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单词 Homework
1 with his homework until his sister helped him.
2 After you finish your homework.
3 The teacher tested the children on their homework.
4 Turn in your homework, please.
5 Anne sharpened her pencil and got out her homework.
6 Kate's busy with her homework.
7 Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.
8 Have you done your maths homework yet?
9 I got bogged down by the difficult homework.
10 Haven't you finished your homework yet?
11 Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.
12 Have you done all your homework?
13 She's supposed to do an hour's homework every evening.
14 Read Chapter 11 as your homework.
15 It's time you started on your homework.
16 Please copy the homework from the blackboard.
17 Did you do your homework?
18 Did you finish your homework?
19 You have a lot of homework.
20 Write your homework in ink ,not in pencil.
21 Tom is greedy to do his homework.
22 please hand your homework in at once.
23 The teacher praised Tom for his homework.
24 Finish your homework first, then wash my car.
25 I'll call you when I've finished my homework.
26 Have you finished your homework yet?
27 You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework.
28 I aided him in his homework.
29 Do your homework now.
30 He often rolled his eyes about when he was doing his homework.
1 After you finish your homework.
2 The teacher tested the children on their homework.
3 Turn in your homework, please.
4 Anne sharpened her pencil and got out her homework.
5 Kate's busy with her homework.
6 Fred stuck with his homework until it was done.
7 Have you done your maths homework yet?
8 I got bogged down by the difficult homework.
9 Haven't you finished your homework yet?
10 Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.
11 Have you done all your homework?
12 She's supposed to do an hour's homework every evening.
13 Read Chapter 11 as your homework.
14 It's time you started on your homework.
15 Please copy the homework from the blackboard.
16 Did you do your homework?
17 Did you finish your homework?
18 You have a lot of homework.
19 Write your homework in ink ,not in pencil.
20 Tom is greedy to do his homework.
21 please hand your homework in at once.
22 The teacher praised Tom for his homework.
23 Finish your homework first, then wash my car.
24 I'll call you when I've finished my homework.
25 Have you finished your homework yet?
26 You can't go anywhere until you've finished your homework.
27 I aided him in his homework.
28 He often rolled his eyes about when he was doing his homework.
29 Do your homework now.
30 You can do anything on condition that you can finish the homework.
31 You can do anything on condition that you can finish the homework.
32 They've finished their homework.
33 Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.
34 Marry ofter winks at the spelling mistakes in her homework.
35 'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!'
36 Some of you have not yet submitted your homework to me.
37 Where is your homework?
38 Before trying to tackle his homework he read up the notes he had taken at the lecture.
39 For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
40 When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.
41 My homework is complete.
42 The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening.
43 Please don't disturb Georgina - she's trying to do her homework.
44 He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
45 I did all my homework, but my sister didn't do hers.
46 You've done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.
47 Stop all this fuss and do your homework.
48 He has a lot of homework tonight.
49 Have you done your homework yet?
50 Molly's upstairs grappling with her maths homework.
51 Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework.
52 Tom has been at his homework for hours.
53 I'll do my homework after supper.
54 He got into trouble for not doing his homework.
55 I've got a lot of homework tonight.
56 I need to help Sam with his music homework.
57 Bobby finished his homework under his own steam.
58 The class groaned when the teacher set the homework.
59 I whizzed through my homework this afternoon.
60 I still haven't done my geography homework.
31 They've finished their homework.
32 Tom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework.
33 Marry ofter winks at the spelling mistakes in her homework.
34 'It's time you did your homework.' 'I don't want to!'
35 Some of you have not yet submitted your homework to me.
36 Where is your homework?
37 Before trying to tackle his homework he read up the notes he had taken at the lecture.
38 For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species.
39 When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it.
40 My homework is complete.
41 The teacher has excused the students from their homework for this evening.
42 Please don't disturb Georgina - she's trying to do her homework.
43 He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because he was told off for not doing his homework.
44 I did all my homework, but my sister didn't do hers.
45 You've done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.
46 Stop all this fuss and do your homework.
47 We have finished overall homework.
61 I suppose I'd better do some homework.
62 I've got behind with my homework.
63 Stop playing around and get on with your homework!
64 The teacher bracketed the mistakes in my homework.
65 She's been helping Rick with his homework.
66 The girl is banging away at her homework.
67 You can't watch TV until you've done your homework.
68 Have you started your homework?
69 My homework got a lot more ticks than crosses.
70 Be quiet - let me concentrate on my homework.
71 When writing your homework, remember that neatness counts.
72 I have five problems to do for homework.
73 We have finished overall homework.
74 I have to write up the notes for homework.
75 He threw his homework aside and watched TV.
76 Your homework is an absolute disgrace.
77 Set aside blocks of time for doing your homework.
78 He let us off homework today.
79 It's time to tackle my homework.
80 Did you remember your homework ?
81 He's upstairs doing his homework, believe it or not.
82 He'll need help with this homework.
83 Some schools fail to set any homework.
84 The homework is on the blackboard.
85 Did you hand your homework in on time?
86 He fell asleep while doing his homework.
87 How long do you spend on your homework?
88 She's very strict about things like homework.
89 He doesn't spend much time on his homework.
90 She's busy at/with her homework.
91 The teacher landed too much homework on his pupils.
92 Your homework is a disgrace: rewrite it!
93 his sister to help him with his homework.
94 How long did you spend on your homework?
95 Get on with your homework!
96 How much homework do you get?
97 I got full marks for my homework.
98 He was castigated for his carelessness in doing homework.
99 How much homework are you given in a week?
100 I will leave my homework over until tomorrow.
101 Can you help me with my homework?
102 Dad was onto her again about doing her homework.
103 Sir, I've forgotten my homework.
104 I hadn't time to finish my homework.
105 He's behind in handing in homework.
106 She often does her homework at the kitchen table.
107 The teacher gave us an essay for our homework.
108 Do exercise one for homework.
109 He's been beavering away at his homework for hours.
110 They get masses of homework at secondary school.
111 He always muddled with his homework.
112 None of your backchat, do your homework!
113 Have you all turned in your homework assignments?
114 The kids are busy with their homework.
115 He didn't tackle his homework until 9 o'clock.
116 Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.
117 You'd better start on your homework.
118 I got A minus for my English homework.
119 She always gives us far too much homework.
120 He is always slack in doing his homework.
121 The science teacher always sets a lot of homework.
122 My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.
123 She's been beavering away at her homework for hours.
124 Tired as he was, Peter tried to finish all the homework that day.
125 His mother has to keep after him to finish his homework.
126 His mother kept him in until he had finished his homework.
127 They were so caught up in the movie that they forgot to do their homework.
128 She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.
129 I think Matthew might need a hand with his maths homework.
130 She always leaves her homework to the very last moment.
131 I gave her a good talking-to about doing her homework on time.
132 Do Exercises 3 and 4 on page 51 for homework.
133 My father always goes round in circles when he tries to show me how to do my homework.
134 You could tell that he had really done his homework .
135 It was obvious that she had done her homework and thoroughly prepared for her interview.
136 Do shut up, Georgia, and get on with your homework.
137 She spent the whole night looking through the student's homework.
138 We had to write out one of the exercises for homework.
139 I had to do my homework in a rush because I was late.
140 My parents always make me do my homework before I go out.
141 To do our homework,we have to remain up late every day.
142 We'll start the exercise in class and you can finish it for homework.
143 She had a series of heated confrontation with her parents over homework.
144 By doing extra homework, he soon got ahead of his class-mates.
145 I'm just finishing my homework - it won't take long.
145 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
146 She threw off her coat and began to do her homework.
147 He got his sister to help him with his homework.
148 Bill was often called down by his teacher for doing homework carelessly.
149 I want you to hand in this homework on Friday.
150 Children often dislike homework.
151 Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school.
152 The teacher insisted on all the homework being handed in on Monday.
153 I can't do my homework with all this noise going on.
154 Samantha wouldn't do her homework until I bribed her with ice cream.
155 She gave the whole class extra homework for a week.
156 As a general rule of thumb, children this age should not spend more than one hour on homework.
157 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children.
158 Katie has been plugging away at her homework for hours.
159 The teacher often detains the lazy pupils at school to do their homework.
160 We are being given too much homework,so we will take things up with our teacher.
161 Please pile your homework books neatly on the table as you leave.
162 The school tries to hammer home the importance of homework.
163 Parents have stepped in to provide homework help in the afternoon program.
164 As to correcting our homework, the teacher always makes us do it ourselves.
165 Most teachers think the government's guidelines on homework are too prescriptive.
166 'I have stacks of homework to do.' 'Oh, you poor thing.'
167 George zapped through his homework and rushed out to play football.
168 If you don't do your homework, you can leave the classroom.
169 She's never been very friendly, but she was all smiles when she asked me to help her with her homework.
170 Those who didn't finish their homework stop in after class.
171 It takes him half an hour to finish his homework every day.
172 With so much homework to do, her playtime is now very limited.
173 I've got some homework to do on the Industrial Revolution.
174 That last candidate impressed me with his knowledge of the company's activities; he has really done his homework.
175 Every day the teacher checks to see if the students have done their homework.
176 Getting him to do his homework is like pulling teeth.
177 The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework.
178 The teacher disciplined the class by giving them extra homework.
179 The pupils were very glad because the teacher decided let them out of their homework.
180 Some of the students had done their homework but most hadn't.
181 This homework is all right but you could do better.
182 You've left it a bit late to start your homework, haven't you?
183 He had done his homework before the tour started, and his basic ideas were sound.
184 The teacher demands of his students to finish their homework well.
185 The teacher lectured those pupils rather mildly for not finishing their homework.
186 At times like that you have to strike a balance between sleep and homework.
187 When you've done your homework, come across to my house and we'll listen to some music.
188 If I didn't keep on at the children, they'd never do their homework.
189 If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.
190 Can you help me with my homework, Dad? I'm stuck.
191 My mum checks up on me most evenings to see that I've done my homework.
192 Expecting the children to do an hour's homework after school is asking a lot of them.
193 Your homework is to write a two-page theme on pollution.
194 You said we could watch television when we've finished our homework.
195 I had to badger the kids into doing their homework.
196 Mum had a go at me for not doing my homework.
197 It's worth doing a bit of homework before buying a computer.
198 Her mother kept her at her homework until she finished it.
199 I need to complete my homework on time. Malala Yousafzai 
200 Clearly, teachers considering this variable annuity have a lot of homework ahead of them.
201 I wish she would show me how to get through homework and adolescence instead of just Christmas dinner for 40.
202 There were two more open airs during the week and somewhere in between all this activity the children had homework to complete.
203 The child had to recopy the homework.
204 Jenny, don't forget your homework. See you at dinnertime.
205 Mean Value Theorem. Go over Homework 3.
205 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
206 Homework carries with the car, satchel became food bag.
207 Hand a hard copy of the homework.
208 Hand in a hard copy of the homework.
209 He knows his homework inside out.
210 I do my homework at desk, rest on sofa.
211 Thank you for not assigning homework this holiday season.
212 I wish Bill get around to starting his homework.
213 With continued rewriting , my homework changed a lot.
214 Bob is up to his neck in homework.
215 You lazybones ! Go to do your homework!
216 The students demur to too much homework.
217 I'll get around to doing my homework after the baseball game.
218 I have to stop up to finish my homework tonight.
219 Mr. Paine requested that I ( should ) hand in my homework before Friday.
220 I cant do my homework and I cant look straight.
221 Sanger has to stay up tonight, for there is a lot of homework to do.
222 Let's take a breather after we finish these homework exercises.
223 Homework are numerous, thick - Fu Liang , and did not become bookworm.
224 Are we ready for homework, or shall we continue manual labour?
225 Keep doing your homework so you don't get behind in school.
226 I have been wading through this homework assignment for three hours.
227 Woe betide me if I have not done my homework over the weekend.
228 My father have to prod me to do my homework.
229 Certainly,() we always have some homework after an English class.
230 I clean the room, play the computer game and do my homework.
231 After you've done some homework, you can visit likely advisors more profitably.
232 For homework you can write up the rough notes you made in class.
233 LL : Maybe you conk out early tonight and do your homework in the morning before class.
234 You do not benefit if you do your homework in haste.
235 Every day his homework is completed, put up a sticker.
236 Feeling awful, she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.
237 There are 6 biweekly problem sets . These homework assignments constitute 40 % of the course grade.
238 He's always pestering me to help him with his homework.
239 Her teacher gave her extra homework because of her tardiness.
240 The teacher dished out so much homework that her pupils complained to their parents.
241 Tad . Dad, I'm going to a party. Would you do my homework for me?
242 The homework is originally the format right, record of writing decorum.
243 I had no writing desk before. I did my homework on a bench.
244 After a first reading and the lectures , you should attempt the homework.
245 Our homework today is to finish the first part of the workbook.
246 The graded homework will be returned in the recitation sections.
247 Last but not least, students'creativity tends to repressed due to the humdrum and dull homework.
248 The problem was I needed some stationery for homework, just graph paper and pens - usual school nonsense.
249 This is the nth time I've told you to do your homework carefully.
250 With the increase in homework, is beginning to feel powerless and times to beat a retreat.
251 Um, you don't get any homework either, but your tutoring.
252 Do you have any homework tonight? No, I did it in study hall.
253 A serious trader is ahead of the game because he does his homework day in andout.
254 After finishing his homework, Li Ming began to tidy up the desk.
255 He has this fetish and he is constantly eating my homework.
256 Groups of two may collaborate and hand in a single homework set.
257 The homework for this class is to observe how bees collect nectar.
258 You may encounter difficulty figuring out where your own solution of a homework problem went astray.
259 He closed the computer game and opened his maths homework.




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