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单词 Exhibit
1, Next week those goods will exhibit in that shop.
2, Plants in their growth stage generally exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.
3, Most zoos try to exhibit animals in naturalistic settings.
4, This exhibit was kindly loaned by the artist's family.
5, They deprecated the new exhibit.
6, The most popular exhibit in the museum was a giant animatronic dinosaur.
7, The Picasso painting is a prize exhibit in the museum.
8, The exhibit is a must-see for anyone interested in Japanese art.
9, The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.
10, Exhibit A is the hammer found next to the victim.
11, The open art exhibition will allow new artists to exhibit their work.
12, The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year.
13, Is exhibit C the weapon which you say was used?
14, Most of the characters in the novel exhibit those common human frailties - ignorance and greed.
15, He was surprised when he stole an exhibit from the museum.
16, In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints which are rarely seen.
17, The jury has awarded the prize for best exhibit in the show to Harry Pearson.
18, Detailed catalogue entries for each exhibit.
19, The exhibit is free,(http:///exhibit.html) as is parking.
20, Exhibit A in defense of the caveman.
21, Deep dyslexics exhibit several other reading symptoms too.
22, Exhibit 4. 6 illustrates the mechanics of this process.
23, The exhibit opens today and runs through May 26.
24, Many population dynamics models are known to exhibit chaos.
25, Holmes halted before the next exhibit in some perplexity.
26, Solids exhibit a wide variation in rigidity.
27, View of one of the exhibit halls.
28, Some of the patients exhibit aggressive and violent behavior.
29, He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit.
30, Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour.
1, Next week those goods will exhibit in that shop.
2, Plants in their growth stage generally exhibit an increased uptake of nutrients.
3, The first exhibit was a knife which the prosecution claimed was the murder weapon.
31, Exhibit A is the bloody glove.
32, Technology development strategies exhibit a fundamental logical contradiction.
33, The gallery will exhibit some of Monet's paintings.
34, This explains the increased sensitivity to levodopa that some patients exhibit after a period off the drug.
35, This exhibit of paintings and sculptures traces the artist's work during five decades.
36, In section 3.2 we saw that compounds which exist in more than one crystalline form are said to exhibit polymorphism.
37, Downs argues that bureaucrats do exhibit personality traits but these may differ.
38, Some sample entries from such a table are shown in Exhibit 11. 6.
39, During work experience students are expected to exhibit a high degree of interpersonal skills in initiating and sustaining working relationships.
40, People still exhibit articles for sale on the quayside for visiting cruise ships, but boys no longer dive into the murky waters.
41, The local library wants documentation of the fire for its history exhibit.
42, They buy always from fellow dealers, never at auction,(http:///exhibit.html) and now exhibit at a dozen major fairs each year.
43, Visitors can stroll through storerooms, labs and exhibit preparation areas.
44, He laid everything on it and stood back to look, like some one in an art gallery sizing up a surrealist exhibit.
45, The most chilling exhibit space is a room that holds species that are extinct or endangered.
46, This turns out to be true even among people who should know better, like the vets protesting the exhibit.
47, They thus exhibit a strong tendency to drag their feet as doomsday draws nearer.
48, The exhibit ends with architectural elements, coins and a kneeling stable figure.
49, Also on exhibit are a number of interesting crop plants such as sugar cane and banana.
50, Like the popular JungleWorld exhibit, the forest will communicate a message of conservation and education.
51, Work on display includes life-sized Elizabethan figures, a mural and an exhibit featuring the projection of slides on to specially made screens.
52, However, sentences also exhibit meaning properties and relations that words and phrases lack.
53, Populations that have the greatest potential for achieving benefits and cost-effectiveness in nutrition care exhibit the following characteristics: 1.
54, The top line-cash collections from sales comes directly from Exhibit 7. 5, the cash collections forecast.
55, The exhibit room has to be kept at a constant temperature.
56, It was tough to choose items for the show, says exhibit curator Lisa Auel.
57, We have seen that in capitalist societies, different classes exhibit differences in social characteristics, such as values and patterns of behaviour.
58, It was the fourth consecutive rise for the Nasdaq, as investors continued to exhibit a preference for downtrodden tech stocks.
59, The exhibit is arranged to show the progression of Picasso's work.
60, Alison wanted to talk, to negotiate, to exhibit her guilt feelings to Franca and receive some sort of absolution.
61, Soon hundreds were camping out in the empty Casino and the closed exhibit halls where they kindled small fires to keep warm.
62, The exhibit runs through January, with an opening reception from 7 to 10 tonight.
63, Less deliberately structured groupings can exhibit similar patterns of socialisation, too.
64, Stranger still, this particular exhibit is presented without a trace of irony.
65, Williamson would stand as Exhibit A for changed external conditions.
66, In such cases, the two sections often exhibit markedly different levels of variability.
67, Yet other species exhibit variation patterns that defy analysis of the sophistication of present-day biology.
68, Exhibit A, above, is clearly a shoddy effort created with crayons bearing no resemblance to Victoria.
69, Both criminal law and contract exhibit a tendency to convert such presumptions into irrebuttable rules of law.
70, The exhibit runs through February 16 at the center, south of the pedestrian underpass on Speedway, east of Park Avenue.
71, The dinosaur exhibit is pretty neat with lots of info about each period.
72, The exhibit runs through the holidays, with an opening reception from 2 to 5 p. m. Saturday(Sentencedict), November 30.
73, But all three novels also exhibit significant variations on parody as it has been practised in the past.
74, Moreover, students in colleges encompass a wide age range and exhibit very varying academic abilities and communication skills.
75, The primary exhibit area will focus on the Turnbull Colony.
76, This delineation of labourism is ideal-typical; in practice it could exhibit contradictory tendencies.
77, He sat on a throne outside the lion exhibit and wore an incongruous plastic gold crown.
78, Chlorinated phenols: Phenol agents are generally unsuitable for food use as they exhibit high odour characteristics and other undesirable effects.
79, Exhibit 7. 7 presents the finished product-the cash budget for May through December 1998.
80, Some exhibit elsewhere, work to other commissions or produce high-quality joinery.
81, Entrance fees to the exhibit have been reduced for the time being.
82, The exhibit features 20 color and 10 black-and-white photos shot between 1959 and 1971.
83, We caught a temporary exhibit on the bola tie(), which happens to have originated in Wickenburg.
84, His exhibit will travel to San Jose after closing here May 5.
85, Exhibit A in defense of the caveman. I only wish Becker had taken questions from the audience.
86, The spirits thus exhibit a praiseworthy concern for the psychological health of the community.
87, An exhibit of seven altars created by Bay Area artists and community groups. $ 3 to $ 5.
88, In general, novels of this type are well researched and exhibit a relatively high quality of writing.
89, Many women workers exhibit labour market characteristics traditionally associated with vulnerability to unemployment.
90, These two levels of classification exhibit two quite different sorts of clustering.
91, The central exhibit is a bright pink, skeletal temple in which the Prince's central advice to architects is enshrined.
92, Since hemoglobins A2 and C exhibit nearly the same mobility, they can not be differentiated on cellulose acetate. 217.
93, Clauses 1, 2 and 4 and the corresponding sections exhibit very minor drafting differences.
94, Over half of the patients exhibit clinical signs associated with portal hypertension, such as ascites and hepatorenal syndrome.
95, Such a reaction is both natural and understandable: the Constitution does exhibit those very characteristics.
96, The dynamics and parameter values could be selected to exhibit chaos; or they could be selected to preclude chaos.
97, These random movements in aggregate demand are of course unpredictable and exhibit no clear pattern.
98, Walking through the exhibit space is like being transported by a time machine.
99, The search can then focus on identifying those who exhibit the necessary leadership capabilities and track record.
100, Such old people customarily exhibit behaviour which is extraordinarily difficult to tolerate and which raises a high level of anxiety.
101, Since glow-worms, fireflies, electric eels and many fish exhibit a similar phenomenon, the statement is not unrealistic.
102, Deaf signers exhibit effects of language knowledge on the form of coding inferred from results of short-term memory experiments.
103, In addition there will be full catalogue entries for each exhibit by a team of scholars.
104, Exhibit 11. 2 presents some sample entries from such a table.
105, Exhibit 9. 1 shows the so-called normal yield curve, where long-term rates are higher than short-term rates.
106, Fisher is very much the full-time artist and was recently invited to exhibit a work at the U. S. Senate.
107, This brings to light a characteristic which most Constitutions exhibit.
108, This exhibit, Without Sanctuary, is not easy on the eyes.
109, The exhibit includes numerous hands-on activities, including several archaeological dig stations.
110, A boss who is romantically involved with a subordinate can exhibit favoritism through raises, promotions, assignments and the like.
111, I walk through the photography exhibit at the Kyoto Museum thinking again about what a photograph really means.
112, Adey had grown an artificial self-regenerating coral reef once before as a museum exhibit at the Smithsonian.
113, The new exhibit reminds us that human beings are fascinated with people-watching.
114, Such space is needed to store and exhibit a range of national treasures.
115, Consequently these areas are the first to exhibit extra fat and the last to actually reduce.
116, March 2-April 1: Uncommercial Art by Commercial Artists, a group exhibit featuring seven major contemporary artists.
117, C., released a statement denouncing an art exhibit on display in Phoenix.
118, At the Spinning Wheel Puppets exhibit, children can create masks and puppets.
119, The Orphic cosmogonies exhibit a concern to portray humans as well as the world in which they live.
120, Deterministic dynamical systems of three or more dimensions can exhibit behaviors of the type generated by the rotating taffy machine.
121, Often local craftsmen and women exhibit their talents, such as spinning, corn-dolly making and weaving.
122, It's very difficult to describe sounds, but the humbuckers fitted to this guitar exhibit real tone.
123, The exhibit will display pictures from his trek across Siberia.
124, In general, the examples exhibit behaviors that are more characteristic of people than of conventional computers.
125, This is reflected in the exhibit itself, which is a bit cluttered, but then, so is urban design.
126, One hundred years later there were 722 varieties of gooseberries and 171 gooseberry shows at which to exhibit them.
127, These are learned from others in the group who already exhibit these characteristics.
128, I sometimes think that artists could well exhibit a few sketches along with the actual picture.
129, Visitors travel through the exhibit on a wooden walkway similar to the wood and rope bridges in adventure movies.
130, Most of the other booths in the exhibit hall advertised pharmaceutical drugs.
131, A sample of these present-value factors is presented in Exhibit 11. 3.
132, Networks that exhibit the same terminal behaviour as some device(http:///exhibit.html), system or more complicated network are naturally known as equivalent circuits.
133, These samples might then exhibit almost perfect first order phase changes at the melting temperature.
134, It is, of course, perfectly possible for a sentence to exhibit semantic and grammatical deviance simultaneously: 7.
135, Nitrogen mustards in suitable doses damage only cells and tissues which normally exhibit relatively high rates of proliferation and growth.
136, She painted less and, without Quinn's encouragement, she was less eager to exhibit.
137, The ability of V domain dimerization to exhibit a degree of structural fluidity has previously been noted.
138, Cataloged below are some traits I believe a networked-based economy would exhibit: Distributed CoresThe boundaries of a company blur to obscurity.
139, The texts show typical maps of the sensory strip and the motor strip, but patients exhibit a lot of variability.
140, Seeing these fish grow larger and exhibit adult colouration is the next stage of enjoyment.
141, They point out that bottom-up statistical methods are efficient from a computational point of view, but exhibit poor error correcting capabilities.
142, Typical failures exhibit a thin layer of wood covering the glued surface.
143, There was little doubt among those concerned that through education youth could be made to exhibit the appropriate values.
144, Examples have been widely attested of learners who exhibit correct performance on certain forms, and then lapse into deviance later on.
145, Local artists and craftspeople exhibit their work, discuss and demonstrate their skills in the Manor and its beautiful surroundings.
146, Watercolours of a very delicate or atmospheric style will exhibit greater subtlety when painted on Hot Pressed surfaces.
147, Today the team is exploring how best to exhibit their findings.
148, The m-derived section is arranged to exhibit the same characteristic impedance and critical frequency or frequencies as the prototype.
149, Many of the squatter settlements exhibit high levels of social organisation and stability rather than marginal characteristics.
150, While so many documentary-makers seem chiefly eager to exhibit their punditry, he appeared as a genuine seeker after knowledge.
151, We also stopped in an art gallery, where a smiling woman handed us a brochure about the exhibit.
152, The model therefore implies that the deviations of output from its natural rate should also be unpredictable and exhibit no pattern.
153, The new exhibit is part of a $ 1 million renovation under way in the Nairobi Village section.
154, An exhibit where you pull a string and hear Wolfman Jack howl?
155, A series of brass grates are arranged in the exhibit, and water rushes throughout.
156, Exhibit 7. 6 traces the process through the end of the calendar year 1998.
157, Exhibit 10. 3 graphically illustrates the cost behavior of inventory costs.
158, The National Museum has an exhibit that makes my eyes blink.
159, Her stories exhibit integrity and honesty and occasionally include inspirational or religious elements.
160, On loan from the Mesa Southwest Museum, the exhibit includes skeletons and eggs, along with tons of other dino-type artifacts.
161, The resulting income statement, Exhibit 4. 7, is essentially a written statement of the closing process.
161, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
162, Few carpet companies exhibit, making it an even more exclusive event for Stoddard Mercia amongst Britain's leading interior designers.
163, Because you produced it on loose pages I could exhibit it month by month as you organised it.
164, To appear round and full was to exhibit the characteristics of prosperity and the patent outcome of regular meals.
165, Exhibit is free, and occupies the main floor, third floor and Special Collections lobby.
166, One also learns how machines can be built that will execute these programs and actually exhibit the capacity written into them.
167, You see, this exhibit examines the use of the flag in contemporary art.
168, Exhibit 5. 3 provides a simplified illustration of the difference between the two methods.
169, The difference between the average and marginal tax rates illustrated in Exhibit 2. 2 may be best explained by an example.
170, Here, in 1989, an exhibit of photographs by the late Robert Mapplethorpe aroused the wrath of art critics in Congress.
171, However, as described above, this plasmid was found to exhibit wild type R-M.
172, In addition referral procedures and working methods exhibit considerable variation.
173, The change of attitude towards alternating current was certainly helped by the Westinghouse exhibit at the Columbian Exposition that year.
174, We are back again to the idea that quantum systems exhibit an unexpected degree of togetherness.
175, Exhibit 2. 1 summarizes the current federal corporate income tax rate.
176, So I was disturbed to see the Gardening from Which? exhibit at Chelsea demonstrating some very poor results with it.
177, The exhibit is designed to awaken a deeper understanding of Mexican culture.
178, The exhibit was spotlighted by Phoenix-area media because of an angry protest March 24 by veterans groups.
179, Children abused or seriously neglected in childhood often exhibit as adults a sociopathic inability to empathize with other people.
180, Babies born to women who did not abstain from drinking during pregnancy also tend to exhibit abnormal sleep patterns after birth.
181, Those visiting the current exhibit will learn that black churches and their leaders played key roles in local history.
182, Exhibit continues through September 3 at the museum, 2021 N.. Kinney Road.
183, Manet was irritated with his friends Monet and Degas when they decided to exhibit elsewhere than the official Salon.
184, We now exhibit the same symptoms of the same disease, the loss of myth.
185, The exhibit continues until April 30, open from 10 a. m to 5 p. m., Tuesday through Saturday.
186, Law students tend to become more concerned with matters of proper procedure and exhibit an increased tendency to reason by analogy.
187, Maryvonne wondered when I again complained about feeling like a walking museum exhibit on modern Western life.
188, I would be grateful if you would examine Exhibit A. Do you recognise it?
189, Inner city initiatives exhibit a similar bias against local government.
190, The fish within a typical marine community tank fish collection are also likely to exhibit a wide range of feeding modes.
191, These modes exhibit a behaviour of ever-increasing frequency as the Cauchy horizon is approached.
192, They do not exhibit the semantic indeterminacy characteristic of poetic metaphors.
193, You can still catch the exhibit... just make a visit before November 1.
194, Volcanic lines and clusters also exhibit patterning at the regional and local scale with both radial and rectilinear arrangements being found.
195, The degree show gives them a chance to exhibit their work publicly in central London.
196, It is very unlikely that future generations will exhibit this particular demographic characteristic.
197, Parameters and are in fact dimensionless while and respectively exhibit impedance and admittance dimensions.
198, Exhibit A is the US Food and Drug Administration.
199, It is a remarkable exhibit of revolutionary kitsch.
200, All of these cells exhibit motility .
201, Exhibit the prehistory , culture history, and natural sciences.
202, What line of products do you intend to exhibit?
203, They suddenly exhibit a striking new trait.
204, Put it in the minute book as an exhibit.
205, Proverbs exhibit most of the stylistic devices of poetry.
206, The substance is then said to exhibit hysteresis.
207, Exhibit dinosaur skeletons, fossil and the Jurassic Period.
208, The Natural History Museum has an exhibit on archaeology.
209, Exhibit: woodworking machinery and furniture manufacture trade periodical.
210, Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign.
211, Introduced to cannot exhibit B - batten curved surface extends square law mediumly in shoe design system.
212, The exhibit is called " Constructed Color: Amish Quilts. "
213, Do olfactory ensheathing cells exhibit unique migratory or axonal growth - promoting after spinal cord injury in rats?
214, This thin film attenuator series exhibit excellent high frequency characteristics.
215, At that time, museum officials will return the Star - Spangled Banner to its permanent exhibit.
216, They exhibit a xenophobic intolerance , hating all creatures not like themselves.
217, What bargaining style did the parties exhibit : accommodative, competitive, compromising, avoiding, collaborative, or mixed?
218, The last thing Communist Party members should exhibit is the servility Lu Xun used to condemn.
219, The complexes are thermally stable and exhibit luminescence in the solid state.
220, Lyalin soon began to exhibit the strain of leading a double life.
221, This high power thin film attenuator series exhibit excellent high frequency characteristics.
222, Small lesions may exhibit no caseation,(Sentencedict) and no organism may be demonstrated.
223, The evening was topped off by a special showing of the museum's new Degas exhibit.
224, A rattlesnake is on exhibit at the Butantan Institute in Sao Paulo, Monday , Sept. 29.
225, They gape when more are opened, exhibit profound depression of spirits , and are clearly knocked up.
226, The ore - a bimodal rock association and exhibit assembly characteristics of pyroclastic rock, orebody and exhalite.
227, Neutron stars are the second exhibit in the gallery of stellar corpses.
228, The Vatican Museums also exhibits exhibit objects from an ancient land called Etruria.
229, The Vatican Museums also exhibit objects from aan ancient land called Etruria.
230, Stress sculpts the brain to exhibit various antisocial, though adaptive, behaviors.
231, Animal communication can help you to understand why they exhibit certain undesirable behaviours.
232, There's a new wave art show currently exhibit up at the local college gallery.
233, His extremities do not exhibit any clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.
234, A thief brazenly stealing a pistol at an Elvis exhibit at Presley 's Graceland estate.
235, Its congeners and derivatives exhibit pronounced biological activity as strong antiviral agents and as antineoplastic drugs.
236, Great artists often exhibit an ability to transcend social and cognitive walls.
237, In quantum mechanics all particles, not only photons, exhibit wavelike properties.
238, Nanoparticle ? lled composites exhibit outstanding esthetics , are easy to polish and posses an enhancedwear resistance.
239, The results show that the polyoxometalate nanoparticles still exhibit Dawson structure.
240, He seemed to exhibit courage and manliness when others chickened out.
241, Keepers plan to anchor them to the bottom of the sea lion exhibit.
242, We're interested in importing a complete bottling machine for exhibit and sale.
243, Nevertheless, Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly.
244, The composite did not exhibit cytotoxicity in the filter diffusion tests.
245, My children could spend hours watching playful monkeys at the primate exhibit.
246, Prokaryotes lack organelles such as nucleoli, mitochondria, plastids , Golgi apparatus, and do not exhibit cyclosis.
247, These supra - consciousness pictures exhibit the immediacy of pure energy presence.
248, Why don't you exhibit your paintings in an art gallery?
249, The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.
250, Urethane acrylates can exhibit minimal yellowing upon cure and have good outdoor weathering capabilities.
251, The elements, if arranged according to their atomic mass, exhibit an evident periodicity of properties.
251, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
252, The plasma - prepared catalysts or catalysts modified by plasma exhibit higher catalytic reactivity.
253, There are documented cases of wild tortoises that exhibit pyramiding - they live near soybean fields ( Highfield ).
254, Many people are visiting this exhibit in Arlington, Virginia, near Washington, D . C .
255, Now, after years of planning and work, the exhibit was taking shape.
256, The Russian Department of Defense has provided more than 300 exhibit articles for this weapon exhibition.
257, The exhibit is called Light Screens: The Leaded Glass of Frank Lloyd Wright.
258, Dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye.
259, The discovery of chaos shows that some deterministic nonlinear system can exhibit random - like behavior.
260, Do you put it in the minute book as an exhibit?
261, Yarns used in making twill weave fabrics frequently are tightly twisted and exhibit good strength.
262, In OO methodology, classes contain certain data and exhibit certain behaviours.
263, Real crystals exhibit a variety of departures from this idealized structure.
264, Patients exhibit a completely distorted view of their bodily conformation.
265, Exhibit the culture of the people of Western Kenya , prehistory, and natural history.
266, Nectarines exhibit different reactions to specific insect attacks and fungal infections than do peaches.
267, Saturn and Spica are nearly the same brightness but exhibit different colors.
268, The Vatican Museums also exhibit objects from an ancient land called Etruria.
269, Sinistral individuals exhibit dominance of the left hand and eye.
270, Different elution fractions from pummelo peel extract exhibit different antioxidative activity.
271, As a new member of fullerene, carbon nanotubes has exhibit perfect optical limiting property.
272, The room is now a museum exhibit in Istanbul regal Dolmabah ? e Palace.
273, However real channels are generally non - minimum phase systems, baud - spaced equalizers exhibit poor performance under this circumstance.
274, Warburg effect is that cancer cells exhibit an increased dependence on glycolytic pathway for ATP generation.
275, It'seemed strange that such barrenness could exhibit this radiance of color.
276, I am fond of a diffident way which I see you to exhibit.
277, Big Brother is the guise in which the Party chooses to exhibit itself to the world.
278, The new designs utilize over - moded cavities and also exhibit pseudo - elliptic transfer functions.
279, Comparing with general bulk - oxide powders(Sentencedict), nano - powders of oxide - materials exhibit blue and red shift optical absorption spectra.
280, The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.




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