-twenties.
140. Already in use and expansion screen display program.
141. Deer are already in pride of grease.
142. Back-formation : refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix form a longer form already in the language.
143. Analysts said these trends were already in train on January 23.
144. But I say unto you,(http:///already in.html) That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
145. Already in August 1709 the Khan offered Charles a Tatar escort of up to 40 thousand horsemen which would accompany him from Turkey via Poland to Swedish Pomerania.
146. An ambitious reader might finish off one a month without disrupting a personal reading program already in place. That means he or she would cross the finish line in the year 2063.
147. If the key is not already in the cache, then you will receive a NOT_STORED response from the memcached server.
148. She said she found the knife already in the baby's crib.
149. so anyone creating an XPath has to be prepared to create new prefixes to disambiguate these collisions, and make sure those prefixes don't collide with any others already in use.
150. If the text is already in normalized form NFD or NFKD, then you can set this attribute to off to improve performance.
151. Hurry up , dear, the children are already in the car raring to go.
152. Many after-shave lotions and moisturizers have a sunscreen (usually SPF 15 or greater) already in them, and this is sufficient for everyday activities with a few minutes here and there in the sun.
153. China's Chang'e 1 spacecraft is already in lunar orbit, as is Japan's Selene.
154. The plane tress lining in the main street are already in leaf.
155. Enable redundant error path reporting: If selected, server common hardware errors will be reported through this LPAR to the HMC, in addition to the path already in place from the service processor.
156. The two Pavlograd squadrons were bivouacking in the middle of a field of rye, which was already in ear, but had been completely trodden down by the cattle and horses.
157. The agent will usually listen on port 1972 but will autoincrement the port if 1972 is already in use (by another Health Center agent, for example).
158. A typical example might be that a specific business requires a certain field length to be imposed because a current database is already in place within the business.
159. Otherwise, your new tasks are added to the canvas connected to each other in the order that you entered them, but not connected to any element that is already in the process map.
160. As you can see, I was already in Maupassant's" the necklace" in selected necklace. I don't want to lost necklace!
161. Any files or subdirectories that were already in /media/cdrom are no longer visible, although they still exist on the block device that contained the mount point /media/cdrom.
162. Processor management is concerned with the internal priorities of programs already in main memory.
163. Automakers Ford and Honda, Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia, French retail giant Carrefour and German chemical group BASF are among the major foreign firms already in Chongqing.
164. Most of you know the drill, but for those that don't, here's the skinny : Mercury Retrograde is all about reviewing the details of what's already in motion with a fine-toothed comb.
165. When he returned to the room after taking a bath, she was already in bed.
166. Already in Colossians and Ephesians they set up the household in a clear hierarchical patriarchal situation.
167. In the last 30 years, the average probability they put on the economy lapsing into recession has never risen above 50 percent — until the economy was already in a recession.
168. Natural gas , which used to be available to generate electricity, was already in short supply.
169. At present applies most absorbents is the activated charcoal, applies maturely already in the industry.
170. There is a basic premise in the rich and complex psychology of Carl Jung, it is simple: you see in others what is already in yourself.
171. Now CNPC and China's other state-supported oil firms are likely to face off with Western oil companies in a bid round for other long-term contracts to enhance giant fields already in production.
171. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
172. The lobbying's already in full swing over who will succeed him as the head of an organisation which has the power to spend billions on stabilising the world economy.
173. When you fantasize, it's always about the man who's already in your life.
174. Already in California joking references are sometimes made to the " under - privileged two - car family ".
175. Inflammation also triggers the cyclo-oxygenase II (Cox 2) enzyme, and there are several inhibitors available that are already in clinical use as anti-inflammatory painkillers, aspirin among them.
176. Since the accusedis already in custody, I assumebail is moot?
177. Government debt issued by Portugal and even Spain is already in the crosshairs of international bond investors.
178. Discussions on skills required to writing and evaluating a " granth(a)" were already in vogue during the Ramayanic era.
179. In the early 1980s, the Unix operating system was already in widespread use throughout academia and businesses for both servers and workstations.
180. Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.
181. Today, this dream already in the field of true bookbinding.
182. The filename you have entered is already in this project.
183. What aspects of your district assembly program are already in place?
184. With the temperature already in the mid-90's, we arrived at the back entrance of the Cristo Rey Catholic Church...
185. The product should offer additional image compression features even if since is small because the images used in the Web pages are already in compressed format.
186. The basic scientific knowledge for addressing this problem is already in the chemical literature.
187. Update: "Staycation" is already in the Urban Dictionary! Since 2006, no less! Crikey.
188. Already in progress are 59 public-sector initiatives to improve the lives of older New Yorkers, such as using school buses during off-peak hours for transport to nearby supermarkets.
189. All his published designs are technically certifiable by the FAA, and can be implemented in airplanes already in use.
190. Because many rail transit vehicles are in the operation, some of them already in the overhaul time, so defects on the wheel tread are found frequently.
191. Greene, who proposed raising taxes to improve education. It has been shown that voters nationwide tend to re-elect people already in office, regardless of candidates' proposals.
192. Sensible changes of this kind are already in train in Europe and America.
193. Hu's signature tough-minded style is already in evidence in recent articles on corruption and the imperative for political reform.
194. Hanwha's chief research engineer Min Su Park said his firm's new smart grenade is already in use by South Korean troops.
195. I certainly don't propose to unscramble plans that are already in existence.
196. Other similar steel statues are already in place in Chicago and Santa Clara , California.
197. If it's greyed out with something already in there when you tried to change it to, that means you're going through a proxy server.
198. It has been shown that voters nationwide tend to re-elect people already in office, regardless of candidates' proposals.
199. Nearby towns that were built around NASA's programs—Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Titusville—are already in a defensive crouch, like wobbly boxers waiting for a knockout punch.
200. The development program is expected to start in 2008 and will run parallel to the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard F-15C AESA program already in progress.
201. Wang's work shows that China was already in possession of systematic knowledge of spherical triangle in the late 18th century.
201. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
202. Some Middle Eastern markets, notably Dubai, are already in trouble.
203. This equestrian boss nowadays is no longer already in those days that undemonstrative " pony elder brother ".
204. When a spreadsheet is inserted using this method, it is already in edit mode.
205. W : Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.
206. Two mechanisms have already in place to accelerate wind mill development - policy or government guidance, and market driving force.
207. Society should significantly expand researchinto geoengineering solutions that remove and sequester greenhousegases already in the atmosphere.
208. Certain elements of legal idealism can be noticed already in some versions of sociological jurisprudence.
209. China also promised to send a 315-member multi-functional engineering unit to Darfur, with 140 of them already in Darfur and the rest to phase in.
210. The main opposition party is already in full cry over this mishandling of security.
211. Under the new policy, U.S. government funds could be used only to study the dozens of embryonic cell lines already in existence — many of which proved not to be viable.
212. Matthew 5:28, for instance, says, "But I say unto you, that whosoever look unto a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."
213. The diet plan is already in place for the athletes residing at each of the three United States training centers — here and in Chula Vista, Calif., and Lake Placid, N.Y.
214. China has promised to send a 315-strong engineering unit to Darfur. A 140-member advance troop is already in Darfur, and more will be gradually deployed.
215. Attention: Not quite popular already in distribute seam a part to also be mixed because of flank from the back assuasive wave appears lovely.
216. We want to do that because we have too many variables here. We've already got dV p we'll get rid of p as an additional variable and replace it with V which is already in here.
217. In the "finished" use , the past perfective denotes an action or state already in completion before a specific past.
218. Subsequent allocations of the memory need not perform the initialization because it's already in the desired state from the previous deallocation and call to the deconstructor.
219. Palin's memoir, Going Rogue, will be published on 17 November and is already in the bestseller lists.
220. Boeing and Airbus officials said the aircraft delivered in 2009 most of the financing already in place, but they are expensive price of close attention to the needs of wide-body aircraft.
221. The screw cap is already in place at the top of the tube and the lower end is open for the filling procedure.
222. The actual situation is that housing prices in Shanghai is already in excess of the Shanghai people's earning capacity .
223. When another user requires access to the file, their security credentials are verified before being granted access to the data even though the file data is already in memory and in clear format.
224. An animal who is purchased at a pet or discount store will be replaced by another one from these rabbit mills, leaving one less home for a bunny already in an animal shelter awaiting adoption.
225. File HDPT. DAT Already in this floppy disk (), Please Change another formatted blank Diskette.
226. This second hitman left Yugoslavia earlier in the morning and is already in Los Angeles.
227. Today we are already in an Information Age when the editing operation mode is quite different from what it was before.
228. About half of the world's known supply of copper ore is already in use.
229. The 30, most of the policies already in the - reflected, so there is no strong impact effect.
230. For a whole hour he was enraptured as if already in the beyond.
231. He immediately deploys the counter-argument – citing "the historical responsibility of industrialised nations for all the carbon already in the air".
231. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
232. Some argued that it would jeopardise the overland trade through Kiakhta, already in peril thanks to Britain's recent control of Hong Kong, offering a sea route to Europe for the China trade.
233. If the add operation fails because the element was already in the collection, it releases the permit (because it did not actually use the space it had reserved).
234. This scheme would place the debt, in excess of 60% of GDP, of all euro-zone governments not already in IMF rescue plans into a jointly guaranteed fund that would be paid off over 25 years.
235. This scenario arises when interrupt simulation is already in progress.
236. Already in the SS-Ahnenerbe, where Heinrich Himmler's Nazi-Religion was born, there was an interest in the contents of the Kalachakra-Tantra.
237. In this respect already in arrear of and domestic and international same profession in state-owned commercial bank.
238. The total sum includes eight million pounds of assets already in his wife's name, with the remainder to be paid to her in a lump sum.
239. Omega - 3 fatty acids also help maintain triglyceride levels already in the normal range.
240. A remote procedure call is already in progress for this thread.
241. In the 1870s, when Marx was already in his fifties, he found it important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.
242. already in the gospel accounts being given an unhistorical character.
243. His statistics stand up with anybody, a lot of people who are already in there.
244. You might find someone who's already in your business and isn't actively looking for a job, but is just casually flipping through the trade journal and comes across your ad.
245. At the store or farmer's market, you can buy watermelon uncut, sliced(http://), or already in chunks.
246. From the seed cotton purchase point of view, due to the recent market cottonseed less resources, seed cotton purchase prices continued to decline, cotton plant is already in the basic suspend state.
247. The new system will just add to the problem of all the redundant programming already in place, unless somehow the existing code can be reused.
248. Network modernization has led us to participate in the study of functions treated differently today, such as the autotransformer cells which are already in operation in Spain and Great Britain.
249. The UH-60M, already in use by the U.S. Army, features a strengthened airframe, more powerful engines and wider rotor blades than previous Black Hawk variants, according to Sikorsky.
250. Much of that land is already in grass in the east, and mowed regularly.
251. Error 38 : The computer name you specified is already in use on the network.
252. A silver curve of the moon hovered already in the western sky.
253. To my surprise, TM nodded his head, even though he was already in coma.
254. The assessment of performance nuclear once adopt unique nine cents, but already in 2003-2004 school year degrees convert common 4-points.
255. Children who go back to China with their parents can later return to live with relatives already in America, establishing residency and taking advantage of state-supported schools.
256. Furthermore, a virtual processor can often avoid reading data from disk because the data is already in shared memory as a result of an earlier read operation.
257. Better second-line drugs — some are already in the pipeline — are needed, and treatment strategies should be tested and standardised in large clinical trials.
258. In the following example, we are going check the integrity of the /usr/bin/hostname command, which is a system command and its entry is already in the TSD.
259. Katherine was already in the front seat of the SUV giving the agent directions.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 22:46:51