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单词 Ambient
1. It is reported that the ambient air over the city is becoming worse and worse.
2. If no pollution control expenditures are made, ambient air pollution concentration will be high and pollution damage costs high.
3. It can create three dimensional images under ambient, non-destructive conditions.
4. The 11 sinuously blended songs of ambient texture and acoustic sensitivity are striking and pure, with a confessional intensity.
5. Fans are used to draw ambient air over the condenser and air over the evaporator inside.
6. Firstly, ambient air quality standards or goals need to be specified.
7. Its average age will essentially depend on the ambient social structure.
8. The Detroit Symphony Hall adds a nice ambient bloom to a typically spacious Chandos recording.
9. The ambient temperature in Celsius is roughly equal to the number of cricket chirps in 8 seconds plus 5.
10. Extra effects provide various industrial and ambient noises, along with off-the-wall sounds which work well in contemporary rhythmic contexts.
11. The ambient temperature for each day of the study was determined from local weekly weather statistics.
12. Tabitha's headset suddenly locked into an ambient channel and began to tinkle with tinny salsa.
13. Film form - ing mechanism of ambient temperature blackening.
14. The band specialised in morose, ambient Doom music.
15. Ideally, an open area test site should be situated in a position with low levels of ambient radio activity.
16. Oldfield was never conferred with boffin status, unlike his contemporary, Mr Ambient himself, Brian Eno.
17. Odour emissions are affected by wind direction, temperature inversion, ambient temperatures and humidity.
18. Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution.
19. A stunning, beat-driven first half leads to a rather directionless ambient second section.
20. The water in the aquarium will quickly equal the ambient air temperature.
21. Mussels were handled gently and kept at lake temperature in ambient lake water during measurement.
22. It requires a greater than one-for-one reduction in emissions in order to achieve a net improvement in ambient air quality.
23. Make with the sketch maps of the area. Measure the ambient temperature.
24. The room is full of smoke: nicotine has become the ambient atmosphere.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. That's why on the new album we did the ambient song and the dub reggae number.
26. Rapid cooling between 22 and 20Myr reflects both uplift during ductile phases of extensional deformation and ambient cooling of the granitic intrusions.
27. Homeothermy or Homoiothermy Temperature regulation in tachymetabolic species in which core temperatures remain roughly steady despite ambient temperature changes.
28. The weather affects them, the time of day, the ambient noise.
29. It really comes into its own with flash as the metering balances the flash against the ambient lighting conditions with great results.
30. Insulation is important since it keeps out the hot ambient kitchen air, reducing the load on the refrigeration system.
31. Their music mixes industrial noise, ambient and black metal.
32. There are four colors: Ambient, Emissive, Diffuse, and Specular.
33. The probe will be affected by ambient light.
34. Deathes from ambient carbon monoxide poisoning are increasing.
35. Novel methods for the carbonylation are introduced of olefins , halides, paraffins, and arenes under ambient conditions and UV irradiation catalyzed by transition metal complexes.
36. There is a status indicator LED and an ambient light sensor above the LCD screen.
37. Storage : Clean, dry, at ambient temperature, away from odorous materials. open bags must be properly re - sealed.
38. The influence of ambient temperature and humidity on a NIR spectroscopy analysis model was researched for xylidine content in mixed amine.
39. It can be seen that if the engine air inlet temperature is higher and the ambient pressure is lower than the standard conditions , the power output of the effects will be lower.
40. Compared with the traditional method based on optical FBG peak power detection, this method is less influenced by the ambient disturbance and able to improve the sensing accuracy.
41. A novel process of ambient temperature parkerizing and blackening for ferrous metals was studied, as also the effect of factors on the finishing quality.
42. The puck's technology is based on patent-pending thermoelectric generator designs that allow the conversion of ambient thermal energy into electric power for a variety of low-power uses.
43. It is very important for crush barrier to influence on ambient environment.
44. The excellently good ceramic physics performance guaranteed the stable performance under ambient temperature and the high operating temperature, with small size error and outstanding quality.
45. Company of canal county power falls in such ambient conditions namely.
46. Chemical processes carried out at ambient temperature cannot be expected to operate rapidly.
47. Zero-crossing detector is capable of predicting the shape changes of power spectrum so as to find the newly emerged moving sound sources in ambient noise.
48. A single alpha particle generates a track of from 30,000 to 70,000 positive and negative ions per cm,() which may be polarized and moved about by ambient electric fields.
49. An analysis of a passive seismic method for subsurface imaging is presented in which ambient seismic noise is employed as the source of illumination of subsurface scatterers.
50. Typically hydrogen is stored in pressure tanks as a highly compressed gas at ambient temperature.
51. The result is aluscious, mobile soundscape, capable of ambient purr or abrasive noisebursts.
52. Process, parameters and influence factors while applying ambient curing zinc-manganese bonderizing on bicycle surface are introduced.
53. Unlike most terrestrial animals, aquatic animal species used for human consumption are poikilothermic, meaning their body temperatures vary according to ambient temperatures.
54. When Ambient temperature is below zero, the machine needs to install space heater.
54. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55. Locate the ambient temperature sensor, on the radiator support behind the grille.
56. Asphalt mixture is a kind of viscoelastic material , which mechanical properties are correlated with ambient temperature.
57. When the magnetite suspension solution was used as catalyst, crystalline bamboo-structured CNTs were obtained. Y junction CNTs were also obtained under ambient condition.
58. A cyberjazz blend of alien voices, ambient textures and extraterrestrial grooves.
59. Each performance index of TH-2002 SO2 Analyzer meets national technology standard and request of the ambient air quality automatic monitor.
60. Slantwise circulation of disturbance as excited by symmetrically unstable basic flows has changed the ambient field so that the symmetrical instability keeps evolving.
61. After calibration, octave band measurements were taken at each of the listening locations for ambient and pink noise levels from each of the sound output locations.
62. The ambient temperature shall be measured by means of a thermocouple.
63. The nation is concerned now that history ambient condition, outcome sum product settles, and and be a real environment, conditional more important one kind of refraction reporting.
64. Studies were made of preparation of acrylic latex coating crosslinked at ambient temperature with diacetone acrylamide (DAAM) as crosslinking monomer and adipic dihydrazide as curing agent.
65. It is unavoidable that the interference of ambient noise to Satellite Television receiving system.
66. Scenario 5 had no music or ambient sounds ( background noise, like birds and wind ).
67. Returns an enumerable set of ambient property information items for the requested set of types and properties.
68. Solid bulk cargo must be strictly trimmed until to ambient bulkhead. If not enough, then heavy cargo package and baffler shall be supplied.
69. In an optical current sensing system, when the fluctuations of the driving current or the ambient temperature of the optical source used happens, the peak wavelength of the source will change.
70. But in a higher ambient pressure, the flame-spread rates are independent of ambient pressure.
71. Based on the conservation of mass flux, the theoretical equation of the centerlinedilution along the axis of jets in coflow ambient is developed.
72. The survey of radiation level in workplace and the ambient environment were made in respect to medical electron accelerator and Co radio therapeutic devices in Shanxi Tumour Hospital.
73. This allows temperature stabilization for further enhancing long - term stability , even under fluctuating ambient conditions.
74. By allowing the influence of ambient pressure to be transmitted to the nozzle wall, the aerospike yields a net thrust advantage over conventional bell-type nozzles.
75. Ambient noise data measured in an experiment conducted near the sea - route were analyzed.
76. An ambient field aids the magnetization from the exciting current.
77. The first and second detected light levels are processed to derive a first value representing the ambient light level and a second value representing the illumination source output level.
78. USER-FRIENDLY MEASURING CELL: The measuring cell can be easily removed and placed on an analytical balance for weighing viscous samples that are solid at ambient temperature.
79. The sulfur removal efficiency of 15% for the simulated oil and 11.8% for the gasoline are obtained in a single pass under room temperature and ambient pressure while combined suitable emulsification.
80. It takes systemic COP as index to compare rated quantitaty of making water, temperature of water and ambient temperature to contribute to the systemic economical performance.
81. What we define as zero is the enthalpy of every element in its natural state at room temperature and ambient pressure.
82. The direct effects of large-scale condensation precipitation and cumulus convection condensation precipitation on the ambient pressure field and the geopotential height field are studied.
83. In a bulk-glass optical current sensing system, when the fluctuations of the driving current or the ambient temperature of the optical source happens, the peak wavelength of the source will change.
84. Different negotiant will differ according to oneself and located ambient conditions and choose different mechanism, this kind of choice can change as conditional change.
84. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
85. For most objects you can use one color for both Ambient and Diffuse components, and black for Emissive (most things don't glow in the dark).
86. The relationship between the range of selected colors for color coding and the size of targets was investigated on a LCD under lower ambient illumination with 3100K color temperature.
87. The resulting content of SO 2 the gas - air mixture at ground level is called the ambient concentration.
88. The miscibility and the storage stability of ethanol-diesel fuel in low and ambient temperatures are investigated.
89. Free from the influence of ambient temperature, it is stable and reliable.
90. The effects of spray water rate and ambient condition on thermal performance of the cooling tower are analyzed.
91. Cigarette smoke has also been shown to damage skin, and most recently, industrial and traffic related ambient particulate matter has been correlated with facial wrinkles and pigmentary changes.
92. HPLC method was developed for the determination of Carbendazim and Benomyl in ambient water with SPE.
93. Bone conduction microphones enable headsets to effectively eliminate the ambient noise.
94. Amphibians and reptiles are poikilothermic and quite sensitive to the change of ambient temperature. They adapt to environmental temperature by means of self- thermoregulation .
95. Chamber - An elongated ambient space such as a hall, stairwell or elevator shaft creates this reverb type.
96. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the driving current and the ambient temperature of the optical source by some technical means.
97. Vibration alert for use in areas of high ambient noise.
98. The set off imprimis of newly married living quarters should consider completely and steer overall design sur the air space dimension, light, ambient atmosphere.
99. In order to meet the needs of special environment of the display, a display terminal brightness and ambient illumination mathematical relationship is established.
100. Therefore, it was necessary to stabilize the driving current and the ambient temperature of the optical source by some technical means.
101. Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.
102. Because bi metal element in miniature circuit breaker is easily affected by ambient temperature change, the protective characteristic of overload will be changed with ambient temperature change.
103. The result shown here opens up a new opportunity for harvesting electricity from wasted mechanical energies in the ambient environment, which may lead to the realization of self-powered nanodevices.
104. There are different kinds of material properties like diffuse , specular, ambient, etc.
105. It's an ambient self - drying amino - ester modified alkyd coating.
106. The distribution of water clusters under ambient conditions was first tested using a triple-quadRupole mass spectrometer coupled with a dielectric barrier discharge ionization source.
107. These are remarkable improvements over the conventional BCC hydrogen absorbing alloy, because, in general, conventional BCC alloy such as TiV can not desorb hydrogen under ambient conditions.
108. In particular, it gives a characterization of closed totally geodesic hypersurfaces in such an ambient space.
109. Princely outstanding: Outside ambient is not quite good still now.
110. Under ambient pressure conditions, the values of jet dynamic pressure have been measured.
111. To study the hygienic status the ambient air quality the passenger train the summer vacation transportation.
112. Savio went with louvers rather than straight glass for his first model, because the individual louvers can be removed and used like ambient flashlights.
113. It is an essential precondition for inducing ambient vibration data of an aircraft with the state inductive method.
114. A discussion on the ambient factors of eletrieal product used in railway engines and the effect of ambient condition to the products is presented in this paper.
115. This method uses at least two light sensor measurements to derive information concerning both the ambient light levels and the illumination source output level for known drive conditions.
116. The device is readily removed and installed at ambient pressure without venting the mass spectrometer.
117. Gas Fired Spray Washer to Clean an Automotive Part prior to an assembly Operation. Washer was constructed of Stainless Steel with Indexing Chain Conveyor and Ambient Blow-Off.
118. Low ambient temperature smaller bubble size, larger capacity, it is not easy connectivity to form bubbles.
119. Water cooled water chillers can work out of the ambient temperature in fluence.
120. All mechanical ventilation systems must meet the indoor ambient noise levels in Table 1.1 of BB 93.
121. Continuum radiation was corresponsive to negative voltage signal of collector plate, and high-kinetic energy electron made ambient ionized.
122. Tight limits were set on disposal into the rivers at only 1.5 degrees above their ambient level.
123. In this paper, spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of city ambient air pollution in China were summarized based on API data that were published by SEPA.
124. The law how the parameters, such as the pressure before injecting, ambient pressure, the distance to exit, affect discharge characteristics and atomization characteristics of injectors is analyzed.
125. Terms such as ambient conditions or room temperature should be avoided.
126. Both of them are loaded up with Bluetooth, an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, and a rechargeable battery.
127. The company has imported advanced equipment and can produce 200-litre annular barrel by using high density polyvinyl resin which is of high rigidity and abradability and can bear ambient pressure.
128. It is noted that either negative or positive PC are very sensitive to oxygen ambient.
129. At high ambient temperatures, animals in the target zone get lost in the background scene.
130. So what color should we use for the ambient light in the scene?
131. Intelligent light - sensing technology automatically adjusts LCD screen and keyboard backlighting to react to ambient light levels.
132. Measurements of paniculate ammonium and gaseous ammonia in ambient air were studied by denuder difference and filter packs.
133. The mechanical energy existing in the ambient environment with lower frequency can be effectively extracted by using spiral-shaped piezoelectric bimorph power harvesters.
134. Air Otto cycle is improved with the application of real gas instead of ambient air.
135. The catalytic activity and selectivity of the catalysts for n-pentane isomerization at ambient temperature were investigated.
136. However, manifolding may not be adequate if ambient temperature conditions do not yield sufficient heat flow or product vapor pressures within the containers.
137. Ambient conditions that include toxic gases such as hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, nitrous acid, chlorine, bromine, methyl bromide, ammonium, etc.
138. These displacement transducers are ruggedly constructed of stainless steel and able to withstand harsh environments where high ambient temperature or vibration is present.
139. Built-in photosensitive resistor (CDS), Brightness according to ambient light, Automatic IR LED can be opened and closed, More delay infrared lamp working life.
140. A state-time spectrum of aircraft ambient vibration is an important statistical parameter of an aircraft.
141. Thereinto ambient noise field and environment magnetic field have directly influence to underwater target characteristic research and torpedo fusee design.
142. High - purity ultrafine magnesium hydroxide was prepared by ambient temperature - state reaction using hexammoniated magnesium chloride as material.
143. The team speculated that, over time, cichlid eyes adapted to either the bluish or the reddish ambient light, depending on where they lived.
144. It glistened in the ambient light[], with the characteristic dark red-brown sauce I've come to love.
145. This paper puts forward a compiling method of the state-time spectrum of aircraft ambient vibration.
146. The Santa Fe Complex is working with the University of New Mexico, The Santa Fe Institute, and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to create ambient environments focused on scientific visualization.
147. The proposed NTTALE has the ability to handle undersea ambient noise twice, to enhance the UMT radiated line spectrum feature twice, and to track well time-varying signals.
148. Tribological properties of multilayers in ambient air were investigated using pin-on-disk tribometer.
149. For one thing, it means that there is an additional global warming of about 1 degree Fahrenheit that is already "in the pipeline, " and has not yet manifested in overall ambient temperatures.
150. The outputs of this kind of optical fiber reflective sensor are independent of the characteristics of the light source, of the losses in the ambient medium and the target reflectivity.
151. Economic growth is the run-of-mill material base that all social element progress expand, and harmonious society is the ambient conditions that economy grows quickly.
152. The point-spread function (PSF) characterizes the resolution of the image, which is a function of the receiving array length and the ambient bandwidth.
153. They work at cryogenic temperatures. Ultraconductors are polymer equivalents of an ambient temperature superconductor.
154. So only a correct model can reflect properties of reservoir accurately in the given ambient condition .
155. This then enables the display device to be controlled taking into account the ambient light level and taking into account the output characteristics of the illumination source.
156. Clearances and differences in height between rear lamp area of car bodies and ambient components represent the level of vehicle design and assembling.
157. The ramose sex of helianthus , one kind is decide by transmissibility hind ambient conditions causes a kind.
158. A non-profit organisation to promote Electronic, Space and Ambient music.
159. It is shown that calcium carbonate can be decomposed in aqueous sodium dichromate solution and transformed to calcium chromate at ambient pressure and boiling temperature.
160. If an un-insulated portion of a refrigerated tank is filled with steam, the condensing rate due to ambient cooling will exceed the venting rates specified in this standard.
161. The shape and dimension of the division of the 3 zones is mainly decided by slope angle and ambient wind speed given fire line intensity.
162. A small hole orifice or restrictor in a component for allowing pressure in the component to be the same as ambient pressure.
163. Ambient noise, for example , can mask much of the detail on a recording.
164. It shows that the presented method can be used to identify modal parameters effectively under ambient excitation and that the polynomial eigenvalue method is superior to the augmented matrix method.
165. Another example that is yellow and purple, yellow light goes well with purple ambient light.
166. Objective To observe the influence of ambient temperature to the central body temperature of experimental dogs in the period of narcosis .
167. For petroleum waxes, the Saybolt Wax Chromometer is equipped with heaters to keep waxes that are not fluid at ambient temperature molten during testing.
168. In the Initial and Ambient Conditions dialog box specify initial values of the flow parameters.
169. The results show that flame-spread rates are sensitive to ambient pressure and decreases as the ambient pressure decreases in a lower range of ambient pressures.
170. High mixing rate, optimized entrainment ratio and higher mixed static pressure than ambient pressure are two key elements to get thrust augmentation of the improved configuration.
171. To study ambient intelligence system more deeply, we built the research environment based on home application. Several subsystems of the experiment platform are introduced here.
172. Visibility in sunlight Typically poor, the extra layer reflects too much ambient light . Typically very good.
173. The film formation of ambient drying water - dispersing coatings is described.
174. Electrospray-assisted laser desorption ionization (ELDI), a combination of electrospray ionization and laser desorption, is an ambient ionization source developerd in our laboratory.
174. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
175. The ambient temperature is closely related to the fuel vaporization and air mixture the cold start.
176. The album charted a course between the raw muscle of James nose-bleed techno and the understated minimalism of Selected Ambient Works.
177. Owing to the low vapour pressure of MDI at the ambient temperature, with adequate ventilation exposure to hazardous levels of MDI vapour in the atmosphere is unlikely.
178. Since the late 1980 s , Alio Die has recorded deep, evocative experimental ambient and electro - acoustic soundscapes.
179. By default, 3 D Studio Max will use an ambient light to light the scene.
180. This approach is not ideal because the offset will change over time due to self-heating and changes in the ambient temperature.
181. Take ambient environment parameters into account to expand these models. A practical model possible to describe the PV array characteristics in ambient condition is established.
182. If the ambient temperature remains constant, the smaller critical size and the higher critical ignition temperature are needed with the higher critical heat flux density.
183. The features and desulfurizing principle of fine desulfurizer at ambient temperature were introduced.
184. To bring your flash into the tungsten range of color for most ambient situations, you can use a Color Temperature Orange (CTO) filter over the flash lens.
185. Using computer models, Furey has worked out that flying kites in a figure of eight pattern means the air flowing over them travels even faster than the ambient wind speed.
186. Displays the necessary environmental conditions: ambient light should be neutral colors.
187. The characteristics of electron emission and photo-electricity response at ambient condition were studied.
188. HPLC method was developed for the determination of Carbendazim and Benomyl in ambient water SPE.
189. Ambient pressure and correlation between parameters have strong influence on PDE performance when working is unsteady.
190. The fixture is shielded from ambient light and houses a photodetector (PD) for light measurements.
191. Conclusions The ambient temperature affected the central body temperature of experimental animals directly during their operation.
192. Based on extensive research of literature, the feasibility of using ambient flame as ionization source of mass spectrometry is studied theoretically.
193. Type of circuit Breaker, pole number, rated current of tripping device, reference temperature of ambient air mode of connection, kind of accessories and their working voltage ratings.
194. The effect of ambient pressure on spray angle, axial velocity distribution of droplets and performance of the thruster are analyzed.
195. When the terminal screen illuminates, an ambient light sensor determines only the brightness level required, again optimizing energy usage.
196. Subsequently, recording or transmission of ambient data is restricted while the autonomous device (1) is within the private area (P).
197. It has been demonstrated that a high ambient temperature increases the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine.
198. The ambient gamma radiation levels may vary due to natural causes, which include geological and meteorological conditions such as rainfall, pressure and wind.
199. The phenology is the science studying mutual concern among plant, animal and the periodic change of ambient condition.
200. The results demonstrate that 1-hydroxypyrene in human urine is correlated at a high level of significance with the contents of pyrene and benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air.
201. The reaction and protection of tantalum cathode in the PCVD ambient under such temperature range were discussed.
202. The results show that the hydrogen bond of supercritical water near critical region is only 29% of that of ambient condition.
203. A bimetallic element is fitted between the movement and Bourdon tube to compensate for fluctuations of ambient temperature at the case.
204. Pulse-testing techniques are used to maintain the junction temperature as close to the ambient temperature as possible.
205. However, even such a nagging forms a close network of contacts, and creates what social scientist called "ambient awareness" through this kind of connection.
206. However if the supply voltage or ambient temperature is low the machine still reduces input power at this preset time.
207. In this investigation, UASB reactors are utilized to study the feasibility of treating phenol, m-cresol and the synthetic wastewater containing phenol as sole organic substrate at ambient temperature.
208. A portable room temperature diode laser based on mid infrared gas sensor was developed for open path measurements of methane in ambient air.
209. The relationships between ambient temperature and ADMR, AME, EDM, EEL, TDMR, TME, plasma T 3 concentration were curvilinear.
210. The crystal structures, lattice energies and electronic band structures at ambient condition are summarized.
211. A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
212. Unlike boiler, the actual efficiency of heat pump is seriously depending on ambient and outlet water temperature.
213. When recycled to a cooling tower, the water cools through the release of latent heat of vaporization and the exchange of sensible heat with the ambient air.
214. Fish are poikilotherm whose body temperature changes as the ambient water temperature changes.
215. This series distribution device is applicable for coal mine with firedamp or coal dust in the ambient.
216. Ambient air temperature and humidity may also have an effect on the flammable limits.
217. Calculation results show that Isp monotonically increases and the thrust first decreases and then increases when ambient pressure is lowered for the straight PDE.
218. In addition to such physiological factor, otolith microchemistry was affected mostly by ambient concentration rather than salinity and temperature.
219. The device can send data faster than 10 megabits per second, which is the speed of a typical broadband connection, by altering the frequency of the ambient light in the room.
220. The results support the hypothesis that ambient temperature combined with photoperiod induce the thermogenic adjustments for small mammals.
221. Infants are often comforted by swaddling, ambient noise, and movement.
222. But go for a compromise between a bright screen image and ambient room lighting.
223. During the production, it emits the heat amount to the ambient accounting for 80% of total heat amount.
224. The deactivation and regeneration of ambient temperature COS hydrolysis catalyst were studied.
225. The sound environment present situation is good, the basic performance satisfies the ambient noise standard request.
226. In this paper the influences of ambient temperature and bias voltage on avalanche photodiodes'(APDs') responsivity are analysed, and the ways of decreasing the influences are discussed.
227. Using trimethylamine and epichlorohydrin as raw materials, an active intermediate, glycidyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (GTA), was synthesized at ambient temperature.
228. Deep burgundy suede carpet, wood tones, and blue ambient lighting create a board room atmosphere inside.
229. Enforcement was possible only when a discharge reduced the quality of the receiving water below the specified ambient level, or to prevent an imminent health hazard.
230. A constant volume cell for spray study was designed to investigate the thick spray characteristics under high injection pressure and high ambient pressure.
231. Such parameters as ambient oxidizer concentration, temperature level, and fuel identity are held constant.
232. A high efficient, reliable gas treatment system which works at high temperature or ambient condition, is needed in the new generation energy conversion system, such as IGCC and PFBC.
233. Supramolecular hydrogels were formed via cooling the aqueous solutions of G 2 under ambient condition.
234. If an uninsulated tank is filled with steam, the condensing rate due to ambient cooling may exceed the venting rates specified in this standard.
234. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
235. The same cooling system has been influenced greatly air flow of evaporator and ambient temperature aircondenser.
236. Weight ratio of the density of high-volume, higher ambient temperature range of tolerance and are able to withstand the vibration of high intensity.
237. Ambient light: As the name suggests, this light is present everywhere.
238. In sound recording , interference , such as ambient noise and reverberation, degrade the quality.
239. If cabin pressure builds up beyond normal maximum due to system malfunction or inadvertent operation of the manual system, these relief valves open to relieve excess positive pressure to ambient.
240. The catalyst system is very stable at ambient temperature and its stability is enhanced by addition of small amount of styrene monomer during preparation.
241. My light setup included four lights: two lights at high intensity for the rim light, one key light, and one ambient fill light.
242. The effects of ambient pressure on jet characteristics have been discussed.
243. It was discussed in details that the model by difference method, the treatment of the ambient condition and the calculation of well flow model being coupled with reservoir.




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