单词 | Cognitive |
例句 | 1. As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 2. Teachers are trained to stimulate the child's cognitive processes. 3. Some of her cognitive functions have been impaired. 4. She used cognitive therapy on her client to try to inhibit those negative thoughts which were damaging his self-esteem. 5. It brings together occupational, social, clinical and cognitive psychologists. 6. These cases suggest that animals can form cognitive maps. 7. No higher level cognitive weaknesses were noted. 8. Affective development is not independent of cognitive development. 9. But cognitive science is not merely about information technology. 10. Estrogen is said to enhance cognitive function. 11. A cognitive advance in one area affects other areas. 12. Associative priming is a well known phenomenon in cognitive psychology. 13. Educational practice in this country has acknowledged the cognitive side of learning but has often neglected the affective side. 14. Action is one of several interacting determinants of cognitive development. 15. Logical operations are constructed, as are all cognitive structures, out of prior structures as a function of assimilation and accommodation. 16. The cognitive obstacles in the way of police investigations Detectives who seek to establish what happened come up against serious cognitive obstacles. 17. The result, again, was a recognition of cognitive dissonance between internal stakeholder groups. 18. In this view, decision makers lack the cognitive capacity and the comprehensive information that would enable them to calculate utilities rationally. 19. The development of cognitive structures is ensured only if the child assimilates and accommodates stimuli in the environment. 20. Defenders have advanced to a state of cognitive dissonance, an awareness that beliefs conflict with evidence. 21. In current pedagogic fashion, behaviourist practices have been largely superseded by cognitive and communicative perspectives on learning. 21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words. 22. He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography, intellectual property and cognitive theory. 23. It is precisely the integration of cybernetic mechanisms in a hierarchical order that enables animals to develop the more complex cognitive functions. 24. Piaget identified social interaction as one of the major variables that facilitate cognitive development. 25. So far, we have discussed ways in which different kinds of words may be pronounced using a range of cognitive processes. 26. She was there as her son clawed his way up from the post-coma cognitive level of a 2-year-old. 27. But in 1959 something was wrong with this picture: cognitive dissonance. 28. Language is acquiring increased visibility in the field of cognitive science. 29. It seems difficult to write behavioural objectives for this domain alone, as affective functioning is always interwoven with cognitive functioning. 30. Previous evidence has shown that fluent braille involves a number of subsidiary perceptual, cognitive and manual skills. 31. Any cognitive activity seems to be dominated by the perceptual aspects. 32. Hope is not an emotion; it's a way of thinking or a cognitive process. Brene Brown 33. The cognitive model proposes a direct causal link: participation brings about enhanced information on goals, and so performance is improved. 34. Thus young children have both the cognitive and the linguistic ability to explain actions in terms of intentions. 35. All the evidence points to dreaming being a highly complex cognitive activity. 36. Precisely what are the cognitive functions, or epistemological resources, of different animals? 37. Of course, the recognition of cognitive dissonance still does not solve the problem. 38. The integration of individualized information with more general knowledge and theory is a complex cognitive task, which experienced professionals perform frequently. 39. At each new level of cognitive development, previous levels are incorporated and integrated. 40. The cognitive aspects of sensorimotor development evolve as a child acts on the environment. 41. There is a long established distinction in psychology between cognitive and conative aspects of behaviour. 42. The cognitive schemata of the adult are derived from the sensorimotor schemata of the child. 43. The most difficult phase was the analysis of cognitive processes in fault-finding in such a highly complex process plant. 44. It argues that they are deployed to reflect the developing cognitive and linguistic abilities of the novel's characters. 45. Further refinements proposed by Greenfield include an analysis of the significance of grammatical forms for cognitive facility. 46. This opinion is held by those who advocate a cognitive approach to learning. 47. Indeed, Piaget asserted that the basic principles of cognitive development are the same as those of biological development. 48. Or it may take a more structured approach drawn from cognitive therapy techniques. 49. There are two main schools of thought in this regard: the behaviourist approach and the cognitive approach. 50. Drowsiness, impaired cognitive function, and impotence may be a problem with higher doses. 51. This involves not only cognitive development but also a parallel affective development and adaptation to the adult life. 51. try its best to collect and make good sentences. 52. The development of cognitive structures and knowledge is an evolutionary process that takes place within every individual. 53. Cognitive impairment in children may follow milder postpartum depression and may be detectable four years after the resolution of maternal symptoms. 54. Cognitive therapy addresses this issue and is usually undertaken by a psychologist. 55. Social Interaction Another factor in cognitive development is social interaction. 56. The difference is in the degree to which internal, cognitive processes are seen as being involved in producing the response. 57. Motor abilities, perceptual skills and increasingly sophisticated forms of cognitive representation are all implicated in the mastery of spoken language. 58. All will suffer from debilitating and uncontrollable movements and severe personality and cognitive changes. 59. The levels belong to language as a cognitive coding system. 60. The principal advantage of this drug is that it causes little sedation or impairment of cognitive function and no dysmorphic side effects. 61. It largely disappears when literary texts are treated as cultural traces in a cognitive rather than an affective reading. 62. Social development is completely meshed with and dependent on cognitive and affective development. 63. Models of face processing Finally, I want to move from cognitive models of word recognition to cognitive models of face recognition. 64. We have already seen that two sentences differing only in respect of cognitive synonyms occupying parallel syntactic positions are in general logically equivalent. 65. First, Piaget did his research on and wrote primarily about the cognitive aspects of intellectual development and cognitive structure. 66. The second phase is more cognitive, aimed at the identification and modification of the dysfunctional silent assumptions. 67. Second, what are the cognitive and affective processes involved in stereotype change? 68. Therapy based on these questions can be wonderful and effective for help with a wide variety of emotional or cognitive problems. 69. Table 4.5 shows that, as we would expect, cognitive impairment increased over the year in all samples. 70. As regards metaphor, the cognitive approach appears to share something of both semantics and pragmatics. 71. Jimmy was referred for a psychological evaluation in order to assess his cognitive and emotional functioning. 72. Nevertheless, these affective and evaluative parochial and subject patterns have cognitive consequences. 73. Like Kant's Ideas they have a regulative function, guiding our actions and our cognitive efforts in a certain direction. 74. And why do chronic drinkers seem to show clear signs of cognitive dysfunction? 75. Part of the cognitive map of Easton's section police is their recipe knowledge. 76. A more cognitive approach is needed if the decisions made by managers and consumers are to be understood. 77. More recently, intelligence as a predictor has been replaced by the variety of cognitive processes available to an individual. 78. Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium. 79. Meanwhile, the cognitive dissonance of the experience should shock any uniformitarian in the audience fully awake. 80. Social interactions were viewed as a source of cognitive conflict, thus disequilibration, and thus development. 81. Cognitive development, though a continuous process, can be divided into four stages for purposes of analysis and description. 82. Skill learning falls into three phases: cognitive, fixation and autonomous. 83. Or maybe any conceivable account is translatable into cognitive theory, which then loses all empirical content. 84. There is little doubt that higher cognitive functions are associated with complex social life and elaborate means of communication. 85. Since then, other national reports have stressed the need for these kinds of personal and cognitive attributes. 86. Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood may be related to a whole series of studies of cognitive development by piaget. 87. Inappropriateness is diagnosed by the fact that there exists a cognitive synonym of the selector for which the selectee is a philonym. 88. In this sense cognitive therapy might sometimes serve a preventive function. 89. No doubt much important cognitive material must be assimilated by the manager-to-be. 90. The selected novel information is then fed to the cognitive system. 91. With the advent of Verbivore, however, people are forced once again to rely on their own cognitive and creative resources. 92. Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata. 93. Moreover, particular examples of the use or non-use of multiple points of view are not necessarily indicators of cognitive deprivation. 94. On the whole, the difference I described between child-cantered and cognitive nursery schools also pertain to kindergartens. 95. Psychologists use tests that examine the cognitive skills of the child. 96. Reading takes years of learning and practice by the human child, who already has an established linguistic and cognitive system. 97. In their entirety the cognitive therapy techniques of Beck and his colleagues offer a complete system of psychotherapy. 98. The best cognitive theory we have motivates the best valid interpretation we can get. 99. As the cognitive aspects of intelligence are developing, there is a parallel development of affect. 100. If functionalism is false, then the success of the cognitive sciences is a massive scientific fluke. 101. We do not know how cognitive maps are stored in the brain. 102. Now consider an ingenious experiment which almost forces us to suppose that an animal has a cognitive map. 103. The cognitive capabilities of the adolescent with fully developed formal operations are qualitatively equal to those of the adult. 104. The other is to build up a cognitive map of the region to be traversed. 105. The recent trend toward cognitive approaches to metaphor provides a means of formalizing such a conception. 106. The complete lack of cognitive improvements leads them to suggest that cognitive impairment is intrinsically associated with long-term morbidity in schizophrenia. 107. Mental and physical actions in the environment are a necessary but not sufficient condition for cognitive development. 108. It is also very probable that the cognitive style which overinclusive and divergent thinking have in common is strongly inherited. 109. There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error. 110. The important conclusion is that some of the cognitive capacities needed for language evolved long before humans. 111. The research will draw on and integrate current work in artificial intelligence, linguistics(sentence dictionary), and cognitive psychology. 112. The designers decided to supply the cognitive power of this machine by giving it a human. 113. The rats used their cognitive maps to achieve the goal, showing they had learned the maze. 114. The rhetorical perspective has explicitly criticized the one-sidedness of much cognitive social psychological theory and its emphasis upon schematic categorization. 115. They will possess the same cognitive structures and whatever maturational schedules thereof that underlie hearing children's language acquisition. 116. Marita was being asked to write in a cognitive and social vacuum. 117. But cognitive theories' rationalism is male-identified, drawing on dominant conceptions of the masculine nature of logical, coherent thought. 118. Errors have generally been attributed to cognitive causes, evidence of the learner's psychological process of rule formation. 119. Nevertheless, there is a crucial difference between the cognitive approach and that of social representations. 120. To do this, the child requires considerable cognitive flexibility and a good understanding of the concept of intention. 121. She pursues the consequences of these differences for educational modes and for cognitive operations. 122. These factors influence not only cognitive reasoning but also affective reasoning. 123. Holzner however describes the cognitive processes of the individual, borrowing both from cognitive psychology and from the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. 124. So current cognitive models of language, memory, perception and so forth are also basically neutral to the question of consciousness. 125. Second, can we learn anything new about the nature of the underlying cognitive processes from studying these unfortunate individuals? 126. They give a sense of unity and coherence to our cognitive effort, but can never themselves be exhibited in sense experience. 127. Models of mind In modern parlance, Hobhouse placed his emphasis on cognition and was discussing the evolution of cognitive capacity. 128. These experiments tell us a great deal about certain aspects of cognitive processes, particularly their relative timing or sequencing. 129. The processes of assimilation and accommodation ensure the continuous construction and reconstruction of cognitive and affective structures. 130. From a theoretical point of view, social psychologists have often been unhappy in dealing with cognitive ambivalence. 131. Concurrent with the development of cognitive structures is the development of affective structures. 132. The cognitive aspect has three components: content, function(), and structure. 133. Cognitive social psychologists tend to view categorization in terms of individual functioning. 134. Tutors learn to clarify their thinking, and tutees often experience cognitive conflict from being exposed to the views of peer tutors. 135. Two major cognitive contents develop during formal operations: propositional or combinatorial operations and formal operational schemes. 136. Other models seek to emphasize the computational aspects of memory, thought, and cognitive processes. 137. Discovering these chains or networks of negative irrational thoughts is the basis of cognitive therapy. 138. It successfully combines the appeal of project work with the cognitive teaching of grammar. 139. This is because metaphorical mappings, and hence readings, are ultimately constrained by what appear to be universal cognitive structures. 140. The subject orientation in political systems that have developed democratic institutions is likely to be affective and normative rather than cognitive. 141. The unknown and the unpredictable can generate cognitive conflict and disequilibrium. 141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 142. Conceptually, cognitive growth and development proceed in this way at all levels of development. 143. To teach this system effectively, it uses the cognitive approach. 144. In order to handle deductive mode explanations, children require various cognitive and linguistic abilities. 145. Why do we assign less value to the cognitive environment than to the health of water, soil, and stone? 146. Though the early stages of cognitive therapy are primarily behavioural, one often has to introduce cognitive material in order to facilitate tasks. 147. The following paragraphs describe these cognitive, affective, and evaluative orientations. 148. But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases. 149. The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing. 150. The development of the cognitive and affective structures of intelligence from birth through adulthood have been outlined. 151. They can create nocturnal confusion, can result in cognitive and motor impairment, and can increase the risks of falls. 152. Suppose that a cognitive map, similar to that in Figure 10, exists in the brain. 153. My final reservation relates to the almost total neglect of cognitive approaches to the questions discussed. 154. The decoder has to create a cognitive space in which the deictic elements and terms can be realised indexically. 155. Emphasis is being placed on the cognitive basis of social identity in contrast to the more familiar emphasis on evaluations. 156. For each cognitive skill which humans possess, they must also possess its opposite. 157. The inability to reverse operations is characteristic of the cognitive activity of the preoperational child. 158. Behavior patterns that are repeated in the course of cognitive activity are conceptualized as reflecting schemata. 159. If, however, one introduces more robust representation schemes, then one may also increase the cognitive load on the author. 160. Interfering with or preventing children from developing cognitive autonomy discourages their efforts to learn how to learn. 161. In our second study we sought to confirm our findings that group and individual cognitive therapy were equally effective. 162. These actions are directed by cognitive activity rather than dominated by perceptions, as was the case with preoperational thought. 163. With initial cognitive differentiations, the first acquired feelings are observed. 164. The cognitive challenge Psychobiologists have reacted to the rediscovery of cognitive processes in two ways. 165. The approach is cognitive and the books offer a combination of explanations, examples, and a variety of imaginative exercises. 166. As cognitive development reaches an upper limit with full attainment of formal operations, so too does affective development. 167. That is, affective structures are constructed as cognitive structures are constructed. 168. The results should be of interest to linguists, philosophers and cognitive psychologists. 169. Piaget also argued that all behavior has both affective and cognitive aspects. 170. As affective development is inseparable from cognitive development, social development is inseparable from cognitive and affective development. 171. A classic example of cognitive processes is that of animal memory and the demonstration of subsequent decisions based thereon. 172. Consider first a case in which no cognitive map is needed. 173. Flavell writes: Interposed between function and content, Piaget postulates the existence of cognitive structures. 174. Both focus on affective rather than cognitive factors as central to the process. 175. Adolescent Egocentrism Egocentrism is a constant companion of cognitive development. 176. These two themes - danger and dependence - are inextricably interwoven in individual cognitive and affective orientations. 177. Accordingly, peer interactions are of particular cognitive importance from the time the child enters school. 178. So, perhaps philosophy even from the sidelines, is of some use, at least as a cognitive stimulant. 179. The study will test several hypotheses about the relation between perceptual and cognitive skills. 180. This reduces social and historical circumstances to modifying influences on a cognitive structure predisposed to differentiation and even discrimination. 181. Can the model help explain how human cognitive processes work? 182. The relevance of autonomy for cognitive development is further elaborated in Chapter 8. 183. The following is an example of some cognitive objectives for teaching the nursing care of a patient recovering from heart surgery. 184. We were only playing School life is more than cognitive development, children's social development is important too. 185. This paper describes Individual and Group Cognitive Therapy with depressed clients and cites two recent outcome studies. 186. The therapist can provide structured behavioral, cognitive, or affective skills training to help clients successfully cope with these concerns. 187. Cognitive grammar activities Regular grammar activities encourage the students to think about the grammatical structures of the new language. 188. As development proceeds, egocentrism slowly wanes and is revived in a different form when new cognitive structures are attained. 189. These terms have traditionally been studied because of their role in cognitive development. 190. Projects can be used to assess a wide range of cognitive and practical competences. 191. Linguistics is an important branch in cognitive science. 192. Training could change the cognitive and attentional biases. 193. Serial processing refers to cognitive operations carried out successively. 194. Cognitive science is a relatively new discipline. 195. Carotid endarterectomy may improve cognitive function. 196. Psychologists talk about ego , id(), and cognitive dissonance. 197. Objective : To approach the cognitive function and the correlation between neuropsychological test and event - related potential P 300. 198. It is widely believed that these spiked patterns that encode different types of cognitive information. 199. Hallucinogens are psychoactive substances that powerfully alter perception, mood, and a host of cognitive processes. 200. Creative thinking is based on ares cognitive ability and analytic ability. 201. Cognitive science furnishes the study of fuzzy language with various new dimensions. 201. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 202. Both diabetes mellitus and cognitive impairment are frequent disorders in elderly people. 203. Various approaches, functional, pragmatic or cognitive, have beenapplied to demonstrate the implications and features of anaphora. 204. Cognitive grammar has adoptedapproach to word classes from that of traditional grammar or structural linguistics. 205. Piaget and Kohlberg study Man's moral development within cognitive field. " 206. Cognitive therapy play an important role in the Psycho - counseling framework. 207. Metaphor is not only a cognitive mechanism but also method of text construal. 208. Both studies underscore that the animals may be born with spatial cognitive abilities. 209. Prerequisites: A course in cognitive science, and a course in probability or statistics. 210. ObjectiveTo explore the possible pathogeny of tension headache TH asas some emotional and cognitive function impediment. 211. Theof the cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called lateralization. 212. However, the relationship between the degree of hyperglycemia and cognitive status remains unclear. 213. Moral project should attention to and put the focus on the cognitive procedure of cognitive science. 214. Through a sequence of complexly and subtly interwoven interactions, cognitive results are achieved. 215. The results indicated that the four executive functions were related to children's arithmetical cognitive strategies separately. 216. Social and ethical concomitants of cognitive and behavioral genetics: eugenics, social Darwisinism, race, sex. 217. Conceptual meaning: the central part of meaning, which contains logical, cognitive, or denotative content. 218. Objective : To investigate relationships among Cognitive performance, cognitive styles and Neuroticism. 219. The selection was announced on July 30 at the Cognitive Science Society meeting in Amsterdam. 220. As wrong ideas, commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality. 221. Moreover there has been an insuperable gap between cognitive factors of ancient and modern world. 222. The function of cognitive science can explain the process of information. 223. The results suggested cognitive load significantly affects the span of spatial working memory of participants. 224. Language acquisition is one of the central topics in cognitive science. 225. Beyond us, there is a world . aspect of it is cognitive science another is aesthetical art. 226. Objective To investigate the correlation between personality trait, cognitive style and seasickness symptoms. 227. Cognitive theory and behavioral evidence will be integrated with data from neuropsychology and functional brain imaging. 228. Lecture 2 : Prefrontal Cortex and the Neural Basis of Cognitive Control. 229. Objective To investigate the characteristics of cognitive evoked potentials in mental retardation and idiot savant. 230. Animal studies indicate that this essential saccharide does appear to improve both memory and cognitive performance. 231. Great artists often exhibit an ability to transcend social and cognitive walls. 231. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day! 232. Study on the progressive aspect of English verbs from cognitive prospective can be analyzed from direct situation and indirect situation. 233. There's a growing consensus that cognitive behavioral therapy can be very effective at diffusing negative emotions. 234. Traditional CAI, restricted by the development of the cognitive science and education, has many shortcomings. 235. Objective: Relationships between hemispheric dominance cognitive styles and Big Five personality traits were investigated. 236. AZ performed normally on auditory and cognitive tasks, yet exhibited severe grammatical impairments. 237. Topics include: perception, attention, working memory, recognition and recall, language, and other issues in cognitive science. 238. The cognitive revolution is a postmodern one and it results in the establishment of social constructionism. 239. Including computer science and engineering, signal processing, physics, applied mathematics and statistics, neurophysiology and cognitive science. 240. Including computer science and engineering, signal processing, physics, ... mathematics and statistics, neurophysiology and cognitive science. 241. The negative and cognitive symptoms are less dramatic but more pernicious. 242. The research of implicit memory is a hot topic in contemporary cognitive psychology. 243. Relevance theory which is based on the cognitive psychology and translation are compatible with each other. 244. This is known as cognitive narrowing or cognitive tunnel vision. 245. Conclusion Effective cognitive psychological nursing can relieve anxiety and affliction of patients undergoing gastroscopy. 246. In order to describe epistemic modality in Japanese effectually, this paper proposes the cognitive - psychological analytic model. 247. More attention on neuroscience is a new trend in cognitive science. 248. After revision, the evaluation results showed that the Cognitive - affective volitional Model could effectively explain the data. 249. As a branch of cognitive psychology, Constructivism is based on Piaget's cognitive development theory. 250. This paper discusses two methods preventing examination anxiety: cognitive therapeutics and behavior therapeutics. 251. By simply engaging in cognitive exercise, you can against future memory loss. 252. The programme is designed to help students acquire a secure knowledge of cognitive psychology. 253. For the auditory, visual, kinesthetic and tactile, we should take full advantage of different cognitive styles. 254. One of the best noticeable theories is Piagetian theory of cognitive development stages. 255. It has been proved that cognitive - behavioral group therapy was effective for social anxiety. 256. For those of you familiar with cognitive psychology this will a familiar dichotomy. 257. The PX Project, a single 3 - hour cognitive experiment, produced average increase in reading speed of 386 %. 258. It's a role he relishes, particularly for the cognitive dissonance It'serves up : A Republican Deadhead? 259. The links below are online additional resources in the fields of computational cognitive science. 260. At least one subject in cognitive science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, or artificial intelligence is required. 261. To emulate human looks and behavior successfully(), Ishiguro yokes robotics with cognitive science. 262. Tyler and Evans ( 2001 ) brought the cognitive approach to a new stage. 263. This class investigates cognitive science and technology as it is applied to the industrial design process. 264. Because the menstrual system protects against osteoporosis and loss of cognitive function. 265. Human cognitive development therefore is the forerunner of human rights advancement. 266. There is not a linear correlation between plasm apolipoprotein A level and cognitive impairment. 267. The traditional context may turn to cognitive context by the process of abstraction and internalization. 268. Cognitive psychology has been particularly influential in contributing insights into foreign language learning. 269. The philosophical grounding for the cognitive approach is experiential realism. 270. Finally, a cognitive model of strategy instruction is recommended for pedagogical purpose. 271. Explores cultural assumptions about neuroscience by drawing on anthropology, history, semiotics, and the cognitive sciences. 272. For an example, have a look at my report of this classic study of cognitive dissonance. 273. Cognitive and emotional responses to traumatic events make a diagnosis of PTSD more likely. 274. Different parts of anterior cingulate gyrus are correlated with cognitive and emotional aspects of pain. 275. They come from Mindfulness - Based Cognitive Therapy ( MBCT ) and from traditional Buddhist mindfulness practice and meditation. 276. Cognitive Load is a term that refers to the load on working memory during instruction. 277. Cognitive factors may mediate the influence of social support on academic motivation. 278. Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics provide different perspectives for irony study. 279. Cognitive context consists of lexical information, encyclopedic knowledge and logical information. 280. Communicative activities impel mankind to form cognitive structure and help to develop human cognitive competence. 281. Every culture has its own unique Idealised Cognitive Model ( ICM ). 282. Conclusion: Error cognitive modes and passive defensive behavioral modes are the psychopathological features of school phobia. 283. The emergence of cognitive science fully embodies the features of the modern interdisciplinary. 284. This dissertation studies the functions of anaphora in text from a functional - cognitive perspective. 285. According to Festinger s cognitive dissonance theory, peoples cognitive system has a tendency to keep consonance. 286. Second, optimizing the cognitive structure is a foundation for training students " creative thinking in mathematics. " |
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