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单词 All the more
1. The very compactness of the cottage made it all the more snug and appealing.
2. I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.
3. Her question seemed to inflame him all the more.
4. This result gives us all the more reason for optimism.
5. If he's unwell, that's all the more reason to go and see him.
6. All the more technically advanced countries put a high value on science.
7. Clayton's achievement is all the more remarkable when you consider his poor performance last season.
8. But surely that's all the more reason to act quickly.
9. It makes it all the more opportune.
10. The effect will be all the more telling.
11. All the more reason to come away with me.
12. That makes Frosh's appointment all the more important.
13. By 1952 he was becoming all the more determined that the United States should not be tarred with the colonial brush.
14. Their small majority made them all the more conscious of the problems they needed to surmount to win the next election.
15. It is then all the more strange that 1-2-3 for Windows limits you to using only eight fonts per worksheet.
16. The assault on the bus is all the more terrifying,(/all the more.html) because it has become so commonplace.
17. A. Then there's all the more reason to make out a covenant. let's say you pay tax at 40%.
18. That possibility is all the more reason to end the conflict soon.
19. For generations the place where all the more mature locals have come to buy their clothes.
20. Their presence was all the more sinister amidst the approaching thunder of anticlericalism.
21. This episode has seemed strange to Sinologists, and all the more interesting for that.
22. Such knowledge can be very simple, and all the more pertinent for that.
23. Beauty on the verge of surrender, and thus all the more beautiful.
24. Those pressures are all the more acute in a parliamentary system where a leader must respond to pressures from his colleagues.
25. The living room is decorated in pale colours that make it all the more airy.
26. Several publishers rejected her book, but that just made her all the more determined.
27. Fashion and change Two features of the present cultural climate make this element of conviction all the more necessary.
28. Still family-owned, most are closed to the public - so these photographs and vivid word profiles are all the more valuable.
29. The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the working class have made the need all the more imperative.
30. I felt that she had got much more charm and she was younger as well, which made it all the more galling.
1. The very compactness of the cottage made it all the more snug and appealing.
2. I admired her all the more for allowing them to ridicule her and never striking back.
31. But that's all the more reason why we should go off this time with a car well filled, eh?
32. Growing environmental fears have made climate research all the more important, and Europe is forging ahead in this field.
33. So it was all the more noticeable last month when reformers took on Marxists in the press.
34. The vast differences between these two scholars are all the more striking since neither has written a direct refutation of the other.
35. Which makes the documentation all the more poignant when you know the project did not get anywhere.
36. Superb defence by Karpov, all the more praiseworthy in that he was now in desperate time trouble.
37. Such liability will be all the more possible in states that explicitly impose liability by statute, such as Michigan and Montana.
38. She knew that this trouble with her daughter would be all the more enjoyed because it was a reflection on herself.
39. She thought what an undecided old fool Phoebe was, but it made her outburst at the Frolic all the more courageous.
40. This makes it all the more important that the lease should protect the landlord's right to future income from other operators.
41. He offsets Roberts' operatic evil with a performance that commands all the more notice for its minimalism.
42. Cops would tell us to go home, and that intensified this bohemian romance all the more.
43. The achievement was all the more enjoyable for the nature of the cricketer concerned.
44. Yet it has made her all the more aware of the power of the public world in the lives of individuals.
45. Their mistrust makes the prospects of overcoming the impasse all the more difficult.
46. The dispute was all the more bitter because a prize was at stake.
47. This discovery made it all the more important to me to maintain my behaviour and to maintain it in secret.
48. This made my delight at finding King Felin's tomb all the more great.
49. Last week's Ha'aretz newspaper contained an extraordinary essay, all the more remarkable for being published in the current climate.
50. The southern difference will be all the more pronounced if, as expected, Lott wins the contest against Cochran.
51. All the more reason perhaps to increase the franchising activity north of Watford.
52. That his distress was so foolish, made it all the more poignant.
53. Pillow and blanket, in size befitting that missing infant, made that black perambulator all the more confounding.
54. All the more in classical law, when the formal and procedural differences still applied.
55. Weather experts say it was a relatively dry winter which makes the water recovery all the more remarkable.
56. The velocity, the sheer power and the technology of the rocket perhaps makes all the more pitiful our meagre destiny.
57. They block the rear view of the road and make our quest to recover the tabs all the more difficult.
58. Recessions cause firms to scrap equipment; they also discourage new investment, all the more so if interest rates are high.
59. His job was made all the more easier by drivers who hadn't bothered to take measures to stop people like him.
60. Yet when death whisks away that incandescent vitality, the shock is all the more electric and profound.
61. This was all the more remarkable, Pruett notes, because most men are reared to be ineffective nurturers.
62. Other routines are pure flights of fancy, all the more extraordinary for the very ordinary setting.
63. Education is a long-term investment - and all the more crucial for being so.
64. Basil was not a great public speaker but what came through was all the more effective because it had not come easily.
65. McLuhan claims that the very fact that the medium is discounted makes it all the more dominant and instructive.
66. If some material is lost already, that is all the more reason to stop a lapse becoming a loophole.
67. It hurt her all the more and she slumped to her knee.
68. The Boos' welcome maturity makes Sugar appear all the more primitive and pained.
69. That means there is all the more reason to oppose the willed destruction of old things.
70. This is all the more reason to find a more democratic way of deciding the state for the first primary.
71. We admired him all the more for his frankness.
71. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
72. It is made all the more nightmarish by the measured deliberation with which it is unfolded.
73. About sixty-three hundred years ago, a flyspeck island off southern Kyushu named Kikai exploded with a force that would dwarf all the more famous volcanoes that have since erupted around the world.
74. And the midpoint that table put hallway, the paper with mensal suspensory upper part art lamp, sweet all the more.
75. Its inaccessibility made me want it all the more and I threw out the challenge that read the book I must and would.
76. The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
77. The Peking Man that just takes off next winter dress appears all the more spirit.
78. Because house is master the mouth is little and seldom have dinner is in the home, line clean brief glass is mensal , match chair of epithelial change eat, simple in appear moving all the more.
79. For churches not normally noted for their ability to act in unison, today's unprecedented move was all the more remarkable.
80. However, they feared for their lives, for in experiencing the holiness of God so closely, they felt all the more their own sinfulness and unworthiness .
81. Yin had an old servant who was slow in his work, but Yin pushed him all the more. The dog-tired servant laboured himself to exhaustion, moaning and groaning.
82. The debt of gratitude he is owed makes it all the more horrifying, therefore, that he was treated so inhumanely.
83. Of the rapid growth as ambry market and ambry industry mature with each passing day, of the product coessential change begin all the more apparent, competition also grows in intensity.
84. Their obstreperousness is all the more remarkable given that they are all from swing states, or, in the case of Mr Christie, a resolutely Democratic one.
85. This may represent the Galilean form of the expression, and, if so, would be all the more evidential.
86. The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown.
87. This display makes Hals seem all the more singular, even while feeling a trifle superfluous.
88. This first - responder feat is all the more remarkable given the political impasse between China and Taiwan.
89. On earth there are lives of creatures less mentally - civilized which overawed mankind all the more.
90. However, as prices of the Indian tobacco touched records, farmers are tempted all the more to cultivate it, Babu said.
91. Recent along with organism high-tech in traditional chinese medicinal materials study domanial use, render myrrha study all the more go deep into, all the more systematization.
92. All the more reason, you'd think, for healthy birds crusty red peepers.
93. It was a swashbuckling tale of skulduggery and heroism on the high seas made all the more gripping by the fact that it happened as the world watched.
94. The image of an impending calamity is no doubt odious, but its very odiousness (we say) makes it haunt the mind all the more pertinaciously, and it is useless to expel it.
95. But that doesn't work against the Trail Blazers , which makes the matchup all the more interesting.
96. It must be all the more galling , therefore, to see pregnant mainlanders rushing in.
97. It was secular and non-judgmental: a kind of aural hug, perhaps all the more consolatory for coming from a stranger.
98. N. war crimes prosecutor said on Sunday it was possible Slobodan Milosevic had committed suicide and his death made it all the more urgent to catch others blamed for the horrors of the Balkan wars.
99. It is an effort that is all the more remarkable when you remember that just two years ago, Chrysler's survival hung on a thumbs-up or thumbs-down vote by the president of the United States.
100. We , therefore, treasure it all the more because of its transience.
101. The air of contented shrewdness was all the more of a merit.
102. Although he dabbled in Buddhism (and acid), he never embraced the idea of organized religion,(http:///all the more.html) a fact that makes the Apple religion all the more ironic — particularly his place in its belief system.
103. I tried to make out his sense without the help of the compiler's notes, jotting down in my own note book all the more obscure words with their context as many times as they occurred.
104. When she returned to Bakura, she assumed a post in the Bakuran Senate, all the more cognizant of her limited voice compared to the overwhelming authority of the Imperial Governor, Wilek Nereus.
105. The Administration's intransigence is all the more glaring in contrast to the positions of the climate progressives from the Senate and the states who've come to Bali.
106. Other plants are drying behavior, and camphor tree are all the more forceful, lush.
107. His eloquence is all the more remarkable because migraines are a sinkhole for language.
108. This detachment was all the more remarkable midst the flaring emotions of 1940.
109. It's quite a good wine, deliciously easy to drink with its creamy texture and dry, soft flavors of blackberries, currants, chocolate and licorice, made all the more zesty with peppery spices.
110. That is all the more reason to be precise about them.
111. But this difficulty makes the ex post settlement scheme all the more useful.
112. Many Europeans, especially the French, the Dazu rock carvings dote all the more.
113. Edit function It has many erasing modes, making the's writing free and easy all the more.
114. If anything, when I see a natural label, it makes me all the more skeptical of the product, as it more often tends to be a sign of cynical marketing than any certifiable purity.
115. All the more reason, then, to ladle on the praise when the Post shows that it can still produce the kind of public-spirited, enterprising journalism that is essential to the health of a free society.
116. I think we really admired him all the more for his frankness.
117. They love life; and all the more when their last day has come.
118. Our assertion that the interstellar gas is definitely no vacuum would seem all the more paradoxical!
119. Humiliated all the more for having tried so pitifully hard.
120. In contrast, many students appreciate all the more the communication with their teachers out of class.
121. In a hush, its sound appears all the more sonorous and strong.
122. Icahn Monday an open letter to this initiative it is all the more necessary.
123. to my disordered reason all the more terrifying for that, as the approach of some blind and mindless malevolence to which is no appeal.
124. She enjoyed her meal all the more because it was on the cuff.
125. Without judgement or drama, but with all the more feeling for every daily detail and composition, the debutant He Jia shows a remote minority community.
126. That he happens to reside in the welterweight division makes him all the more dangerous and much more intriguing.
127. Such a situation have make chartering all the more difficult.
128. Freud's demand has become the leitmotiv or basic postulate of all the more recent forms psychotherapy.
129. Sex is probably the most popular pastime in the history of life on Earth — which makes it all the more ridiculous that so many of us have such a mealy-mouthed way of talking about it.
130. The austere college furniture and the large luncheon table made all the more incongruous.
131. We respect knowledge and personality cry up collective power, solidarity and cooperation all the more.
132. She was all the more inclined to snap at Hall.
133. For the most part, we are a thoroughly secularized lot, all the more skeptical of God-talk given the rise of fervid evangelical power blocks at home and abroad.
134. This low tax on land was part of the reason for the property bubbles in these countries, because untaxed land value was paid to banks, which, in turn, lent it out to bid up prices all the more.
135. And that makes his strange odyssey from a cheerless child to a jolly St. Nick all the more surprising.
136. Rabe's witnessing is all the more credible as he both headed the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone and the local Nazi Party.
137. In fact, a light rain made it all the more exhilarating.
138. Given the high HIV prevalence, the threat of TB and drug-resistant TB in cramped, unventilated cells is all the more serious.
139. Her flapperish mini and Valkyrian bustier were stunning, and all the more so for being made of candy.
140. There may be more lonely people as a result of social media but that's all the more reason to get out there and make real-life contact.
141. All the more humiliating is that you were the perfect and Helen the junior girl.
142. His unkindness hurt me all the more because I had been previously so kind to him.
143. If the picture is diversified perfectible effect when it appear, such as the mosaic or window shade, then your program look very agility and your program is all the more specialization.
144. Moreover, improving these facets of his offensive game will make him all the more dangerous on an improved team (the Nets have oodles of cap space in 2010 and two more first rounders).




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