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单词 Considering
1, He's wise considering his age.
2, He was considering what to do next.
3, He was considering an appeal.
4, I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.
5, His tact was exemplary, especially considering the circumstances.
6, I am considering what to do next.
7, I am considering going abroad.
8, I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare.
9, The union is considering stepping up its industrial action.
10, We're considering buying a new car.
11, She's very active, considering her age.
12, They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.
13, Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
14, The Government has / have been considering further tax cuts.
15, Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.
16, The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
17, Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.
18, The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people's access to firearms.
19, They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
20, Management/The management is/are considering closing the factory.
21, They're considering liberating him from economic worry.
22, He's amazingly cheerful considering all that he's been through.
23, Considering his ill health,[http:///considering.html] they begged him off.
24, We are considering her for the job of designer.
25, I think you're pretty safe, considering.
26, He's very active considering he's in his seventies.
27, You've done very well, considering .
28, This idea is well worth considering.
29, He was considering the idea from all angles.
30, The decision was taken for narrow economic reasons, without considering its social effects.
1, He's wise considering his age.
2, He was considering what to do next.
3, He was considering an appeal.
4, I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.
5, His tact was exemplary, especially considering the circumstances.
6, I am considering what to do next.
7, I am considering going abroad.
8, I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare.
9, The union is considering stepping up its industrial action.
10, We're considering buying a new car.
11, The decision was taken for narrow economic reasons, without considering its social effects.
12, They live in a fairly modest house, considering their wealth.
13, Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
14, The Government has / have been considering further tax cuts.
15, Considering the strength of the opposition, we did very well to score two goals.
16, The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
17, Their criticisms seem premature considering that the results aren't yet known.
18, The government is considering new laws which will further restrict people's access to firearms.
19, They're considering scrapping the tax and raising the money in other ways.
20, Yes, her speed was quite good, considering.
21, Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.
22, After considering all five possibilities, we checked off the second one.
31, Considering the weather, we got here quite quickly.
32, Considering her difficult childhood her behaviour is excusable.
33, They're considering separation as an option.
34, Considering his age, the little boy reads very well.
35, He didn't look too tired, considering.
36, He stood there, considering the painting.
37, He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.
38, He exhibited great self-control considering her rudeness.
39, It's an idea that's worth considering.
40, Considering his age, his body is quite sound.
41, The recording sounds very crisp, considering its age.
42, The Secretary of State is presently considering the proposal.
43, The committee has been considering the report.
44, Will's not that tall, considering he's 16.
45, These young people did quite well considering the circumstances.
46, Yes, her speed was quite good, considering.
47, We're still considering where to move to.
48, The two companies are considering merger as a possibility.http:///considering.html
49, He stood considering the painting for some minutes.
50, He is considering resignation .
51, Considering her age, she has worn well.
52, The management is / are considering closing the factory.
53, She did well to find the way, considering she'd only been there once before.
54, The jury is considering its verdict and we're waiting to see which side of the fence they'll come down on.
55, He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through.
56, Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job.
57, He told a joke about death that I thought was in rather poor taste considering that Steve's father had just died.
58, Considering the amount of stress she's under, it's not surprising she keeps getting migraines.
59, Considering the signs he showed of genuine repentance, we shall deal leniently with him.
60, I think these sales forecasts are unrealistic, considering how slow sales are at present.
61, The government is considering toughening up the law on censorship.
62, Their refusal to cooperate is perfectly/completely understandable, considering the circumstances.
63, We must reckon with all possible difficulties when we are considering the cost of the contract.
64, Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.
65, Peter hates his nose so much that he's seriously considering going under the knife to have it made smaller.
66, The Home Secretary is considering a new law against stalking.
67, Considering the injuries he's had there can be little expectation of him winning the race.
68, Your car's in very good condition, considering how old it is.
69, The grant was a real godsend, especially considering the theatre was due to close next month.
70, Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
71, Delegates have voted by a narrow majority in favour of considering electoral reform.
72, That car's got real style, which is no surprise considering how much it cost.
73, I think we paid too much for the house,() considering that we needed to get the roof repaired.
74, Considering he's only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
75, Many companies are considering shutting up shop in this country and transferring production to low wage economies.
76, The education minister's criticism of the new exam system seems rich, considering it was he who demanded the changes in the first place.
77, Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market.
78, I think he got off quite lightly considering it's his third driving offence.
79, The price of this shirt is not high, considering its quality.
80, We are considering whether to change our advice to tourists.
81, The German authorities are considering an airlift if the situation becomes critical.
82, Considering the smallness of the car, it is relatively roomy inside.
83, Considering the extent of his injuries he's lucky to be alive.
84, After considering all five possibilities, we checked off the second one.
85, The Government will not shirk from considering the need for further action.
86, A popular weekly evening class is the Access Course, which is designed for those considering higher education.
87, John did quite well in his exams, considering how little he studied.
88, The council is considering banning vehicles from the town centre to relieve congestion.
89, She never wore perfume, considering it to be mere frippery.
90, The European Union is considering whether to provide financial support for the expedition.
91, They are considering the launch of their own political party.
92, It's hardly/scarcely/not surprising you're putting on weight, considering how much you're eating.
93, People often make value judgments about things without considering them carefully.
94, After being dropped from the team the young defender is considering his future.
95, I regard your suggestion as worth considering/as worthy of consideration.
96, The navy is / are considering buying six new warships.
97, We are considering the options available to us in this no-win situation.
98, The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.
99, The Port is considering supplying an equal amount.
100, The Stalinists, added another, were still considering armed intervention.
101, Congress is considering legislation that would ban such donations.
102, They sat motionless, considering the consequences.
103, Major retailers are considering or have already declared bankruptcy.
104, McConville said today that he was considering an appeal.
105, This method is the first of its kind, and the ministry is considering developing it for commercial application.
106, Voice over Anyone considering selling counterfeit goods at car boot sales could face two years in prison or unlimited fines.
107, There are various inter-agency trials issues groups considering Crown Court delay but with no real urgency.
108, Not much cop considering that the game requires a hefty one hundred of the little blighters to be meandering about at once!
108, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
109, These claims are now examined by considering the position of each sector in turn.
110, Clearly, teachers considering this variable annuity have a lot of homework ahead of them.
111, The administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Thursday that Clinton also is considering Nevada Gov.
112, They carried an amazing amount of news, considering the difficulty of surface transport and the absence of telephone and telegraph.
113, We are now considering new taxes to balance the books.
114, I am considering a helpline for those who simply can not stop going into outdoor shops and buying aluminium water bottles.
115, Predominantly its work is case work, considering whether individual applicants should receive exemptions from examinations and pupillage.
116, But shortly after the trial the twin's parents announced that they were considering pursuing a civil case for damages.
117, He is wrong, they argue, in considering a pro-choice advocate for vice president.
118, No one would choose to buy cutlery or crockery or curtains or chairs without considering their aesthetic appeal.
119, Before the merger plan was announced in March, Blue Cross was considering giving $ 2. 4 billion to the foundation.
120, He thanked Mitch again for the tattoo and said it was lasting pretty well, considering.
121, The council was considering several options outlined by City Attorney Glenn Sabine.
122, Probably conceived in utero, he first spoke these words to me when we were considering Yeats' epitaph.
123, One could accept the mathematical models of Copernican astronomy without even considering whether the earth really moves.
124, In the early 1940s, the Bureau devised the plan of considering an entire river basin as an integrated project.
125, And there is a particularly close connection in the case we are considering.
126, When considering bids, preference will be given to bids involving significant employee participation.
127, First and foremost, we are intentionally considering a limited subset of the potential causes of recent longer-term climate change.
128, As a result, both candidates for governor are considering earmarking some state aid for salary increases.
129, It was a very good offer, an amazing offer, considering who it came from.
130, He does this by considering what he calls aspects of power.
131, Considering all the power that accumulates by the end of this novel, the first hundred pages are disappointingly slow.
132, The algorithm used is best described by considering an example.
133, He announced he was considering the move in September and yesterday confirmed the details.
134, Harwell was considering diversifying into new non-nuclear areas for the offshore and biotechnology industries.
135, The issue of intellectual ability is especially important when considering the prevalence of mild dementia.
136, The Commission said this was insufficient and is considering court action.
137, Congress is considering a supplemental appropriation to help compensate for that loss, Moos said.
138, Tables 6.6 and 6.7 give two views of this shift,[http:///considering.html] considering different time periods and employing different classifications.
139, But now all of us have been absolved of ever considering it again.
140, Laing pauses to collect his thoughts when considering what was perhaps the most difficult decision of his long career.
141, Worth considering are species producing six or more flowers per bulb - Tete A Tete is ideal for window boxes.
142, Again the place was surprisingly clean considering how cramped it was.
143, Net margins were 14% of turnover, a very good performance considering the very unfavourable worldwide economic climate.
144, Our client, who prefers to remain anonymous, is considering incorporating cruises into his contract.
145, This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1.
146, It is this capacity to give meaning which needs to be held on to in considering human behaviour.
147, Considering the seriousness of the matter to be debated there was an unusually low attendance at the meeting.
148, Moscow is considering a ban on alcohol and tobacco advertising in most public places and on transport.
149, I received an acknowledgement from Toshiba yesterday telling me that they were considering my application for the job.
150, Congress was once again considering raising the federal debt ceiling.
151, Several unsuccessful companies announced that they were considering challenging the commission's decisions in court.
152, The Home Office is seriously considering the plans, while campaigners are condemning the moves.
153, Despite serious technical obstacles, space agency officials are considering whether to launch a Jupiter space probe powered entirely by sunlight.
154, He enraged biologists by considering the biosphere of living creatures as a large chemical factory.
155, A third way of considering expenditure distribution is via the allocation given to specific patient or client groups.
156, This chapter begins by considering the circumstances that brought about the so-called imperial presidency.
157, The continued effort in cancer research seems worthwhile considering the suffering that patients must endure.
158, A disposition to incremental change can deflect one from considering or even comprehending wider and more fundamental problems.
159, This is accompanied by an understanding of intentionality and an increased capability of considering motives when making judgments.
160, In which case, it seems worth asking why I am considering them at all within the limited confines of this book.
161, Designers are considering enlarging and strengthening the concrete foundations, and anchoring them into Bay soils with steel pilings.
162, He is considering an appeal against his five-year sentence, it was revealed last night.
163, And a cheap price it was, too, considering your box-office potential in the years ahead.
164, He is considering ways' to develop exhibitions beyond the permanent collection that will relate to different sectors of the population.
165, The education committee of the Ohio legislature has been considering a bill requiring evidence against evolution to also be taught.
166, Border has a history of reacting to situations before considering all the consequences.
167, Considering that we were completely and utterly untrained at this stage of the war, this was no mean achievement.
168, People are born and raised within one country, without considering the question of choice.
168, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
169, However, nobody had made the conclusive step of considering the consequences of this, namely the chain of muon catalysis reactions.
170, All three varietals seem to be adapting well to California, considering that they are recent immigrants.
171, He has already done so in respect of civil non-matrimonial legal aid and is considering the responses to that.
172, Their feelings get hurt; they blame the other person and react without considering the long-term consequences.
173, He had no one to envy, for life had been good to him, especially considering his humble beginnings.
174, One further effect worth considering is the bowel preparation before harvesting of the tissue.
175, Prosecutors were considering filing criminal charges, and a civil suit was pending.
176, The government is considering a total ban on the sale of handguns.
177, In considering patterns of morbidity both within and between populations it is usual to distinguish between acute and chronic health problems.
178, We've had some fun tonight...considering we're all gonna die someday. Steve Martin 
179, When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
180, Considering what he did, I think the punishment was appropriate.
181, The board took four off-sale licences in the locality into account when considering an application for a public house licence.
182, Before considering how events developed, it is important to clarify in whose interests the system had been operating.
183, The ethics committee on Wednesday is to begin considering what punishment to recommend to the House.
184, Considering the technical complexities required, televised science fiction has frequently earned less than proportionately balanced critical response.
185, Close-coupled double-symphonic suites are quieter still in operation and a change over to a modern suite may be well worth considering.
186, Considering the relatively small number of men actually at risk, the casualty rates were very high.
187, It might therefore be worth considering the alternative of independent production and printing, relying on editorial mention for distribution.
188, It briefly describes the origins, uses and importance of these elements before considering the factors underlying their chemical properties.
189, The Borough Council is considering closing the aviaries to save money.
190, Changes in the penalties for speeding are aimed at putting fear into the hearts of anyone considering edging over the limit.
191, When I tailed off he sat nodding, like a doctor considering a diagnosis.
192, Whether these are actually present is then determined by considering the electrolytes and arterial blood gas measurement.
193, Last year, it retained investment bankers and disclosed it was considering an initial public offering of stock.
194, I thought I managed very well considering that tears were running down my cheeks most of the time.
195, It is important to appreciate this point when considering the way in which Formalist thinking subsequently developed.
196, We could examine the workings of the multiplier by considering changes in other injections into the circular flow.
197, It's not only riding skills that count when considering a holiday, but the ability to cope in unfamiliar surroundings.
198, Perth and Kinross District Council are considering this application, which is being strongly opposed by the local community.
198, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
199, You can make all the calculations, do all your considering.
200, There were no arrests, but the attorney general is considering pressing charges against club operators.
201, We saw a case for considering what our nuclear arsenal would be and whether it was completely necessary.
202, A party official said it would obey the ruling, but was considering a court appeal.
203, The pressure group was commenting on suggestions that the Government is considering the abolition of pensioners' prescription exemptions.
204, That box likely will appreciate in value, considering she bought it for a whopping 23 cents.
205, Did they complain about the Fujitsu factory, which takes some beating when one is considering eyesores?
206, The dynamic nature of phase equilibria can be understood by considering them in the light of the kinetic theory.
207, In considering the problem of child abuse, we all have the same starting point.
208, An additional factor in considering the question of definition is that by far the majority of non-traditional entrants are also mature entrants.
209, What they asked for as compensation, considering the agony they were about to be put through, was pitiful enough.
210, The United Nations said it was considering evacuating foreign aid workers.
211, Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.
212, We strongly advise anyone considering the test to use the counseling services available.
213, None the less, they are worth considering, because they help us to understand both the origin and the artificiality of feudalism.
214, This can be illustrated by considering some of the key characteristics of jobbing production.
215, Rather, it serves as an eminently readable reference book for those considering a life in food biz.
216, In considering an appeal all these avenues will need to be explored.
217, The footballer said he'd received an approach from another team, and that he was considering the offer.
218, However well rehearsed this was, it was quite an accomplishment considering that their teacher was self-taught.
219, Wall flows have some special features which we illustrate by considering boundary layers.
220, The police acted with commendable restraint, considering the amount of pressure they were under.
221, Maybe young people carry knives for effect, without considering possible consequences.
222, Before considering the possible applications of the dynamical transition paradigm, it is necessary to clearly delineate this restricted domain of application.
223, I am considering retaining these but using 8 spoke rims with a tyre more conducive to suggest?
224, Donald thinks he paid too much for the property, considering that the roof needed repair.
225, For comic relief, obviously; but we also suspect a topical reference worth considering as evidence in the dating game.
226, Damp Damp is the biggest fear of property owners when considering basements.
227, Now the challenge is complete, he is considering a close shave, probably in the name of charity.
228, This implies that their organizational strategy commences by considering the needs and wants of the customers.
229, This switched supply introduces a non-linearity, which can be eliminated by considering only the fundamental components of voltage and current.
230, City officials are considering building a path to give the public access to the ruins.
231, This is a real bonus considering that anti-virus software is often responsible for slowing down your computer.
232, Business charge cards are relatively cheap considering the freedom that they offer.
233, An experiment of the type we are considering is conducted with a large batch of proton pairs.
234, The regulations provide for this in certain circumstances and we are considering how to improve the detail of the procedures.
235, Anthony isn't clocking yet, but says he's considering it.
236, Each, in his own way, sits quietly considering mortality.
237, He is considering the disposition of furniture in his new house.
238, Contingency theory has got great achievements for considering leader's behavior under situations.
239, We seem to be considering chemical bonding solely in terms of potential energy.
240, Here I've been considering myself qualified to criticize your game.
241, It is therefore not surprising that self - retardation is not well - documented in the systems we are considering.




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