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单词 Blanket
1. The baby was wrapped in a blanket.
2. This will blanket out the sound.
3. The sick man picked at the blanket.
4. It's cold I need another blanket.
5. He put another blanket on her body.
6. He covered the inert body with a blanket.
7. The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.
8. Your blanket is worn out.
9. I felt cold and doubled the blanket over.
10. There was blanket coverage of the royal divorce.
11. She pulled the blanket up and went to sleep.
12. The hill was covered with a blanket of snow.
13. It's cold tonight-can I have another blanket?
14. Mommy, this blanket tickles.
15. The town was covered in a thick blanket of fog.
16. A blanket insurance policy insures a car against all kinds of accidents.
17. The hills were covered with a thick blanket of snow .
18. She put a blanket over the sleeping child.
19. The mud disappeared under a blanket of snow.
20. I wrapped the baby in a blanket.
21. She sat in the sofa(), swathed in a blanket.
22. He rolled himself up in a blanket.
23. He threw a blanket over the injured man.
24. He lapped his daughter in a warm blanket.
25. This blanket smells a bit fusty.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. He was given only a wooden pallet with a blanket.
27. Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
28. The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
29. We hastily improvised a screen out of an old blanket.
30. He saw the corner of a magazine sticking out from under the blanket.
1. The baby was wrapped in a blanket.
2. He covered the inert body with a blanket.
3. The bill gives sensitive police files a blanket exemption.
4. Your blanket is worn out.
5. There was blanket coverage of the royal divorce.
6. She pulled the blanket up and went to sleep.
7. The hill was covered with a blanket of snow.
8. It's cold tonight-can I have another blanket?
9. He was given only a wooden pallet with a blanket.
10. Mommy, this blanket tickles.
11. The town was covered in a thick blanket of fog.
12. Alan sings with shy intensity, hiding behind the security blanket of his guitar.
13. The children made a bivouac at the bottom of the garden with some poles and an old blanket.
14. We hastily improvised a screen out of an old blanket.
15. The hills were covered with a thick blanket of snow .
16. He saw the corner of a magazine sticking out from under the blanket.
17. He wrapped himself in a blanket.
18. He lapped himself in a blanket.
19. A blanket keeps us warm because it is woollen and thick.
31. Joseph was shrouded under a dark blanket.
32. I raked this old blanket out for camping.
33. She gently folded the baby in a blanket.
34. They cuddled up under the blanket.
35. A blanket of snow lay on the ground.
36. He wrapped himself in a blanket.
37. She wrapped the baby in a blanket.
38. The body was draped in a blanket.
39. She had a blanket draped across her knees.
40. She wrapped the child carefully in a blanket.
41. He tried to smother the flames with a blanket.
42. He rolled himself in his blanket.
43. She settled the blanket around her knees.
44. She muffled the child up in a blanket.
45. A huge rattlesnake lay coiled on the blanket.
46. The edges of the blanket were bound with ribbon.
47. She huddled herself in the blanket.
48. She covered her knees with a blanket.
49. She covered the baby up with a blanket.
50. A blanket of fog covered the fields.
51. Does your electric blanket conform to BS 3456?
52. He rolled himself up in the blanket.
53. She folded a blanket around the baby.
54. He covered the child up with a blanket.
55. The edge was sewn with blanket stitch.
56. I huddled under a blanket on the floor.
57. Each body was covered by a blanket.
58. She rolled herself up in a blanket.
59. to draw a blanket over the baby.
60. She tucked a blanket around his legs.
61. The stewardess kindly brought me a blanket.
62. She sat by the fire, swaddled in a blanket.
63. She folded her baby in a blanket.
64. She covered him with a blanket.
65. They carefully laid a blanket over the body.
66. Cover her over with a blanket.
67. A blanket of secrecy surrounded the tribunals.
68. The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy.
69. We cuddled up together under the blanket.
70. She folded a blanket round the baby.
71. He overcovered himself with a blanket.
72. Commercial books blanket the market.
73. His brother beat out the flames with a blanket.
74. They muffled up her head with a blanket.
75. He lapped himself in a blanket.
76. I wrapped a blanket around the baby.
77. She shivered, and gathered the blanket around her.
78. Put a blanket over the sleeping child.
79. The inquiry was conducted under a blanket of secrecy .
80. Swaddling a baby tightly in a blanket can be a good way to stop it crying.
81. The nurse carried in a baby wrapped in a warm blanket.
82. He had pulled the blanket over his body to hide his nakedness.
83. I settled her on the sofa and put a blanket over her.
84. Fold the blanket double.
85. She doubled the blanket and put it under his head.
86. Scoop the blanket weed out and use it to line hanging baskets.
87. There's a fire blanket on the kitchen wall in case of emergencies.
88. Cold damp air brought in the new year under a blanket of fog.
89. Her feet peeked out from the end of the blanket.
90. There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.
91. The blanket will provide additional warmth and comfort in bed.
92. This cuddly baby doll comes with her own blanket and bottle.
93. 'Man', as a blanket term for both men and women, is now considered sexist.
94. The ground was covered by a thick blanket of snow.
95. I bundled her up in a blanket and gave her a hot drink.
96. I always keep a blanket and a toolkit in the trunk for emergencies.
97. If you want a thicker blanket, there are more here in the closet.
98. Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the blanket.
99. I bundled Lucy up in a blanket and made her a cup of tea.
100. He was such a wet blanket at the party that they never invited him again.
101. A blanket keeps us warm because it is woollen and thick.
102. They built a new room above/over the garage. When you are talking about movement from one side of something to the other, you can only use over:They jumped over the stream. Over can also mean 'covering':He put a blanket over the sleeping child.
103. There's an extra blanket in the bottom drawer of the cupboard.
104. The town was shrouded in a thick blanket of fog.
105. The dog sleeps in a box lined with an old blanket.
106. When I saw the flames I acted on instinct and threw a blanket over them.
107. I threw a blanket over the cooker to smother the flames.
108. The damp blanket needs to be aired by the fire.
109. Thick layers of snow blanket every horizontal surface.
110. The valley was covered with a blanket of mist.
111. Morose Michell wins the wet blanket award.
112. The rattle hidden under the blanket was not retrieved.
113. The morose Mitchells wins the wet blanket award.
114. It is a consolation, a socially acceptable comfort blanket.
115. Mum was still huddled under the blanket.
115. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
116. They thought he was a middle aged wet blanket.
117. The veil was her security blanket.
118. This forgetfulness comes daily in a blanket of fog.
119. We covered the sofa with a large blanket.
120. Discounts: Discounts are available based on volume orders or blanket purchase agreements.
121. A friend knitted me a fabulous Nordic jumper, which immediately took on the status of security blanket.
122. Dementia is a blanket term for various types of psychiatric disorder.
123. Most have long since gone, leaving behind their legacy of sunless, blanket afforestation.
124. The idea behind this imposition of blanket bans was to prevent the temptation to discriminate against particular marches.
125. Food and beverages will be available, and lawn chairs or a blanket are recommended for comfortable viewing.
126. She'd be tucked beneath the blanket and the heavy coat and watching Gloria put on her make-up before she went out.
127. Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank.
128. His support for a 15-month blanket ban on strikes suggests that he is still not wholly aware of this fact.
129. Janir was exhausted and fell asleep under a blanket in back.
130. But there was no large wet blanket to be had.
131. Janir turned under his blanket, his eyelids dark and still, his long lashes lying on his cheek.
132. Joseph was shrouded beneath a grey, black-striped blanket, and rested his rifle across his saddle pommel.
133. John Gittings investigates Lost and found A small bundle in a blanket is whisked through the orphanage gates.
134. The boy came in through the back carrying Russell's blanket roll and carbine and put them down on the passenger bench.
135. We spent countless hours lying on a blanket spread in the sun on the fragrant grass.
136. The day following the incident on the stairs, Mitford was enclosed by a thick blanket of fog and rain.
137. They stood on the banks and looked across at the blanket of fog coming from the river.
138. The blanket slipped from his shoulders, disclosing the white T-shirt, its front stained soaked - with blood.
139. Dear heaven, Laura thought, trotting after him with her string bag and her blanket.
140. The fog sat like a heavy grey wool blanket about twenty metres thick.
141. Not a blanket, a pillow, a piece of cutlery or crockery remained.
142. He dropped the bag over and then climbed with the blanket and the torch.
143. There was no one in the apartment to turn on the electric blanket.
144. There was a soldier behind a desk which was really only a trestle table with a grey blanket on it.
145. He walked over and pulled the blanket off the body.
146. Compromising, Theda found a piece of old blanket to place on the coverlet so that his hairs might not spread everywhere.
147. They placed the baskets in a convenient hollow by a large pine and covered them with the blanket.
148. When insulating the loft floor, bring the ends of the blanket up against the sides of the cistern to give continuity.
149. I spent the night under a bridge, using a crumpled blanket as a bed.
150. Nor was there any blanket of morality cast over the characters' actions: they just do what they do.
151. Two million years ago it was buried under a creeping blanket of ice.
152. Outside the fog blanketed the tiny attic, a thick, grey blanket of splintered frost.
153. A horrible orange blanket in my front room; drinking bourbon with my great-aunt Mary in St Louis.
154. Rockwool mineral wool in blanket form is an effective alternative to glass fibre.
155. It is likely that the report will provide added ammunition to environmentalists who have for long opposed the blanket afforestation of uplands.
156. Within an hour, Bucharest is buried under a blanket of virgin snow.
157. Behind her lay a blanket of cold air as icy snouts nuzzled the nape of her neck.
158. Murrell, a grey blanket covering his head, was driven away in a green Rover to begin the motorway dash.
159. Never use a hot water bottle and an electric blanket together, as this is extremely dangerous.
160. He was wrapped in a blanket and had a crudely woven cap on his head.
161. I slipped under the blanket and waited for the NoDoz to do its job.
162. Safeguarding the security blanket can be very important in coping with considerable upheaval.
163. They already had been instructed to avoid Simpson coverage, but Fujisaki expanded his order to a blanket ban on all news.
164. Among these is a Victorian chaiselongue upholstered in rose red velvet in the main bedroom and a useful pine blanket box.
165. The customer was wearing a sport coat with checks so large Fogarty thought of a horse blanket.
166. Tiredness ached in her bones, she sagged and rocked, hunched in her blanket with the buffalo robe around her feet.
167. Shrugging helplessly, they wrapped him up in a red blanket and bundled him into the ambulance.
168. It has a fan heater and an electric blanket on the single bed.
169. He tried to push them off, but they had him pinned under the blanket.
170. But the thick blanket over the wire cage hid him from view.
171. Then he and Jimmy Biondo wrapped Billy in my yellow blanket and carried him down the back way to the alley.
172. The state bar would prefer to set a blanket rule governing all types of lawyers.
173. Tokyo was my security blanket, the only stability I had known.
174. The existing blacklist of substances not to be dumped at sea would be superseded by the blanket ban.
175. He covered himself with a blanket that suddenly seemed to move on its own-an army of insects began crawling over his skin.
176. He pulled back a corner of the blanket that covered the dead body.
177. A firewall provides more than real security-it often plays an important role as a security blanket for management.
178. A blanket requirement was announced by education officials -- all schools had to cut their budgets by 25%.
179. I needed a new winter coat, and did not have the skill that Wendy had to make one out of a blanket.
180. Soon after lunch, as they sheltered from the blazing heat, Julie stretched out on a towel and blanket.
181. Without clothes, under his first blanket, he could have been the child of a king or a beggar.
182. The old-fashioned clothes horse offered to children with a blanket and some clothes pegs lets them explore triangular three-dimensional shapes.
183. The blanket settled over her shoulders and around her cold bare arms.
184. The bullets thumped into the wet blanket in front of me, making it jump like there was a bear inside.
185. They depend on people clicking on the advertising banners that now blanket most commercial sites.
186. Later, although savouring the warmth of the electric blanket, she lay frowning in the darkness.
187. He threw off the blanket, picked up the limp girl and gently placed her on the mat in front of the blazing fire.
188. In our lounge we had two large bean bags and an old sofa with a blanket on it.
189. She had been wrapped in a woollen blanket and the only clothes she wore were a felt hat and fur shoes.
190. Perhaps she was wondering if some one had remembered to switch the electric blanket on.
191. The suffocating security blanket extends well beyond the convention center.
192. Scrapbooks crammed with yellowed reviews overflow on to sheets the color of daffodils, a salmon satin blanket cover.
193. All these controls can be turned off, but they do form a comforting security blanket.
194. The ban is a blanket ban covering all marches or all marches of a particular class such as political marches.
195. It s as if we were trying to conceal our poverty under a blanket.
196. A fresh blanket of snow makes it difficult to see exactly how wide a swath the Merced and its feeder creeks cut.
197. He covered her with a blanket and set the alarm clock to ring in an hour, wrapping it in a towel.
198. For dessert, cover lime sherbet with a blanket of chocolate chips or chocolate sandwich cookie chunks.
199. A mild breeze was picking up, offsetting the heavy blanket of sunshine that settled on my arms.
200. They spent their long winters under a deep blanket of snow, singing and creating ghost stories.
201. The blanket of fog above their heads began to disperse, sparkling the mushroom-shaped domes with soft diamonds of moisture.
202. He loved the smell of the woods, and the damp alluvial soil that covered these mountains like a blanket.
203. And there won't be much change this afternoon, with the full blanket of cloud still shrouding the country.
204. It was a deep narrow trail in the grey blanket.
205. Or in autumn when purple moorland takes on a blanket of golden patchwork.
205. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
206. Most of all, the Colonel was intrigued that the wet blanket had absorbed the energy of the pistol shots.
207. All ages are welcome, and warm clothes are highly recommended, along with a flashlight, binoculars and a blanket.
208. It was his bed in Ilium, and the electric blanket was turned up high.
209. The 20-minute ride to the dinner table is chilly; you hunker down, gripping a thick blanket and your companion.
210. Cine Blitz International publisher Rajesh Mehra attacked the blanket ban.
211. For what other reason does he oppose a blanket advertising ban on tobacco?
212. One of the most urgent measures is a blanket ban on all animal and bone meal in animal feed.
213. This smog would blanket the cities for days.
214. Heat is in stifling blanket layers.
215. Somersault is the basic technique of Chinese blanket kungfu.
216. They try to smother the flames with a damp blanket.
217. I had this sleeping bag which my mother had made from a space blanket.
218. Blanket and gaskets together make up an offset printing press rubber and drums of lining.
219. In offset printing, other than a loose blanket, doubling usually happenbs in multi - colour press.
220. In fact, the available sand is insufficient to form a continuous blanket overlying the unconformity.
221. She pieced together a blanket from odds and ends of wool.
221. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
222. Mainly based on blanket back ( back ) surface, plain weave silk zoysia grass to determine.
223. The most successful had been the'space blanket " of vacuum aluminised plastic film.
224. A blanket assault on our institutions and motives can paralyze the nation's capacity to govern itself.




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