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单词 Euphoria
1 I was in a state of euphoria all day.
2 Euphoria soon gave way to despair.
3 The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country.
4 His initial surge of euphoria was quickly followed by dismay.
5 The government's current euphoria over the exchange rate is unlikely to last.
6 They were carried along on a tide of euphoria.
7 There was euphoria after the elections.
8 All the euphoria about the "new methods" soon faded.
9 The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.
10 By then, the euphoria over the fall of the Berlin Wall had evaporated.
11 They were in a state of euphoria after the baby was born.
12 They were in a state of euphoria for days after they won the prize.
13 She was still in a state of euphoria hours after her victory.
14 Manic-depression also includes feelings of euphoria and/or agitation.
15 We were just bowled over by Expo euphoria.
16 He was a beaming, powerful case of euphoria.
17 There was much euphoria among trade unionists.
18 Produces a relaxed euphoria and is highly addictive.
19 Indeed, a euphoria seems to reign among those directly involved in the organisation of Expo.
20 Post-war euphoria, when the Big House ransacked its rose-garden and all the village wore roses.
21 It is a very short leap from euphoria to despair and back again.
22 The euphoria that new parents feel quickly changes to exhaustion.
23 Company bosses have come back down to earth with a bump after a period of post-election euphoria.
24 There was a general atmosphere of pessimism after the euphoria of last year.
25 With the fall of the Bastille in 1789 , a wave of euphoria swept over Europe.
26 The groups were put in contexts suggestive in one case of euphoria, in the other of anger.
27 And most, in their macroeconomic management, lurched between unjustified fears of recession and unwarranted euphoria about growth.
28 This March, maybe more than ever, we need the euphoria and emotion of the conference and NCAA tournaments.
29 Foreign investment too may dry up, as the initial post-unification euphoria fades.
30 The more charity events celebrities do, the greater the euphoria they experience.
1 I was in a state of euphoria all day.
2 Euphoria soon gave way to despair.
3 The news sparked a wave of euphoria across the country.
4 His initial surge of euphoria was quickly followed by dismay.
5 The government's current euphoria over the exchange rate is unlikely to last.
31 Produces a quick rush of euphoria followed by a rapid depression of mood.
32 It induces euphoria, numbs concentration and generally slows down reactions, increasing the likelihood of a bumpy return to earth.
33 On the plus side, your last feeling before blacking out is an intense feeling of euphoria.
34 It was against this uneasy background that independence was celebrated in a brief euphoria which all too soon evaporated.
35 He had lain in bed night after night drifting into sleep on a tide of euphoria.
36 And in the creation of all this euphoria Berel Karlinsky had played a leading role.
37 Despite initial euphoria, backers of mental health care know that the obstacles to final passage are large.
38 When 1 visited Bandley 3 in November 1983, the atmosphere was a mix of euphoria and panic.
39 The state of euphoria of a historian who unearths a long-forgotten manuscript may be chemically induced.
40 Sterling improved strongly and the market sensed an imminent cut in interest rates which added support to the initial market euphoria.
41 Look at the temptation: a pill that will give you euphoria and energy all night long for less than a tenner.
42 Over the last few months the republic had been buoyed by waves of euphoria.
43 All the earlier euphoria was dissolved by the vitriolic animosity which surged between them.
44 But our internal press and politics is living in a mad euphoria.
45 Everything has been turned into pleasure, euphoria, the ecstasy of seeing the laws of nature crumble before your eyes.
46 There will be some serious disillusion to follow on the heels of the euphoria of freedom.
47 Fellow stores groups also lost ground as dealers decided the euphoria about the New Year sales had been overdone.
48 But like a drug-induced euphoria, the leader-inspired high may come to an end.
49 In the postwar euphoria big crowds flocked regularly to the Oval to see the attacking cricket on which Surridge insisted.
50 Her initial surge of euphoria was instantly followed by dismay.
51 But users put up with this for a feeling of euphoria and heightened sensitivity.
52 Recurring spasms of gloom and euphoria tend to be self-fulfilling.
53 The whole country experienced a period of euphoria after winning the war.
54 They can inspire euphoria,(http:///euphoria.html) but can also induce dependency.
55 Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.
56 Macroeconomic choppiness is holding back more dramatic market euphoria.
57 And then, suddenly, the euphoria began to drain away.
58 The study underscores the importance of separating euphoria from genuine happiness.
59 When the market thinks an investment is going to underperform munis, it's safe to say we are not in the midst of euphoria.
60 Once the euphoria surrounding this victory subsides, reality must return.
61 Richards got a hug from his boss in the touchline euphoria that followed his 75th-minute header.
62 While impishly dissenting in tone, he was up-beat in spirit: hopeful, sassy, inspirational almost to the point of euphoria.
63 For example, a print advertising campaign by Anta, one of China's biggest sportswear companies, shows a crowd of flag-waving youths gesturing like wild revolutionaries in a state of Olympic euphoria.
64 Some people expect euphoria or increased sociability, he pointed out, while others expect to feel bad, and still others drink to cope with stress.
65 Incidentally, when asked if this myopic euphoria happens with nonsexual cravings — like a yen for a buttery croissant — Professor Ortigue said yes.
66 Cannabis induces a state of intoxicated relaxation, euphoria and dreaminess.
67 This mushy spot explains the euphoria. Question is, what's causing the mush?
68 The primary route of exposure is through inhalation. The acute effects of benzene intoxication in the CNS including euphoria, headache, staggering gait, stupor and coma.
69 Classic symptoms of hypomania include mild euphoria, a flood of ideas, endless energy,(http:///euphoria.html) and a desire and drive for success.
70 Bhang:also bang, a preparation from the leaves and seed capsules of the cannabis plant, smoked, chewed, eaten, or infused and drunk to obtain mild euphoria.
71 The initial euphoria of German reunification in 1990 gave way to a protracted hangover, as people realized the extent of the economic gap between the two halves of their new country.
72 But, in Vaduz, Solzhenitsyn, a principled conservative, could not join in the West's euphoria.
73 He said the market has been swinging between euphoria and despair on headlines from Europe. That has translated to increased volatility and an overall directionless market.
74 Nitrogen narcosis ( or nitrogen euphoria or raptures of the deep ): Effects of Breathing nitrogen under increased pressure.
75 "I can understand the euphoria after our win over Chelsea but we have always said that we take nothing for granted, " Lee told Liverpoolfc. tv.




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