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单词 Oblivion
1. He just drank himself into oblivion.
2. Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion.
3. She was doomed to oblivion.
4. Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.
5. He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.
6. He often drinks himself into oblivion.
7. He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion.
8. Most of his inventions have been consigned to oblivion.
9. He died in oblivion in a remote village.
10. The planes bombed the city into oblivion.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. He had drunk himself into oblivion.
12. The ancient civilization fellinto oblivion.
13. An unexpected victory saved him from political oblivion.
14. The loser's name has been consigned to oblivion .
15. Some poems are doomed to oblivion.
16. His work fell/sank into oblivion after his death.
17. The city has long since passed into oblivion.
18. The pain made him long for oblivion.
19. Hundreds of homes were bombed into oblivion during the first weeks of the war.
20. CDs continue to push vinyl records toward oblivion.
21. In the eyes of the neighbours a watery oblivion.
22. Oblivion cures the old wounds. Dejan Stojanovic 
23. Like Nuages Gris, it fades away into oblivion.
24. Defile, and then flee to the bliss of oblivion.
25. Wind power presents too many advantages to be allowed to sink into oblivion.
26. Most of his work has now been consigned to oblivion.
27. An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion.
28. These toys will be around for a year or two, then fade/slide/sink into oblivion.
29. He was another minor poet, perhaps unfairly consigned to oblivion.
30. It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.
1. He just drank himself into oblivion.
2. Sam longed for the oblivion of sleep.
3. He sought oblivion in a bottle of whisky.
4. He often drinks himself into oblivion.
5. Wind power presents too many advantages to be allowed to sink into oblivion.
6. Most of his work has now been consigned to oblivion.
31. Its decrees sank immediately into oblivion.
32. She might merit a short obituary in her own paper, two lines in the Star, and then oblivion.
33. They rescued impeachment from oblivion and made it part of their backward-looking constitutional structure.
34. By the time we got back Tam had stopped going on about the Hall Brothers and slumped into oblivion.
35. Spurred on by the spectre of political oblivion Michael Heseltine may yet risk all.
36. The glum history of the heath lien gives reason to fear that these related forms may follow it into oblivion.
37. Their works have disappeared as a result, and there are many more interesting things that have been consigned to oblivion.
38. It loomed over the Angara River like a great rectangular tombstone, moldering toward oblivion in stunning disrepair.
39. At the Restoration his exclusion from the Act of Oblivion was rejected by a small majority.
40. They were not dropped into the oblivion of the Gulag archipelago or the Lubianka.
41. In life, Christopher Jabelman had been an urbane,[/oblivion.html] well-educated man who was drinking his way to oblivion.
42. Death and oblivion were down there, waiting for the movie to be over.
43. This city forgets the good with the bad; all are consigned to the same oblivion.
44. Huggins periodically asks store managers to nominate 10 chocolates for oblivion to make room for new products.
45. Would her body betray her and fight to preserve its fleeing spirit, causing lingering agony instead of swift and final oblivion?
46. Many of her thoughts pass into oblivion, while the occasional thought comes true to life.
47. They presently look like a team that could drift farther into oblivion each week.
48. You do not sit upright on the living room couch wrapped in a blanket, staring into oblivion.
49. Anton Flettner's way of extracting power from the wind presents too many advantages to sink into oblivion.
50. Here he was on his deathbed, preparing for oblivion, and she sits over there reading Parson Noah's latest pamphlet.
51. No wonder I danced my way to oblivion that day.
52. Curling up beneath the window she sank into gorgeous oblivion.
53. Memoirs from the twenties, for long consigned to oblivion, began to be used again.
54. Off course and approaching the mountain, they crashed into oblivion, and their families never knew for sure what happened.
55. Certainly by 1100 the whole episode had fallen into almost complete oblivion.
56. And by the end of the war, the issue had fallen into oblivion.
57. If the achievements of the Thatcher years were not to be consigned to oblivion, then a tactical retreat was necessary.
58. With his teachers he salvaged from oblivion many of the Swahili poets, notably the Mombasa poet, Bwana Muyaka.
59. A much more flexible and pro-active strategy was needed, unless Labour was to pass into total oblivion.
60. A few hours of oblivion probably, but failing that, Faber.
61. She keeps circling between past and present, memory and oblivion, like some one trying to wake up from a nightmare.
62. Diane Mynors saved us from oblivion by playing in the Oxford Women's first eleven cricket team which defeated Cambridge.
63. This penetrating study of a drunken drop-out, yearning for oblivion, is both ridiculously funny and painfully sad.
64. They must find a way to unlock the defence other than by simply launching men head first into oblivion.
65. The document left many questions unanswered and when it was not endorsed by any major party figure it slid into oblivion.
66. But now even members of the swamp can see that following the chairman leads to political oblivion.
67. This study is not an attempt to rescue from oblivion a poet whom critical attention has neglected.
68. So should we let them sink into oblivion and folklore?
69. The provisions of the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution and various related statutes were relegated to oblivion.
70. Oh to be able to fall into it and sink into oblivion!
71. They say death comes like sleep,[] a painless way oblivion.
72. And the blow also obliterated his reputation, which bled away into oblivion.
73. These pronouncements were not necessarily written down and so they might be carried off into oblivion by the winds of time.
74. It's always sad when a figure of fun, an easy target for a laugh, disappears into oblivion.
75. Does the heretic suddenly fear the flames of academic oblivion?
76. Sport enjoys peculiar privilege, sometimes acting in isolation if not oblivion from the real world.
77. Is second childishness and mere oblivion.
78. What has happened shall be buried in oblivion.
79. His reputation will fall into oblivion in the future.
80. Removed Oblivion Knight's Iron Maiden curse.
81. But that last item may be destined for oblivion.
82. The Cultural Revolution is indeed a major topic of public debate. even though the Chinese Communist Party would prefer for it to fall into oblivion.
83. Once-plentiful species like Atlantic cod have been fished to near oblivion, and delicacies like bluefin tuna are on an arc toward extinction.
84. There is no revenge like oblivion : burying others in the dust of their inanity .
85. Lourdes cure, waters of oblivion , and the Knock apparition , statues bleeding.
86. Within the hour he had slipped once again into deep and dreamless oblivion.
87. She curled into the downy softness of the bed and drifted into sweet oblivion.
88. The novel, a short book, easy to fall into oblivion off, off, or destroy residual seeking prospecting nothing.
89. It is nice to see that experience and achievements of our ancestors have not sunk into oblivion but is well-preserved and developed.
90. Once in bed, when it is time to close the five ports of knowledge, most folks I know seem to find no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivion.
91. Shelley Rice describes Kuhn's Brazil as "mobile, never fixed; it moves back and forth between wilderness and civilization, between carnality and oblivion, fecundity and decay."
92. Seek quietude and oblivion, so that you may return peaceably to France after a few years.
93. Friends who really fall into oblivion, from which guilt is totally absent, are those who have received my reply.
94. As the teaching staff, learning tolerance and oblivion is one kind of great virtue and truehearted love.
95. Beholding, besides love, the end of love, / Hearing oblivion beyond memory!
96. Politics can promote the growth of talents, but here politics made talents fall into oblivion.
97. They gain a long tenure in office at the price of final oblivion.
98. It would fill me with a feeling, a feeling I later tried to dupicate with alcohol and finally found again with Clare, a feeling of unity, oblivion, mindlessness in the best sense of the word.
99. One called it a singularly pointless waste of technology destined for techno - oblivion.
99. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
100. Let her identity, her connection with yourself, be buried in oblivion:you are bound to impart them to no living being.
101. Built for direct fire support and sub hunting , the Exodus carries an Oblivion Cannon, as well as a variety of anti - sub and anti - torpedo weapons.
102. As records of ancient cultures on the cusp of oblivion are unrivalled.
103. One of these little details that Milton has lifted rather directly is that of the river Lethe, the river of oblivion that was believed to flow in the underworld.
104. But, really, would any president risk declaring class war and following the Workingmen’s Party into oblivion?
105. With its destruction, Carthaginian civilization fell into oblivion in the history.




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