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单词 Parlour
1. She led the guests into the parlour.
2. They scouted around for a beauty parlour.
3. The parlour connects with the study.
4. She managed to get a situation as a parlour maid.
5. She went to the massage parlour for a full-body massage.
6. The beauty parlour priced itself out of the market by charging so much.
7. He's in the front parlour.
8. The parlour was little less disturbing than its chatelaine.
9. They moved to the tattoo parlour.
10. After supper Mrs Hendry ushered everyone into the parlour.
11. She pushed the parlour door open and tiptoed in.
12. Paul strode towards the parlour, his misery forgotten.
13. The cottage parlour looked like a stage set.
14. I showed her into the parlour.
15. She led me into a parlour.
16. Mrs Parvis had photographs in her parlour.
17. I am about to retire to the breakfast parlour with Mr Beckenham and Miss Merchiston.
18. The male nudes in his parlour were balanced carefully by female ones in the games room.
19. James was sent sprawling across his own parlour carpet,(/parlour.html) a blinding anger building inside him.
20. Her bloodstained body was found at Pinky's massage parlour, Boughton, where she worked.
21. She has just had her legs waxed at the local beauty parlour.
22. He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour.
23. I thanked her and she withdrew back into her parlour.
24. When the time came to unite Santosh with his parents, he was called into the parlour.
25. At half past eleven, tea was made in the back parlour.
26. Once again, he left the pupils to superintend the luncheon and departed into the small parlour to hear their story.
27. Now thirty-five intrepid Lionisers were gazing at the outside of the small single-fronted cottage with its tiny parlour overlooking the street.
28. Two years to the day after the killing, three women were working in the former Pinky's massage parlour.
29. He was not physically robust and his main recreation was playing bridge and parlour games.
30. But what could be more important than his appointment as chairman of the largest and most prestigious funeral parlour in the city?
1. She led the guests into the parlour.
2. They scouted around for a beauty parlour.
31. He covers himself in rose-water all the time so that the place smells like a funeral parlour.
32. The floor was of the same beaten earth as in the parlour.
33. We'd just sit around in the front parlour of my house and smoke Typhoo Tea in my dad's pipe.
34. Tennis courts, a fitness room, sauna, massage and beauty parlour are all available at a charge payable locally.
35. The authority of Pires, Lauren and Ray Parlour, strong at the outset, was absolute long before the finish.
36. Backward, and yet forward A principled, worldwide massage parlour owned by everybody: doesn't that sound better?
37. Everyone in the parlour flinched at the noise, except Laura, who went on playing.
38. He never spoke with a woman except in the presence of a third party or outside the parlour.
39. It was a testimonial for a funeral parlour which had dealt with the victims of a forest fire.
40. He marched victorious into the parlour where David Copperfield himself had sat.
41. Violet Mapping had been running this massage parlour for five years.
42. The only fan in Motherhouse is in the parlour and is meant for visitors.
43. At three in the morning I wake up with a start and think I am in a funeral parlour.
44. Arkan owns the best ice-cream parlour in Belgrade, a shopping centre, a savings bank and other businesses.
45. In the candlelight he could see her more clearly than in the parlour.
45. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
46. Owned by Jo Rutherford, Trigo rounded up the milking herd and brought it back to the milking parlour in Devon.
47. They were all in the parlour, except for Patsy, who was out with friends.
48. Not if I have to drag her through every court in the land ... Nick closed the parlour door.
49. Dim lights shone in brown parlour windows and there was a trail of yellow in the purpling sky behind the chimneys.
50. They trailed home under a red, smoky sky, to the cosy, fire-lit parlour and high tea.
51. Two years to the day after the brutal killing, three women were working in the former Pinky's Massage parlour.
52. There were five cars from the funeral parlour following the coffin.
53. But she refused to have his body in the undertaker's parlour.
54. Opening the door, he splashed his way across the farmyard to the milking parlour.
55. Finally he got up from his desk and walked out into the foyer of the massage parlour.
56. Mummy stopped the car at once, even though the pizza parlour was so crowded that they couldn't have a table to themselves.
57. To do the Cafe Posta properly, one repairs to the antique-filled back room; front parlour strictly for tourists.
58. Neuman revealed that she nearly quit showbusiness to run a mobile massage parlour.
59. I followed him into the funeral parlour, where we were greeted by a businesslike undertaker.
60. It was ours though, and Mrs Logue's parlour had been getting a bit rough lately.
61. The parlour opens into a small courtyard, where there is constant activity.
62. The plans were to include a vestry, church parlour, toilets and classrooms and the estimated cost was placed at £15,000.
63. The postman came just as the grown ups were moving into the parlour.
64. Archie shuffled his feet and looked as if he'd like to vanish up his parlour chimney.
65. Here is a parlour game of political identification.
66. Up close – a clandestine massage parlour?
67. The parlour connetcs with the study.
68. All this makes for an parlour game.
69. Who is that in the parlour?
70. Mr. Hall went very aggressively into the parlour.
71. Cao Cao: Go to beauty parlour when beautician.
72. She looked crestfallen and gazed at the parlour carpeting.
73. Want to use wreath, must buy in funeral parlour.
74. If go to beauty parlour fleck laser scar does?
75. Can you recommend a good beauty parlour?
75. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
76. I had lunch in the parlour car.
77. They were now near the end where the corridor opened into the large general parlour.
78. After Gaskell had retired for bed in the room directly above, she could hear Charlotte's footsteps in the parlour.
79. Mr. Justice was led into the parlour, in his night - cap and loose morning gown.
80. THE old - fashioned financial system was like Old Maid, a parlour game once beloved of small children.
81. The office was a front parlour with a panelled wall.
82. At the afternoon wine tasting in the parlour car I met Rene and her mother, who also travel the country by train.
83. Division judges: Do not know which funeral parlour your home is?
84. Objective To observe the toxicity effects of herbaceous beauty parlour cream on the skin of rats.
85. Then the following day, went to beauty parlour, did one time arrange.
86. 'They say grief comes in five stages. But I know a sixth' ... the funeral parlour scenario.
87. Answering that question has been a parlour game for economists since long before the crisis.
88. I am my own footman and parlour - maid for the moment.
89. Go to beauty parlour doing safety of operation of photon tender skin?
90. A small-scale memorial service for family, relatives, and close friends is scheduled to be held at 8pm on 27 February (Sunday) at the World Funeral Parlour, with a cremation on the following day.
91. In beauty parlour in nearby Mianyang's silicon valley region, young men are cutting hair.
92. The parlour was rather a small room, very plainly furnished, yet comfortable, because clean and neat.
93. Go to beauty parlour nodding naevus to you can leave scar?
94. Is the be good at bosom in beauty parlour useful to his bosom really?
95. Carrie heard it through the open door from the parlour below.
96. Harry came down to breakfast to find the table set in the parlour as usual, but instead of sitting at the escritoire finishing up his morning letter, Malfoy was nowhere to be found.
97. As an aspiring thespian he worked at an ice-cream parlour before moving on to a series of minor roles in the theatre.
98. Point at a selection, and it will be handed over in a room up the back staircase, behind a tattoo parlour, in a nearby warehouse, or even, for the ultra- unadventurous , back in the shop.
99. Factory director Deng Jie, together with entire staff, welcome leader of each funeral parlour to this factory for visit and guidance.
100. The Manor house elves found it, smoothed it out and put it in one of the drawers of the parlour escritoire , along with a number of other similar pieces of parchment.
101. The parlour car had banquette seating, a bar, swivel chairs for enjoying the scenery, Wi-Fi access and a dreadlocked attendant, William.
102. The feat is not just a parlour trick - it could help people visualise how light travels in the curved fabric of space.
103. Yesterday morning, tian Yuesheng 's remains leaves the ceremony is held inside Guangzhou funeral parlour.
104. She smiled playfully and made a show of looking the parlour over.
105. Her father, who had just finished his dinner, obeyed sullenly, and I heard the door of the back parlour—a little room where the daughters sat and sewed during the evening—shut to behind the men.
105. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
106. Do photosensitive pulverization to beauty parlour, establish lever to see a movie.
107. Application: Hair Dryer, Electric Blanket, Electric Mug, Beauty Parlour Appliance , Mini Electric Tool , Electric Heater etc.
108. But the question of who will replace him is more than an idle parlour game.
109. This Beauty parlour knows Best of all how to make a female Beautiful.
110. My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week.
111. The brown - panelled parlour was furnished all in old style. and with real old furniture.
112. Largely because of the legal grey zone in which they thrive, pachinko parlour operators are not listed on the stock exchange. The producers of the machines, however, are tipped to perform strongly.
113. When we came back to the funeral parlour, he could begin to speak a little to us.
114. At least one parlour in the tourist town of Batu on Java island has required its masseuses to padlock their skirts or trousers to make it clear that the establishment does not tolerate prostitution.
115. The club room is something like an old fashioned hotel tea parlour.
116. About 200 mourners attended Ho's funeral at the Hong Kong Funeral Parlour yesterday following his death in hospital at the age of 89 last week.
117. He went into the front room, his bedroom, the parlour, lighting the gas as he went.
118. Chinese workers carry the bodies of miners to a funeral parlour after a coal mine blast outside Qitaihe, northeastern China's Heilongjiang province November 28, 2005.
119. Rare is the folk album that is comfortable referencing the Neighbours theme tune alongside obscure Victorian parlour music.
120. Richards and his old wife sat apart in their little parlour -- miserable and thinking.
121. On the stage, six of the characters had already appeared in the opening parlour scene.
122. He will be at your funeral parlour in one hour . Be there to greet him.
123. He continued to inhale the close , and somewhat professional atmosphere of Mrs. Glass's small parlour.
124. After we moved to the funeral parlour, we continued to chant into the night.
125. The effect that sticks nasally is not complete, often going to beauty parlour is not small harm to the skin of nose place and pore, be in again except black head so nurse daily.
126. Beauty parlour becomes hairdressing operation failure, how should the client demand due compensation?
127. Partaken in parlour games, and pondered things I would never have otherwise.sentence dictionary
128. Ah, yes, want to know, I was cost in beauty parlour full 7 hours.
129. He did not greet or talk to anyone. We went straight to the funeral parlour.
130. Towers, Battersby , North, MacArthur: parlour windows plastered with bills.




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