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单词 Firmly
1. Grasp the thistle firmly.
2. Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.
3. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.
4. A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
5. The roots grew down firmly in the soil.
6. I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.
7. The proposal was firmly rejected.
8. He firmly believed that he was right.
9. Massage the area gently but firmly.
10. She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.
11. She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.
12. Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising.
13. Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.
14. Tighten the screws firmly.
15. We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
17. The radiologist firmly positioned Phoebe in front of a ferocious-looking machine.
18. I firmly believe my son has been entrapped by this cult.
19. Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the pipette in a vertical position.
20. Heavy goods vehicles have to have their loads firmly lashed down to meet the safety laws.
21. He pressed the lid firmly shut.
22. Make sure all the wires remain firmly attached.
23. The business was soon firmly established in the town.
24. Pack the soil down firmly.
25. The tiles were stuck firmly to the wall.
26. Pack the dirt firmly round the plants.
27. Press down firmly on the lever.
28. Apply pressure to the nose by pinching the nostrils firmly together.
29. There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
30. Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.
1. Wrap the bandage firmly around the injured limb.
2. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.
3. A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.
4. I grasped his arm firmly and led him away.
5. The proposal was firmly rejected.
6. Massage the area gently but firmly.
7. She wedged a chair firmly under the door handle.
8. Apply pressure to the nose by pinching the nostrils firmly together.
9. She firmly rejected the suggestion that she had lied to Parliament.
10. There's a lot of contention about that issue - for every person firmly in favour, there's someone fiercely against it.
11. Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.
12. Tighten the screws firmly.
13. Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.
14. He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.
15. I firmly believe my son has been entrapped by this cult.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the pipette in a vertical position.
17. Glue the pieces firmly together.
18. Sara closed the door firmly.
19. Lace your boots firmly or the lace will come undone.
20. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
21. Make sure the washer is firmly seated before tightening the pipe.
31. Her sympathies lie firmly with the Conservative Party.
32. Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.
33. Glue the pieces firmly together.
34. We are firmly committed to reducing unemployment.
35. His position in the organization is now firmly established.
36. He quietly but firmly insisted.
37. He guided her firmly towards the sofa.
38. The offenders were dealt with firmly though fairly.
39. She's now firmly established as an art dealer.
40. Make sure that the boards are firmly laced in.
41. Voters came down firmly in favour of reform.
42. My plan was firmly squashed by the committee.
43. They dropped the problem firmly back in my lap.
44. He planted his feet firmly on the ground.
45. She lodged the number firmly in her mind.
46. The city remains firmly under martial law.
47. Rogers had victory firmly in his sights.
48. 'I can manage(Sentence dictionary),' she said firmly.
49. The wires are taped firmly together.
50. "Calm down," he told her firmly.
51. The usage is now firmly indurated.
52. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.
53. The struts are firmly braced.
54. He tied his dressing gown firmly around him.
55. The idea firmly lodged itself in the public consciousness.
56. I was fully/firmly resolved to see him.
57. Sara closed the door firmly.
58. Maria belted her raincoat firmly.
59. He clamped his hand firmly onto Jack's shoulder.
60. He closed the door firmly.
61. He grasped her firmly by the arm.
62. Are the windows firmly closed?
63. The fence posts were fixed firmly in the ground.
64. The label should be firmly affixed to the package.
65. The lid was firmly nailed down.
66. This tradition is also firmly rooted in the past.
67. His pipe was firmly clamped between his teeth.
68. John secured the boat firmly to the jetty.
69. The buck stops firmly with the boss.
70. He kept the letter firmly in his grasp.
71. This idea had firmly entrenched itself in his consciousness.
72. The door was firmly shut.
73. He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
74. The report gives a brief nod in the direction of green issues before coming down firmly on the side of the market.
75. "The age of corporatism must be put firmly behind us(sentence dictionary)," he proclaimed.
76. It was a great result, but we have to keep our feet firmly on the ground.
77. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
78. I have to take a grip on myself, he told himself firmly.
79. The door closed firmly, shutting me out from the warmth inside.
80. I was firmly of the opinion that we should not give Jackson any more money.
81. Screw the lid firmly on to the jar and shake well.
82. Frank subscribed firmly to the belief that human kindness would overcome evil.
83. He was determined to keep both feet firmly planted on dry land.
84. Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then slot the shelves in between them.
85. The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the government's door.
86. There is some elasticity in our plans - nothing has been firmly decided yet.
87. Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.
88. At 69 he is as firmly in the driving seat of the company as ever.
89. He firmly ruled out that he had met with Rosaline.
90. His team retreated last night with tails tucked firmly between their legs.
91. 'Let us have no buts,' he said firmly. 'You are coming.'
92. Democracy and the rule of law are yet to be firmly established in the country.
93. She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips.
94. Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down it.
95. He was, in this matter at least, firmly on the side of the angels.
96. After this concert she was firmly on the road to fame and fortune.
97. She adjusted the angle of the legs to make the table stand more firmly.
98. He's got the committee firmly under his thumb - they agree to whatever he asks.
99. The suggestion was politely but firmly rejected by the chairman.
100. It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country.
101. The edges of the cloth should be turned in and sewn firmly.
102. The UNO has firmly distanced itself from the anti-government movement.
103. The front door is locked and all the windows are firmly shut.
104. We are firmly opposed to the practice of power politics between nations.
105. He held the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to.
106. "I'm never going back to him, " she said,(http:///firmly.html) setting her jaw firmly.
107. The blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the company's door.
108. Lace your boots firmly or the lace will come undone.
109. He finished the glass and plunked it down firmly on the table.
110. I planted my feet firmly on the chair and reached up to the top window.
111. The report puts the onus of children's early education firmly on the parents.
112. "You're not going to the party and that's that!" she said firmly.
113. I shall step on her very firmly if she interrupts me again.
114. Anyone who violates law and discipline must firmly be slapped down.
115. She held me firmly by the elbow and led me to my aisle seat.
116. She secured the rope firmly to the back of the car.
117. She closed the door firmly and advanced towards the desk.
118. Herschel was firmly convinced of the possibility of life on other planets.
119. Last year's winners again have the championship firmly in their pocket.
120. The country is now firmly back in the international fold.
121. He intimated, politely but firmly, that we were not welcome.
122. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.
123. Even as a young actress, she always had Hollywood firmly in her sights .
124. He's reached retiring age, but he's still firmly in control.
125. Pressing the template firmly down on the plastic, cut around it with a knife.
126. The tables on board were secured firmly to the floor.
127. Any taking of hostages is unacceptable and must be firmly opposed by the international community.
128. Peel off the backing strip and press the label down firmly.
129. A hitch resulted in the deal being kicked firmly into touch.
130. These products are firmly established as the market leaders .
131. I shall tell her firmly that it is not any business of hers.
132. He is firmly convinced that it is vital to do this.
133. He wanted a united party, with himself firmly in the saddle.
134. Her latest play is a firmly tongue-in-cheek look at the world of advertising.
135. He struck the ball firmly into the back of the net.
136. Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying overnight, she put her foot down firmly.
137. Life in the countryside remained firmly rooted in the past.
138. 'A good night's sleep is what you want,' he said firmly.
139. She planted her feet firmly to the spot and refused to move.
140. So long as we are firmly united, we need fear no aggression.
141. I firmly believe that the business will be a success.
142. Make sure the washer is firmly seated before tightening the pipe.
143. Tap each one firmly on your work surface to settle the mixture.
144. He stated firmly that no concessions will be made to the strikers.
145. Schools were firmly guided on the details of the curriculum.
146. She put her foot firmly in the hold and pulled herself up.
147. Secure the edges firmly to make certain that no moisture can get in.
148. How did the myth get so firmly established in the popular consciousness?
149. His feet were now firmly on the path to success.
150. Make sure that you bed the roots firmly in the soil.
151. The attention of the news media was firmly focused on the elections.
152. The Prime Minister is now firmly ensconced in Downing Street with a large majority.
153. His book is firmly grounded in memories of his own childhood.
154. Tuck the sheets in firmly.
155. After some time the roots become firmly attached.
156. Inflation is moving firmly downwards.
157. The panel was firmly anchored by two large bolts.
158. Pastor Braun started whistling again, just as firmly.
159. She knotted the parcel firmly.
160. I hold firmly to my original views. After all I am a philosopher. Voltaire 
161. She took his arm firmly, just above the elbow, and jerked him half way off his stool.
162. They are too anxious about being something else than simply men, not firmly enough poised.
163. But the West would be well advised to keep its head firmly screwed on.
164. I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious. Vince Lombardi 
165. If you do not have ABS, pump gently but firmly.
166. Every man has a right to have his opinion and pass judgment on others. I have absolutely nothing against all those who criticized me as an actor and firmly believed that I could not act and was only good in all the dancing and singing kind of roles. Jeetendra 
167. Anything you may hold firmly in your imagination can be yours. William James 
168. Deliberate assistance to economic growth went hand in hand with administrative reform aimed at channelling its profits firmly into princely treasuries.
169. At what point do tour operators firmly reserve their hotel accommodation?
170. It is impossible to select any important part of it without soon realising that its root is firmly grounded in atheism.
171. Tesla was told firmly that he must never so much as mention the subject of alternating current.
172. These include the more firmly established association between the drugs and a potentially fatal lung disease, primary pulmonary hypertension.
173. This is the position of Christopher Norris, who modestly but firmly maintains that all anglophone readers except himself have misunderstood Derrida.
174. Creatures like sea stars and anemones attach themselves firmly to rocks.
175. Breakfast had been fruit and coffee; she'd firmly resisted the croissants with butter and apricot jam.
176. Pleasant was a more applicable word,[http:///firmly.html] she told herself firmly.
177. It then becomes more firmly attached and receives nourishment from the fish by root-like processes.
178. Once you are happy with the overall design, fix it in position with rubber solution adhesive as firmly as possible.
179. Up until now most advanced snowboarders have firmly resisted anything except a non-release binding.




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