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单词 peeved
释义  peeved /piːvd/ adjective informal  ANNOYannoyed 生气的,恼怒的peeved at Peeved at his silence, she left. 她对他的沉默感到生气,就走开了。Examples from the Corpuspeeved• A moment later the beautiful young man from Gasset and Lode came out, looking peeved.• It both peeved and amused me.• I dare say a few prize juries might be peeved at having their judgment queried, too.• As the bedroom door closed, Googol adopted a peeved expression and pretended great interest in a fingernail.• Geoffrey was peeved she spent so much time in Meredith's company.• In any case, Ned's a bit peeved so you'd better go in and see him.• Murray is peeved that the club did not offer him a new contract.• He was obviously peeved that we'd squared it with the music teacher while he didn't know anything about it.• I was peeved to see Robert Kilroy-Silk credited with inventing the egg trick in a recent colour supp. profile.peeved adjectiveChinese   Corpus annoyed




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