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单词 Historically
(1) It was good drama, but historically inaccurate.
(2) Historically, royal marriages have been cold, calculating affairs.
(3) Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
(4) In Britain, the defence of the country has historically been left to the navy.
(5) Historically speaking, the island is of great interest.
(6) How historically significant is this discovery?
(7) The film makes no attempt to be historically accurate.
(8) Historically, issues of this kind have not occupied the foreground of political debate.
(9) Historically and culturally, Britain has always been linked to the continent.
(10) Historically, sport has been a cohesive force in international relations.
(11) Historically, there has always been a great deal of rivalry between the two families.
(12) Yet all these caricatures are historically misplaced.
(13) The book is historically inaccurate.
(14) Authoritarianism is historically inimical to genuine invention.
(15) Historically, the single parent has been the norm in no society, but patriarchal linear life is now economically over.
(16) Historically, clinical evidence has been the greatest source of research into differences between the hemispheres.
(17) Even electricity demand, which has historically grown faster than total energy demand(), decreases in two of the five scenarios.
(18) Also, historically, attendance demonstrates its most significant improvement in the year after a successful season.
(19) Historically, however, such facts are now in question; hence, the moral orders, too, that they support.
(20) Private investments historically have paid far higher rates of return than Social Security.
(21) Historically, he said, entrepreneurship was the Cinderella of business studies, wrongly confused with the management of small businesses.
(22) The Roman law system is historically the most important and influential of all the historic legal systems.
(23) Historically change has been limited in extent since traditional lore and experience play a greater part in extensive systems.
(24) The city has been content historically to stand on its natural attractions to draw business.
(25) Historically, there have been waves of frustration and resentment against rational and scientific thought.
(26) Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.
(27) Vartian says he wants the museum to be as emotionally powerful and historically accurate as Washington's U.S.
(28) There are many instances of necessary unproductive consumption, both in the absolute and historically determined sense.
(29) In absolute levels, we have fallen off only from the historically high 1980 figures.
(30) I would then return to a classroom where a historically rich conversation was in progress.
(1) It was good drama, but historically inaccurate.
(2) Historically, royal marriages have been cold, calculating affairs.
(3) Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
(4) In Britain, the defence of the country has historically been left to the navy.
(31) It has six catalogues, each historically in a different market or geographical position.
(32) Historically, the most compelling idea concerning meaning has been that meaning is some sort of entity or thing.
(33) However, historically the highest status universities have resisted community service on ideological grounds; it threatened academic freedom.
(34) But Sullivan said that even physicians from historically black medical colleges face some mistrust and misinformation as a legacy of Tuskegee.
(35) But historically speaking, this reverence for language is deeply ingrained and persistent.
(36) Indeed, the struggle for a more just society has historically entailed constant protest and demonstration to change oppressive laws.
(37) With automatic investment plan, invest late in month, historically poor time for stocks.
(38) But historically, mediators have allowed other airlines' contract negotiations to go on for years before declaring an impasse.
(39) Historically one important assumption has been that our ordinary lives serve the interests of the powers that be.
(40) Historically, party-switching at the national level has been relatively rare.
(41) Many of the old houses have been enlarged or improved, but historically are very interesting.
(42) In our society, men historically have occupied the positions of power such as master and host.
(43) However, outside your sitting room thousands of wartime military installations still survive as historically important reminders of Britain's epic struggle.
(44) The picture loses the special mystique that historically it used to have.
(45) Historically, successful monetary unions have followed, not preceded, political union.
(46) Historically, California has welcomed migrants from other states and nations.
(47) Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
(47) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(48) Roberts's evidence suggests that there has been considerable variation historically in how far support structures extend to more distant kin.
(49) The chairman historically was a person who had served on the tribunal as an ordinary member for some time.
(50) Nevertheless, the performance of the economy, while historically remarkable, was inferior to that of other capitalist countries.
(51) The records of the Council Committees are historically an important point of access to information for all these groups.
(52) Later in Chapter 31 we will consider how functional shares have changed historically.
(53) The project is based on the theme of the inland waterway and its significance historically, socially, environmentally and culturally.
(54) Historically, the emergence of parliament as the source of legal authority was a huge gain for humanity.
(55) Thus Hispanics, whose school dropout rates were historically the highest, were often unable to find work.
(56) Historically, executive pension plans are of the money purchase type.
(57) For as we have already seen, the long-term growth rate of the United States has historically been well over 3 percent.
(58) Historically, the Black Virgin cult seems to point in the direction of two alternatives in particular.
(59) In fact mass political participation is historically very rare, either through choice or lack of opportunity.
(60) The relationship between the Report and the new discipline is, however, historically more complex than either of these viewpoints suggests.
(61) Beyond historically determined levels of societal tolerance, crime is dysfunctional to social life.
(62) Historically, where there has been a demand for sport, the particulars of participants seem to lose significance.
(63) Historically it has been convenient to explore them as an evolution from the works of Euclid.
(64) Beyond the financial problems, there is new concern that historically tolerant California is developing a culture sharply divided along racial lines.
(65) The two polls revealed lower levels of trust in those countries and people that historically have been Britain's enemies.
(66) Historically, they are rooted in the values of Western civilization.
(67) Historically, this was driven by a complex web of lineage lines in which one set of loyalties was hedged against another.
(68) Economic activity rates vary between age and gender groups within the population; they also vary historically.
(69) Historically, three barriers have slowed the development of international networks.
(70) It has been pointed out above that historically the law of rape was exclusively concerned with the protection of virginity.
(71) Again the use of such language may be a problem in a novel intended to be historically accurate.
(72) Historically, the advantage in record contracts had lain on the industry's side.
(73) Historically it goes without saying that we have used all kinds of nature, and especially animals, for human benefit.
(74) His insistence that he be managing editor, as well as on-camera news reader, however, seems historically ironic.
(75) Historically, we tended to concentrate on high volume products and maximum utilisation of capacity.
(76) The outcome of the dominance of both is that historically there have been critical mediations between religion and politics for catholic nationalists.
(77) Historically, wage boards, split evenly between labor and management, deadlock; so the commission has to decide.
(78) Lastly, Ingolstadt is used to exemplify the approach that could be adopted in an historically important and attractive city centre.
(79) Historically, an exchange was a physical thing; a room or building where people met to gather information and strike bargains.
(80) He is also dealing with our insistence on historically specific analysis.
(81) Historically, as we have seen, the country has been rent by various upheavals, sometimes of a quite violent nature.
(82) While this may be historically correct, the change of notation may be confusing to some readers.
(83) Second-term presidents historically lose their luster and energy by year six, and their party loses seats in Congress.
(84) Historically, weapon sales have jumped during legislative debate of gun-ownership controls and before any new restrictions become law.
(85) For other groups the authors note that the overall marginal tax rate was at an historically high level in excess of 60 percent.
(86) A: Historically, do the smaller airlines have more junior pilots?
(87) They are reclaiming a heritage, their own heritage, which has been historically demeaned through cartoon characters and national stereotypes.
(88) It also gestures towards excusing him, presenting him throughout as a pathetic, historically unaware, exploited and manipulated individual.
(89) Census takers historically have undercounted urban dwellers, particularly blacks and ethnic minorities, they argued.
(90) But the social forms that the manifestations of the tendency take are very various and both historically conditioned and culturally determined.
(91) A: Nobody ever accuses Hollywood of making historically accurate films.
(92) Historically the marked increase in the flow and quality of economic statistics was a valuable outcome of the war effort.
(93) His great merit is to have turned stale images into a historically new subject.
(94) Conversely, when a nation begins to see itself historically and destroys its mythology, the result is secularization and spiritual malaise.
(95) The honour was historically linked with the honour of Pontefract and together they formed a single trans-Pennine power bloc.
(96) Historically, there were many political systems that had no organized parties.
(97) Just as the poll tax impost jarred on an historically raw nerve, so will the ban on fox-hunting.
(98) The relationship between these factors in determining the spatial distribution of the elderly is unknown and probably varies historically.
(99) The gentlemanly proprietorships and relaxed chairmanships that historically supplied a large bulk of presidents have become rarities.
(100) The retail element is highly fragmented and therefore, historically, mail-order has been an important purchasing element.
(101) Historically both politics and administration were in the hands of civil servants.
(102) Historically, countrywide health improvements have begun with the public health system.
(103) Historically the only thing pro-abortion agitation achieved was to make an illiberal establishment look far more feminist than it was.
(104) Historically there has been too much reliance on ex post financial accountability in the form of audit reports and adhoc investigations.
(105) Herbs have historically been used in medicine to the extent that many are reported to have magical properties.
(106) Historically, systems have worked because of serial correlation.
(107) Historically,() a Carthaginian citizen phalanx was of poor quality.
(108) Historically, raw sugar has traded at between 10 and 12 US cents per pound at the New York Board of Trade.
(109) Best bet: intermediate - term bonds, which historically have returned about 5 % a year.
(110) The rent - price ratio fell a historically low level 3.5 percent by 2006.
(111) Historically, prominent Anglicans were buried in that part of the church, called the chancel.
(112) Historically, physicians have been taught to conceptualize medicine as an applied biology and disease as an abnormality in the structure and function of body organs and tissues.
(113) Summary of Background Data. Historically, occipitocervical dissociation injuries have a high rate of associated neurologic deficit with a relatively high incidence of mortality.
(114) Emerging markets have had a bad start to the year, hurt by a growing fear that a recession in the United States would, as it historically has, hit them harder, dashing hopes for a "decoupling".
(115) Historically, real disposable personal income has been the dominant factor driving consumer spending.
(116) Its immediate successor, the 1999 New Beetle, is less historically significant but equally iconoclastic.
(117) The summit of South America's Llullaillaco Volcano has an elevation of 22,110 feet above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.
(118) Maybe the Blazers PR department shouldn't have used the "Rip City Uprise" theme. Uprisings historically have had a bad record against huge Chinese tanks.
(119) US progressivism historically advocates the advancement of labor rights and social justice.
(120) Historically, as a group, Hispanics have tended to vote Democratic, sometimes by as much as a two-to-one ratio.
(121) Or say you’re more historically savvy, might you venture Alan Turing?
(122) Obama said he did not take the remarks personally, but called them "historically inaccurate", citing past African American presidential candidates like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
(123) Last year, the pageant producers in Johnson City, Texas, decided to be more historically precise.
(124) The current monetary policy stance therefore remains appropriate. The historically low interest rates lend support to economic activity.
(125) With computer technology changing at an ever increasing pace, CNC controls may or may not be up grabble but, historically, take a high depreciation as new equipment replaces the old.
(126) " Historically, the Formosan cypress pine Tanbian had, up to Shuo Zhang, visitors Wing its "Tan-wave smashed the month[], Pine volume blue sky.
(127) As a kind of historically "transitional state", its intrinsic property should he taken as the theoretic foundation, on which we define and elucidate the Era of Post-Warring States.
(128) FEVERFEW Used historically to approach many different kinds of pain including cramps and fevers, feverfew has also been declared the best-studied relief for headache discomfort.
(129) The arts have historically been influenced by Theravada Buddhism, as well as literature.
(130) Historically, immovable objects are easy to out maneuver and real long-term stubbornness is the Maginot Line of negotiating styles.
(131) The utilization of digital bus protocols in the manufacturing and process industries has historically been centered on proprietary communication methods.
(132) They are also the original record concentrated in unit of person for being referred, the most important gist for personnel investigation and selection historically, roundly and correctly.
(133) Historically, the prospect of energy savings drove widespread embrace of daylight savings.
(134) Currencies, including the dollar, were mostly unchanged and U. S. Treasury bond interest rates remained at historically low levels.
(135) It indicated that normal faulting processes induced from the shear of dextral strike-slip faults are active in the historically subsiding Tainan basin.
(136) Historically, radiology has been a driving force behind the development of high-resolution screens.
(137) Nevertheless, 25 years of historically strong stock market performance have left the market far from bargain-priced.
(138) Historically, Vanilla was used to treat impotency, ulcers, hysteria and rashes.
(139) Plate armor and great helmets are removed, as I wanted the armors to seem more historically accurate together.
(140) Historically, the most common approach has been to use gate-drive transformers to provide isolation for the synchronous rectifier gate-drive signals.
(141) Historically, humanism and science used to be harmonious; yet the magnificent development of scientism and technolatry put human civilization into a crisis, which is also true to Chinese culture.
(142) Historically, the third year of a presidential term is a good one.
(143) Because historically, people don't stick to them, which creates a yo-yo effect, which paves the way for obesity.
(144) The mammoth size of village levies has historically been one of the major symptoms of maladministration.
(145) Historically, it is argued that deficit financing in the 1930s did not turn around the Great Depression, and the argument is correct.
(146) Technology has historically been a stereotypically male domain -- after all, the famous names in the field are mostly men.
(147) Historically, the beginning, developing and perfecting of the IPR laws has a close relation with the Judicial activism.
(148) The book ranges historically as far back as the Florence of the Renaissance.
(149) Huntington is incontrovertibly right that historically the origin of modern democracy is, as he says, rooted in Western Christianity.
(150) The drop in prices should allow the Federal Reserve to hold key interest rates at historically low levels to try and stimulate the economy.
(151) Both of these groups pose challenges because historically their response to pegylated interferon is inferior to those immunocompetent patients.
(152) SLM.N), which is known as Sallie Mae, sell $3 billion of stock and convertible debt on the day after Christmas, historically a difficult time to do deals.
(153) The team found that populations of seabird species the eagles had historically preyed on, such as Brandt's cormorant and Cassin's auklet, are now greatly reduced on the islands.
(154) In addition, the country's public water and sanitation utility, OSE, historically lagged behind other public service providers in terms of operational performance and customer service.
(155) Historically, they fail to see that private land ownership is refutable and that collective land ownership can work well.
(156) Historically, scientists and inventors are one group that seems to take full advantage of relaxed moments.
(157) Reformed theology has historically been the branch of evangelicalism most strongly committed to the sovereignty of God.
(158) The more historically minded might look back a century further for the true golden age, to Gustav Fechner, a physicist turned proto-psychologist.
(159) The development of TCM can thusly be historically divided along a dynastic chronology, wars in between, invasions for without, etc.
(160) Banks have historically covered bad checks for valued clients, who were invited to opt in to overdraft protection or to link their checking accounts to savings accounts or to lines of credit.
(161) Historically the great appeal of government bonds to investors is that they are a risk-free, liquid asset.
(162) Historically, many words of Chinese origin in English are popular Cantonese foods, borrowed directly from the dialect, for instance, chop suey, chow mein, or dim sum.
(163) The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog, historically developed as a gundog to retrieve shot waterfowl and upland game during hunting .
(164) Humans historically enjoyed the terrarium , and scientists used earth as a place to conduct experiments of all kinds.
(165) Historically the family courts have striven to find finality for divorcing couples.
(166) Butterbur leaves were historically used to wrap butter, giving this herb its name.
(167) A false sense of history will not be created by adding conjectural features, features from other properties, or by combining features that never existed together historically.
(168) The text implies the existence of multiple Cathayan ruling dynasties, historically, explaining that at this period Cathay was ruled by the Wu dynasty.
(169) Historically, this process has experienced five stages: mercantilism, laissez faire, infant industry protection, Keynesianism and the strategic trade policy.
(170) The Dinner Party is a 140-foot triangle depicting the imagined genitalia of 39 historically important women , including Susan B. Anthony and Georgia O'Keeffe.
(171) He defines value-adding firms as those whose free cash flow based return on invested capital historically exceed their cost of capital.
(172) How to transfix and realize orient run-through on Three Gorges Reservoir sector, Yangtze has been being a focus and disputation problem of academic circle historically.
(173) It is a unique and complex psalm wherein there are passages which can be interpreted historically, theologically, symbolically, and prophetically .
(174) Historically, ethnic religions in China have played a very important role in the development of Chinese religion, especially, of which Kirghiz's religion is a important part.
(175) Historically, the Estonian kroon was pegged to the Deutsche Mark; it is now attached to the euro and has been stable since 20 June 1992 at a rate of 15.64664 krooni to the euro.
(176) An unskillful new pilot might be dangerous and historically an unskillful new church bell ringer—if not dangerous—was potentially annoying.
(177) Historically speaking, the ultimate example of securing power by building a large bureaucratic apparatus whose interests are inextricably tied to your own is Stalinism.
(178) Our vessels can transport a wider array of cargo, access a larger number of ports due to their shallow draft and onboard crane equipment, and have historically achieved greater charter rate stability.
(179) Did you know that the word boss comes from the Dutch word baas, which historically means master?
(180) Historically speaking, it was not so very long ago that lakes, rivers and coastal waters were clean and supported a balanced aquatic plant and animal life.
(181) Zunyi Medical College (ZMC), a key medical college at the provincial level in Guizhou Province, is located in Zunyi, a historically, culturally and scenically celebrated city.
(182) India's production of soybean oil, sunflower oil and mustard oil, are historically difficult because of a lack of consistent rainfall.
(183) As to why these men cross-dress, the literature has historically cited ual excitement as their primary motivation.
(184) "In a nascent market recovery, it has historically been the case that small-caps outperform their large-cap brothers," he said.
(185) Historically, the crude oil/natural gas ratio has averaged 10 and based on an energy equivalent basis, crude oil and natural gas prices should have a 6 to 1 ratio.
(186) Yet Treasury bonds acted squirrelly and fell rather than rose, as they had historically done.
(187) Historically ,() studies on other species have contributed greatly to the development of immuno-logical understanding.
(188) The summit of South America's Llullaillaco Volcano has an elevation of 6, 739 meters (22, 110 feet) above sea level, making it the highest historically active volcano in the world.
(189) The economic consequences of a Sino-American conflict could be historically unparalleled, even if both sides avoid economic warfare.
(190) Gibraltar has historically been an important base for the British Armed Forces and is the site of a Royal Navy base.
(191) The good news for the toy business is historically it has held up quite well in tough economic times because parents self-sacrifice but their children arent going to know times are tough.
(192) Historically, many leakers have not been saintly people leak for all kinds of reasons.




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