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单词 Scant
1. You have a scant hour in which to pack.
2. He paid scant attention to what was said.
3. The story has received scant attention in the press.
4. She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.
5. There is scant evidence for this view.
6. The manifesto pays scant regard to green issues.
7. This hole was a scant .23 inches in diameter.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. He listened with scant patience to their supplications.
9. I paid scant attention to what she was saying.
10. Policy-makers paid scant attention to the wider issues.
11. They produce goods with scant regard for quality.
12. Many mothers pay scant attention to their own needs when their children are small.
13. He pays scant attention to the needs of his children.
14. The firefighters went back into the house with scant regard for their own safety.
15. We had scant time to rehearse.
16. But bureaucrats have scant leeway to exercise judgment.
17. Scant physical evidence remains as a reminder.
18. But that is scant consolation for the 49ers.
19. Economic concerns received relatively scant attention.
20. A costly and illogical drain on its scant resources.
21. There is scant evidence of reconciliation in that room.
22. Modern historians have had scant success with this material, which inspires little trust.
23. Kirov assessed the scant information he had managed to accumulate over the last few weeks.
24. It is clear, however, that Beveridge paid scant attention to these wider issues.
25. The food was scant: weeks when the only thing available was tortillas bind salt.
26. Prior to the Revolution there was scant institutional evidence of deep-rooted nationalist sentiment.
27. Scant make-up was applied, and her pale gold hair was treated to little more than a few vigorous strokes of a brush.
28. It was found that scant attention had been paid to raising the cultural level of party members.
29. The enterprise then assumes a defensive posture that offers little true protection and scant opportunity for improvement and growth.
30. Outside, bigger, rougher rocks were piled up to the eaves, with scant little chinks left for doorways and windows.
1. He paid scant attention to what was said.
2. The story has received scant attention in the press.
3. She began to berate the police for paying scant attention to the theft from her car.
4. Many mothers pay scant attention to their own needs when their children are small.
31. The 10,300 parish priests whose job it is to man these churches are thus a rather scant resource.
32. She nudged him as the sleek dark head of a seal bobbed up scant yards from where they were.
33. Other criticisms of the Ridley ruling appear to show scant regard for the integrity of the retailer or its competitiveness.
34. They have very little time to talk; our education services allow scant space for the education of its own workers.
35. Wall Street is notorious for having scant regard for the future and even less for the past.
36. Influence of mesenchyme Data concerning cellular or molecular stimuli that influence postnatal stem cell function invitro, are scant.
37. Average hourly earnings advanced a scant 1 cent in January, reaching $ 12. 06.
37. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
38. The Civil Rights Division also gave scant attention to police abuse of black citizens.
39. However, there is so far only scant evidence to support this hypothesis.
40. Theological references to them are scant, though St Bernard took the blackness as a symbol of humility.
41. In the judgment of the civil authorities, there is scant evidence against you and even less space for holding you.
42. Feminists have, until recently, paid scant attention to their older sisters but this is now being remedied.
43. They have no idea of amenity, no regard for landscape and have scant interest in problems of drainage and water.
44. But they predicted that until the disease entered the mainstream population, it would receive scant attention.
45. Amazingly, Charman's departure and replacement by Simon Smith, received scant attention in the music press.
46. Three or four shooters would vanish completely, leaving scant traces of their affiliation.
47. But there is scant solace to be found in this descent towards lowest common denominators for those who would see genuine reform.
48. Scant weight is given to indices of economic deprivation, such as unemployment levels and proportions of children or families in receipt of Supplementary Benefit.
49. He showed the same scant respect for other agents of central power.
50. That evening the bivouac fires of the two armies were a scant mile apart.
51. He was finding scant peace in his own home these days.
52. But union propaganda about unsafe workplaces bears scant relation to the real world.
53. Such a way of proceeding has much to recommend it, but scant progress has been made in that direction.
54. Although Moorhens are sometimes seen in unusual localities along the coast, definite evidence of migration in Sussex is very scant.
55. But even the much richer Soviet collections issued in the twenties were given scant attention in the West.
56. As in many areas, an increasingly ageing population was becoming an added drain on scant resources.
57. Fastmaturing varieties that might take a scant seven weeks until harvest begins should be sown in early August.
58. Darren Black's goal four minutes into time was scant consolation for the east Belfast side.
59. Nothing else about metempsychosis follows, given the slight and scant evidence.
60. That an atheist regime was likely to take scant notice of advice based on religious preference is self-evident.
61. If she stays she is trapped in a marriage and lifestyle which offers scant prospect of achieving personal happiness.
62. I have a poor salary, no job security, and scant recognition of my skills.
63. While most mistakes should be ignored or given scant acknowledgement, there are times when parental intervention may be useful.
64. The experimental protocol was indeed there, but the actual details seemed surprisingly scant.
65. Assumptions concerning this subject abound, but many of these assumptions are based on scant evidence.
66. When irrigation purposely was scant, differences were even greater: 50 percent for cotton and 20 percent for wheat.
67. What scant experience I had of affairs of the heart and loins had taught me nothing, thankfully.
68. Many people in the U.S. give scant attention to European affairs.
69. When these machines first became available, there was scant interest by manufacturers in developing country markets and applications.
70. He saw no fire suppression, but scant brush and ample spacing of pines where wildfires regularly moved through the forests.
71. The plot of Raving Beauties is almost as scant as the girls' costumes.
72. Some conversations of couples, whether affectionate or belligerent, have scant informational content.
73. They pay scant attention to the facts, rarely being bothered to research them or substantiate them.
74. It therefore bears scant resemblance to human relationships as we know them.
75. The problem of her scant appearances in the New Testament was readily solved by early church scholars.
76. OnMoney, its financial portal, has generated scant interest despite Dollars 100m of investment.
77. Scant public attention has greeted the arrival of the children.
78. As a result this very large pay-out to 1.4m families has made scant impact on public consciousness.
79. We had a scant hour to pack.
80. He received scant compassion or even understanding.
81. Don't scant the butter when you make a cake.
82. There was a scant spoonful of sugar.
83. Tom's family was scant of money.
84. As a healer of bodies I had scant success.
85. The general had to scant his men's rations.
86. Traditional manorial organization provided scant encouragement for economic growth.
87. He paid scant attention to my warnings.
88. Use a scant cup of flour.
89. The tumor is characterized by lakes of stromal mucin containing scant malignant epithelial cells.
90. A scant 700 feet off the water, the flight engineer was able to restart a second engine.
91. Since the extant literature about Xia Dynasty is scant and uncomplete , and most of those literature are traced by later generations, so modem scholars explore Xia Culture by using archaeology.
92. Loan data from U. S. credit-card issuers offered scant evidence of an imminent turnaround, dashing hopes that positive trends from a month earlier were gaining momentum.
93. Urban Honolulu, the state capital, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370,000; the entire island of Molokai, a scant 50 miles away, has only 7,400 residents.
94. But there would be scant need to worry about a broad slip in productivity.
95. In the scant century and a half since then, we've bumped atmospheric carbon dioxide up to 390 ppm.
96. In fact, Richard Savage had known Edward Bellamy a scant five hours.
97. Organizations make themselves "more slimly and more scant" to answer a world- wide competition by the innovation of whittling down people and adopting new originality such as TQM and JIT.
97. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
98. When the boar was a scant seventy - five feet away, he fired.
99. With inflation still too high, cautious central bankers see scant reason for abandoning their hawkish rhetoric.
100. Surviving on the scant rain that falls on the high desert, the surrounding natural scrubland uses far less water. The scrubland, shown in the upper left corner of the image, is tan and pale blue.
101. The regular entrance of thirty-five dollars a week to one who has endured scant allowances for several years is a demoralising thing.
102. However, he paid the scant attention - everybody to their own troubles.
103. We prattle about scientific discoveries, but we have made scant use of them for our benefit.
104. In UNIX days of yore (a scant two decades ago), you typically accessed a UNIX machine through a dumb terminal.
105. But the fact is, said many experts, the EU won't cozy up to an autocratic power with rampant government corruption, an arbitrary legal system, and scant regard for human rights.
106. It was a great break in the breeding and offered an apparent increase to the propagation coefficient of the slash pine, which solved the scant supply of its seedlings.
107. As she spoke, her five-year-old twins hid in the folds of her tattered brown skirt,() which would be scant protection from the annual rains and malaria-carrying mosquitos due in force within days.
108. As in other countries, data on health-care fraud are scant in China, but Hu believes that medical insurance fraud is widespread.
109. The atrophic glands have scant cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei with occasional punctate nucleoli.
110. It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
111. While there are many minor variations of the Soundex algorithm, they all have scant knowledge of English spelling rules, not to mention the exceptions to these rules.
112. Georges Cuvier, an early palaeontologist, made his reputation by predicting the anatomies of newly discovered fossil species from scant evidence, such as single bones.
113. They wear white, full-body jumpsuits with snug-fitting hoods that provide scant protection from the invisible radiation sleeting through their bodies.
114. President Obama declared in a 2009 speech that protecting computer network infrastructure "will be a national security priority." But the follow-through has been scant.
115. There is scant evidence of strong economic growth to come.
116. This high power microscopic aearance of cardiac myxoma shows minimal cellularity. Only scattered indle cells with scant pink cytoplasm are present in a loose myxoid stroma.
117. This prototype was created for an actual hearing-aid manufacturer, but the functional details are scant and in German.
118. The losers have been ordinary citizens, ousted from their homes with cut-rate compensation and scant legal recourse.
119. There is scant information on the chance of such molecules reacting within the object or its immediate container before escaping into the larger space of the room and eventually to the outside.
120. The Lusitania slipped below the waves a scant 18 min. after the German torpedo hit it.
121. The expeditions were often out of meat, and scant of clothes.
122. The haiku a poem of just 17 syllables, for example, makes scant sense as standalone verse.




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