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单词 Menace
1. United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
2. Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
3. The man's worse than irritating, he's a positive menace!
4. These weapons are a menace .
5. A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.
6. It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
7. Shop owners are struggling to combat the menace of armed robbery.
8. In my view you are a menace to the public.
9. There was menace in his voice.
10. His eyes blazed with menace.
11. He's a menace to society.
12. My little brother's a real menace.
13. You're a menace to my privacy, Kenworthy.
14. The atmosphere was heavy with menace.
15. Dogs running loose are a public menace.
16. He spoke with a hint of menace.
17. A tone of menace entered into the man's voice.
18. The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
19. There was a sense of menace as the sky grew darker.
20. That low beam is a menace! I keep hitting my head on it.
21. He spoke with menace.
22. The big hole outside the house is a menace to children's safety.
23. The communists remain a potential menace to the stability of the government.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.
25. That woman is a menace! Keep her away from this machine!
26. That man's a menace to society . He should be locked away.
27. Throughout the book there is a pervading sense of menace.
28. There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
29. The scar down his face added to his air of menace.
30. "Where do you think you're going?" he said with quiet menace.
1. United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
2. Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
3. The man's worse than irritating, he's a positive menace!
4. A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.
5. It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
6. Shop owners are struggling to combat the menace of armed robbery.
7. In my view you are a menace to the public.
8. He spoke with menace.
9. The big hole outside the house is a menace to children's safety.
31. You can see Jack s strong suit was menace.
32. Despite all the menace, nobody dies.
33. The atmosphere was rank with menace.
34. It created a picture of calm silent menace.
35. The menace was the lashing rattan.
36. There was no menace in their attack.
37. The clear blue eyes glittered with menace.
38. Out of the sky came another really serious menace.
39. The sense of menace was strong.
40. There is menace in the sky.
41. The menace of those long gun barrels was sobering.
42. Is snow an environmental boon or a menace?
43. The menace in that, as everyone knows, is that with system comes rationalisation and loss of vitality.
44. Even then I had a premonition of danger, of menace.
45. But is a $ 50, 000 fine enough punishment for this menace to society?
46. Minnesota's Oak Park Heights Prison cancelled a telemarketing project because of fears that inmates might menace customers.
47. He had learned to live with its many secrets and its brooding sense of menace.
48. He was described as dangerous and depraved and a menace to society.
49. Less so is a creeping and curious menace of players being verbally abused.
50. They would depart in the spring, to avoid the malarial menace of the later seasons.
51. Tuami and his people have escaped from the perceived menace of Neanderthal man, whose humanity they do not recognise.
52. A growing menace in Verdon is the determination of many climbers to lower down a pitch and then be top-roped up it.
53. In a play so charged with realistic menace, such details are unimportant. 2.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
54. His voice was soft but his tone and expression were full of menace.
55. The path between North Skelton and Leyland Bridge is now being shunned because of the menace.
56. There was a faint menace to their coming back, as if the sixties they had missed were about to start now.
57. Legislators recently told the government to make the request because crocodiles have proliferated and are a menace to people near rivers.
58. Drunken drivers are a menace to themselves and other road users.
59. This idea of a perpetually repetitive pattern of events inspired a sense of security from the menace of change and decay.
60. After the war MI5 turned its attention to the growing menace of Bolshevism which the government feared would soon engulf the country.
61. Purists could be utterly ruthless about the menace working-class immorality posed to the middle-class home.
62. It may not be long before more brutal solutions to this modern menace are enacted.
63. The pest controllers however, were confronted with an even bigger menace, in the form of a sealy dinosaur.
64. He was the first to identify drugs as the number one menace to domestic security.
65. The boat's wrap-around windscreens were made of black polarised glass which only added to Dream Baby's ugly air of menace.
66. Now there is less veiled menace in such an invitation.
67. It embraces the pathologically anti-government paranoia that has become the Red Menace of our time.
68. The accusing voice was changing, assuming a different timbre, resonant with menace.
69. A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
70. A larger block, perhaps an altar or sarcophagus, crouched in the centre with a strangely organic air of menace.
71. The real menace is the right shoulder(), which at the top of the backswing adopts a potentially powerful position.
72. There are some corporations, for example, that activists and non-activists everywhere regard as a menace to society.
73. Psychologists believe he could still be a menace to society.
74. Slugs can be a menace in the greenhouse in winter so put down a few slug pellets.
75. What I had come to suspect was that Botham was no longer running in with the same menace and impetus as before.
76. But the menace isn't personal, isn't directed specifically against me.
77. This is a much more predictable menace, however, at least to those in major league baseball.
78. There was a sense of menace as the snow fell heavier and the wind blew rope out across the face.
79. Violence is endemic and Thomson fashions a stylish off-beat thriller which occasionally meanders but is shot through with genuine menace.
80. While the menace may be unstoppable, infection-control doctors are not cowering helplessly.
81. His carefully chosen materials created an air of menace even without the denunciatory graffiti.
82. Walking sticks and umbrellas menace me, wagging fingers harass my sleep.
83. For the yellow menace.was even bigger and more terrible than they knew.
83. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
84. Starvation gave a gaunt menace to their sullen anger - and they were angry, he could not doubt it.
85. He heard himself chuckling, but the sound was rich with contempt and menace.
86. She had tried, but the rehearsals had gradually taken on the menace of trials of endurance.
87. The chippy comic brought real menace to the part of killer builder Larry Harmless.
88. The gathering here was the latest in a long line of intergovernmental efforts to combat the menace.
89. An increasingly vocal group of critics sees a deep menace, for example, in the Internet.
90. There were, however, other predators in the area - the birdwatcher's menace, cats.
91. First, you refused to admit that there was a menace at all!
92. But that same quality can be a menace to children.
93. Although men provide more menace to the basis of a society, it is women who are instructed in how to behave.
94. The smooth tones had the silky menace of an inquisitor intent on a confession.
95. Woodpeckers that menace siding are usually looking for something to eat, he said.
96. Helen Keller might have wanted to drive a car, but she would have been a menace on the freeways.
97. Here, milling around the caviare, dwells all the menace and the glamour of the Unseen World.
98. But is a $ 50, 000 fine enough punishment for this menace to society? On the contrary.
99. Sheer terror in a nightmare can be the result of an unseen, hidden menace - for instance behind a closed door.
100. In their smart uniforms the police have a lethargic menace.
101. A silly old woman would be a menace in a marshalling yard.
102. These sins may be seen to menace lineage identity and solidarity - the paramount Nuer virtues.
103. Without this, a person is completely at the mercy of the dangers that menace from without.
104. The dailies pictured Azusa Street in tones of amusement or menace.
105. A menace from the dead girl hung over her father in this hour of triumph.
106. They only knew that their rivals' movements were now imbued with determination, and with menace.
107. Her manner suddenly changed from friendliness and warmth to one of faint menace.
108. When everything touched upon turns wry, fluffy or romanticized, the menace itself seems trivial.
109. It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
110. From the stoicism of a Bogart, we entered a world where male menace no longer was potential.
111. You can not build a fair system on that stinking swamp of menace and malice and neglect.
112. To the police, the peace marchers were part of the menace.
113. Menace lurks in the huge,(http:///menace.html) north facing cliffs of Ben Nevis.
114. Excessive drinking is a social menace.
115. That low beam is a menace!
116. Hurricanes periodically menace the Gulf Coast.
117. We should stop talking about the menace of fallout.
118. But of menace, the piggy eyes had none.
119. There is a pervading sense of menace.
120. He spoke with menace in his voice.
121. There's a touch of demon in his stealthy menace.
122. " Clean it up, " he said and there was no mistaking the menace in his voice.
123. How could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual, considering the menace of overpopulation?
124. As I have said earlier in this book, bad shoes are a menace.
125. This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace.
126. Unfortunate is, a few more popular IE are patulous also bring the menace that suffers virus and emissary software attack however.
127. Loch Brittle beach, Isle of Skye, UK - With the menace of the Black Cuillin hills behind, it's one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, having lot of scenic beauty.
128. A good beat of the when discovering the son masturbates right on the face that makes a mother especially, menace or satirize all are met caustically leave serious psychological scar.
129. Stanley said, trying to edge some menace into his voice.
130. The hierarchy of an aerial attack target menace evaluation model in air defense system is established using the hierachy analysis method, and the cost weighting coefficient is obtained.
131. It is to neoconservatism's credit that this doctrine is consistent with extant work on how best to respond to the zombie menace.
132. A careless driver is a menace to all road users.
133. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has become increasingly rampant and is now an international menace posing a grave threat to international shipping, maritime trade and security at sea.
134. The whole air of menace was accentuated by the fact that he was so cordial and soft-voiced.
135. He has made a unique contribution to the modern dramatic art with his Comedies of Menace.
136. Menace lurks everywhere , and every agenda hides an ulterior motive.
137. If Dobrynin's pose was designed to heightened y our sense of menace , It'succeeded admirably.
138. While public attention has focused on wind turbines as a menace to birds, a new study shows that a far greater threat may be posed by a more familiar antagonist: the pet house cat.
139. She still says, "If you ask a bank where menace is, they can say for certain is ACH and telegraphic bilk, because this both relies on the data of bank account."
140. Secateurs give you wonderful feeling power; you become menace all you survey.
141. Thousands of battle Droids get ready to march out under the cover of their large landing ships, to invade the planet Naboo in this scene from 'Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.'
142. According to SELF contributor Maryn McKenna, author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, we should at the very least be cautious and aware.
143. The Comintern propagands had inveighed against the Nazi menace for years.
143. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
144. Even when their names spell certain doom—death cap, destroying angels, among them—look-alike mushrooms can create a toxic menace.
145. Two is the wedding that the emperor is worried that her grandpa will pass her consociation some influences in dynasty send menace to emperor's right.
146. The Roughnecks are holding the line against a spacefaring alien-insect menace intent on destroying Earth.
147. Recall that at the start of the new millennium, a consensus existed among China-watchers that the Red Menace was as much of a mare's-nest as the Yellow Peril.
148. As the moisture content over standard in sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) gas-insulated apparatus will menace the operation of apparatus and grid, it should be measured accurately and controlled strictly.
149. Safety precautions of network should be contrapose all kinds of menace, then can insure the confidentiality, integrality, usability of the network information.
150. The spread of the disaster caused by longicorn beetle has not only endangered forestry, but also become a menace to the Yellow River agriculture which largely depends on ecological environment.
151. The construction of the nuclear power station is a real menace.
152. What were an answer befitting the hostile message and menace.
153. He believes that anxiety has not concrete object, for its object is the fontal menace, which is " nihility ", which is the religion anxiety, which comes from"original sin".
154. Secateurs give you a wonderful feeling of power; and you become menace to all you survey.
155. a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of illegal drugs.
156. The concrete types of defect expression are the hold intendment , veiled expression, error, fraud, menace five types.
157. We once thought of China as the "yellow peril" and then the "red menace."
158. If they make a movie of the scene, perhaps Jack Nicholson could capture the glowering menace and dark comedy of some of the older Mr Murdoch's lines, but few others.
159. Both the exterior net & Intranet are facing the menace of safety.
160. Russia is now resurgent, and the West sees a new menace in all Putin's movements: the way he mocks the U.S. and Europe abroad and strangles democracy at home.
161. We can only wonder what might have induced the artist to place this young woman against a backdrop of subaquatic menace, of ancient meandering rivers and treacherous precipices.
162. Sofia Coppola , daughter of famed director, Francis Ford Coppola, played Sach é in The Phantom Menace.
163. Secateurs give you a wonderful feeling of power; and you becoming menace to all you survey.
164. But scenic and area near city has also a series of urbanized menace, seriously comminuti.
165. A toddler who was a menace in a shop full of crystal.
166. British playwright whose works, including The Dumbwaiter ( 1957 ) and Birthday Party ( 1958 ), create an atmosphere of menace.
167. Then, after scornfully bumping a crest, she would slide, and race, and splash down a long incline and arrive bobbing and nodding in front of the next menace.
168. And the man does not look unhealthily , had become menace their healthy very main factor.
169. With the development of missile defense system, the penetration of ballistic missile will faces with a greater menace, and the midcourse of ballistic missile is the focus of countermine.




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