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单词 Noon
1. The accident happened before noon.
2. There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night.
3. We'd like to book out at noon.
4. She'll arrive in New York at noon.
5. She finally emerged from her room at noon.
6. We reached the summit at noon.
7. It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned.
8. We left home at noon.
9. We'll reserve the ticket for you till tomorrow noon.
10. The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday.
11. We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch.
12. They arrived at noon.
13. It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.
14. Phone me before noon.
15. The judge handed his decision down at noon.
16. We're having an open house Sunday, noon to 5pm.
17. He finally rolled out of bed at noon.
18. The baby came at noon.
19. They won the top of hill by noon.
20. The goods will be delivered at noon tomorrow.
21. She talks about him morning, noon and night.
22. The deadline for entries is noon Thursday.
23. He finally surfaced around noon.
24. I am required to act before noon tomorrow.
25. I couldn't see myself coming back before noon.
26. Only seven minutes remained before the expiry of the noon deadline.
27. The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon[sentence dictionary], the following year will be a lucky one.
28. The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon.
29. Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by twelve noon.
30. Will you remind me of phoning Mr. Hood at noon?
1. The accident happened before noon.
2. There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night.
3. She'll arrive in New York at noon.
4. She finally emerged from her room at noon.
5. We reached the summit at noon.
6. It was almost noon when the meeting adjourned.
7. We left home at noon.
8. We'll reserve the ticket for you till tomorrow noon.
9. Only seven minutes remained before the expiry of the noon deadline.
10. The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday.
11. The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon.
12. Hotel guests are requested to vacate their rooms by twelve noon.
13. We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch.
14. It looks like high noon for the nation's movie theaters, now we are in the age of the home video.
15. Will you remind me of phoning Mr. Hood at noon?
16. The goods will be delivered at noon tomorrow.
17. The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive at noon.
18. By noon, all 61 people were judged out of danger.
19. They attended morning , noon and night on the dying man.
20. The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers.
31. By noon, we had had ten phone calls.
32. We should be there by noon.
33. Apollo II blasted off at noon.
34. The noon sun was fierce.
35. The clock is just going to strike noon.
36. The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive at noon.
37. They should arrive anytime between noon and 3 p.m.
38. We've made 80 miles since noon.
39. The conference opens at 12 noon on Saturday.
40. You must check your luggage in before noon.
41. You could call back to collect her at noon.
42. The workers quit work at noon.
43. Morning-glories upfold their flowers by noon.
44. The marines landed at noon.
45. They will arrive in New York at noon.
46. We finished off the work by noon.
47. Lunch is served from noon till 3.
48. Guests should check out of their rooms by noon.
49. The football action starts at 12 noon.
50. I reckon he will arrive in Shanghai at noon.
51. We met at 12 noon .
52. I will hit the town before noon.
53. Can you guarantee to get these before noon?
54. There's a connecting flight at noon.
55. We checked out at noon.
56. The long day of meetings started at noon.
57. We reckon to arrive in Delhi at noon.
58. He rarely gets up before noon.
59. The work continues morning,[http:///noon.html] noon and night.
60. At noon, the sun is high in the sky.
61. The match kicks off at noon.
62. She promised to call at noon.
63. The paving stones burned in the noon sun.
64. The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.
65. The rocket blasted off at noon.
66. He has been working since noon.
67. I'm leaving on the noon train.
68. I was on duty morning, noon, and night.
69. The school bell bonged at noon.
70. Our neighbour's baby cries morning, noon and night.
71. The sun at noon thawed the snow on the roof.
72. The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.
73. You don't want to mix it with him. He's been drinking since noon.
74. News of the disaster hit the Stock Exchange around noon.
75. By noon, all 61 people were judged out of danger.
76. It's all she talks about, morning, noon and night .
77. I wanted to leave early and Ian wanted to leave late, so we split the difference and left at noon.
78. I'll get you to the airport by noon, come hell or high water!
79. Guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure.
80. Checkout is at noon.
81. They attended morning , noon and night on the dying man.
82. She stayed until noon.
83. The company will serve a meal at noon to all staff workers.
84. Our branches are open from 9am to 5pm during the week and until 12 noon on Saturdays.
85. He reasoned that if we start at now,[] we could arrive before noon.
86. Government workers were made to punch time clocks morning, noon and night.
87. Goods are delivered not later than noon on the day after pickup.
88. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon.
89. I might have known he'd still be in bed at noon.
90. The day of departure is not chargeable if rooms are vacated by 12.00 noon.
91. Many kids would sleep till noon given half a chance .
92. He expected the transfer to go through by today's noon deadline.
93. Can you contrive to be at the station by noon?
94. He has been given until noon today to turn himself in to authorities.
95. You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon and night.
96. I usually have lunch around noon.
97. Is it Tuesday between eleven o'clock and noon?
98. Campbell Soup Co., which opened at noon Monday.
99. Troops stood at attention under a broiling noon sun.
100. He judged it was around noon.
101. I enter the fiery gates at noon.
102. Mondays through Fridays, noon to 5 p.m.
103. I was not comforted. By noon, we got started.
104. At the noon press briefing there were questions.
105. Our cavalcade sweeps into the Kremlin just before noon.
106. The State Department will issue a statement at noon.
107. It's noon, and she's only just got up.
108. And to do it before noon.
109. The fog usually clears around noon.
110. The incident occurred at about noon on Monday.
111. The game starts at high noon.
112. By noon the rain had ceased.
113. The siren was simply announcing high noon.
114. My lecture's at twelve noon.
115. All east bound traffic was diverted until noon.
116. Around noon,[] the snow started falling again.
117. Also, many foreign-exchange brokerage firms closed at noon.
118. That day, around noon, we stopped at Skovorodino.
119. It was always high noon there.
120. The first four bombs detonated around noon.
121. Information is available on between 10am and noon.
122. The ferry gets in to Harwich around noon.
123. Orders received by noon delivered in two working days.
124. The truck turned up around noon.
125. It was just after noon on a Friday when I arrived so the weekend exodus was just starting.
126. Just before noon she walked into the high school, went to the office and asked where she could find Janir.
127. Ample time, so I thought, to beat the deadline for applications of noon on Monday March 23.
128. The letter to Dan arrives just after noon on a Thursday in late October.
129. And the president was not likely to complete his revisions until shortly before he gives his noon address.
130. Say you were stuck out in the Sonoran wilderness at high noon in summer, lost, thirsty and tired.
131. At noon they ate the sandwiches and then continued north through mostly open water.
132. Others are wound up with mothering tasks that have them running in all directions at noon.
133. Authorities were talking to him by telephone shortly before noon on Friday when they heard a gunshot and the line went dead.
134. They welcome the new day and tend to feel at their best at about noon or earlier.
135. The glaring light of high noon encouraged his use of rich blacks.
136. The local sea's bare running up to the house tufting its waves with red seaweed spread against a Hebridean noon.
137. These factors combined to put me in jeopardy every noon hour.
138. If we want to get to Las Vegas by noon, we'll have to make an early start.
139. The $ 25-per-ticket debut tour, by invitation only, starts at noon at DeFremery Park.
140. At noon, Ron Malcolm appeared at the door, wearing boots caked with dried mud and a red baseball cap.
141. Regular gallery hours are noon to 5 p. m. Tuesday through Saturday, and noon to 7 p. m. Thursday.
142. Class runs from 9 a. m. to noon in Lincoln Park, located at the corner of Escalante and Pantano roads.
143. The men met each day at noon in the observatory to check the watch against the regulator clock and then rewind it.
144. At noon, the storm was 150 miles due east of New York City./noon.html
145. Her small gold watch showed almost noon when she awoke, refreshed and ravenous.
146. He gets so excited on match days he is often up and about by noon.
147. A 23-year-old supermarket employee was slightly injured when he was hit with a heavy instrument just after noon yesterday.
148. At noon each boat revs its engine, makes a half-circle and begins to feed the river its net.
149. The disparity between solar noon and mean noon widens and narrows as the seasons change, on a sliding scale.
150. Even on a cloudless, sunny day, the late afternoon sunlight is much warmer in tone than it is at noon.
151. The program likely is to shutter 34 senior centers, where elderly people drop in and get a noon meal.
152. Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep 'til noon. Mark Twain 
153. Officials said they began pumping fuel from the barge before noon Sunday at a rate of 240, 000 gallons an hour.
154. At noon they saw it; then they were near enough to hear it.
155. Hours: Noon to 8 p. m. Tuesday through Friday. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday.
156. The town boasts several fish and chip shops and between the hours of noon and two queues stretch out to sea.
157. She expected Lucy to head for their office: no one else was ever in before noon on the top floor.
158. Hemingway claimed that he always stopped writing about noon, when he knew what was coming next.
159. A poor fisherman who knows the beauties of the misty mornings is much richer than a wealthy man who sleeps till noon in his palace! Mehmet Murat ildan 
160. High remuneration, excellent prospects and an immediate cash bonus await the successful applicant who will present himself at twelve noon today.
161. It was the middle of the after noon, he should have been at work.
162. Local restaurant chefs will discuss staying creative while running businesses at noon Sunday.
163. By noon he had obtained Nate's approval and had won the day.
164. At about noon, the Sisters are expected back for lunch.
165. Mrs Hooper sat in the attic morning, noon and night, and their presents lay unopened under Noreen's artistic tree.
166. Ideas tumble out-almost all to be discarded by noon, unfortunately.
167. At noon the radio broadcast a joint statement from Koffigoh and Eyadema, calling for discipline.
168. I did so when the under-30 crowd gave me blank faces at my casual reference to High Noon.
169. At high noon the following day, Carole, the leader, was the first to arrive.
170. As his lymphad turned into Duart Bay not long after noon, the bay was empty.
171. At about high noon we arrived at Coney Island and approached the boardwalk.
172. The telegram from the Red Cross arrived at noon and its yellow envelope sent a chill through her heart.
173. A little before noon I heard his car in the drive, then the bell.
174. It is high noon and 108 degrees in the shade.
175. Anyone wanting to make their pet a star should go along to an audition at the theatre on March 16 at noon.
176. And there they sat without frames, naked in the heat of high noon[Sentence dictionary], waiting to be paid attention to.
177. Then I strolled around the city for a couple of hours, knowing that Dana would not be awake before noon.
178. Loan. By noon on the fourth day, the trial was over.
179. I've been going to meetings morning, noon, and night lately.
180. The temperature rockets through 50 degrees Fahrenheit between dawn and noon.
181. The company had taken off for London on a Sunday at noon, arriving Monday at noon for a Tuesday night opening.
182. We met at 12 noon, prior to the emergency debate on the economy.
183. The 1987 election marked the high noon of the government of Margaret Thatcher.
184. The store is sponsoring informal modeling between noon and 3 p. m. through Saturday.
185. I would leave at about noon and walk to Bloomsbury.
186. Even first graders went to school six days a week, from early morning to noon.
187. Arrive at the park early, especially if you are not staying at a Disney property hotel, or after noon.
188. He went to the library at noon and sat, idly reading, wanting a nap, forgetting to have lunch.
189. To avoid climbing in the heat of noon we decided to leave at daybreak.
190. He saw her getting up and going home, taking a suitcase and catching the noon bus tomorrow.
191. He had thought it would be at least around noon.
192. The Nordic Initiative will sponsor a luncheon for the group at noon in the Ramada Inn.
193. We eat at noon.
194. I was awakened around noon by the Sergeant who was in command of yesterday evening's patrol.
195. She had to get a move on if she was going to make it to the city before noon.
196. Next day, when he awoke at noon, he was as bright and cheerful as if nothing at all had happened.
197. Everything went according to plan and at noon the steward was stopped at the gate.
198. Their first news conference is at noon today at the Olympic Auditorium.
199. In tribute, Clinton Thursday ordered all Arleigh Burke class destroyers to steam at noon for five minutes at 31 knots.
200. When the captain started coming after noon, they were not unhappy.
201. The Don Eusebio crunched into the Zamboanga wharf at noon, four hours behind schedule.
202. During the merciless heat of noon one of the frailer females collapsed, far from any possible shelter.
203. The council also had to withdraw its vehicles after failing to find alternative cover by the noon deadline.
204. Pictorially this visual time sequence can be used to suggest morning, high noon, afternoon and evening.
204. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
205. The morning kindergartners arrive at school with the rest of the older students and leave school by noon.
206. When he called at noon, her answering machine emitted a long series of beeps followed by a dial tone.
207. He was still there when she came up the sidewalk around noon.
208. Indeed, the Goodland forecasters said we were the fourth or fifth chase group to drop by since noon that day.
209. Turning off the light, she slid back under the covers and closed her eyes to sleep fitfully until noon.
210. He had been fighting, one way or another, since just after noon.
211. It was about noon when I came through the trees out on to the shingle of the beach with the chapel.
212. From high noon to sundown we blazed and buzzed like hot island bees on sweet cherry trees.
213. Dole called Clinton around noon, shortly before the afternoon announcement.
214. It is worth noting that the railway operates between noon and five p.m. daily, weather permitting.
215. With luck, she should - if she followed her usual pattern - remain in bed until around noon.
216. Miss Rose pulled on galoshes and spent the noon hour directing traffic.
217. After issuing instructions to Edelstein, Clanahan, and Boyd, the President adjourned the meeting until noon.
218. Before noon it landed at the heliport and a car was waiting to speed its passenger to London.
219. These should be delivered to, or faxed on, by noon on Mondays.
220. Make your way to the Pizzaland restaurant in Gloucester Road by twelve noon.
221. We are noon to eat some simple surface.
222. Let's have brunch tomorrow at noon.
223. As a special envoy for Chinese President Hu Jintao, Tang Jiaxuan arrived in Pyongyang at noon July 12, kicking off his two-day official good-will visit to the DPRK.
224. If there is any issue that need my attention, please email me at night so we can discuss them in your morning time before noon.
225. Adding a new twist to the tale, the latestresearch shows that the fungal coup de grace usually occurs at solar noon, whenthe sun is at its strongest.
226. The St. Johns Fire and Rescue Department, Charleston County Emergency Medical Services, Charleston County Rescue, and the Charleston County Sheriff's Office were dispatched just after noon Tuesday.
227. I want you out of here — kit and caboodle — by noon.
228. Other Moravia novels that became films include A Ghost at Noon, Contempt filmed in 1963 as Contempt, and Two Women filmed in 1961.
229. Loess the age which forms according to it may divide into, forms under pleistocene epoch Q1 noon city loess and pleistocene epoch Q2 to the stone loess, is called the old loess.
230. The result showed that the daily variation process of Phragmites communis was fit to the single peak curve, namely high at noon while low at morning and night.
231. Two days later, toward noon, Sandy began to show signs of excitement and feverish expectancy.
232. At high noon on a cloudless day at the equator, the power of the Sun is about 1 kilowatt per square meter at the Earth's surface (Komp).
233. Pa talks war morning, noon and night, and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States' Rights and Abe Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream!
234. The hook-nosed man has been wandering around for some time since noon.
235. First,[http:///noon.html] they had hot dogs and soft ice cream cones at noon. Then they enjoyed a long rest lounging on the beds.
236. Registration opens at noon eastern time on October 5th and ends on the 7th.
237. The clock face has the 24 hours of the day mapped out around the edge with midnight being at the 12 position and noon being at the 6 position.
238. At high noon a large spaceship floated gently down out of a blue sky to land on the front lawn of the White House.
239. The primary cause is the morning sun oblique incidence earth, noon vertical incident solar rays earth.
240. Preliminary result show that cosmic noise absorption events is very different between night side and magnetic noon during the measurement over Zhongshan Station.




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