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单词 Hazardous
1 Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.
2 It would be hazardous to invest so much.
3 These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.
4 New regulations will reduce hazardous air pollutants.
5 The disposal of hazardous waste is a serious problem.
6 Garden tools can be hazardous if carelessly handled.
7 The journey was hazardous.
8 German law forbids the dumping of hazardous waste on German soil.
9 The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health .
10 They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.
11 Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience.
12 Breathing asbestos - laden air may be hazardous to health.
13 Wintry conditions are making roads hazardous for drivers in the northeast of England.
14 Treating hazardous waste at Cory Environmental's West Thurrock plans.
15 Poor visibility made skiing extremely hazardous.
16 In-line skating is classified as hazardous.
17 About 2 million tonnes of that is hazardous wastes.
18 Roads are thick with ice and driving is hazardous.
19 Smoking is hazardous to your health.
20 Being the President's bodyguard is obviously a hazardous occupation.
21 Thick fog is making driving conditions hazardous.
22 Prophesying the future is even more hazardous.
23 For any hazardous wastes, that means pre-treatment where necessary.
24 Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures. Alexandre Dumas 
25 Safety All products are potentially hazardous even detergents.
26 A number of hazardous substances are resistant to biodegradation.
27 Was the hazardous code of the duel a greater injustice than the unfairness of the law?
28 The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.
29 The divers were paid danger money for working in such hazardous conditions.
30 Because of the bad weather, motorway conditions are expected to be hazardous tonight.
1 Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.
2 The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.
3 These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.
4 Breathing asbestos - laden air may be hazardous to health.
31 It would, however, be hazardous to rely upon these four factors while the theory remains unproven.
32 Afterwards, the city discovered the hazardous substances in the groundwater that threatened the nearby public drinking water supply.
33 Unless you have a serious leak, the quick solution is probably more hazardous than the problem.
34 It is still outstanding and there are cables and wires lying on the surface making it both unsightly and possibly hazardous.
35 The dig might require such a specialist, trained to handle hazardous materials.
36 The mountain Nui Ba Den was a singular feature in my area of operation and a good example of hazardous terrain.
37 A risk management program means all programs to minimize extraordinarily hazardous accident risks.
38 Wage differentials for hazardous jobs reflect the risks of both deaths and injuries.
39 It contains a mass of radioactive byproducts spawned during its time in the reactor, some of them extremely hazardous.
40 Local government Hazardous waste management is an increasing problem for industry, the public and the relevant authorities.
41 This verbal combo is an oxymoron, of course, given all we know about the innately hazardous properties of nicotine.
42 The number of individual countries with hazardous waste import bans is now over one hundred.
43 Since hazardous jobs represent a small part of total employment, these workers are unrepresentative of the general population.
44 The hazardous weather conditions put concerns about budget developments and the economy on the back burner.
45 Nearly all Britain's hazardous waste is handled by private operators.
46 He was aware of traffic hazards in the environs of Bristol and stretches of hazardous road in the Gloucestershire countryside.
47 We do not believe that the United Kingdom should import any toxic and hazardous waste.
48 Extracted hazardous materials Crec charges its clients 82 cents per kilogram to dismantle computers in a factory once used to manufacture them.
49 E1 buildings are for storage of goods and materials not specified as hazardous in occupancy E2.
50 Working in the loft Working in the loft is unpleasant and somewhat hazardous.
51 A majority of the industrial groups produce less than 10, 000 metric tons of hazardous waste.
52 On that basis, entering into a hazardous transaction that results in damage is, in itself, negligent.
53 It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries.
54 Radium is tens of times more hazardous than plutonium and thousands of times more hazardous than tritium.
55 We should reduce the amount of hazardous waste that is produced when making products - often useful products - for the market.
56 Britain is the only country in the world which continues to burn hazardous waste at sea.
57 Bioremediation is being evaluated by both industry and the US-EPA as one technology for cleaning up hazardous waste sites.
58 The Labour party believes that there are a number of essential approaches to toxic and hazardous waste.
59 Hazardous jobs include the risks of both death and injury, and the extra wages compensate both risks.
60 The operation made financial and environmental sense by eliminating the need to use a hazardous waste site.
61 The city turns a seamed cheek upward, confides itself to the sound and hazardous construction of a journey by starlight.
62 Hazardous chemicals: New powers over the storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals will be introduced.
63 If their driving is hazardous enough they can be charged with dangerous driving and tried before magistrates or even a crown court.
64 But the Basle convention fails to offer a watertight answer to the awkward question: which waste is hazardous?
65 Getting in would be hazardous; to say nothing of getting out, but it was his only chance.
66 It was there the journey became even more hazardous and disjointed as they encountered a flood tide of humanity streaming towards them.
67 The quantity of hazardous waste sent out-of-state for treatment totals 252, 460 metric tons.
68 If hazardous materials are left after minimisation, there are possibilities for recycling.
69 Foraging here is a little easier, but it is also more hazardous.
70 Unfamiliar environment Familiarity with an environment makes it less hazardous; for example people adjust spatially to avoid objects in their immediate vicinity.
71 The firearm was perhaps a necessary item of defense in what was obviously a hazardous occupation.
72 Existing powers over importation, use and supply of hazardous chemicals will be extended.
73 Plunging your hand into a pile of assorted implements can be hazardous.
74 Currently an estimated 1,600 vessels carrying fuels and other hazardous materials pass through the strait annually.
75 Newly married and ecstatically happy, he yet felt compelled to offer himself for one of the war's most hazardous enterprises.
76 Efficient waste management requires that hazardous materials are defined and treated more carefully than the very large volumes of non-hazardous wastes.
77 It is essential, therefore, that we proceed with great caution when handling toxic and hazardous waste.
78 High winds and steep rocks make landing hazardous, and the smell of guano deposits can be significant!
79 Regulation ought to involve precise definition and separation of wastes into hazardous and non-hazardous, or different levels of hazard.
79 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
80 This political dimension may make the massive civil engineering work even more hazardous.
81 Diane and her husband Geoff have now completed the trip and in this article she recounts their hazardous journey.
82 With a nuclear station decommissioning was a lengthy, expensive and potentially hazardous enterprise.
83 The treatment of hazardous waste is particularly expensive and needs especially sophisticated equipment.
84 But it would be hazardous to assume that prominence and deviance are simply subjective and objective aspects of the same phenomenon.
85 In terms of databases on hazardous wastes, attention has already been drawn to the waste disposal plans prepared by WRAs.
86 Matters are made even more hazardous for the male because he is nearly always smaller than the female.
87 The unhygienic conditions of a stable were a breeding ground for all manner of disease and bacteria hazardous to a newborn.
88 Storytelling to six-year olds above all is the most hazardous and the most enjoyable experience I know, a sort of terror-sport.
89 Sometimes they are not even informed that the waste is hazardous before it arrives on their doorstep.
90 Hazardous frequency range Cyclotron resonance by my theory only occurs if the hazardous frequency range lies with the exciting field.
91 It is also suggested as a weapon against parasites, but this does sound rather hazardous!
92 The monitor has four lamps which indicate levels of energy leakage, and an alarm sounds if hazardous levels are found.
93 We need better regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous waste along public roads.
94 Damaged discs or grinders can be very hazardous and gloves and goggles must be worn.
95 Emission limits or prohibitions on hazardous air pollutants and effluent limitations on toxic wastewater discharges have been adopted.
96 But there are things that individuals, organizations, and governments have learned to do to make life less hazardous there.
97 Considerable progress in reducing the emissions of hazardous wastes has been made.
98 Projects already undertaken for pharmaceutical customers have involved removal of plant and equipment contaminated with low-levels of radioactivity and other hazardous materials.
99 No doubt the journey back was as hazardous as it was coming.
100 When different substances are combined underground or burned, chemicals hazardous to human health can result.
101 All of us knew that the expedition was likely to be extremely hazardous.
102 In view of this, the committee stressed the need to restrict the availability of highly hazardous pesticides.
103 In any case, herbicides broke down quickly and were probably more hazardous to the crews delivering them than to anyone else.
104 The site was used by the Royal Navy for years to dump blue asbestos and other hazardous materials from ships and dockyards.
105 The use of spears is possible yet arguably a hazardous occupation more suited to hunting as a sport.
106 Typical end-uses include fire screens and welding blankets in potentially hazardous environments such as oil platforms, shipyards and the steel industry.
107 I think that he accepts that that would constitute a long-term commitment, and a hazardous and dangerous one.
108 Pails were emptied from upper windows, making their way hazardous.
109 Health and health studies Taxes on addictive and potentially hazardous products like tobacco and alcohol produce a dual effect.
109 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
110 Safety legislation requires the disclosure of hazardous contents but this seems to be ignored as well.
111 In its concentrated form it is hazardous to handle especially as many commercial formulations are stabilised with caustic soda.
112 In 1820, a voyage to Australia was a hazardous undertaking.
113 Drugs prescribed by doctors can be extremely hazardous if used in the wrong way.
114 Safer handling, storage and transport of hazardous chemicals will be held in Aberdeen on 28 February 1992.
115 Between countries, and even within them, there is disagreement about what constitutes waste and what should count as hazardous.
116 I am certain that, in those days, the quality of food was so poor that eating was probably hazardous.
117 Hazardous materials should be provided in such a way that the appropriate protective clothing should automatically be provided.
118 In this new world, any departure from the narrowest fiscal path is hazardous to the health of the offending country.
119 The building is now unoccupied, and all radioactive or hazardous materials have been removed.
120 A marriage begun without financial security looks hazardous to the poet, let alone where the man seems cunning and manipulative.
121 Trans-frontier shipments of hazardous wastes also comes under new controls.
122 Iodine 131, also a gamma and beta emitter, is particularly hazardous to the thyroid gland.
123 That is particularly relevant when one is considering a diverse range of hazardous wastes.
124 It also believes strongly that there should be a ban on the import of hazardous waste into the United Kingdom.
125 In hazardous winter driving conditions, that could easily mean the difference between life and death.
126 The hazardous nature of this undertaking is not in dispute.
127 What is important is that all the chlorine in the VOCs ends up as chloride ion rather than other potentially hazardous chlorinated compounds.
128 The physical strength of these bodies is a major factor in determining how hazardous they are.
129 As a result, the tendency for waste - especially hazardous waste - to cross borders is especially marked.
130 Stolen chemicals: A car containing hazardous chemicals was stolen in South Hylton, Sunderland.
131 Over the years indiscriminate dumping has resulted in a large number of environmentally dangerous sites that are leaking toxic and hazardous chemicals.
132 The Convention has been instrumental in helping to eliminate the dumping of industrialized countries' hazardous wastes on developing countries.
133 There is no site in the county for the disposal of hazardous waste.
134 It can protect your equipment from hazardous brownouts that occur when electric companies reduce voltage during periods of peak demand.
135 The former Hazardous Waste Inspectorate operated a large database on all sites, with details of permitted wastes, including allowable quantities.
136 However, many potentially hazardous chemical installations are not covered by such regulations.
137 Success has been a along, hazardous journey for Blake Baxter.
138 And he would be the first to say that the time spent on making those long, hazardous journeys has paid dividends.
139 Moreover, cans are often soldered with a lead compound which could over the years be hazardous to health.
140 Theirs is a dangerous job that became even more hazardous once their quarry shifted into the mountains.
141 Cycling was certainly less hazardous than today, as petrol rationing restricted motor traffic.
142 It would also take account of the fact that evidence linking hazardous waste with harm to human health is uncertain, at best.
143 Lead is one of the most hazardous substances known, causing cancer and nerve damage.
144 The island already has more hazardous plants than any other part of Britain.
145 He considers such maneuverings a ridiculous way to run a government and still potentially hazardous to the credit markets here and abroad.
146 In 1988-89, the second report of the Environment Select Committee was on toxic and hazardous waste.
147 This meets the growing need to improve geoscience knowledge relevant to strategies for subsurface disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes.
148 Officials admit that another 700 firms and institutions are using hazardous radioactive material.
149 Nevertheless, the hazardous exposure is unlikely to be monitored external penetrating ionising radiation.
150 The live ammunition that I experienced was not officially sanctioned as being hazardous enough to be included.
151 Start to phase out nuclear fission power stations, which are prohibitively expensive and potentially hazardous.
152 Employees who were exposed to hazardous substances are now claiming compensation.
153 If the conditions were such during trial that an actual or potentially hazardous situation arose questions of safety predominate.
154 There are also other consents which are required, for example, before introducing hazardous substances.
155 The software is specially designed for surveys, hazardous waste investigations, industrial hygiene applications and leak detection.
156 Weather and sea conditions during the service were extremely hazardous, demanding absolute concentration to maintain control of the lifeboat.
157 When most criminal abortion laws were first enacted, the procedure was a hazardous one for the woman.
158 The Department of Transportation classifies the oxygen generators as hazardous materials when carried as company material in cargo compartments.
159 Colours again are important as all decarbonisers are hazardous to handle and some sort of warning label is appropriate.
160 Parliamentary Privilege Being a Member of Parliament during the constitutional struggle of the seventeenth century could be a hazardous occupation.
161 This, though less hazardous than the rape of Persephone, was perilous enough to satisfy the most ambitious.
162 Bush also proposed raising $ 75 million with new user fees for hazardous material shippers and owners of pipelines and railroads.
163 All agree that finding ways to present your case will prove as hazardous as steering a passage through a sand shoal.
164 The volunteers supervise the turtle's hazardous journey down the beach to the water, deterring predators and tourists.
165 Everybody said that it was a hazardous investment.
166 In this area arable farming is a hazardous practice.
167 Passive smoking can be hazardous to health.
168 That's how to run a hazardous operation.
169 They are particularly hazardous to Salmonella control.
170 Exploring a jungle alive with wild animals is hazardous.
171 Capillary gas chromatography for determination of some hazardous substances in oil paint thinners was established.
172 She developed a taste for journeys to isolated hazardous regions in North America.
173 Alkaline leaching of Zn from hazardous waste bearing Zn is studied.
174 "The fact that a Sylvia Plath may die young does not necessarily mean an Introduction to Poetry class should carry a warning that poems may be hazardous to one's health,(http:///hazardous.html)" he said.
175 The feature of topography, lithology and formation of stratum as well as intensity of earthquake for the yard of tank storage area of hazardous goods, Zhuhai Port are described in the paper.
176 Investment is a hazardous business; even those who are in the swim sometimes come a cropper.
177 Ship operations emit nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and hazardous pollutants into the air.
178 It is also possible, under single fault conditions (e. g. , a programming error or an instrument failure), to output hazardous levels even when the system indicates no hazard is present.
179 Give regular body check - ups to workers engaging in hazardous jobs.
180 Saunas can be hazardous if misused. Avoid a big meal beforehand.
181 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Must be able to work safely in an environment requiring exposure to biological conditions that may be unhealthful or hazardous.
182 Many sites receive hazardous wastes from a variety of generators and transporters.
183 Its principal purpose is the cleanup of leaking hazardous waste disposal sites.
184 Results: the effects of the two hazardous matters on the health of workers mainly are those: chronic rhinitis, chronic pharyngolaryngitis and cough.
185 Live telnet, ftp, rlogin, rsh, and related services, in particular, can be excused only very, very rarely; they're simply too hazardous.
186 Deciding whether a waste should be classed as hazardous by reason of infectiousness depends on the criteria and method of analysis adopted.
187 Another negative feature of hydrogen is that it is hazardous material.
188 Many poisonous gases also have other hazardous properties, for example,() corrosivity and flammability.
189 Neither the Turkish nor Croatian authorities identified the type of hazardous material the ship was carrying.
190 Hazardous Decomposition Products: Formation of combustible and noxious fumes during thermal decomposition.




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