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单词 infomediary
释义  in·fo·me·di·a·ry /ˌɪnfəʊˈmiːdiəri $ ˌɪnfoʊˈmiːdieri/ noun (plural infomediaries) [countable]  a company that collects information from people about the type of products they buy, how often they buy a product etc, and pays them for this information. It then sells the information to other companies, but does not pass on private details such as someone’s name or address etc. 信息中介公司〔付钱向消费者收集有关他们购买的产品种类、购买次数等资料,然后把这些资料卖给其他公司〕From Longman Business Dictionaryinfomediaryin‧fo‧me‧di‧a‧ry /ˌɪnfaʊˈmiːdiəri-foʊˈmiːdieri/ noun [countable] a website that gathers and provides information for businesses and customersan infomediary that connects buyers and sellers through its online sitein·fo·me·di·a·ry nounChineseSyllable  about from company collects people information Business that a




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