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单词 All through
1, He had straight A's all through high school.
2, They worked on the building all through the winter.
3, The workers toiled all through the night.
4, These flowers will bloom all through the summer.
5, Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.
6, His mind seesawed between hope and despair all through those weeks.
7, Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.
8, All through the hot, still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun.
9, She kept quiet all through breakfast.
10, Her parents supported her all through college.
11, The children plagued him with questions all through lunch.
12, I was awake all through the night.
13, The fighting went on all through the night.
14, She worked like a demon all through rehearsals.
15, Maggie paints industriously all through the summer.
16, I hoped all through you would come back.
17, They remained there all through the year.
18, I saw it all through a mist of tears.
19, He talked a blue streak all through breakfast.
20, I hugged the idea to myself all through dinner.
21, We try to keep the mountain roads open all through the winter.
22, All through the competition,(http:///all through.html) good players were falling to the new young tennis star.
23, She kept hammering away at that point all through the meeting.
24, What if it rained and then froze all through those months?
25, All through yesterday crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.
26, The crowd was cheering and urging her on all through the race.
27, All through the faculty meeting Frank stood up for his friend who was being criticized so severely.
28, May you keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year.Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.
29, I had a train to catch, so I was watching the clock all through the meeting.
30, I had to listen to Michael mouthing off about the government all through lunch.
1, He had straight A's all through high school.
2, They worked on the building all through the winter.
3, These flowers will bloom all through the summer.
4, Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.
5, His mind seesawed between hope and despair all through those weeks.
6, Dickie bored him all through the meal with stories of the Navy.
7, All through the hot, still days of their holiday Amy basked in the sun.
8, She worked like a demon all through rehearsals.
9, All through the faculty meeting Frank stood up for his friend who was being criticized so severely.
10, All through the winter, we live in hopes of warmer weather.
31, He was silent all through the meal and then had the effrontery to complain that I looked bored!
32, All through the winter, we live in hopes of warmer weather.
33, He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it.
34, All through the afternoon, they sat and talked about their trip.
35, The teacher kept half an eye on them all through the lesson.
36, Man, we had a good time - we drank all through the night!
37, Enough volunteers were got together to keep the beaches all through the summer.
38, All through 1987 the negotiations with Cravath continued.
39, I had thought it all through.
40, They went all through town hooting.
41, Miriam was silent all through the meal.
42, The couple cuddled and kissed all through dinner.
43, It rained all through half-term.
44, He had slept all through the sunset prayer.
45, All through life he was an irrepressible fund raiser.
46, Fred had remained strangely silent all through the parting.
47, Yes,() but the principle repeats all through the system.
48, It will continue all through marriage as long as it has a good foundation of friendship.
49, They, and the schools we went to, helped preserve a brown Fifties environment all through our early years.
50, What's more, they're alive for home-field advantage all through the postseason.
51, The pattern of boom and bust played out all through the region.
52, I am shot all through the body and I may die anytime....
53, She has been feeling oddly lethargic all through the drills.
54, It has been expressed all through human history, when people have sacrificed physical well-being for spiritual fulfillment.
55, The police piled into the borough all through the day.
56, They stayed friends all through the next ten years, and I find that a lot more interesting than a simple affair.
57, All through the meal he picked at his food, while Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man.
58, From time to time somebody would burst into song or laughter, and some people continued to whisper on and off all through the night.
59, All through the summer Paula was deceived her husband while she was seeing another man.
60, Catarina was very impressed and kept grabbing his hand all through dinner.
61, He assiduously avoided her glance all through dinner, and as soon as the coffee was served he got to his feet.
62, For his gut was still queasy with occasional pain: Rab hoped not to be up all through the night.
63, She fought the feeling all through Saturday, but by Sunday she had had enough.
64, All through my childhood, my body always seemed to be going numb.
65, Our comment all through this has been that there were no names mentioned....
66, Jaq had prayed all through the night and felt giddy but purified.
67, All through the short plane journey she'd been imagining what it would be like to meet Rune again socially.
68, All through the afternoon and the evening he went on thinking silently, and smoking pipe after pipe.
69, All through the developed world-and now in developing countries-obesity is on the rise.
70, All through the day, local people will walk through, treating the cafe as an extension to their home.
71, When you've been through death and live again you're changed all through.
72, The net loss of 2.8 million from 1971 to 1989 occurred above all through the decline of the large factory.
73, I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me. William Blake 
74, The lighting engineer boosts his £15,000 basic pay with bonuses for being on call at Newcastle upon Tyne all through the night.
75, He took it up again on leaving Paris the following July and maintained it all through the Franco-Prussian War summer of 1870.
76, Hippies and vets mingled in the meadow all through the day.
77, All through their brief history,(Sentencedict) the ants had got into the habit of deceiving themselves that there must be an Enemy.
78, We had lodgers all through the war, most of them evacuees.
79, Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always. Mahatma Gandhi 
80, It's going to be a bum deal all through for poor Cliffy.
81, Some one had been up all through the night preparing a ten-page report that the leader had only found time to scan.
82, He voted against abortion consistently all through his congressional career.
83, We're prepared to work all through the night if necessary.
84, I repeated the prayer again and again, I recited the words obsessively all through the rainy afternoon and into the night.
85, But Beryl is an ugly duckling rapidly turning into a beautiful swan ... all through the hard work of recovering mental patients.
86, There is a need to go on being touched, to receive affection and recognition in this way all through life.
87, So you read it all through, straight, and the enigmatic force of his early poetry strikes you again.
88, With little help from her father, she raised the younger children and saw them all through college.
89, All through life one sees the effect of the human mind.
90, He was truly a self-made man, and put us all through college and graduate school.
91, All through the night we steer Across the ocean deep.
92, The process of drainage and enclosure was probably occurring in a piecemeal fashion all through the late Saxon period.
93, All through the day, remember to show him you like him in unspoken ways like smiles, pats and brief hugs.
94, Fleming continued to work with penicillin as an aid to the isolation of bacteria in cultures all through the 1930s.
95, I saw these villages peeking out of the jungles and tangled hillsides all through the highlands.
96, The enemy kept up the attack all through the night.
97, Soon after dark the rain descended in torrents, and all through the dreary hours of that dismal night it rained unceasingly.
98, This is even more welcome since all through autumn people have been repaying debts from the free-spending 1980s.
99, All through the night he lay awake, twisting and writhing, and moaning in low desperate tones.
100, All through the interview I took careful notes so as not to misquote him.
101, All through that summer of 1869 his journal refers to turners and turning.
102, All through the ages men have had names which recognised their prowess at arms or through some physical attribute.
103, Has she been in possession of this treasure all through the years of our seaside poverty?
104, Talk to your Good Shepherd all through the day.
105, All through dinner Muller made his courteous conversation.
106, Business was on the up-and-up all through the year.
107, The Gospels all through couple stoutness and slowness.
108, Your mother has behaved dishonourably all through the matter.
109, He dated Frank's daughter, Kat, all through high school.
110, I defended her all through the Jennifer Aniston dustup.
111, Please always be prayerful all through your life.
112, So, I am all through the ages does not advocate those who cancel a machine month rent charge, consumer can not say I protect forestall company.
113, Auditognosis, as one of humans sensation modality, is concerned much all through the ages.
114, Poison ivy is a kind of ivy pretty widely spread all through out the U.
115, The buying and selling of futures contracts are carried out all through brokers on futures exchange.
116, All through the night Lenin was in the Smolny directing the insurrection.
117, Go all through the unorganized points and distributea small interspace box according to its three coordinates.
118, That was a favorite argument all through the eighteenth century, especially under the influence of Sir Isaac Newton and his cosmogony.
119, Methods Of the 15 cases of craniopharyngioma, 12 cases underwent total removal and 3 cases received subtotal resection, all through pterion under general anesthesia.
120, All through the feudal ages the ruling class did their best to shackle women with Confucian ethics.
121, My shy little sister clung to me like a leech all through the party.
122, All through the night the west wind casts a chill thebehind bars.
123, 'No, Miss Manette; all through it, I have known myself to be quite undeserving.
124, The man between the sticks is the relatively unheard of Eduardo, who plays for Braga, and has been a reliable custodian for Carlos Quieroz all through qualifying.
125, The Orpheum Wiener House stayed afloat all through the Great Depression.
126, Trigram Qian and Trigram Kun have an important position in Chouyi. They are also studied in depth by a large amount of scholars all through the ages.
127, Hibernating in that way(), the animal can sleep all through the winter.
128, In the traditional society from Shui and Tang dynasty to Ming and Qing Dynasty, officials are selected all through imperial examination, namely by writing a thesis on four books and five Classics.
129, How to govern public affairs? It has always been one of the focuses of political and administrative science all through the ages.
130, Racial laws and racial hatred were to follow Edward Kennedy Ellington all through his life.
131, Please always be prayerful all through your life and pray to God to forgive me my sins.
132, All through the land close search was made for Rhea.
133, Hibernating in this way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.
134, All through the mess of the field hospital and the long grim train ride south in a boxcar filled with wounded, he had agreed with his friends and the doctors.
135, Height of our party all through the ages takes the style construction of the party seriously.
136, According to some experts, Vermeer created thirty - five pictures in all through his life.
137, People plants all through the ages flower, besides the hydrophyte of the model such as lotus, water lily, Shui Zhu(), most flowers tree is planted with clay.
138, All through high school he never missed a practice but still remained a bench warmer all four years. His faithful father always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.
139, I worked all through the night, but I don't feel sleepy.
140, I told her about the snapshot, how I'd carried it all through the war.
141, By 1945 that cancer had metastasized all through the Fatherland.
142, In fact,the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper,but hardly at all through the bone.
143, All through that one year, my mother never cried one time, not once.
144, Saga features trips for older people at home and abroad all through the year.
145, Madeline said, " The Happy Hour is an old custom all through the service. "
146, Staff can't speak a word of English so there was a language barrier all through out.
147, The principle of fairness belongs to the discipline of distribution, and it must be observed all through the process of income distribution regardless of primary distribution or redistribution.
148, All through the mill they got this cotton dust and lint that fills up the air.
149, That's why they used them to breed so many of the showy polyanthus you see in classic spring bedding schemes all through our parks and urban landscapes.
150, The review and analysis on commercial law pandect, especially the historical research, is the weak tache of commercial law study in china all through the ages.
151, This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs: Johannes Brahms, as pianist, began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life.
152, All through the Old and the New Testament, we are adjured to use these God-given powers.
153, Our party all through the ages takes party conduct construction seriously.
154, However, the compressed air pass the same large area of Laval nozzle in the traditional vacuum ejector all through the working process, so its large shortcoming is high compressed air consumption.
155, In fact, the rays could pass as easily through the fleshy part of his hand as through the black paper, hardly at all through the bone.




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