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单词 Inconceivable
1 She found the idea quite inconceivable.
2 Colour is inconceivable to people born blind.
3 It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
4 The idea that they might not win was inconceivable to them.
5 It seems inconceivable that the accident could have happened so quickly.
6 He can't go on holiday alone; it's inconceivable.
7 Then the inconceivable happened-I lost my job.
8 It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem.
9 It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.
10 It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.
11 This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
12 It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that men should travel to the moon.
13 It is inconceivable that a man in such a powerful position could act so unwisely.
14 The thought of leaving her family was inconceivable to her.
15 They agreed to do nothing; self-winding up was inconceivable.
16 That, he said, was, strictly speaking,[] inconceivable.
17 Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. Christopher Hitchens 
18 It is inconceivable that any corpus should provide occurrences of all of these possibilities.
19 To him it was inconceivable to be at sea without trailing a hook in the water.
20 Many people thought it was inconceivable that the crash could have been an accident.
21 It is inconceivable that Edward would, for propaganda purposes, have falsely implicated one of his own household knights in treason.
22 After a lifetime and a zillion points, the inconceivable happened: Dusty notched up a record and retired to his farm.
23 A few years ago a car fuelled by solar energy would have been inconceivable.
24 Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.
25 The opening of a score of nuclear sites in some six years by conventional administrative procedures alone was inconceivable.
26 What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure, but scattered along the life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. Joseph Addison 
27 When I was a boy, having a bath every day was an inconceivable luxury.
28 In the thirteenth century context, liability for marital rape would clearly have been quite inconceivable.
29 It took Mitchell a second to understand what she had done, this inconceivable act; that she had fouled him.
30 The amount of time and money they have wasted on the project is inconceivable.
1 She found the idea quite inconceivable.
2 It's almost inconceivable that a handicapped girl is very independent and lives all alone.
3 A few years ago a car fuelled by solar energy would have been inconceivable.
4 The idea that they might not win was inconceivable to them.
5 This sort of work would have been inconceivable before the advent of microprocessors.
31 Language is central to individual human development; human society is inconceivable without it.
32 Belief is a great manipulator of the mind and the heart. Religion makes people believe in something imaginative, incomprehensible and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
33 How cunningly nature hides every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
34 It's inconceivable that university officials would fire someone as talented and loyal as Professor Schultz.
35 But it is all but inconceivable with launch orders, so the possibility for further last-minute retaliation by Boeing is now remote.
36 It was then that a plan came to his low mind so wicked that you will think it almost inconceivable.
37 To me it seems inconceivable that a single human life on earth is the beginning and end of it all.
38 But such things were inconceivable in New York, and unsettling to think of.
39 Political considerations may make it unlikely, even inconceivable that Parliament might legislate in a particular manner.
40 That sort of mistake was almost inconceivable, in an age of mass communications.
41 The slaughter to thousands of innocent US citizens would have been inconceivable until recently.
42 It was inconceivable that they would ever take stock, or any funny money.
43 If they were implicated in the cover-up it seemed inconceivable that the President had been unaware of what was going on.
44 I have too many rejections in my files, and another would be inconceivable at this time.
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45 People often believe in something they do not know or understand, and are capable of believing in something imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable - under the influence of religion. Dr T.P.Chia 
46 Atheism is against God-based religion which is illusive, mysterious and dogmatic, and which has convinced people to believe in something that is imaginative, incomprehensive and inconceivable. Dr T.P.Chia 
47 Life here in this part of Maine is almost inconceivable without wood and woods.
48 It is inconceivable that this same scenario could have played itself out as it did with a group of unrelated individuals.
49 It would have been inconceivable for exchange control to be tossed around and knocked around in Cabinet.
50 A crime such as matricide is inconceivable.
51 Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable.
52 I had scarcely seen him when I was filled with unutterable joy and inconceivable bliss.
53 I am inconceivable SNS website can provide such services, there is certain difficulty on the execution of phone soubrette.
54 In the Venice window's handicraftsman, is this kind of crowd of inconceivable brave.
55 Many liberals began to move in a direction that the master manipulator had considered inconceivable.
56 I will see things as inconceivable to me today as a moon shot was to my grandfather when he was 16, or the Internet to my father when he was 16.
57 It is inconceivable, the agony with which this public veneration tortured him.
58 Given its responsiveness to output, a lively rebound in trade is not inconceivable.
59 And it is inconceivable that radio and television companies could subsist without this source of revenue.
60 She gazed at this improbably overgrown figure out of an inconceivable future and promptly dismissed it.
61 The Motor City, he says, gave him chances that would have been inconceivable in his native Iraq.
62 It is inconceivable that people such as ourselves, whose Marxist-Leninist level is not so high, do not have any mistakes or shortcomings in work.
63 Will be classified paso doble dance to Latin America, it is inconceivable that, because it is simply pure European-style, and originated from Spain.
64 It is already perfect, pure and replete with all virtuous, inconceivable Buddha - qualities.
65 Although some bears will adapt and survive, according to Eric Regehr from FWS, 'It is inconceivable that 1, 500 bears can survive and find enough nutrition on shore'
66 "Life on Earth has radiated into every conceivable - and in some cases almost inconceivable - ecological niche," says Chris Impey of the University of Arizona in Tucson, US.
67 Starkey agreed, telling the 700 people politely firing questions at him: "When I came into this fair( ), I couldn't believe the amount of people. It is inconceivable that this could happen in Britain."
68 I also became endowed with four inconceivable and effortless wonderful virtues.
69 I was able to see them with an objectivity that was inconceivable to them.
70 At the beginning of the season two - losing streak, the Rossoneri into the end of the inconceivable.
71 That all united should fail to enlighten the competent inquirer in any case is almost inconceivable.




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