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单词 Collective
1. The invention is a collective effort.
2. They hold together for collective security.
3. It was a collective decision.
4. Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.
5. Their collective volume wasn't very large.
6. We'll visit the collective farm another time.
7. 'Family' and 'flock' are examples of collective nouns.
8. They call that an honor to their collective.
9. 'Flock' and 'committee' are collective nouns.
10. We all bear collective responsibility for this decision.
11. "Flock" is a collective noun.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Unions were insistent on the right to collective bargaining.
13. Collective bargaining was viewed as the alpha and omega of trade unionism.
14. Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.
15. As his ball flew wide, there was a collective groan from the stands.
16. Bruce Springsteen has re-hired his muso collective, the E Street Band.
17. Harvest festival was the occasion for the collective expression of a community's religious values.
18. We call it an honour to our collective that Mather got the first prize in the composition contest.
19. The smaller states' efforts to exercise their collective bargaining power against multinationals have failed.
20. The collective name for mast, boom and sails on a boat is the 'rig'.
21. They have been galvanised into collective action — militarily, politically and economically.
22. The interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the collective.
23. The violence of the crowd can only be explained as a sign of some collective mania.
24. Have you any excuse to offer for frequent absence from collective practice?
25. They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
26. They reminded me that one can be strong only when united with the collective.
27. He will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.
28. They met regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
29. She dismisses the reform process as an exercise in collective navel gazing.
30. The teacher encouraged the children to behave well and not to be a discredit to the collective.
1. The invention is a collective effort.
2. They hold together for collective security.
3. It was a collective decision.
4. Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.
5. We all bear collective responsibility for this decision.
6. They all seem to take an inflated view of their collective identity.
7. They reminded me that one can be strong only when united with the collective.
31. The interests of the collective lie before the interests of the individual.
32. The country's politicians are already heaving a collective sigh of relief.
33. This principle of collective bargaining has been a mainstay in labor relations in this country.
34. Their efforts to exercise collective bargaining power against multinational companies have failed.
35. Private collective action is possible and does occur.
36. These are examples of collective responsibility for past wrongs.
37. Free collective bargaining was its watchword.
38. He doesn't mean as drones on some collective farm.
39. The watching deities gave a collective sigh.
40. There was a collective sigh of relief.
41. Between 1976 and 1987, there were seven collective agreements.
41. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
42. This provides firms with large collective memories.
43. The decision to launch nuclear weapons must be collective.
44. Our collective noun is an Apprehension of Agents.
45. However, the war also brought collective terror with it.
46. Lewis, through collective bargaining, brought order out of chaos.
47. Exercising that collective responsibility remains highly problematic.
48. Peace, in other words, depends solely on collective security.
49. Faith in collective bargaining could not take root.
50. You could hear a collective sigh of relief.
51. After the collective clean-up, Rainbow goes home brooding.
52. But their internal will for collective effort was weak.
53. Collective madness is called sanity. Paulo Coelho 
54. The current machinery broadly follows the framework of collective bargaining laid down in the 1980 Workers' Statute.
55. Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management.
56. Another factor in the success of authorities is the ability of members to contribute to collective decision-making.
57. Somewhere-maybe in the smoke-filled rooms of the Knickerbocker Club-there was a collective decision to raise the stakes.
58. There are now also collective investments in a range of zeros.
59. There should be a collective understanding of the issues, so that the judgements involved in decision-making can be well informed.
60. The unions had almost no influence on the factory floor and were ineffective in collective bargaining.
61. There seems to be some unconscious connection between Weegee and the collective life of New York.
62. Sometimes ba just means from, or a small collective unit, like the Abanabugerere means people who live in Bugerere.
63. They are purely private means devised by the neurotic to achieve what is achieved in society by collective effort.
64. A scholar or a particular work by a scholar may locate him / her in larger circles of shared collective life.
65. Liberation has turned sour producing anomie and alienation, severely undermining any sense of collective responsibility or response.
66. In both countries collective bargaining had emerged in a form strongly influenced by product market considerations.
67. Finally, apart from one small reference, the analysis never examines the relationship between collective protest and internal war.
68. During 1989, the company decided to end its collective bargaining agreement with the chapels of the National Union of Journalists.
69. Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
70. As a result, the scope of autonomous collective bargaining was restricted.
71. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming(sentence dictionary), they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 
72. It is the first collective memory of the new family, paradoxically shared even by children who were unborn at the time.
73. When the helicopter was stable, he raised the collective and pulled us above the moving deck.
74. Country size, for instance, appears to be related to the propensity to centralise collective bargaining authority within national confederations.
75. However, if demand falls collective action poses less of a threat, and may even be beneficial.
76. This usually took the form of institutionalized collective bargaining between trade unions and employers.
77. Somehow, Willingham has to lift the collective spirit of his team.
78. In capitalist society, the forces of production include the collective production of goods by large numbers of workers in factories.
79. Civil servants are instructed to safeguard the collective responsibility of ministers.
80. Now genetics has become the science that catches the collective imagination as does no other.
81. In so far as socialism means the collective ownership and management of the economy and social relations, it requires an extensive administrative apparatus.
82. When they first appear, internal rivalries and conflicts often seem a welcome alternative to the collective lethargy they have displaced.
83. Collective bargaining and joint consultation processes were found to have no influence on the attitude or performance of staff.
84. There was fear of poison gas, in a nation where Zyklon-B was part of the collective memory.
85. Here and there the landscape was broken by dreary gray buildings that had been thrown up to house members of collective farms.
86. But they did manage one collective action that ought not go unremarked.
87. Sri Lanka lost an awful lot under my captaincy to start with, years of great collective and personal pain.
88. They argue for the primacy of collective bargaining at the level of the individual company.
89. But the truth was that, by and large, the research university focuses its collective intelligence on other matters.
90. A collective sigh of relief seemed to whistle from every pore of the house as I walked away.
91. Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
92. Collective provision of services can be organized privately as in the case of golf clubs and motoring associations.
93. This gives the workforce both a much greater capacity to coerce management and a consciousness of its collective power, claims Mallet.
94. Instead, you will find hidden agendas and other problems continuing to undermine your collective performance and change.
95. Thereafter, a formal machinery of collective bargaining was gradually set up.
96. Liberals, Sowell claims, share a belief that people can improve their lives through collective effort.
97. It also requires trade-offs and compromises, just as any collective action does.
98. Their collective mood had found its cellar, a malaise like a ladder they had descended rung by rung.
99. Moreover, the arable land is more suited to collective as opposed to subsistence farming.
100. A moral climate has been created in which collective responsibility has become unfashionable.
101. General will should ensure the equality and liberty necessary for active citizenship -; taking collective decisions.
102. Within the collective memory of the North Shore resides an entire history of its natural phenomena.
103. You should just elect people to Parliament and have collective responsibility.
104. It seems that our collective wish for this state is so strong that we are quite unable to contemplate the opposite.
105. Tomorrow(http://), talks are scheduled to begin on a new musicians contract to replace the collective bargaining agreement that expired Friday.
106. We make a collective decision, together, for peace or for strife.
107. Itis during the plenary sessions that opinions and collective decisions are voted on.
108. The vendor will be required to warrant that no trade unions have been recognised and that there are no collective agreements.
109. A nebulous collective leadership, including the chiefs of the powerful armed forces, may still be holding the balance of power.
110. Each school had to overcome numerous barriers to reform through the collective work of all the faculty.
111. Let us consider animals first. It is conceivable that collective resistance would be individually advantageous.
112. Below: Before independence, Valeriy Gordienko was a farmer on a local collective farm.
113. The results are exquisite-moving from ballads and other composed pieces through different grades of abstraction to total collective improvisation.
114. The first breeze came to me as Connors pulled in the collective.
115. A women's collective runs the small cafe across the street.
116. These movements appear as dispersed resistance, but they also are a form of collective action in the face of the crisis.
117. There is some talk of a collective leadership, but that would not last.
118. The degradation of public discourse, the spread of cynicism, makes our collective life less civilised.
119. Alternatively, the collective good is seen as paramount, and individual freedom must be constrained to achieve that collective good.
120. Nation states could only coexist peaceably if a strong collective security arrangement were respected by all.
121. The new Hornes Collective catalogue makes it all so easy.
122. A group of teenage girls could create their own music unique to them as a badge of their collective identity.
123. He is strongly dedicated to the sharing of sound information with others in the collective life.
124. Just about every collective pitch helicopter available should be capable of performing this manoeuvre, but some are more capable than others.
125. Before independence Valeriy was a farmer on a local collective farm.
126. The managed mixed economy and a highly developed system of collective social provision were the means for achieving these values.
127. The process of negotiations between unions and employers is called collective bargaining.
128. Agriculture is crippled, too, by the miserable conditions on the collective farms.
129. Although the under-18s can not trade shares themselves, adults can buy stakes in collective investment funds on their behalf.
130. But when they were finally received, a surprise Most books are a collective effort to some extent.
131. Clearly, individual gains, in terms of meeting individual needs, have important collective consequences in a trade union.
132. But, since the heyday of the missionaries, the collective consciousness has nevertheless undergone a sea-change.
133. The former Shah's advocacy of a collective security pact was a further black mark against the Gulf scheme.
134. Kerry called the labor laws "a legitimate collective effort to protect our children" and said he supported them.
135. The league was charged also with responsibility for collective security, so that individual states could embark on a programme of disarmament.
136. It is only through collective effort and strength that we can ensure that a fair deal can be achieved for Bank Officials.
137. Such Quantities are known as latent variables and they include human abilities and attitudes as well as collective characteristics of society such as business confidence.
138. The second is the collective tractor and machinery sale organised on a regular basis by specialist auctioneers.
139. Among the refugee communities, new forms of collective living arrangements have been organized.
140. These public goods can only be produced and consumed economically on a collective basis.
141. Their collective utterances may help us to understand the meaning they wished to attach to this favoured term.
142. The rest of the audience cranes its collective neck to spot the guilty party.
143. The Act required the whole school to meet for the daily act of collective worship unless the school premises made this impracticable.
144. In the Soviet Union there was a pattern of swings between single and collective leadership in the post-Second World War period.
145. People's banks are being set up as cooperatives, and collective farms are replacing small landholdings.
146. The bureau was without a manager for some time, so the staff took collective responsibility for all the tasks.
147. Contemporary Marxist urban sociology places much less emphasis on the supposed necessity for the state to be engaged in collective consumption.
148. The provisions described below, however, are generally part of all collective bargaining contracts: 1.
149. Maybe it was because the season began with players bitterly divided over a new collective bargaining agreement.
150. But the distinction between personal and collective consumption remains fairly clear.
151. Unless we act now to protect the environment, we shall have failed in our collective responsibility to future generations.
152. In such systems, many people in the community share power relatively equally, as a collective leadership.
153. In October 1956 collectivization began, with the establishment of collective farms.
154. I pulled the collective to my armpit and waited for the noise.
155. A tall order, but the price of failure could be the end of collective security for the West.
156. Mr. Evans Did the Minister discuss with the unions concerned the maintenance of free collective bargaining and union recognition in the agencies?
157. These beliefs, in turn, can be modified only through collective experience.
158. One avenue for provision of such resources may be through collective bargaining.
159. And journalism, which is more prone to collective examination of conscience than most professions, is already focusing on these problems.
160. It is ironic that a cyborg invested with collective human intelligence should still be represented in a recognisably human form.
161. The courts have not been given a mandate to spell out collective responsibilities, and even less to police them.
162. Industrial disputes and negotiations, and union and collective agreements and recent redundancies.
163. The unions flourished, gaining over 4 million more members by 1945, and collective bargaining became more widely accepted.
164. My friend E., an investment banker, is a consultant for Steelworkers locals in collective bargaining.
165. So the biotic and the cultural levels are both concerned with individual and collective behaviour.
166. The only ultimately effective way the worker can resist is through collective class action to overthrow the capitalist mode of production.
167. State laws, local board policies, and collective bargaining agreements set forth the specific reasons why teachers can be dismissed.
168. Following Bagehot or modern functional sociology, the assertion is made that the figure of the sovereign binds together the national collective.
169. The party groups meet on a regular basis and make collective decisions on policy.
170. There is one additional point we want to make about research which has to do with its collective and temporal character.
171. As the land sank toward An Khe, I reduced the collective and let the ship descend slowly.
172. The belief in collective action for change was mentioned earlier.
173. But much of the collective bargaining went beyond legal minima.
174. Group comportment had deteriorated by the day, with yours truly bearing the brunt of the collective delinquency.
175. Users can reach their own collective agreements on usage, but these may be costly to organize and enforce.
176. The collective bargaining agreement between the educational employer and educational employees, if any, has expired. 5.
177. The craft too, can be applied to the local units of collective life.
178. A different conception of collective bargaining in terms both of its character and role is applicable in socialist countries with centrally-planned economies.
179. In Dakar the international community will review its collective failure.
180. Hundreds of thousands of peasants still plant and pick cotton on collective farms but no one pays their salaries anymore.
181. Fighting against threats to young children's rights to early childhood opportunities could be seen as an expression of legitimate collective responsibility.
182. To counteract Western influence Soviet officials advocated a system of collective security.
183. The burden is to make a learning source out of the collective experience.
184. To a degree that collective life indeed is creative social experience, specific goals may not be predetermined.
185. Only through unity and collective resistance can these people stand up to the powerful interests that seek to control their lives.
186. It has a collective leadership in the form of an organisational bureau.
187. Under these circumstances, the wages of many different types of labour are determined by the process of collective bargaining.
188. But the collective foolishness of amending the Constitution wholesale really takes the cake.
189. The collective experience of achieving this success validates the beliefs on which productive courses of action are based.
190. I believe in movements, collective action to influence the future, and all that.
191. This put paid to Baldwin's attempt to pose as a champion of collective security.
191. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
192. What he contributes as a participant in collective life ranges from reform to radical re-structuring.
193. In other words, they cut first and most their personal consumption rather than collective consumption.
194. The project brings them together and brings out their collective best.
195. Fox was one of two player reps who voted against the collective bargaining agreement.
196. Collective deliberation on the basis of choices served up by the official machine go against Mrs Thatcher's personal grain.
197. Farmers given right to leave collective farms with allotment of land and equipment.
198. Take our changing use of collective nouns to describe the groups of people we work with.
199. Milda was no longer allowed to live in Riga but had been ordered to do hard physical work on a collective farm.
200. Occasionally Cooley exhibits a multi-dimensional scheme that promises to liberate the imagination for the many sides of collective life.
201. This style has been reinforced by the values of partisanship and collective leadership of the Cabinet.
202. These considerations will be an important influence on collective bargaining.
203. Without collective advancement there can be no genuine individual advancement(), but only uprooting.
204. Like its predecessor, the new regime is for individual achievement, not collective action.
205. Beatlemania had arrived, and everywhere a gale of self-induced collective hysteria blew away the leaves of fuddy-duddy Britain.
206. A more difficult question is whether employers can rely upon collective agreements to circumvent the need to make job reassignment.
207. If the nub of the nation lies in collective sentiment the obvious question is how does this collective consciousness arise?
208. A jury's verdict is the result of a collective agreement.
209. They had grown unaccustomed to using their power of collective action.
210. The present crisis is a result of the collective failure of the political parties to put forward a plausible economic programme.
211. The profits from capitalism are redistributed to millions of people, not through taxing and public spending but through collective investment trusts.
212. Nevertheless, the notion of collective decision-making about patient care, about priorities and treatment options, is quite alien.
213. In so far as leaks advertise unhappiness about a line of policy they undermine the principle of collective responsibility, as well as the confidentiality of proceedings.
214. Every actor knows that whether or not collective benefits will be secured is not going to be influenced by his personal contribution.
215. It also argued for collective security arrangements as a means of building confidence and security in the region.
216. Karadzic's continued freedom and the collective memory loss may suit international politics.
217. If you held the collective in flying position, the rotor blades would slow and stop.
218. It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
219. As a result the Edinburgh Conference of 1936 passed resolutions leaving the Labour Party supporting collective security but opposing rearmament.
220. Every collective bargaining contract is different, reflecting the concerns of teachers and school officials in diverse districts.
221. The free market had virtues too long eclipsed by slavish conformity to collective ideals that no longer seemed relevant.
222. Such overt aggression turned the Labour Party away from pacifism and towards the acceptance of a degree of force to implement collective security.
223. Collective bargaining is a flexible instrument and can build upon the minimum standards which the law lays down.
224. When all gauges showed green, I slowly raised the collective to pull the Huey into a hover.
225. Now they carry a collective book value of more than $ 8, 000.
226. Their services were modest, and collective written agreements with employers remained exceptional.
227. The legacy might be what scholars who have taken him seriously have learned from him about human collective life.
228. Occasional collective efforts by prisoners to improve their lot have mostly been sharply put down.
229. We must not shy away from our collective responsibilities.
230. Article XVII of collective labor insurance industry provides.
231. Jazz musicians use collective improvisation as they play it.
232. Leonardo has become the product of the collective imagination.
233. Without the collective, our grouse was the winter.
234. Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests.
235. Inhabitancy configuration and collective inhabitation work on social distance.
236. They revel in their collective role as King Makers.
237. Mr Strauss - Kahn argues, rightly, that the solution is collective insurance, via a bigger IMF.
238. The modern education is a kind of collective and coordinative occupation labor.
239. Moeller said, " EU is against banishment and collective punishment. Those are not ways to solve the problem. "
240. It is the pre - trail procedure that accomplish the idea of collective - inquisition.
241. These voices become collective and resonate in a global dimension.
242. There is no limitation for the collective thought . It's an anarchic journey no one could stop.
243. After the country is reformed, traditional collective economy is rapid disintegrate.
244. This paper revises Goddard ( 2000 ) collective teacher efficacy scale.
245. Litchi species is not my home. However, there is a large hill, under the collective ownership.
246. Some societies express strong feelings by means of collective rhythmical body movements.
247. Establishment and consummation of copyright collective management organization needs two steps.
248. The entire pier, with a collective gasp, drew back at the apparition.
249. But also pointing out afore - mentioned collective are contracted meanwhile is very contradictory.
250. Ivanov modifies the Dionysiac theory, endowing it with a religious color and collective value.
251. It is avoidable to be a hypocrite to consider individual in the presence of collective.
252. The housing policy exemplifies the shift from collective to individualized welfare provision.
253. Managing major power relations in our region will be crucial for our collective future.
254. This organization is dedicated to assisting individuals optimizing their collective and individual wellbeing.
255. The profits from capitalism are redistributed to millions of people through collective investment trusts.
256. Country curtilage the major reform that base displacement is system of rural collective land.
257. This article introduces collective and distributive control system of the cement plant.
258. Mascherano was not the only culprit as Liverpool appeared seized by a collective attack of hesitancy.
259. Kg will wind up replaced by the collective weight of participating artists, a farcical mathematical game.
260. The cadres of our commune persevere in participation in collective productive labour.
261. One , should mix sturdily the confidence that strengthens development town collective economy.
262. Jung Your individual shit is an archetype of the collective shit.
263. See some collective grange farm, discover a disease is crooked crooked piggy.
264. Objective: Varicose vein is a collective term which describes the distension , lengthening and tortuosity of veins.
265. A collective stand , principled and pragmatic, against forces that would divide us.
266. Yet Lilliputian windmills, water mills, solar panels and biomass furnaces could have a big collective impact.
267. But politics did not set off the latest bout of collective angst.
268. The collective narcissism of the Kerouac circle is ultimately boring.
269. School collective services system and elementary education facility advanced complete.
270. Long - term since, we erroneously cooperative economy and collective economy confuse sth with sth else.
271. The state, with its collective responsibility, has always been the greatest violator of rights and freedoms.
272. On one hand, collective infuse a large number of capital start construction of irrigation works establishment.
273. Land acquirement is the transfer of ownership between the nation and the collective.
274. Stratify teaching to be one to plant in lower individual - rization collective teaching form teaching tactics.
275. But, collective and rich implementation cannot be time, synchronism and equal,(http:///collective.html) have however after having first.
276. Personally, I think Adams's collective work on homophobia is terribly important.
277. No , the collective mind of the Supreme Court press corps never stops thinking.
278. The most barefaced collective silk stockings most strong on history is lured!
279. We are a collective, and strenuous attempts of all of us were agglomerated at every step.
280. That may reflect an Amerindian tradition of collective decision - making.
281. Spring carry is the most scale collective on the world migrates, unique festal landscape.
282. Without top - down government, Hobbes claimed, there would be only collective selfishness.
283. Kind the collective income that the commercialization of boar seminal fluid increased a veterinary station.
284. The individualistic approach emphasizes the individual construction of psychological functions from collective symbols and artifacts.
285. In this paper, we present HLC topology model, which embodies the character of physical topology and collective communication.
286. Even children of seven or eight took great care of this collective property.
287. Here we have half - finished jobs , loose ends , all glaringly obvious in their collective ugliness.
288. They crystallize collective and arduous wisdom and labor, through fair - spoken turn oneself into working outstanding achievement.
289. Weare clear - eyed about the challenge of mobilizing collective action, and shortfalls of our international system.
290. The collective trichome cover of a plant surface is called pubescence.
291. Penman suggested a collective theme of hardware and software when developing EDM control system under DOS.
292. By definition their collective hive mind must transcend their small bee minds.
293. Chen's pictures illustrate the fallacious relationship between collective memory and individual memory.




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