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单词 bless
释义  Related topics: Religionbless /bles/ ●●○ S3 verb [transitive]  1  bless you! spoken a) HBHwhat you say when someone sneezes 长命百岁!〔别人打喷嚏时说的话〕 b) THANKused to thank someone for doing something for you 愿上帝保佑你!〔感谢别人为你做了某事时说的话〕2  bless (him/her etc) spokenENJOY/LIKE DOING something used to show that you are fond of someone, amused by them, or pleased by something they have done 愿上帝保佑(他/她等)〔表示喜爱某人、被某人逗乐或对其所做的事感到满意〕 He’s always willing to help. Bless him! 他一向乐于助人,愿上帝保佑他! ‘Jess made this card for me.’ ‘Bless!’ “杰斯给我做了这张卡。”“真不错!”3  be blessed with something HAVEto have a special ability, good quality etc 有幸拥有某物,被赋予某物 We’re both blessed with good health. 我们俩都有福气,身体很好。4  if God blesses someone or something, he helps and protects them 〔上帝〕保佑,赐福于 May God bless you. 愿上帝保佑你。5  RRto ask God to protect someone or something 祈求上帝祝福[保佑],求神赐福于 The couple later had their marriage blessed in their local parish church. 那对夫妇后来在他们当地教区的教堂里领受了婚姻祝福。6  RRto make something holy 祝圣 Then the priest blesses the bread and wine. 然后牧师给饼和酒祝圣。7. bless my soul/I’ll be blessed!  old-fashioned spokenSURPRISED used to express surprise 我的天哪!〔表示吃惊〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbless• The challenge of the car, which has blessed humanity so much, is to stop that blessing turning into a curse.• The Bible not withstanding, peacemakers are targeted, not blessed, in today's Middle East.• The cross was blessed two days after the crash by the Rev.• Korb is blessed with a sunny vocal style, her phrasing both easygoing and all her own.• How essential it was to be able to work, and to be blessed with the will to work.• Here, she tells the story of Mud, an orphan member of an elephant tribe who is blessed with visionary powers.• May God bless you and keep you safe from harm.had ... marriage blessed• They later had their marriage blessed at Bolton Abbey in the Yorkshire Dales.Origin bless Old English bletsian, from blod “blood”; because blood was used in religious ceremoniesbless verbChinese  what when Corpus sneezes someone you say




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