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单词 Identical
1. Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk.
2. I've got three identical blue suits.
3. The handwriting on both cheques is identical.
4. This is the identical room we stayed in last year.
5. We are identical in our views of what should be done.
6. His fingerprints were identical with those left on the door.
7. Their twins are virtually identical.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. They churn out 000 identical toy trains every day.
9. The two rooms were virtually identical.
10. She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
11. Her dress is almost identical to mine.
12. The two pictures are similar, although not identical.
13. These two designs are almost identical.
14. At first glance the twins look identical.
15. The two systems are, in effect, identical.
16. The documents were identical in almost every particular.
17. All three methods yielded identical results.
18. The sisters were identical in appearance and character.
19. My opinion is identical with his.
20. The two designs were practically identical.
21. The ingredients are identical with those of competing products.
22. In effect, the two systems are identical.
23. The measurements of both rooms were identical.
24. The two houses were more or less identical.
25. This picture is identical to one my mother has.
26. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
27. Hospitals always seem such impersonal places - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.
28. Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical.
29. A coral reef is built by the accretion of tiny, identical organisms.
30. We flew over the city with its serried ranks of identical grey houses.
1. Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost identical to breast milk.
2. I've got three identical blue suits.
3. We are identical in our views of what should be done.
4. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
5. His fingerprints were identical with those left on the door.
6. Hospitals always seem such impersonal places - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.
7. Different spreadsheet packages tend to be similar, though not necessarily identical.
7. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
8. She wore the identical dress on both occasions.
9. They churn out 3 000 identical toy trains every day.
10. These are identical prints made from a wood - block.
11. This is the identical knife with which the murder was committed.
31. They churn out 3 000 identical toy trains every day.
32. The words 'elevator' and 'lift' are different in form but identical in meaning.
33. These are identical prints made from a wood - block.
34. It's not entirely implausible that a galaxy could be identical to our own.
35. Your biochemistry is almost identical to that of your cat.
36. This knife is identical to the one used in the attack.
37. The interests of both parties may not be identical, but they do overlap considerably.
37. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
38. This is the identical knife with which the murder was committed.
39. Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg which then splits into two.
40. The two things were never identical, but never separable from each other.
41. The two parties fought the last election on almost identical manifestos.
42. The number on the card should be identical with the one on the cheque book.
43. Their clothes are identical.
44. The two items are, to all intents and purposes, identical.
45. The influence of heredity is best studied in genetically identical twins.
46. This is the identical hotel that we stayed in last year.
47. They're wearing identical clothes.
48. She had shut out two of her first four Wimbledon opponents by identical 6-0, 6-0 scores.
49. The tests are identical to those carried out last year.
50. Three identical aprons hung on a crooked coatstand.
51. Both peptides have essentially identical biological activities.
52. Just like your language instructor, they can detect the slight differences between certain speech sounds that adults will insist are identical.
53. His older sister had died at the age of 6 months after an identical clinical course.
54. A graduation ceremony is an event where the commencement speaker tells thousands of students dressed in identical caps and gowns that 'individuality' is the key to success. Robert Orben 
55. It was not unlikely that they were closely linked, or even identical, with the forces of gravity and of electromagnetism.
56. If the two treaties have identical parties the subsequent treaty is regarded as amending the earlier.
57. Guthrie has argued for an Orphic-Pythagorean identity, contending that they contain ideas identical to Orphic teachings.
58. Their known, nearly identical faces, slid by in a wave of tawdry dinner jackets, sequinned old lace.
59. It treated primary and secondary tobacco smoke as identical though the latter is clearly diluted by contact with the surrounding environment.
60. When Masada was excavated in the 1960s, certain documents were found identical to those discovered in the Essene community at Qumran.
61. Fed on different diets, two identical twins will grow to different heights.
62. A search through their genes reveals a set almost identical to those that help make the wing of a fruit fly.
63. That is because commercial grapevines are propagated from cuttings and are genetically identical clones.
64. The local government reforms following 1888 established new authorities with a franchise almost identical with the municipal boroughs.
65. If the two filters are set at identical angles, then the two photons always behave identically.
66. Driesch and the early Spemann created clones merely by splitting very young embryos, to give identical twins or quads.
67. Each experimental data point in Figures 1 and 2 is the average of three experiments in three identical model biles.
68. Yet the scholarly energy which reinvigorated abstract concepts of political function was identical with that which satirized them.
69. If information arrived at a constant rate in calendar time, the approaches using calendar time and event time would be identical.
70. This has important consequences for the discussion of identical particles.
71. Both the counterfoil and the voting slip have identical numbers printed on them similar to a cloakroom or raffle tickets.
72. However for AEs the figures were virtually identical with those of standard entrants. 2% more SEs gained good degrees than NSEs.
73. An identical opposition coalition had backed the victorious Rengo-no-kai candidate in the Nara prefecture by-election on Feb. 9.
74. McVeigh was condemned to death after his conviction on identical charges in June.
75. The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
76. If you make a copy of a file, the copy is identical in every way, except in name.
77. The ratios generated by the capture-recapture method display a remarkable similarity and identical ranking to those obtained by the first two methods.
78. Another company had offered an identical amount; to the group - there was little to choose between them.
79. It did not produce new concepts or frameworks, although it did prevent unneeded competition among essentially identical approaches bearing different names.
80. Residues identical in at least three out of the four sequences are boxed.
81. This design allows the comparison of the behaviour of the two regions under identical experimental conditions.
82. Elinor read the cards from two identical large vases of lilies which took up all the space on the dressing table.
83. Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical, contain deadly poisons.
84. Dusky seaside DNA is, as far as can be seen, identical to that of other, commonplace, sparrows nearby.
85. Since they are not identical, this unexpected result suggests that citations by others occur before the majority of self-citations.
86. In almost identical terms, constituency parties in the province and Britain have stepped up the pressure for a decisive Government move.
87. The poor growers A and B showed almost identical increase.
88. Suppose in the long run the industry can build more identical factories.
89. It is hard to imagine two ethnically identical and adjoining societies so dissimilar in style and philosophy.
90. Kostomarov expressed an almost identical antipathy to the state in his inaugural lecture of November 1859.
91. The three sit silent for a moment, hands clasped in identical attitudes, staring at the table.
92. However, it was necessary to renew the roof covering of clay plain tiles with identical material.
93. Both had skinhead haircuts and both wore identical grey tracksuits that hugged their large beer bellies.
94. They were identical, skinhead clones with square faces and frightening brutish expressions.
95. This week, believe it or not, another, almost identical saga began.
96. The coverage of these chapters is essentially identical to the general instrumental analysis texts listed at the back of the chapters.
97. The rented villa was identical to a dozen others lining the cul-de-sac.
97. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
98. Paradigmatically, a semantic affinity between two grammatically identical words is the greater the more congruent their patterns of syntagmatic normality.
99. Traditional housing authorities still offer an identical apartment in a cluster of identical high rises.
100. Identical boards can also be produced this way in small batch quantities using the same artwork.
101. It is only by confusing them that Atkins can hold that mathematics and physical reality are identical.
102. By and large black athletes receive identical treatment to everyone else.
103. The mechanism of the Ewbank carpet sweeper is identical to today's model.
104. Last year Vasco da Gama and Olaria took the field for a match wearing identical strips.
105. Detectives found envelopes identical to those used to post the letters.
106. Unless Labour develops its policies the next election will be a battle between two parties with virtually identical economic policies.
107. But this study has, for the first time, clearly demonstrated a genetic difference between concordant and discordant identical twins.
108. All over the allotments identical columns of light were rising.
109. The nature of both universal and human expression is identical, the universal being mirrored in the human entity.
110. Such trees would do their offspring no favors by having identical young, on whom the well-adapted insects would immediately descend.
111. Apart from the successive deletion of correct words from the input, the lattices are identical.
112. Through a scattering of gray adobe houses, all identical, I would go to the house fronted with mulberry trees.
113. By now the cross-country vehicle had disgorged its complement of heavyweight occupants, also dressed in identical blue suits.
114. An almost identical necklace appears in Poynter's watercolour Helen, painted in 1887.
115. You will need two identical drinking glasses ice cubes salt First you need to crush the ice cubes.
116. About four days later a similar child was admitted with identical symptoms of croup.
117. Physically they were almost identical, but psychologically they were worlds apart.
118. Arrange the colour changes so that each identical pair of rows is knitted with the same colour.
119. Twin wire paper which has an identical smooth finish on both sides.
120. It was identical to the one thrust into my hand in the alleyway.
121. Finally, for a group of homogeneous but not identical items, the expected value of the entire group can be used.
122. Identical agents did not arrive with perfect rationality at shared, logical conclusions or expectations.
123. If further size analysis is to be undertaken the best procedure is to use two identical sub-samples.
124. Another almost identical box, with attached headphones, was moved over the ground and a continual tone was emitted.
125. Bath worked an almost identical move from a scrum near the end of the match.
126. Even when environmental factors were controlled by studying identical twins reared apart, the concordance rate remained the same.
127. These results confirm that transcripts of genes not implicated in deletion attained identical steady-state levels in the two strains.
127. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
128. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open. J. K. Rowling 
129. Cascaded identical sections that meet this criterion are all identically loaded and, therefore, behave identically.
130. That means that the two quakes released identical amounts of energy.
131. Apparently during a meeting, there were two drawings for two identical chassis with different bodies.
132. Moreover, mortality and reinfarction rates were similar and left-ventricular ejection fractions at 1 month were virtually identical.
133. The engine block and alloy cylinder head is shared with the 1.4-litre Energy engine so the bore is identical.
134. The fifteen girls across the bar turned their eyes on him with identical expressions of bland, fathomless contempt.
135. Societies that treat their constituent members as identical pawns soon run into trouble.
136. These two dresses are identical in every way , except for the price tag.
137. She repeated the exercise several times until she got two identical measurements and then the customer went home(), satisfied and cured.
138. Pollen was an almost identical diet and it still remains a most important prize.
139. But while axeheads from different societies may perform widely differing social functions, the axeheads themselves may be almost identical.
140. He purified the broth until he had a perfectly homogenized pool of identical creatures.
141. It has a bone handle and three blades, almost identical to the one my daddy used to carry.
142. This register is not identical to the electoral register and includes foreigners resident in this country and others not entitled to vote.
143. The questions on both forms are broadly identical to those contained on the more traditional preliminary enquiry forms.
144. If an employee refuses the offer of another identical job he loses redundancy entitlement.
145. On the other side was another dust bowl identical to the last.
146. Our approaches were from very different angles in time and geography but almost identical in impression.
147. Those identical findings reveal that the drainage of tear and diluted Gentian Violet are facilitated by inspiration rather than by expiration.
148. High-class technology, well-content service, in pursuit of the identical value with customers, Annamo will be your most creditable cooperation associate.
149. The polygenesis cultures of Western Hunan permeate each other among the nationalities of Tujia, Miao, Dong and so on , which produces the identical trend of the ethical elements to a certain extent.
150. Notes 1 . Please write clearly . 2. All data given should be identical with your documents.
151. They should be identical; otherwise, you have a programming error.
152. Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.
153. The specificity immunity has the specificity, can resist the identical kind of microorganism the superinfection, cannot inherit.
154. The interval of the time lag is identical of each lane controlled and when the input is a random sign, we can adopt quadratic function of optimum control and separation theorem.
155. However, no particular form is required, and the entry for port name simply needs to be identical to the SVCENAME parameter.
156. The singular position of similar platform 3UPU reached by algebraical method is identical to the position of general 3UPU analysized by vector method.
157. Men with a lot of negative affectivity often express this in the form of anxiety or anger, but otherwise the characteristics are identical between the sexes.
157. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
158. This paper considers a two identical components paralleled repairable system with inspection cycle.
159. Measuring data , specified data, simulation and digital output are identical.
160. From this perspective male and female genitals are not essentially different in kind but merely located in different places, one inside and one outside, each possessing identical elements.
161. The ability of maltose fermentation in polyhybrids (trihybrids and tetra-hybrids) is almost identical with their dihybrids.
162. Since the returned value is identical to the value of the "name" attribute, the only advantage of this query element is to validate the user ID.
163. Or is it just a modern factory that turns out standardized products year after year, which Bear different serial numbers But perform identical functions?
164. In English some confusable figures of speech appear identical in structure but slightly or radically different in their pragmatic function.
165. When given to ferrets, it produces a disease whose symptoms are all but identical to the Iowan pig virus.
166. Now consider the case of a half-cycle shift A between the identical functions.
167. Special Mount: The antipaladin's special mount is identical to the paladin's special mount, except that it is a crossbreed of mundane steed and nightmare and is utterly evil.
168. The case that one of the two entangled identical two-level atoms interacts with a single-mode field among three-body entanglement was mainly considered.
169. It would be identical to diving into a pool of 40-degree water naked, even at the warmest time of year.
170. In the logo, Obama wears the identical apron and bowtie as those of Colonel Sander's.
171. The panel expects the core personal consumption expenditures deflator to rise 1.5 percent in 2010, following an identical gain in 2009.
172. Because cause swimmy reason to differ, go up in cure also each are not identical.
173. Architecturally it is oppressively dull. Each of the fifty-four towns are built according to an identical plan.
174. Comparing an unmarried man with his married identical twin takes genetics out of the equation and makes it more likely that you're uncovering environmental effects.
175. Cocaine also alters how the nasal passages normally work, causing a condition identical to, or even more severe than that produced by decongestant nasal sprays.
176. Note that the accuracy and exception handling might not be identical in MASS functions and system library functions.
177. Half of the women drank milk with probiotics from the 36th week of their pregnancy until their baby was 3 months old. The other half drank identical milk that contained no probiotics.
178. If pretreatment with coagulation is accomplished, the overall plant using a rapid sand filter should deliver the same quality product water as an identical plant using a low sand filter.
179. Meanwhile, in Youngstown, a student with an identical high-school record might enter the local community college and face no such requirement.
180. The law of nature is substantially identical to the decalogue and was revealed in Eden and is known naturally by all humans such that all are without excuse before God.
181. Then this thesis calculate the multiplier with the methods of the identical equation, and definite the foreign trade multiplier effect China.
182. The simple unweighted average of countries' growth rates was virtually identical in Africa and Asia.
183. The terms of the acceptance shall be identical to those of the offer.
184. Salmon pointed out, an Apostle might write a circular letter , that is, he might send to different places letters couched in identical words.
185. The Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes.
186. The goal of the Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut is to develop a way to raise identical sheep that produce medicines for humans.
187. The secondary filtration system is identical with the primary one.
188. The demand function and cost function are identical for all firms.
189. We have to account for that in some way because we know that they don't have identical average valence electron energies.
190. The Calculator.dll file you generate here should be identical to the file of the same name that is included in the sample code.
190. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
191. In its analytic frame, implicit cost is actually fixed hypothesis, compete completely namely the cost of the enterprise in the enterprise in the market and hold the market it is identical.
192. As control technique, it is not identical with the periodical inventory of the financial administration or of the entire patrimony .
193. It has long been proposed that stem cells function by dividing to generate an identical daughter cell and a cell that becomes more specialized.
194. The new resources are not identical with the channel of distribution before. It modifies the frame of the channel, the relations of the channel, and the management of the channel and so on.
195. Derived from a single fertilized ovum or embryonic cell mass. Used especially of identical twins.




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