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单词 Raid
1. The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid.
2. Five civilians died in the raid.
3. Our raid took the enemy by surprise.
4. It sounds like an air raid siren.
5. A security guard was killed in the bank raid.
6. His son had been taken captive during the raid.
7. They were going to raid Warsaw the next day.
8. In an air raid last night the enemy aircraft bombed the city.
9. The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
10. In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.
11. In the latest raid, thieves used his van to ram a police car.
12. The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.
13. Hundreds of civilians were massacred in the raid.
14. The weapon used in the raid was a replica.
15. Our house was blown up in an air raid.
16. The raid was a brilliant success.
17. The town was blacked out during an air raid.
18. Police are investigating a raid on a secure compound.
19. Peter went into the kitchen to raid the fridge.
20. Enemy planes dropped over 200 bombs during the raid.
21. The family was killed in an air raid.
22. Two schools were hit during the air raid.
23. He led his men on a cross-border raid.
24. The raid was an unjustifiable act of aggression.
25. The aircraft suffered seven hits in the raid.
26. The commandos made/staged/carried out a daring raid .
27. Police made a lightning raid on the house.
28. Police staged an early morning raid on the premises.
29. Pilots were debriefed on the bombing raid.
30. It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that.
1. The bank robbers wore masks throughout the raid.
2. Five civilians died in the raid.
3. Our raid took the enemy by surprise.
4. It sounds like an air raid siren.
5. His son had been taken captive during the raid.
6. They were going to raid Warsaw the next day.
7. In an air raid last night the enemy aircraft bombed the city.
8. The colonel led a successful raid against a rebel base.
9. In the raid, police found several boxes of obscene videotapes.
10. It would certainly be within his power to authorize a police raid like that.
11. In the latest raid, thieves used his van to ram a police car.
12. The kids tend to raid the fridge when they get home from school.
13. Our house was blown up in an air raid.
14. The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.
15. The robbers used a sawn - off shotgun in the raid.
16. On 2 April 1916 air - raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
17. There was a raid on a bank by armed mobs yesterday.
18. The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a fascist air raid.
19. We had a few near misses in the first raid.
31. The village was obliterated in the bombing raid.
32. They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases.
33. The hostages were freed in the commando raid.
34. They were arrested during a dawn raid.
35. The success of the raid depended on split-second timing.
36. They were arrested early this morning after a raid on a house by thirty armed police.
37. He was injured during a police raid on his nightclub.
38. She was shot during an armed raid on a security van.
39. One man was arrested during the raid and another during a follow-up operation.
40. The town was razed to the ground in the bombing raid - not a building was left standing.
41. Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday.
42. Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid.
43. A large quantity of drugs was seized during the raid.
44. The robbers used a sawn - off shotgun in the raid.
45. The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.
46. He was shot down during a bombing raid over London.
47. Millions of dollars were stolen in a bank raid last night.
48. One of the major aims of the air raid was the complete demolition of all means of communications by bombing.
49. The man was shot dead by the police during a raid on his house.
50. The air force of our enemy regrouped for making a new air raid.
51. The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.
52. The police said a good twenty kilos of explosive were found during the raid.
53. On 2 April 1916 air - raid warnings sounded throughout Edinburgh.
54. Three men were arrested after police were tipped off about the raid.
55. The government denied that there had been any collateral damage during the bombing raid.
56. Ammunition was seized during a dawn raid on the flat.
56. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
57. One plane, a marine F18, was lost in the raid.
58. When the air raid siren went off people ran to their shelters.
59. Police say money and jewellery were taken in the raid.
60. There was a raid on a bank by armed mobs yesterday.
61. During their raid on the house, the police found a lot of drugs.
62. The little girl fell victim to a bomb in a fascist air raid.
63. They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV.
64. The two were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire during a police raid.
65. We had a few near misses in the first raid.
66. There were 15 minutes between the first air raid alert and the sounding of the all-clear signal.
67. She made her way to the kitchen to raid the fridge.
68. A police raid would imperil the lives of the hostages.
69. Two customers have foiled a smash-and-grab raid on a local shop.
70. The army's Chief of Staff had personally ordered the raid.
71. The drugs were found during a police raid on the house.
72. Four people were arrested during a raid on a house in London.
73. He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately.
74. The raid was foiled, but at a cost: an injured officer who was lucky to escape with his life.
75. The raid itself was an unmitigated disaster.
76. Now the whole point of this raid is speed.
77. Shop raid: Burglars raided a Stokesley clothes shop.
78. The raid was purely retaliatory.
79. The police would raid our flats.
80. These apparently doubled as personal air raid shelters.
81. The drug raid was led by top officers.
82. He led a commando raid in the desert.
83. Lampard would not raid without reconnoitring the target first.
84. But before that they used to raid.
85. Within twelve hours a retaliatory raid began.
86. The court rules that the raid had been unlawful.
87. Police had given chase after foiling an attempted ram raid in Marlborough.
88. The plaintiffs can not raid the $ 4. 3 million invested in his pension funds.
89. They were on the dashboard of his getaway van, which he crashed after the £2,000 raid in Leigh-on-Sea[/raid.html], Essex.
90. They took my furniture. Official complaint after police raid on a flat.
91. The way this raid was organised, the commando landing, and street battles make this a classic of fighting raids.
92. The success of their final run depended on a diversionary air raid.
93. Just after von Mansdorf told General Schaefer about the raid on Barce.
94. Theuderic, meanwhile, mounted a punitive raid against the Auvergne - ostentatiously avoiding the Burgundian campaign.
95. The van was probably going to be used in a ram raid.
96. A police team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the bank.
97. The boy had just started work when a raid took place at the newsagents where he worked.
98. Work, rest and steal SWEET-TOOTHED thieves made off with 230,000 Mars Bars in a cheeky raid on the world-famous chocolate factory.
99. In 1916, a special committee produced its recommendations for the precautions to be taken in the event of an air raid.
100. Churchill was informed of this order within an hour, and watched the raid from the Air Ministry roof.
101. From then we spent many nights in the air raid shelter.
102. Two men threw bottles and other material at police cars which chased them after a raid at a chemist shop in Tarporley.
103. On a raid over Essen the aircraft was blown to bits.
104. Guns at dawn: Police raid caravan site after post office robbery.
105. Rubbish raid: Thieves broke into a rubbish dump near Ripon.
106. In the first instance, he was saved by the fortuitous destruction of his papers in an Allied bombing raid.
107. After the raid the walls were smeared with blood, and about 35 people were being detained in hospital.
108. House raid: Intruders forced a window at the front of a house in Ripon.
109. Suddenly the sharp, heavy squall of the air raid siren lashed the silence between them.
110. Burglars smashed in the steel shutters and even dug a tunnel under the building in an attempted raid.
111. Sadie would raid the bins for scraps when she could - perhaps her diet of rabbits needed to be supplemented.
112. What could be more romantic than playing cards by torchlight in a raid?
113. Though he's proud of his adopted country, he's angry that the Foreign Secretary has defended the raid.
114. She was working as a petrol station cashier when armed robbers threatened her with a knife during a raid.
115. They drove off in a grey transit van which was found abandoned soon after the raid.
116. The raid was an illegal act,[/raid.html] without any authorisation by the United Nations.
117. The raid took 10 weeks to plan after complaints to local beat officers.
118. It's not the first time Birdland has been hit by thieves, last year parrots were stolen in a similar raid.
119. Moreover, the gold market's lengthy depression has made it particularly susceptible to a bull raid.
120. The numbers to be employed in the raid provided something of a problem.
121. At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar.
122. The raid had been anticipated for months following a tip-off to the Metropolitan police.
123. Military officials gave a few broad statements about the bombing raid.
124. Within hours of the raid the boy was reunited with his father at Andrews air force base just outside Washington.
125. The old enemies become friends again as they organise the meeting to discuss the raid.
126. But remember - raid your savings now and Santa won't pick up the bill.
127. Police cars chased two men after a raid at a chemist shop in Tarporley on Saturday.
128. They must have spotted your surveillance team and shifted everything out in advance of the raid.
129. But my favorite has to be the Animal Liberation Front dorks who staged a daring raid on a mink farm.
130. Time allowed 00:15 Read in studio Police have staged an early morning raid in a bid to crack a stolen car racket.
131. Gunfire and the occasional grenade explosions accompany raid after raid on jewellery shops.
132. The police accused the woman of planning a huge armed bank raid in Scotland.
133. The raid, one of the most daring crimes of the century, was masterminded by Italian playboy, Giovanni Cattani.
134. Four semi-automatic pistols were also seized in one raid at Ongar, Essex. Armed police found 21,000 ecstasy tablets.
135. Magistrates are also reported to want to reconstruct the raid using volunteers to act out the roles.
136. Much of the £25,000 of equipment taken in the raid was recovered from the stolen car.
137. Perhaps the biggest reason was the de facto revenue raid on the treasuries of other governmental entities the project would entail.
138. Members of the Rifle and Pistol Club fear a public backlash against their sport after a recent armed raid in the village.
139. Read in studio Police have released a photofit of a man they believe carried out an armed raid on an estate agents.
140. The smooth-talking Noye was given a 14-year sentence for laundering cash from the Brinks-Mat raid.
141. His operational flying looked as promising as his civilian flying had, until he went on a night bombing raid over Constantinople.
142. A group had decided to write about a bombing raid.
143. Not long afterwards the Dams Raid took place, and this did hit the headlines and captured the imagination of the public.
144. Major's partner in crime was later stabbed to death during another raid.
145. Foiled raid: Burglars tried to force their way into a house in Northallerton.
146. The expedition acquired the character of a vast plundering raid.
146. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
147. The last-minute change saved his life: 61 Squadron's aircraft was lost on the raid.
148. People dived aside as undercover cops ambushed a planned post office raid.
149. The 11-year-old tearaway, who has netted £150,000 in the past two years, was nicked after a pub raid.
150. The crack troops' annual knees-up became so rowdy, police were forced to raid it.
151. They also recovered some stolen ammunition during a dawn raid on this flat in Notting Hill.
152. Dawson felt as if he were the advance party for a dawn raid.
153. Seven people were injured in last night's police raid on a house in Brixton, South London.
154. Goblin wolf riders raid and pillage far afield, while outriders scour the surrounding countryside for any sign of enemy armies.
155. We will legislate to ensure that the Maxwells, Hansons and Lucases can not raid our occupational pension funds.
156. Gerald Bellamy recalls a rather macabre incident following this raid.
157. Air raid wardens patrolled the streets to make sure no lights were showing in houses.
158. Tony was humming to himself as he drove along but Freddie sat silent, sulking over the raid that never was.
159. People dived aside as undercover cops ambushed a post office raid.
160. Read in studio Five men have been arrested in a dawn raid on a caravan site.
161. The police had dropped any action, following their March 1967 raid, by June.
162. Male speaker We're bound to consider that it was to be used in a ram raid offence.
163. It was Morgan's handling of the attempted bank raid a few days earlier in Cardiff which turned the trick.
164. Communications were no doubt temporarily dislocated: our jam-packed train had been halted during the night owing to an air raid in the region.
165. Also she's supernumerary to the raid on the Xerxian attack ship.
166. So, fifty years after the Athenian raid on Sardis(), the great Persian War ended in a compromise.
167. They were all discovered in a raid on a single house.
168. The case was adjourned for reports Hens raid: Thieves raided a hen house in Ripon.
169. A dawn raid by about 200 heavily armed law officers bagged more than 30 members and associates of the white-supremacist prison gang.
170. In 1985 several of Zero School's students were killed in an air raid.
171. He suggested to Auchinleck that he raid Bouerat and destroy any shipping and port facilities.
172. Shop raid: Thieves broke into a takeaway food shop in Northallerton.
173. Both owners will be represented when Bolger mounts a strong raid on Newmarket this week.
174. Magistrates are working their way through questioning all the officers who participated in the raid, beginning with the 13 commanders.
175. He was on his second initiation raid when Geronimo was captured and it all came to a screeching halt.
176. Occasionally, a bombing raid or a battle does something to reduce the mass, but such incidents are hardly significant.
176. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
177. Seven pistols were discovered under a bed in a dawn raid on a flat.
178. As a teenager, he was involved in a raid against a village of Omaha Indians.
179. It reminded me of the London tubes during an air raid.
180. Matthew Chieke was one of those charged with the bank raid, but that case never came to court.
181. A subsidiary raid would be carried out on Bagoush airfield to create as much of a diversion as possible.
182. Village halls across the country become display areas for gas masks, air raid shelters and bomb disposal demonstrations.
183. This was as well, for even a single light raid would have reduced the flimsy huts to matchwood.
184. Lampard was not surprised; on his first raid he himself had dozed off while the enemy barbed-wire was being cut.
185. Garage raid: A computer and a portable cassette player worth £180 were stolen from a garage in Northallerton.
186. An armed raid on a hospital was bound to cause an international outcry, particularly if we came out empty-handed.
187. Sixty people are thought to have been killed in the raid on the village just west of the capital.
188. The raid led to the seizure of 25 kilograms of pure heroin.
189. A strict blackout was imposed in Pyongyang, and the populace was crowded into underground shelters as air raid sirens wailed.
190. As alchemist and visionary, Willner is unique among those who raid the past.
191. There were several air raid warnings in late July but little damage.
192. He had been to Khenj, a village ten miles down the valley, to treat the survivors of a bombing raid.
193. Would your children rather clean their rooms than raid the refrigerator for a snack?
194. He would make that clear, or else he would have no part in the raid.
195. Later, they forced the Xiongnu north of the desert although the latter continued to raid farther south.
196. House raid: Detectives are investigating the theft of a video recorder from a house in Millpool Close, Hartlepool.
197. Investigators raid a house looking for missing gold coins and platinum bars.
198. He never discussed the failed raid; and no-one else dared to, either.
199. Mr Virdi was suspended in April 1998 after a raid at his house near Heathrow.
200. The officer, who carried on to arrest a man suspected of an attempted bank raid, was in hospital yesterday.
201. Harvard Securities organised a surprise raid on the premises of Tudorbury's new sharedealing floor shortly after its inception.
202. Hayes, who drew a knife during the raid bid in Lewisham, South London, had nine O-levels.
203. In the latest raid, customers and staff were held at gunpoint in the Ballyholme branch of the Northern Bank on Wednesday.
204. Jeanne requested an armed raid on the building to rescue the woman, but the group leader wouldn't hear of it.
205. It looks at some appalling racial attacks, including a skinhead raid last June on a Gypsy camp near Naples.
206. Police have released a photo of a man they believe carried out a raid on a supermarket.
206. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
207. Any raid or rescue operation would endanger the lives of the hostages.
208. They raid research labs and let out the animals, that sort of thing.
209. Every so often, the police would raid a house or bar, but who was arrested?
210. Then the anti-aircraft guns opened up, firing into the air against an imagined air raid.
211. Drugs raid ... police seize ecstacy tablets in run up to warehouse party.
212. There was the heaviest raid so far, lasting four hours.
213. I howl with the blaring of the air raid sirens.
214. On Oct. 2, Anderson was one of nearly two dozen alleged gang members arrested during an early morning raid.
215. Almost his first action was a post-election dawn raid in July 1983 on departmental budgets.
216. On his third raid Fielding wore a sock over his head.
217. Her left elbow was still stiff since her injury in the air raid and she failed a medical for heavier work.
218. They were finally defeated in a lightning raid on Grozny by Chechen fighters last August.
219. Detectives managed to catch the gunman who had taken three hostages in a raid on a jeweller's shop.
220. Then a raid by about 200 riot police ended her nine-day protest.
221. In the original battle plans, which were to be strictly adhered to, ten minutes were allocated for the raid.
222. The armed raid in Gloucester was the second in the county.
223. In point of physical damage inflicted, it was true enough that the raid did not accomplish a great deal.
224. Food was so scarce in Derbyshire that the apprentices had to raid dustbins.
225. Read in studio A man has foiled a raid at his local filling station despite being threatened with a hammer.
226. The £1,000 worth of gifts were part of the loot taken in a raid on a courier depot at Leicester.
227. A week ago the robbers were captured on film during another raid.
228. In fact, a police raid on ffeatherstonehaugh's would lead to a great deal of embarrassment.
229. This time it was the Leeds building society, again in Oxford, again it was an armed raid.
230. Like looters after a big raid who tried to steal the mangled possessions of shattered houses.
231. Armagh's injury worries cast a cloud over their preparations and Fermanagh could mount a smash and grab raid this time.
232. Police seized 30,000 bootleg tapes in a raid last night in Brooklyn.
233. Fisher earned $50 million in a successful raid on Emhart Corp.
234. Early morning swoop ... police raid a house in Kirkdale today.
235. They simply made a raid on the first restaurant they came to and gave the proprietor fits.
236. One afternoon, after an air raid,[http:///raid.html] one of the students asked me if I knew why the planes came.
237. Smaller birds that prey on insect pests also raid fruit crops, which must be netted.
238. In the latest raid, a shop assistant was stabbed as thieves escaped with jewellery worth more than ten thousand pounds.
239. Equipment was possibly used to trigger air raid sirens during the Second World War.
240. They also left thousands of pounds worth of computer equipment which they had stolen in the raid on the Coulby Newham surgery.
241. A key issue will be whether commanders consulted the prefect, Arnaldo La Barbera, before the raid.
242. An organized raid could clean up in that room, right down to the rubies and diamonds in their noses.
243. They were seized in a police raid on his home.
244. During grammar school, I faint every time we have an air raid drill.
245. Richard Duriez from oxford is charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage following that raid.
246. Voice over Since the raid police have put extra locks on Mr Goodyear's home.
247. Now police have seized 3,000 forged lapel tickets in a raid on this Birmingham pub and a number of houses.
248. They planned a surprise, early-morning raid on the naval base.
249. The raid devastated Hitler's strategically vital industrial zone in the Ruhr by breaching the Eder and Molne dams.
250. A raid on the adjoining rugby club meant that the phone lines at the University ground were cut for a day.
251. Later more obscene material was seized in a police raid on his home.
252. Stirling, typically, was not content with just a small raid to prove the potential of his decimated force.
253. The hungry children made a raid on the pantry.
254. This is a solution where several physical hard disks (two or more) are governed by a unit called RAID controller, which turns them into a single, cohesive data storage block.
255. This photograph by Adnan Hajj, a Lebanese photographer, showed thick black smoke rising above buildings in the Lebanese capital after an Israeli air raid.
256. His reign is also notable for the defeat of a great Bengali raid.
257. Police detained five alleged drug cartel gunmen in the raid.
258. The president was absolutely right in ordering the bombing raid.
259. The model of RAID channel adapter de-scribed by VHDL is put forward.
260. The police demolished the illegal gambling den during a raid.
261. Since the Navy SEAL team entered the country without any advance consultation with Pakistani officials, the successful raid was a considerable embarrassment to Pakistan's security establishment.
262. As to the police raid against the Aksu terror gang, competent authorities have already released information.
263. The three are suspected of stealing the ruby along with diamonds and and other gems recovered in the raid from a German jewelry dealer in Milan, Italy in August.
264. The murder weapon was part of a haul stolen in a raid on a South African air-force arsenal in 1990.
265. Under the contract, Raytheon of Waltham, Mass., will deliver 16 Rapid Aerostat Initial Deployment (RAID) tower systems, which can be operated remotely, to the Army.
266. Air raid wardens in tin hats self - importantly stalked the streets.
267. Dinka tribesmen briefly abducted Jande, her family and more than a dozen other women and children in a raid last month that destroyed crops and food stores and killed five men from her Mundari tribe.
268. He was the second-in-command to Osama Bin Laden, who was killed in an American raid in Pakistan last month.
269. RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, groups many disk drivers in a storage unit to perform parallel data transfer and offer fault-tolerant.
270. On Monday several hundred students in Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, protested the Turkish raid.
271. He had sprung into fame as the leader of the raid.
272. Israeli warplanes launched a raid into Gaza Strip on Monday, killing two.
273. On Windows NT, the disk queue length is the best indicator of I/O saturation, and it should be less than the number of disks in the data RAID set minus one.
274. Police detained five illegal ( alleged ) cartel gunmen in the raid.
275. But he a raid tonight on that shantytown where Mrs. Kennedy got into trouble this afternoon.
276. At first the all -day-and-night tone sounded something like an air - raid siren.
277. In this paper, some major problems, such as RAID architecture, disk array controller, which need to be solved on theory and engineering has been discussed in detail.
278. All the air raid warnings , without exception , had been false alarm.
279. Face financial storm to raid, the property that these plute look at him helplessly is much " evaporate " .
280. 1969 - Black Panther members Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are shot and killed in their sleep during a raid by 14 Chicago police officers.
281. Numerous other traditional and nontraditional RAID schemes exist: See the links in Resources for details.
282. Non - native animals like rats,[Sentencedict] cats and mongooses kill flightless birds and raid nests.
283. Brahim says five Mauritanian soldiers were wounded and two killed during the raid.
284. The next morning the green beads were pictured in the Daily Newspaper with a paragraph on how lucky they had proved in 6)foiling a raid at the jewellers.
285. The major aim of the air raid was the complete destruction of all means of communications by bombing.
286. Tensions spilled over on 8 August when the army tried to raid the home of Kokang leader Peng Jiashen, also known as Phon Kyar Shin, saying they were looking for drugs.
287. The Israel Defence Forces said the air raid was aimed at disrupting the shipment of weapons to Hizbollah guerrillas from Syria and Iran.
288. The mail databases were spread across five IBM FAStT 600 arrays, also RAID 0. Network access was through a single 1 GB Ethernet adapter running in full duplex mode.
289. On iSeries in particular, disk RAID and mirroring can be used by Linux partitions without needing any processor cycles from the Linux processor allocation -- i5/OS helps transparently.




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