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单词 Scare
1. He that will take the bird must not scare it. 
2. Your threats don't scare me.
3. Loud noises can scare animals or birds.
4. He described talk of sackings as scare stories.
5. Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds.
6. The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.
7. Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.
8. Sudden noises scare her.
9. The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge.
10. The latest health scare has made a very considerable dent in the sales of beef.
11. Don't let the noise scare you; it's only the wind.
12. An all-star game might scare up a little interest.
13. You gave me a scare!
14. I don't scare easily, you know.
15. I like reading scare stories.
16. They managed to scare the bears away.
17. You really gave us a scare !
18. We've had quite a scare.
19. You can't scare me into telling you anything.
20. We got a bit of a scare.
21. You don't scare me with your threats!
22. There was a bomb scare during the procession.
23. She's very brave - she doesn't scare easily.
23. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
24. We'll scare her out of telling the police.
25. Despite last night's scare, it was business as usual in the White House today.
26. I'll see if I can scare up enough chairs for us all.
27. It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.
28. The city centre suffered some disruption due to a bomb scare.
29. The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.
30. Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.
1. Your threats don't scare me.
2. Loud noises can scare animals or birds.
3. He described talk of sackings as scare stories.
4. It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.
5. The city centre suffered some disruption due to a bomb scare.
6. Don't make too much noise or you'll scare away the birds.
7. The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.
8. Following the bomb scare at the airport, the staff have been warned to be extra vigilant.
9. Sudden noises scare her.
10. The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge.
11. The latest health scare has made a very considerable dent in the sales of beef.
12. Don't let the noise scare you; it's only the wind.
13. I like reading scare stories.
14. The district was put on red alert during a terrorist's bomb scare.
15. If you make a noise, you'll scare off the animals.
16. The sound of the explosion gave me quite a scare.
17. There's been quite a scare about the possible side effects of this new drug.
31. They're just trying to scare us into letting out the secret.
32. Hardly a week goes by without some food scare being reported in the media.
33. He doesn't scare easily.
34. The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
35. During the bomb scare, the customers were asked to proceed in an orderly fashion out of the shop.
36. The district was put on red alert during a terrorist's bomb scare.
37. You did give me a scare, creeping up on me like that!
38. If you charge as much as that, you'll scare customers off.
39. I don't scare easily, but I was sure as hell scared.
40. Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
41. Don't yell - let's creep up on them and scare them.
42. Let me see if I can scare up something for you to eat.
43. There has been a food scare over salmonella in eggs.
44. I got a bit of a scare when the police rang.
45. Did people still tell their kids imbecilic scare stories about bogey policewomen?
46. If you like him, play it cool, or you might scare him off.
47. A systems crash in the morning and a bomb scare in the afternoon provided enough excitement for one day.
48. They were trying to scare each other with horror stories about going to the dentist.
49. If you make a noise, you'll scare off the animals.
50. There's hardly any food in the house, but I'll scare something up from these leftovers.
51. The flight was diverted to Gatwick because of a bomb scare.
52. She pitched me some line about a bomb scare on the metro.
53. Despite the scare stories in the media, no jobs will be lost at the factory.
53. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
54. I'd scare my mom by diving in and staying under for as long as I could.
55. The new Democratic Party is not likely to scare off voters.
56. The sound of the explosion gave me quite a scare.
57. There's been quite a scare about the possible side effects of this new drug.
58. Employers used scare tactics to force a return to work.
59. The company recalled thousands of tins of baby food after a salmonella scare.
60. The silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her.
61. The government used scare tactics to get parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
62. Firecrackers are lit to scare off evil spirits.
63. Then she'd jump out and scare them to death!
64. John Smith doesn't scare people anything like as much.
65. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
66. I only meant to give her a scare.
67. He was driving fast just to scare us.
68. The tests scare the pants off many managers.
69. The forgery scare had blown over, actually.
70. Cross-channel ferries held up by a bomb scare ....
71. Apparently there had been a bomb scare recently.
72. The game was delayed due to a bomb scare.
73. When Glass bought his house, the area where he lives was full of crack dealers so he does not scare easily.
74. The boy later told detectives he meant only to scare her.
75. A hospitable host, full of charm and not jumpy, in spite of the scare.
76. I think he was employed by the park authorities to scare away all but the most committed.
77. She says that they were told that it was a bomb scare.
78. While the scene is meant to scare us, it also contains a built-in warning device that blunts the shock.
79. Republicans have complained that Democrats are using Social Security scare tactics to incite seniors groups and others to oppose the constitutional amendment.
80. He remembered the menacing phone-calls to Nicola and wondered aloud whether some one from a drugs syndicate had been trying to scare her.
81. That ought to be enough to scare away even the most devoted private-sector champions of better training.
82. The parent tries to intimidate or scare the child into backing down.
83. I don't want to start any scare stories,(http:///scare.html) but it just illustrates our ignorance.
84. She did it not to scare me, hut to teach me the facts of life.
85. He makes examples of a few to scare the rest.
86. Should I go ahead and stab them or just scare them?
87. Instead. these people only refer to farmers when there is news like a food scare to react to.
88. The rapid fire of questions was deliberate, she knew, designed to scare her into blurting out the truth.
89. The scare has been blown out of proportion, said John Marchello, professor of animal science at the University of Arizona.
90. There was something strange about these and they seemed to scare me though I could not take my eyes away.
91. I always seem to be reading about a new food scare.
92. Some people, nervous about the health scare over cellular phones, have started using hands-free apparatus.
93. Aids has caused such a scare that fewer and fewer people are giving blood.
94. All I'd been told was to get hold of her and scare her, get Gerald rattled, you know.
95. Tornadoes are not fascinating to me; they scare the hell out of me.
96. And behind bars ... puppy is seized in rabies scare.
97. This claim has never been proved and it may have been part of the Securitate's scare tactics.
98. The trick is for the 49ers to offer a front-loaded multiyear deal that will scare the Giants off.
99. The bully may even try to scare you off with yet more verbal and physical threats.
100. It took ten minutes to reach Honey Cottage, with Yanto trying his best to scare the pants off Mary.
101. Since then, there has been a running drug scare, complete with pics of comatose teens and tales of deathbed agonies.
102. You also wrongly stated that we use scare tactics such as hostile looks or suggestive comments to keep women away.
103. Statistics like that scare the hell out of me, and they must scare a lot of CEOs too.
104. Statements made by Mr. Lyman were just a calculated scare tactic designed to frighten consumers.
105. Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
106. I don't think I scare easily, but I sure as hell scared myself that weekend.
107. If she wishes to attach herself to the scare, I am delighted.
108. There are those who try to scare away geese with swans, decoys and pyrotechnics.
109. Time was when the Richardson clan could scare this area witless.
110. The demonic figures wearing ugly masks and straw and brushwood clothes are intended to scare away evil spirits.
111. What we're suffering from is a scare promoted by newspapers like his.
112. Tracks can hardly afford to scare away the best horses now that rich races are plentiful and horse transportation is routine.
113. He is capable of rages near to those on-screen moments when he can scare the living daylights out of a cinema audience.
114. If Nine Inch Nails' dreadful racket doesn't scare her off, nothing will.
115. My daughter isn't some notional stereotype invented to scare elderly cardinals.
116. It has had to invent a left with which to scare itself.
117. The business community rallied to him for fear that Duke's election would scare off tourism and outside investors.
118. As for the Tirpitz, her crew received a considerable scare but the ship itself sustained no damage.
119. In fact, when my Aunt Peg got the idea to scare her friends, she'd forgotten all about Mrs Sugar.
120. Now she was trying to scare Liz away for whatever warped reason an anonymous caller might have.
121. The previous day also the factory was evacuated after a bomb scare.
122. The media buy into the scam because such scare stories about unseen threats make good headlines.
123. You think I let her scare me about that ocean?
124. Don't even glance at me, my proud beauties: you'd scare the hell out of me.
125. I'll go down and see what that noise was. I don't scare easily you know.
126. Following the find, the centre was evacuated again because of a bomb scare which police believe was a hoax.
127. Then they used scare tactics, telling the audience that fat people were apt to succumb to something called Sudden Death syndrome.
128. Avoid poisons Every day there is another scare about some product damaging our health.
129. I hoped my thoughts would broadcast hatred and loathing enough to scare them away.
130. U.S. companies fear the red tape will scare off customers.
131. If he caught him up here again he'd see him off, scare him to death.
132. The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
133. The company used scare tactics to sell medical alert systems to the elderly.
134. Likewise, the scare associated with the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island was blown out of proportion.
135. Armies that ran out of rocks for their catapults would sometimes lob live lepers into besieged towns to scare the inhabitants.
136. I could not possibly tell him the truth, as that would scare the daylights out of him.
137. It was his third warrant sale scare in six months.
138. Don't make any quick movements, or you'll scare the birds.
139. They also caused a serious credit card scare by obtaining users' card details.
140. A highly sensitive child may immerse herself in the rich fantasy life of this phase, but then constantly scare herself.
141. He would scream obscenities, loud enough to scare me half to death just by the sound of them.
142. I know how to scare people and I know how to hurt them.
143. The scare began just after 5am when some one smelt acid as a freight train pulled into the station.
144. The storm shakes me, like the scare that shook me up a year ago,(Sentencedict) tearing me from the commonplace.
145. Will you shut up about ghosts! You always scare me with that spooky talk!
146. So the spooky prospect of Prime Minister Hague is just too science fiction to scare the Labour herd into the polling booths.
147. The Washington Post, like other newspapers, played-up alleged racial incidents to bolster scare headlines.
148. We're not really going to get arrested - I think the police are trying to scare us.
149. To everybody's great relief, the bomb scare turned out to be a hoax.
150. However there has never been a food scare with lamb.
151. Without wishing to scare you unduly, you should be aware that sharks do lurk out there.
152. The few customers he could scare up would pay two dollars a week on a tailor-made suit.
153. The 1740 invasion scare revealed some serious weaknesses in the nation's defences.
154. A year after Chernobyl the scare about radioactive food had died down.
155. No, not the usual boring bomb scare, but a cultural occasion of enormous significance.
156. Petey and Carol and Lois would be sent into limbo for a little scare.
157. Reports measuring the effect of lower radiation dosages conflict with these scare stories, sometimes drastically.
158. He says that he was so mad that he got a knife to scare them.
159. But they were not so dire as to scare investors into dumping government bonds.
160. Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.
161. The Red Scare did not last long.
162. After applying for U. S. citizenship in the 1950s, however, he became an innocent target of the Red Scare and was deported.
163. The Red Scare caused many innocent people to be afraid to express their ideas. They feared they might be accused of being a communist.
164. I take it the 'prog' tag doesn't scare you at all?
165. If one country gives in to these scare tactics, others will fall like dominos.
166. CLEVELAND - Cleveland Cavaliers superstar LeBron James tells a newspaper that a cancer scare earlier this year was "nerve-racking" and had him on edge for a few days.
167. We can use fear as a tactic, and the threat of terrorism to scare up votes.
168. The result means that under the crisis event, the individual's scare buying goods is related to the people's psychology anticipation.
169. Some people even decided that the only option was to scare them away with a Jack-in-the-box.
170. And the service assistant was too hard-sell to scare us away. We went home after visited another bridal shop at next door.
171. And I think on the whole our record is pretty good with, I agree, exceptions. There was McCarthy, there was the Red Scare after World War I.
172. Why don't you see if you can scare up a cup of coffee?
173. Hanuman langurs are trained in New Delhi to scare off aggressive rhesus monkeys and other wild animals that might roam into public spaces and cause mischief.
174. During Europe's recent foot and mouth disease scare, hundreds of thousands of pounds of frozen Danish pork ribs sat in American ports from Puerto Pico to Baltimore.
175. Rich brocade pedal vegetable E so on mentioning, seem to be also to a little bit scare into inaction:"That I now does the mansion seek a card shark to see?"
176. 1972 - Actor Charlie Chaplin returns to the United States for the first time since being labeled a communist in the early 1950s during the Red Scare.
177. It is easy to zero in on findings that scare us.
178. The string of latest incidents is unrelated to the A380 scare and is caused by uncontrollable events, the airline and a commercial aviation analyst said.
179. Future Zunqian such as the arm, I have Pulsatilla scare.
180. Scare alone and dolorous, but scare much more to plustoghter.
181. When a people lost confidence, he may use a lot of title to scare the others , and in the process, then gradually lose his most intrinsical things.
182. Also can become the heat of all fools' day, everybody wants speed scare buying .
183. The hanging lamps swinging a chain of sound to scare away the former Gurkha this student, causing him a series of thinking.
184. This consensus was fed by scare stories about an imminent loss of market confidence in U.S. debt.
185. As the story goes, people would make noise to scare off the dog and rescue the sun, said Bill Yeung, president of the Hong Kong Astronomical Society.
186. Rome, Italy (CNN) -- A new tax on tourists to the Eternal City is causing controversy, with hotels expressing fears it could hurt their business and scare tourists away.
187. They disguise foppery to make every effort to scare people.
188. The bombardier beetle's name might scare off predators if they knew it.
189. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg?
190. 1947 - Red Scare: The Hollywood Ten are blacklisted by Hollywood movie studios.
191. The sailfish uses it for defense, raising it to scare off possible predators.
192. Lastly, on Wednesday the Daily Mail ran with the scare headline "Swimming too often in chlorinated water 'could increase risk of developing bladder cancer', claim scientists".
193. Leaders of this campaign accused thousands of people of being communists, or "reds. "The campaign became known as the Red Scare.
194. The Red Scare occurred in the United States in the 1950s.
195. Although not nearly as graceful as sponging dolphins, "which are really elegant in their moves," Patterson says, the human sponger nonetheless managed to scare up a hidden prey fish every 9 minutes.
196. She managed to scare up a lunch for the unexpected guests.
197. Kenneth D. Ackerman, a D.C.-based lawyer at OFW Law, is the author of "Young J. Edgar: Hoover and the Red Scare(), 1919-1920."
198. One of the things that they set out to do first was, of course, to scare us, and to show the stupid frosh they were boss around here.
199. As a child in a rural community in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, even the threat of home remedies like red oak bark tea was usually sufficient to scare the sickness out of me.
200. Hoover interrogated the group's leader and extracted the only direct evidence about the 1919 anarchist bombings that prompted that year's Red Scare.
201. To scare the birds away I made a scarecrow man.
202. Freeman's crazy antics didn't scare off potential patients, though: John F. Kennedy's sister Rosemary got a lobotomy from Freeman, which left her a vegetable for the rest of her life.
203. It was a dark and stormy night, and you wanted to scare the crap out of your campfire friends...
204. Farmers in the South American country, a leading global food exporter, also try to scare the birds using reflective tape, scarecrows, and by setting off fireworks.




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