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单词 dairy
释义  Related topics: Agriculturedai·ry /ˈdeəri $ ˈderi/ ●●○ noun (plural dairies) [countable]  1. TAa place on a farm where milk is kept and butter and cheese are made 牛奶场;乳品场2. TABBCa company which sells milk and sometimes makes other things from milk, such as cheese 牛奶公司;乳品公司3. dairy products/produce milk, butter, cheese etc 乳品,乳制品Examples from the Corpusdairy• Critics routinely dubbed him a dairy farmer from Kansas.• Carrie followed him, through a door at the back of the kitchen, down a stone passage into a dairy.• The most extensive tracts are taken up by five dairy farms.• But it's cattle you should think of in this country, perfect dairy pasture, rich it is.• At the time, Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.• Congress got in the act in the following years, lending the academy $ 255,000 to expand the dairy.• As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess, his father rode with him a little way.Origin dairy (1200-1300) dey “female servant (in a dairy)” ((10-19 centuries)), from Old English dæge “maker of bread”dai·ry nounChineseSyllable  on and butter Corpus is milk place farm kept a a where




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