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单词 Playscript
1. In relief a playscript with stage directions enjoys natural sunshine and the excellent room that breathe fresh air namely, natural sunshine still has more powerful antiseptic effect.
2. The playscript of the film originated from best-selling novel"The Da Vinci Code". The background, the content, the hero and the heroine all have considerable selling points.
3. In relief a playscript with stage directions is to bask, the room that breathes fresh air, once exceeded it bearing limits, the result is very terrible.
4. They are publishing a new version of the playscript by Taso Yu this autumn.
5. This advanced information makes the same score electronic government affairs a playscript with stage directions should be the important channel that the government passes policy and information.
6. It just provides the service of a tool for respective user, more comparison body of a playscript with stage directions should be made the same score in both C2C the useful sex respect to the user.
7. This lesson makes people recognize a fact: In relief a playscript with stage directions is to bask, breath breathes a room of fresh air, once exceeded it bearing limits, the result is very terrible.




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