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单词 peg
释义  Related topics: Outdoor, Musicpeg1 /peɡ/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  short stick 短棒DHHDCC a short piece of wood, metal, or plastic that is attached to a wall or fits into a hole, used especially to hang things on or to fasten things together 〔尤用于挂物或固定用的木头、金属或塑料〕短钉,挂钉 Sarah hung her coat on the peg. 萨拉把外套挂在衣钩上。 a table fitted together with pegs 一张用钉子钉起来的桌子 a pattern made with coloured pegs on a board 木板上彩钉构成的图形2. hanging wet clothes 晾挂湿衣服 British English a small plastic or wooden object used to fasten wet clothes to a thin rope to dry 〔晾衣服用的塑料或木制〕衣夹 SYN clothes peg, American English clothespin3. tent 帐篷DLO a pointed piece of wood or metal that you push into the ground in order to keep a tent in the correct position 〔用于固定帐篷的木制或金属〕桩 →5 see picture at 见图 tent4  take/bring somebody down a peg (or two) UNIMPORTANTto make someone realize that they are not as important or skilled as they think they are 杀某人的威风,挫某人的傲气 Evans is an arrogant bully who needs taking down a peg or two. 埃文斯傲慢霸道,真该杀杀他的威风。5. musical instrument 乐器APM a wooden screw used to make the strings of a violin, guitar etc tighter or looser 〔用于调节小提琴、吉他等弦线松紧的〕弦钮,琴栓 SYN tuning peg6  a peg to hang something on British EnglishREASON something that is used as a reason for doing, discussing, or believing something 做某事[相信某事]的理由[借口];话题,谈资 As a peg to hang it on, the tournament had the 100th anniversary of Nehru’s birth. 本次锦标赛是为了纪念尼赫鲁百年诞辰。7. drink 饮料 British English old-fashionedDFD a small amount of strong alcoholic drink, especially whisky or brandy 少量威士忌[白兰地] → square peg in a round hole at square1(12)Examples from the Corpuspeg• Serena hung her hat on a peg.• Green in the chrome of the Harley, in the beach towel hung on a peg.• His voice was nasal, to the extent that it sounded as if there was a clothes peg clipped on to his nose.• Knock in rows of pegs just outside the patio boundary.• The Creative Weaver comprises a perforated base board, with sets of pegs for setting up the design on the board.• Saddles, gleaming immaculately and stirrup irons polished, hung neatly on pegs.• Hang your coat on this peg.• I clipped into the top peg and swung around in tides of feelings below the bulge.• I also put on the real Sperzel locking tuning pegs as opposed to the fake ones that Fender are making now.Related topics: Economicspeg2 verb (pegged, pegging) [transitive]  1  PEBEto set prices, wages etc at a particular level, or set them in relation to something else 把〔价格、工资等〕固定在一定水平;与…挂钩peg something at something The dividend was pegged at 6.1p. 股息限定在6.1便士。peg something to something a currency pegged to the American dollar 与美元挂钩的货币2  JOIN something TOGETHERto fasten something somewhere with a peg 用钉[桩]固定〔某物〕,把…钉牢 The tent flap was pegged open. 帐篷的门帘被掀开固定住。 Outside, a woman was pegging sheets to a washing line. 屋外,一个女人正把床单夹在晾衣绳上。 PHRASAL VERBS3 peg somebody/something as something phrasal verb THINK/HAVE THE OPINION THATto believe or say that someone has a particular type of character, or that a situation has particular qualities 认定〔某人〕为〔某种性格的人〕;认定〔某事〕有某种特质 I’d had him pegged as a troublemaker. 我觉得他是个惹事坯子。4 peg away phrasal verb British English informal WORK HARDto work hard and with determination 坚持不懈地努力工作 at She pegged away at her essay. 她坚持不懈地写论文。5 peg somebody/something ↔ back phrasal verb British English to stop someone from winning in a sport or from increasing the amount by which they are winning – used in news reports 〔在体育比赛中〕扳平;遏止…的势头〔用于新闻报道〕 They were pegged back by an equaliser from Jameson. 詹姆森把比分扳平,遏制了他们的势头。6 peg out phrasal verb a) British English informalMXDIE to die, or to fall down because you are tired 死;〔因筋疲力尽而〕倒下b) peg something ↔ out British EnglishDH to fasten wet clothes to a washing line to dry 把〔湿衣服〕夹在晾衣绳上晾晒c) peg something ↔ outDLO to mark a piece of ground with wooden sticks 用木桩标明〔某块土地〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspeg• But Wasps pegged away and when Ashurst was careless with his feet, Pilgrim kicked the penalty goal.• Government measures to peg back inflation have deepened the recession.• Although the formwork was quite heavy, we pegged it down at the four corners as a precaution.• They resembled washing lines, although instead of clothes, several dozen peculiar wooden and metal contraptions were pegged out.• The bonus was pegged to a simple productivity scale everyone could understand.• But the resistance is pegged to stimulate toning and endurance, not strength, Kraemer said.peg something to something• In the last century, most countries pegged their currencies to gold.From Longman Business Dictionarypegpeg /peg/ verb (pegged, pegging) [transitive]FINANCE1to fix something such as prices or wages at a particular level, or fix them in relation to something elsepeg something at somethingThe prices of many holidays have been pegged at last year’s levels.peg something to somethingcurrencies which are pegged to the dollar —peg noun [countable usually singular]Banks use the base rate as a peg to set interest rates on loans.2American English to state what you believe an amount to be or what you believe will happenpeg something at somethingSome analysts peg the losses at $125 million.peg somebody as somethingOpinion polls peg him as her likely successor.→ See Verb tableOrigin peg1 (1400-1500) Probably from Middle Dutch peggepeg1 nounpeg2 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1Chinese  short a of Business Corpus wood, metal, piece




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