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单词 blessed
释义  Related topics: Religionbless·ed /ˈblesɪd/ adjective  1  [only before noun] spokenANNOY used to express annoyance 该死的,倒霉的〔表示厌烦〕 Now where have I put that blessed book? 我把那该死的书放在哪儿了呢?2  [only before noun]ENJOY/LIKE DOING something very enjoyable or desirable 令人愉快的,可喜的,快乐的 a few moments of blessed silence 令人愉快的宁静片刻3  RRholy 神圣的 the Blessed Virgin 圣母马利亚 —blessedly adverb —blessedness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusblessed• We are truly blessed.• Blessed are the peacemakers.• And I hadn't thought of the blessed man in the last two hours - at least barely thought.• I tasted the blessed rain on my lips, drinking it even while the People complained.• Drink was always a problem for some executioners, though it doubtless provided a blessed relief from their horrific duties.• Once a standing position has been attained, the face above will come as a blessed relief!• The pudding went down like a dream, in blessed silence, and Christopher and Francis disappeared to brew coffee.• a few minutes of blessed silence• Through that illusion she had walked with blessed speed, and out beyond it into a world of other possibilities.• And then there was blessed stillness.• I couldn't remember a blessed thing.bless·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus annoyance to express used




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