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单词 Presumed
1. The species was presumed extinct.
2. I presumed him to be her husband.
3. I presumed he understood the rules.
4. In British law, you are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.
5. Twelve passengers are missing,(Sentencedict) presumed dead.
6. Their nephew was missing, presumed dead.
7. I had presumed wrongly that Jenny would be there.
8. The missing person is presumed dead.
9. He was reported missing, presumed dead.
10. One man is still missing, presumed dead .
11. A person should never be presumed guilty.
12. The temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.
13. The accused person should always be presumed innocent until proved guilty.
14. From the way he talked, I presumed him to be your boss.
15. In English law, a person is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
16. A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
17. He presumed upon his position to find his daughter a nice job.
18. Her good nature can be presumed upon once too often.
19. She presumed on her father's generosity by borrowing money from him and not repaying it.
20. You were sniffing a lot - I presumed you had a cold.
21. In English law, an accused man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty.
22. The defendant is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
23. Somewhere safely behind the lines he presumed.
24. All stateless individuals are presumed to be lawless vagabonds.
25. This, she presumed, was life.
26. The killers are presumed to have fled to Mexico.
27. Little is known of the youngest son; it is presumed that he died young.
28. If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumed dead.
29. The burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.
30. If a person is missing for seven years, he is presumed dead.
1. The species was presumed extinct.
2. I presumed him to be her husband.
3. I presumed he understood the rules.
4. Little is known of the youngest son; it is presumed that he died young.
5. In British law, you are presumed innocent until you are proved guilty.
6. Her good nature can be presumed upon once too often.
7. If a person is missing for seven years, he is presumed dead.
31. Ten sailors are missing and presumed dead.
32. One man in Nevada was missing and presumed dead.
33. He was presumed dead, but where?
34. I presumed it was politically correct.
35. They pre-knew, pre-accepted, presumed that Casey was hyperactive.
36. Nineteen were killed and two went missing and are presumed dead.
37. Alternatively, girls would have to be presumed to have a lower ability to learn mathematics than boys.
38. I was dismayed by these feelings, even ashamed, having always presumed that a good feminist would beat this rap.
39. Persons leaving a Communist country were normally presumed to be fleeing persecution.
40. Many scientists presumed the new damage to the forests to be the result of higher levels of pollution.
41. Checkpoints can turn into ambushes, and thousands have disappeared, presumed killed or held in prison.
42. Teachers and health workers in rural areas have been targeted by the militias because of their presumed sympathy with the opposition.
43. She never presumed on her friendship with Eve by expecting to be let in to the inner sanctum.
44. Universal concepts denote phenomena which are presumed to occur universally, regardless of historical epoch or type of society.
45. Generally, social inequalities are presumed to be justified, often in terms of tradition.
46. His longest and most penetrating chapter discusses the event of his mother's presumed suicide in 1912.
47. I called him on Wednesday and left a message with a man I presumed was his father.
48. The bureaucrats in their Brussels bastion wrongly presumed that bigger is better.
49. Above it hung a picture of a disapproving man who I presumed was Sefton Hamilton's grandfather.
50. The company shall be presumed to be carrying on its business as a going concern.
51. We had presumed, I think fairly reasonably, that this particular gentleman would figure large in any lecture on Victorian times.
52. He did not say so, but I presumed that a mutual friend had told him about my separation and divorce.
53. If these tests are all negative, the chemical is presumed not to be mutagenic.
54. Recent discoveries suggest that the biblical Garden of Eden was less metaphoric that we presumed.
55. The writer is engaged in a kind of vicarious interaction with a presumed reader and anticipates and provides for likely reactions.
56. The frigidarium was presumed to be open to the sky and contained a large open-air swimming bath.
57. There were presumed to be as many as the food supply could sustain.
58. Innocence is presumed until guilt has been established by formal trial.
59. Conversely, a high P/E ratio is presumed to show that the market expects high and/or non-volatile earnings from the company.
60. Five of the six presumed urban cases in Santa Cruz died, which suggests that non-fatal cases were missed.
61. If this shows a lethal mutation it is classified as a presumed mammalian mutagen.
62. He presumed those men who had been on duty had all gone in the helicopter to help the others.
63. The committee presumed that its decisions would be carried out.
64. It is therefore seldom appropriate to treat disorders of language and communication by trying to influence presumed underlying causes.
65. Small-town dwellers feel impervious to or removed from social danger and violence; big-city folks are presumed to be numb to them.
66. Under criminal law people are presumed innocent until proved guilty.
67. We make daily decisions about whether or not to say(/presumed.html), whether or not to interrupt the assumptions being made about our presumed heterosexuality.
68. The third category relates to private transactions, where an equality of bargaining power is usually to be presumed.
69. It is presumed that the younger Abraham was educated by his father.
70. An algorithm purporting to match what is presumed to be operating in a human brain would need to be a stupendous thing.
71. They say Mind presumed an inquiry would involve the families and those advising them and we were astonished when it did not.
72. The mysterious Mr Kipper has never been traced and Susie is presumed dead.
73. He said that he had presumed that Khumalo was speaking on behalf of Buthelezi, but realized that he was incorrect.
74. Men who clean and wash are presumed to have a wife in hospital.
75. The conflict between Shetlanders and incomers is presumed in turn to cause friction between Shetlanders.
76. Apart from these weaknesses, the Government has seen fit to deny an additional safeguard which might have been presumed to operate.
77. Of these 7. 5 million youngsters, nearly half are presumed to be severely handicapped by their mental disorder.
78. Bhagat Singh, the presumed killer, eluded arrest and quickly achieved the status of hero.
79. The term refers to the idea that federal grants should be concentrated on areas or groups presumed to have the greatest need.
80. These research subjects are presumed to be ignorant and vulnerable groups in society and almost always include students.
81. Restrictive practices Restrictive practices, in the form of formal agreements between firms, are presumed to operate against the public interest.
82. Although glutamate is the presumed mediator, other neurotransmitters may modulate its effects.
83. But it is also apparent that that totality is not completely known, nor is its future shape even presumed.
84. The presumed answer is that the golden age has long since disappeared below the horizon of memory.
85. Many of them also presumed it to be the result, directly or indirectly, of air pollution.
86. He had suffered casualties - one man missing, presumed dead, another partially disabled.
87. In 18 months of operations they lost a total of 983 aircrew, 725 of whom were killed or presumed dead.
88. The little chap is presumed alive and well - although anything's possible.
89. What will the president and his presumed Democratic supporters on Capitol Hill try to do to force consideration of the measure?
90. His would-be assassin, presumed to be in jail, belonged to his second line of defence.
91. Following her hanging, a horse and cart set out from the Grassmarket carrying what was presumed to be her dead body.
92. The Kurd made a long noise in his throat which she presumed to indicate disappointment.
93. They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice.
94. Wednesday, Molinari fielded question after question about her presumed lack of bias in the anchor role.
95. Was this the treatment Roman meted out to any female who presumed a little too much, grew a little too possessive?
95. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
96. Again, they are presumed to choose the most advantageous alternative, and this will tend to restore the no-arbitrage condition.
97. More generally, there is a wider range of kin whom one is presumed to have some duty to assist.
98. She had presumed that only children cried and was disturbed to see that grown ups sometimes did so.
99. An aerial search of the area proved fruitless, and they were presumed dead.
100. CT-guided drainage was performed for a presumed perigastric abscess.
101. A trust can be presumed by operation of law.
102. Defender — an opponent of ( presumed ) declarer.
103. The company is presumed to be still solvent.
104. He presumed upon er kindness to borrow some money.
105. Each account holder is presumed to have equal share.
106. I had presumed that everything was fine.
107. Perpetrator's refutation to basic facts is disproof, while his refutation to presumed facts is proof.
108. It can be presumed that the nucleation rate of HHM will increase with the rise of temperature and supersaturated ratio, when toluene used as dissolvent.
109. Heather Donahue's discovery of Joshua Leonard's (presumed) tongue and teeth wrapped in his handkerchief bears a striking similarity to Washington Irving's story "The Devil and Tom Walker".
110. It is presumed that chlamydospore may be the major primary infection source of rice false smut and begin to infect the panicles of rice before or after florescence.
111. A long - lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall.
112. It was presumed that KBP may playa role in the regulation of metabolism of tissue kallikrein on the level of biosynthesis and excretion.
113. It must therefore be presumed that they are rejoined at some time.
114. You will not think I have presumed upon your defencelessness - been too quick and unreflecting, will you?
115. An evidence of debt not existing is presumed to have been discharged.
116. We may presumed above the research that the effectivenesses are ideal with carbasus sputum aspirators being used in the pedo-hypospadia operations and it is worth to be generalized.
117. While the C-terminal of the choline kinase contained a phosphotransferase consensus sequence, which was presumed to be involved in catalytic function.
118. Facts, the statement of which may reasonably be presumed likely to have such an influence on the judgment of the underwriter are called material facts. (Joseph Arnould).
119. In 1994, a researcher was smuggled one top-secret photo the Hubble Space Telescope had taken of what is presumed to be Heaven.
120. Chiropractors traditionally have relied on their kinesthetic sense during palpation of the spine to assess for presumed intersegmental spinal mobility.
121. Heathcliff presumed to give himself a holiday on the strength of it.
122. The resilience of misfolded prions appears to be a key reason why chronic wasting disease has persisted and spread from its presumed starting point near Fort Collins, Colo.
123. But he is also looking ahead to a possible general election match-up with the presumed Republican candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona.
124. United States treaties are presumed self-executing, and the United States courts are "bound to give effect" to them.
125. Sirens wailed, flags flew at half-staff and navy ships sounded whistles as South Korea honored the 40 sailors known to have died and 6 others who are missing and presumed dead.
125. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
126. Classic theory presumed that capillary vessel changes was the most basic pathological changes.
127. BBS, the operators providing bulletin board in the net, should bear the responsibility of the copyright infringement on condition of the presumed fault.
128. " When the interviewee was described as extraverted, almost all the questions presumed extraversion, such as, "What would you do to liven up a dull party?
129. She is presumed dead, slain during her pursuit of vengeance.
130. The stadium was packed with tens of thousands of peaceful pro-democracy supporters protesting the military regime and Camara's presumed candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections.
131. ToGlynn's surprise, he learnt that MacDonald , who had been presumed dead, wasalso in Nagasaki.
132. If the bill as a non-drawer, acceptor or indorser signature of the party's share has, until the contrary is proved, be presumed that the person on grounds of effective and unconditional delivery.
133. Moreover , he presumed that cycle times for development were long.
134. We report a case of acute retinal necrosis (ARN) associated with aseptic meningoencephalitis on the basis of presumed contiguous spread.
135. The researchers wanted to investigate the presumed high perioperative risk of pancreatectomy , which has limited its use as a treatment.
136. Ginny was born around 1981 -- most likely before Halloween, given the presumed Hogwarts cutoff date.
137. Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
138. It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god Ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness.
139. Until the mid-1990s, genetics and molecular biology were dominated by a set of assumptions generally presumed to be unproblematic.
140. Many courts recognize a presumed right of access to court documents, as well.
141. There are 13 and 17 ESTs which have no homologous sequences in spermatangium cell library and nutrition cell library respectively and we presumed that they might represent new genes.
142. The condition is not recognized clinically and is presumed to be rare.
143. From the way they talked, I presumed them to be married.
144. This is to preserve space on what is presumed to be a small-screen mobile device.
145. In our calculations, an organic molecule benzene-1,4- dithiol is chosen to structure molecular junctions, and the metal electrodes are presumed to be made up of gold.
146. Paradoxically, between 3 and 49 % of presumed dopamine neurons are excited aversive stimuli.
147. She was presumed killed in the First Battle of Gyndine, but in reality went to Wayland to investigate Yuuzhan Vong activity there, along with her two male companions.
148. As long as the "presumed imputability" is not removed, the bishop in question has to abstain from all public ministries.
149. In addition, the banded mining bee, the brilliant moon beetle and the lichen, Opegrapha paraxanthodes, have also been posted missing, presumed extinct.
150. It was presumed that I prayed before I got into bed at night.
151. It is presumed that remnant lipoprotein also can induce the adipogenic differentiation of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs).
152. I presumed the bottled water in the room was complimentary.
153. A hypothetical particle postulated to be the quantum of gravitational interaction and presumed to have an indefinitely long lifetime, zero electric charge, and zero rest mass.
154. The presumed mastermind of the plot was the GSPC's second-in-command, who goes by many aliases, including El Para after his stint as a parachutist in the Algerian army.
155. Moreover, the biogeographic analysis implied a presumed center of recent differentiation in the region from upper to mid Changkiang River to Qin Mountain .
156. If a person is missing for nine years in that country, he is presumed dead.
157. Perhaps the most intriguing feature of the newly described species, Hydrolagus melanophasma, is a presumed sexual organ that extends from its forehead called a tentaculum.
158. And the fusing of bones making up the lower jaw fortified this region, facilitating the presumed " buccal pump" mode of tetrapod ventilation.
159. The condition is not recoginzed clinically and is presumed to be rare.
160. Because of the inaccessibility of others' mental experience, it is presumed that the process of perspective framing in reporting others' experience must be different from the first person narration.
161. Statutes are not to be presumed to derogate from international law.
162. In this paper, based on the error theory, the mean square error of elevation difference median in bilateral observation of subtend trigonometric distance measure is presumed.
163. Where a bill is no longer in the possession of a party who has signed it as drawer, acceptor, or indorser, a valid and unconditional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proved.
164. Cirrhosis resulting from alcohol (2), autoimmune hepatitis (2), and hepatitis B (1), or cryptogenic cirrhosis (3) was the presumed diagnoses pre-LT.
165. Only the intervention of the Grand Duchess—and the girl's assurance that she had been unharmed by the presumed madman—prevented damage to the dashing virtuoso's career.
166. Restrictive practices are presumed to operate against the public interest.
167. An indictment is merely accusation and the defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
168. A presumed language family formerly thought to include Egyptian and the Berber, Cushitic ,(http:///presumed.html) and Chadic languages.
169. The presumed severity of infectious mononucleosis did not affect the relative risk for MS.
170. Last week these sanguinary omens may be presumed to have fired his brain afresh.
171. Stephen Owen suggests in his research into the Chinese poetic thought that a poem in Chinese literary tradition is usually presumed to be nonfictional and its statements are taken as strictly true.
172. The effectiveness of the registration of real estate include monitoring the effectiveness of tax effect, the compensation effect, presumed ability.
173. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty and have the right to an attorney, and criminal procedure rights are extended to all persons without limitation.
174. Conclusion We may presumed above the research that the effectivenesses are ideal with carbasus sputum aspirators being used in the pedo-hypospadia operations and it is worth to be generalized.




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