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单词 General election
1. The opposing parties failed in the general election for all their pains.
2. Since there was soon to be a general election, the Prime Minister decided that a change of policy was politically expedient.
3. for victory in/set to win the general election.
4. A general election became a certainty three weeks ago.
5. The government cannot see beyond next year's general election.
6. The general election campaign gets underway today.
7. An early general election is certainly on the cards.
8. They are running three candidates in the general election.
9. The General Election gave him no such mandate.
10. There's talk of a general election.
11. The general election in Britain was expected to result in a hung parliament.
12. We hold a general election every four or five years.
13. The party suffered a humiliating defeat in the general election.
14. The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to run for President again.
15. A coalition government was formed following an inconclusive general election.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. The constitution stipulated that a general election must be held within 120 days.
17. At the last General Election, they suffered a crushing/humiliating defeat.
18. put up a number of candidates in the General Election.
19. The prime minister decided to fight an early general election.
20. The party intends to field / put up a candidate in the next general election.
21. The newspaper's forecast that the Democrats would be totally beaten in the general election came true.
22. They are trying to rush through the draft resolution before the general election.
23. Ron has been right about the result of every General Election but one.
24. How many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election?
25. The economy is regarded as the decisive/key factor which will determine the outcome of the general election.
26. Many suggestions have been put forward, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election.
27. The call for a boycott could be enough to seal the fate of next week's general election.
28. That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election.
29. The MP claims that there is now no obstacle to him standing at the next general election.
30. The Labour Party won a huge majority at the last general election.
1. The party intends to field / put up a candidate in the next general election.
2. The opposing parties failed in the general election for all their pains.
3. The newspaper's forecast that the Democrats would be totally beaten in the general election came true.
4. The General Election gave him no such mandate.
31. The country is in the throes of a general election.
32. It seems many people would vote for the government, at a general election, if there was a new leader.
33. there is going to be a general election in France.
34. The most important thing is more cohesion within the party to win the next general election.
35. The general will rule by decree until a general election.
36. Their principal concern is bound to be that of winning the next general election.
37. He said he would seek to unify the Conservative Party and win the next general election.
38. It probably cost us seats at the general election.
39. Anderson has no opposition on the general election ballot.
40. Does that affect the general election result?
41. The pamphlets had explicitly sought to influence voters in their choice of candidate in the general election.
42. In three successive general election campaigns, the Conservative party has promised higher standards in education.
43. Attlee went to the country over the issue and lost the general election of October 1951.
44. Nelson Mandela stood down as party leader and will give up the position of head of state in the 1999 general election.
45. After the 1987 general election victory complaints of high-handedness surfaced again.
45. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
46. Although Billing retained his seat at the 1918 general election, ill health forced his retirement in 1921.
47. My baptism of fire had been with Leon Brittan who was Chief Secretary until the 1983 general election.
48. Any party which failed to win a seat in a general election would be automatically dissolved.
49. The turnout at a local election is also on average little more than half that at a general election.
50. In the 1997 general election it took 24.1 % of the vote, which dropped to 22 % in the assembly election.
51. Rather than cut shabby deals, he should call a general election.
52. We do not envisage a general election for at least another two years.
53. The voters of Cheltenham turn out in large numbers for a General Election -in 1987 the figure was almost 80 percent.
54. He started blustering about the general election and an end to the inflationary spiral.
55. One of my favourite bits concerned the column she was commissioned to write for a newspaper during the general election.
56. The first calls for psephological analysis, using modern statistical techniques, of the 1931 general election.
57. He had won a comfortable victory in the general election.
58. Should not we include such a policy in our manifesto for the next general election?
59. I was drawn to Laurie at first meeting, when the local Co-operative Party nominated him as candidate for the 1959 general election.
60. It was the smallest gap between the parties since the general election.
61. This must happen once in each Parliament, usually not later than thirty-six months after the last general election.
62. During the general election the doggie vote could hold the balance of power.
63. Also, the pressure on ministers to hustle along with the removal of lead may subside after a general election.
64. Such an event must force either the resignation of the government or an immediate general election.
65. Defeat in the general election of 1865 ended his parliamentary career.
66. During a General Election, Party members might be encouraged to lend a hand in nearby marginal constituencies.
67. They needed 400 gains to suggest a substantial recovery from their general election debacle.
68. Thatcher can be beaten, if opposition parties unite at the next General Election and campaign now!
69. Is not that a terrible record on which to fight a general election, in which the Government will be defeated?
70. Conservative Members know what is in store for them when they have the guts to call the general election.
71. They await the general election with enthusiasm because they want this wretched Government out of office.
72. The billionaire tycoon, who fell from power less than two years ago, has emerged victorious from the general election.
73. The Labour Party is currently establishing Labour groups overseas in order to mobilise support for the forthcoming general election.
74. Sir Julius confirmed that the investigation would also examine the use of government resources and assets during the recent general election campaign.
75. But despite those substantial gains, bold statements about fighting every seat in the next general election were no longer heard.
75. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
76. It might have something to do with the forthcoming general election when any smear will do.
77. Waiting game on hospital lists Hospital waiting lists have fallen by more than 100,000 since the general election.
78. The five main party leaders contesting the general election united to express dismay at the breakdown of the Gatt negotiations.
79. But after four consecutive General Election defeats, is Labour a spent force?
80. The party did not contest the October 1989 general election.
81. Their policy is to try to avoid making a decision this side of the general election.
82. The party, which is part of the national coalition government, won 29 % in last year's general election.
83. Also last weekend, the Fabians published their general election post-mortem.
84. The Conservative Party manifesto for the 1987 General Election returned to the issue.
85. Amlee decided not to seek another term, while Cross was defeated by Democrat Chuck Ford in the general election.
86. The country is voting in a general election that may return Mahendra Chaudhry, the prime minister ousted by the coup.
87. But as the General Election approaches, problems start to mount.
88. All parties contesting a general election would be required to field candidates for at least one-third of the 360 seats.
89. The general election was called only after months of on-again, off-again dithering which damaged our economy and weakened our democracy.
90. Gandhi was killed on May 21st, the day after the first of three days of voting in the general election.
91. The Constitution stipulated that a general election must be held within 120 days, i.e. no later than April 8, 1992.
92. He came from far back in the polls to stage an upset general election victory in 1992.
93. But the governing New Democracy Party dismissed calls for an early general election.
94. If Walden carries out his threat, the Tory government would fall, leading to a general election.
95. It is clear that the Government are determined that the Bill will be on the statute book before the general election.
96. But he left open the option of serving as Mr Clinton's vice-presidential running-mate in the general election against President Bush.
97. All told, the Communists could come out of the general election with some 45-50 seats in the revised 500-seat lower house.
98. The vote for the Green Party, which did not contest the seat at the general election, was only 2 percent.
99. More trade-union sponsored Labour candidates were put forward in the 1929 General Election as unions recognized the failure of industrial action.
100. If rail travel gets worse before it gets better, voters may dump them at the next general election.
101. But the prospect of an early general election has concentrated minds.
102. But such a decline was illusory - caused largely by the unusual circumstances of the 1931 General Election.
103. Cossiga emphasized in a television interview that compromise had been necessary to avoid an early general election.
104. With little pressure from that quarter for an early general election, Callaghan almost imperceptibly emerged with growing command.
105. Britain's general election is expected early this month,(Sentence dictionary) and will probably be won by the ruling Labour Party.
106. Sampling might also involve time phasing as in attempting to detect opinion trends leading up to a general election.
107. Why, oh why, could not the debate on the Bill be held after the general election?
108. The Conservative vote dropped from 59.9 percent of the valid vote at the 1987 general election, to 40.9 percent.
109. The new administration was given responsibility for preparing for the forthcoming general election and drafting a new constitution.
110. Though he had an impressive second-place finish to Lew Murphy in the general election, his political career was over.
111. Businessmen outlined their views on future government policies when two General Election candidates visited the Belasis business centre(), Billingham.
112. But waste management, I predict, will become an important issue in the next general election.
113. The Prime Minister has just announced there is to be a General Election next month.
114. He has criticised the Government for not launching an advertising campaign on the issue until the general election is called.
115. Sometimes, however, notably during a General Election or a big fight, total inaccuracy is publicly punished.
116. The general election will be the opportunity for which we have waited.
117. Whether this kind of Labour Party is capable of winning a general election is open to doubt.
118. This problem was to plague the new party until its virtual disappearance from the scene after the 1987 general election.
119. The Conservatives remained dissatisfied with these arrangements and returned to the matter in their manifesto for the 1987 General Election.
120. Following the 1987 general election, Margaret Thatcher set up and headed a small committee to examine the health service.
121. Republican Dan Copeland is planning to face the winner of the Democratic primary in the general election.
122. Standing up to voters in the run-up to the general election is another matter.
123. The party has had three in as many years, and lost a general election in March by 10 percentage points.
124. The one factor that still tilts general election predictions in the Tories' favour is that their hillcrest position seems ultimately impregnable.
125. Mr Ishaq wants all the provincial assemblies dissolved, in order to create a constitutional crisis that will force a general election.
126. The parliament was formed for those who won seats in the 1990 general election.
127. He resigned his South Dorset seat at the 1987 general election.
128. The Democratic Party officials and machinery mobilized against him after his surprise primary victory and he lost overwhelmingly in the general election.
129. Amid the crushing disappointment of the general election there was a ray of light for the Conservatives.
130. During the 1983 - 7 Parliament two seats were won at by-elections but three were lost in the 1987 general election.
131. The call, the first by any network, created the false impression that Bush had won the general election.
132. The Labour party was geared for a May 3 general election, and for weeks insiders insisted there would be no change.
133. Defeat on a confidence motion would prompt an early general election.
134. A further general election in October of the same year gave him a majority of three.
135. After the 1987 general election, Gould was considered Kinnock's natural successor.
136. Mr Gleeson said it would be unfair to suggest the cash injection had something to do with the forthcoming General Election.
137. In the general election campaign of 1929 the Liberals were challenged by the Conservatives to explain where the money would come from.
138. Later, they called for a public referendum on several water issues, to be voted on during the November general election.
139. I hope that a general election will be held quickly, so that we can show the Government the door.
140. The winner will square off against Phelps, 38, in the November general election.
141. Unemployment in his constituency has fallen by 37 percent. since the last general election.
142. The conclusion is that Nkrumah would have otherwise won by the two-thirds majority which was the general election pattern.
143. Members will also discuss questions to be put to candidates during the General Election campaign.
144. However, the legislation would not be applicable in the aftermath of the June 1992 general election.
145. He said Likud would make this the center of its upcoming general election campaign.
146. After his party's heavy defeat in the subsequent general election, Ellis stayed on as chief whip.
147. The dramatic move - effectively devaluing our currency - exposed the Prime Minister's general election pledges of economic recovery as worthless.
148. Few members of his own party believe the prime minister can survive until the next general election, due in 1992.
149. In 1942 she married James Hoy who gained the Leith parliamentary seat for Labour in the 1945 general election.
150. Appeals are common when a general election is in the offing.
151. The ardent left-winger helped launch the Red Wedge pop-meets-politics movement to boost the Labour vote in the 1987 general election.
152. Whether this is because of the impending General Election, or the impending conclusion of negotiations with electricity generators remain to be seen.
153. This was a preliminary to withdrawing Communist candidates from all but two of the contests in the General Election.
154. What the country got instead was the return to normality with all its faults; and a general election.
155. The general election was now only a few months away.
156. The killings were seen as an attempt by Sikh extremists to disrupt the ongoing general election campaign.
157. The two-year subsidy is intended to stave off colliery closures until after the general election.
158. Taxation will be one of the major issues at the next general election.
159. Special Branch officers who are planning protection for the forthcoming general election are likely to revise their plans.
160. The Tories have given up hope of winning the general election.
161. Perhaps, after all, a general election is only the sublimation of a darned good riot.
162. Ten cooperative candidates ran at the 1918 general election, only one of whom was successful.
163. Whenever the Government want to call a general election, that is what we will do.
164. This was a mid-term party conference, not a general election rally!
165. The Conservative and Unionist party will fight the next general election as the party of the Union.
166. At the general election on March 5,(http:///general election.html) Haglelgam failed to secure re-election as the at-large senator for Yap.
167. A general election will be in prospect.
168. Germany will have parliament elections in the federal states of Thuringia, Saxony and Saarland next week before a general election in September.
169. In 1997, the new Labor Party overwhelmingly won the general election.
170. In 2004, no one opposed him for theRepublican nomination, and his general election victory was so assured that hedidn't spend a penny on television.
171. He then won a big victory in the general election over the candidate of the Whig Party, General Winfield Scott. One of Pierce's friends, the writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, helped him with his campaign.
172. General election is to at air flow air compressor and air pressure.
173. Now, thanks to the quinquennial clause of the 1911 Parliament Act, he no longer has the option to dither: the general election must be held on or before Thursday, June 3.
174. The general election of US. President has been the focus of the global attention at present, and the competition between Bush and Kerry tends to incandesce.
175. Yet, the 2001 general election raised the issue of fairness on the Group Representation Constituency, giving more opportunity to discuss the disputed electoral system.
176. In 1892, the Liberals under William Gladstone won the British general election by two seats over Lord Salisbury's Conservatives.
177. According to Opposition leaders, opposition unity is considered achieved if three-cornered fights are avoided during General Election (GE).
178. But he is also looking ahead to a possible general election match-up with the presumed Republican candidate, Senator John McCain of Arizona.
179. They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election.
180. The ins and the outs quarrelled with one another about the general election.
181. Exploiting Lebanon's fractiousness, Syria pushed its allies to undermine the pro-Western coalition that won Lebanon's general election in 2005.
182. Barbados could have three new political parties battling it out in the next General Election.
183. The Green Party hopes to put up a number of candidates in the General Election.
184. A general election in Belgium reaffirmed the country's Flemish/Walloon division.
185. As any good psephologist knows, your propensity to go to the polls makes the coming General Election one that will see the majority of votes cast being from people aged over 50.
186. On May 5 this year -- polling day for Britain's general election -- he planted 100, 000 kisses on a laminated picture of Prime Minister Tony Blair.
187. Susan Webber Wright was plenty smart, and maybe I should have just given her an A. At any rate, for the general election, I took leave without pay from the law school.sentencedict .com
188. In the Greek general election, the New Democracy party has claimed victory.
189. On Labour Day 1997, the youngest post-war party leader won the general election in Britain.
190. SO PREDICTABLE was the result of the recent general election in Ethiopia that the announcement that Meles Zenawi , the prime minister, had been returned to office seemed almost comically triumphant.
191. You have helped us kick-off the general election on the strongest footing of any presidential challenger ever.
192. Then I stepped up to the voting machine to press a button in India's 15th general election.
193. A breakaway party, the Congress of the People, may dent the ANC's authority in a general election in mid-2009, though probably without ousting the ruling party.
194. The result of Lebanon's general election, in which the moderate, pro-Western parties defeated the radical, Iran-backed Hizbollah Islamic group, has been attributed to the "Obama effect".
195. The cut and thrust of the general election has just started.
196. The Republican nominee, Sarah Palin, then won the general election handily.




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