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单词 Tenuous
1 For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.
2 He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.
3 Her hold on power was now quite tenuous.
4 The difference, if it exists, is extremely tenuous.
5 The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
6 We were only able to make a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
7 My identity was becoming more and more tenuous.
8 This has such a tenuous physical basis that it can hardly account for the results it is claimed to produce.
9 Once again the tenuous thought that she'd previously failed to grasp hovered like a wraith on the verge of her consciousness.
10 See how indefinite are our shapes, see how tenuous our hold on this world grows?
11 Collectors seem prepared to Hoover them up, however tenuous the connection with the liner.
12 Mars has a very tenuous atmosphere that is so transparent that the surface cools off dramatically at night.
13 These rivals scratched out a tenuous existence through a combination of herding animals and marginal cultivation of the soil.
14 Even the most tenuous thread of story is infinitely better than none at all.
15 They say they have only tenuous evidence Gary might have been involved in drugs.
16 But his links to his government are more tenuous, his loyalties less clear.
17 Shift work added to the tenuous links between incomer men and their Shetlander neighbours.
18 Various parties pursued conflicting objectives, often making tenuous alliances with each other for the sole purpose of expediency.
19 The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
20 His links with the organization turned out to be, at best, tenuous.
21 The link between her family and the King's is rather tenuous.
22 The family link with her treasure, she says, is rather tenuous.
23 The open mutiny by the military and police highlights Mr Wahid's tenuous grip on the presidency.
24 Their ability to control and to recover control of a class is more tenuous, and their reputations are more vulnerable.
25 The organization that flows from the office of shaikh was more tenuous, more negotiable, but crucial to making peaces.
26 Even at ten, I knew that I had become the guardian of her life and she the tenuous sleeper.
27 But then again, the logical link between gun ownership and the sales of gun magazines can hardly be called tenuous.
28 His lordship was attractive enough to give substance to otherwise tenuous connections.
29 The rising sun appeared like a swollen red ball suspended low in the tenuous mist.
30 Despite the valuable service the center provides, officials say funding remains tenuous at best.
1 For now, the band's travel plans are tenuous.
2 The cultural and historical links between the many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
3 He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality.
31 But who could have anticipated the stumbling around, the tenuous grip on reality?
32 In fact, of course, much of this material bore only a tenuous similarity to its genuinely customary counterparts.
33 Nevertheless, the mountain goat maintains a tenuous but firm hold in its cruel environment, even though catastrophe is never far away.
34 Consider the view that the link between aggregate consumption and current measured income is a tenuous one. 4.
35 Recently published documentary evidence enables one to support these possibly tenuous impressions with fact, however.
36 The relationship between sociological theories of the causes of crime and theories about its treatment is much more tenuous.
37 For both religions, the attachment of the soul to the body was quite tenuous and temporary.
38 The link between civil nuclear power and military weaponry is, in Britain at least, tenuous.
39 Once we move beyond the primary sensory receiving areas the situation gets even more tenuous.
40 The final assumption, which is actually a subcategory of the second assumption, may be a bit more tenuous.
41 Before the I-point life was tenuous; indeed it faced a steep uphill slope.
42 The road from Salen is the tenuous lifeline of Ardnamurchan, the vital link with the world outside its boundaries.
43 Even quite small bodies can penetrate the tenuous atmosphere of Mars and cause erosive explosions on its surface.
44 Fitzwilliam's brothers-in-law also seem to have had ducal connections, although these are more tenuous.
45 Instead, extraordinarily tenuous arguments were used to relate the competition results to Scott's appointment.
46 Times are tough and many politicians have only a tenuous grip on power.
47 Ever since, she has always felt that she has a tenuous grip upon life.
48 During this period, Ireland's contact with Rome was often difficult and tenuous.
49 The cross - dating links were often tenuous.
50 a tenuous hold on life.
51 The tenuous position of New Orleans is no secret.
52 Then there's the tenuous rule of law.
53 He gave a tenuous account of his past life.
54 The historical links between many provinces were seen to be very tenuous.
55 For instance, a wholesale distributor faces risks of over- and under-supply positions, tenuous supply sources, and unnecessarily high purchase prices.
56 Mitra admits that the analogies between bird culture and human culture are tenuous.
57 But they left only tenuous intellectual ties between Maoism and Marxism.
58 Karl's relationships with Anthony, Smith and Martin are tenuous at best.
59 The oft - cited correlation with monetary conditions is tenuous, too.
60 Concentration of control of mass media has congealed at a tenuous time in national history.
61 Dau carefully watches the tenuous peace declared in Sudan during 2005.
62 At the moment, al-Qaeda in Iraq is valuable to Osama bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, even though the links between the Qaeda leaders and the jihadi shock troops in Iraq are tenuous.
63 Molecules in the more tenuous upper atmosphere are preferentially scattering blue light.
64 The air ten miles above the earth is very tenuous.
65 In still do not understand love age, by virtue of a tenuous friendship, carry the world before one close to him, however, know, understand, and even see him for his courage, all lost.
66 It has been suggested that these pressures exacerbated an already tenuous situation, and set the stage for the fomentation of the Civil War.
67 But the Fed's independence is more tenuous than the ECB's.
68 The Sonia connection had been dismissed throughout the 1960 s as too tenuous to be relied upon.
69 Every cubic kilometre of the ring contains around 20 tiny particles of dust, making it so tenuous, it would be invisible from the inside.
70 A shaft of light from a street lamp falls past tenuous bamboo railings onto a figure in a glittering white sari.
71 During interphase the chromosomes are too tenuous to be stained./tenuous.html
72 This decision puts the President in a somewhat tenuous position.
73 Wealth and power can be fleeting, family bonds tenuous , status mercurial.
74 The link between anger and injuries has been more tenuous; studies have yielded conflicting results.
75 The most egregious excessive bonus payouts now include a tenuous link to performance.
76 The lemma of rice are formed by the bi-peaked- tubercles (BPT), glume hair and tenuous hair.




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