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单词 Pronoun
1 The word'who'in'the man who came'is a relative pronoun.
2 Here you should use plural pronoun.
3 The most notable is the relative pronoun that, which can only be used with a restrictive relative clause.
4 I use the pronoun I to make it a personal statement.
5 She announced her decision this morning the pronoun she points to Mrs Thatcher within the textual world itself.
6 Here the reflexive pronoun himself marks the fact that him has the same denotation as the subject of the verb, John.
7 We are given the pronoun first, and then kept in suspense as to its identity, which is revealed later.
8 Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun.
9 White is the pronoun of chasteness, nobility, chilly.
10 Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun asobject.
11 Complete the sentences below using the appropriate reflexive pronoun.
12 Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.
13 Each other is a reciprocal pronoun.
14 Is a relative pronoun necessary here?
15 This is a first personal pronoun.
16 In the phrase 'you are', the verb 'are' is in the second person and the word 'you' is a second-person pronoun.
17 In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun. Be quiet, I have something to say.
18 In 'He cut himself', 'cut' is a reflexive verb and 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun.
19 Each student has been given his or her own e-mail address. The use of his or her sometimes sounds slightly formal and it is becoming more common to use the plural pronoun their:Each student has been given their own e-mail address.
20 In 'the man who came', 'who' is a relative pronoun and 'who came' is a relative clause.
21 In the sentence 'This is my brother', 'this' is a demonstrative pronoun.
22 In 'Tom likes jazz', and 'They like rock music', the singular verb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom' and the plural verb 'like' agrees with the pronoun 'they'.
23 In ` This is my bike', ` this'is a demonstrative pronoun.
24 In the sentence 'The woman who I met was wearing a brown hat', 'who' is a relative pronoun.
25 In the sentence, "She prides herself on doing a good job", "prides" is a reflexive verb and "herself" is a reflexive pronoun.
26 Building it in is hard because the amount of knowledge which is potentially relevant to decoding each pronoun, is extremely large.
27 It is the verb to bring down that forges the link between the otherwise still nouns and pronoun in the sentence.
28 But the grammarian is tongue-tied without his labels: noun, adjective, verb, adverb, conjunction, pronoun.
29 Here, finite verbs will agree in both cases with the superficially plural pronoun.
30 The art-historical etiquette for describing the nude is to use the pronoun it rather than her.
1 Here you should use plural pronoun.
31 An appositive is a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun. Appositives are placed directly after the noun or pronoun they identify.
32 A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb. In such a case, it is usually used after a preposition.
33 When the antecedent is a collective noun, the choice of the number forms of the pronoun and corresponding determiner depends on the meaning of the collective noun in the context.
34 A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb.
35 The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the object.
36 Has given the briefing to the Huixian dialect main demonstrative pronoun origin.
37 The sentence & quot ; They cared for each other & quot; contains a reciprocal pronoun.
38 As with solitary appositives,(http:///pronoun.html) appositive phrases are placed near the noun or pronoun they describe.
39 This paper proposes a tree kernel - based approach to anaphora resolution of pronoun.
40 The third part has made the description to the Huixian dialect demonstrative pronoun.
41 However, in practice , may variant usages about"we"are used. Often going beyond the grammar category the plural forms of the first personal pronoun, "we"has some special rhetoric meanings.
42 Has given the brief explanation to the Huixian dialect main personal pronoun origin.
43 The Comparative Study of " Personal Pronoun + de + Noun " and " Personal Pronoun + Noun "
44 All of the Pronoun and a few of the others can be a abbreviated, the first letter of Pronouns is majuscule.
45 Gender of the pronoun should be identical with its referent.
46 "Beauty" is not at all an abstract term of adjective but a pronoun to be created and is a progressive tense of the present and the future.
47 English pronoun has both the narrow meaning and the extensive meaning.
48 The tendency of "Wu Zhi" pronoun coming into being the forbidden adverb was obvious. The last: Disyllabic demonstrative pronoun has been coming to be more and more popular.
49 The second word of a tag question is always a pronoun.
50 While the first and the second person pronouns mainly perform deictic functions, the third person pronoun is of anaphoric reference in a text.
51 But, do not know from why year He Yue He Riqi, "Change " the pronoun that became leatheroid , synthetic leather and everything to be not natural change.
52 The second part has made the description to the Huixian dialect personal pronoun.
53 The full word only includes the pronoun, the number - classifier phrase, the adverb.
54 The pronoun of upscale product in follow under the idea hair industriously cultivate of the business enterprise will become the wet goods market.
55 Mention Korea sinister gang, a person had be toed carry, going up century 80 time, his name is the pronoun of gangdom .
56 Resembling a pronoun, as by specifying a person, place, or thing, while functioning primarily as another part of speech. His in his choice is a pronominal adjective.
57 The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the subject.
58 The vocative pronoun system, a subsystem belonging to the language macrosystem of the human beings, plays an extremely important role in communication activities and social relations.
59 The personal pronoun A I Z shall be the coat of arms of some Individual.
60 Remark: Cases refer to the function of a personal pronoun in a sentence.
61 It is generally accepted that Shi evolved from a pronoun to a assertive copular and to a focus marker.
62 Equally, the presence of a pronoun does not prove a relationship.
63 When discussing God, it is often impossible to avoid some sort of personal pronoun.
64 List the conditions we need to take into consideration when we choose a relative pronoun?
65 Here the pronoun is as the object of the verb, so it is the object case.
65 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
66 Zibbi becomes distressed as he fruitlessly searches for words which might join his isolated personal pronoun and we stop the interview.
67 A pronoun must agree in number and gender with the noun it refers to.
68 In a sentence, a reflexive pronoun is used as the object.
69 Zingaro is a nation which has not hometown, Carmen is its pronoun.
70 It is the pronoun of the whole China tourism and hotel industry, representing nation, civilian, fashion, market, strategy, free capital, clear development target of industrialization, etc.
71 The interrogative pronoun is placed at the syntactical position which the question is asked about, e . g.
72 I " as the first personal pronoun doesn ? ? t have differences between case and number. "
73 Not only syntactic position but also occurrence frequency of the other demonstrative pronoun is different.
74 A preponderate governs (a noun or pronoun in) the objective case.
75 The paper discusses the scope meaning of demonstrative pronoun from two respects: 1.
76 Our study will make known that Russian reflexive pronoun can make up idiomatic collocation with verb, and its semantic content seeps into verb, its reference property reduces accordingly.
77 Based on syntactic position, other demonstrative pronoun can be divided into two categories: nominal and additional.
78 Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.




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