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单词 Strive
(1) Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. 
(2) It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. 
(3) Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it. 
(4) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Alfred Tennyson 
(5) We have to strive for what we want.
(6) Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.
(7) Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful, not for others, but for myself.
(8) A true love is what doesn't strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury[/strive.html], and moreover for hokum.
(9) We must continue to strive for greater efficiency.
(10) She likes to strive with me in argument.
(11) We must strive and fend.
(12) Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.
(13) Observe what is best and to strive to universalize these qualities.
(14) You should always strive to achieve more, however well you have done before.
(15) Mr Annan said the region must now strive for economic development as well as peace.
(16) Newspaper editors all strive to be first with a story.
(17) We encourage all members to strive for the highest standards.
(18) They commit themselves to strive for its elimination.
(19) We have to strive for more longevity.
(20) No yardstick for the mediocre companies to strive to.
(21) We should strive for the same sense of adventure.
(22) The company must constantly strive for greater efficiency.
(23) Within their own group there was little to strive for since there were no clearly identifiable roles available.
(24) Even when the judicial structure does strive to maintain some political independence, it still might respond to political pressure.
(25) Hotel managers and assistant managers strive to ensure their guests will have a pleasant stay.
(26) We will strive to accelerate the eradication of ozone depleting substances.
(27) A charity such as ours must constantly strive for greater efficiency, to put every penny of your subscription to good use.
(28) May we strive to become involved, not just in ourselves, but in the rest of the human race.
(29) The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.
(30) Usually agricultural technology is closely linked to that of industrial technology and is constantly innovating as private farms strive to remain competitive.
(1) We have to strive for what we want.
(31) It must also strive to be first with the news, especially that emanating from within its national boundaries.
(32) Life abandons those who choose to surrender before the challenges of life-those who lack the courage and ability to strive shall be left behind. Dr T.P.Chia 
(33) Paradise does not exist, but we must nonetheless strive to be worthy of it. Jules Renard 
(34) Don't pass on your passions, to settle in the stale normality. Endure. Strive. Ensure. Anthony Liccione 
(35) We strive like obsequious morticians to provide consolation by enshrining a corpse.
(36) It is better to strive for slow and gradual, but substantial, progress than a quick fix that may be ephemeral.
(37) Writers strive for a universal experience distilled from personal memories and tend to fall flat on their faces.
(38) A precept that underlies much of Western thought is that people will by nature seek freedom and strive for liberty.
(39) When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better,[http:///strive.html] too. Paulo Coelho 
(40) Directors also strive to foster a cooperative spirit and friendly attitude among employees and a compassionate demeanor toward the families.
(41) It's to participate and support anything that encourages charities to strive for the highest standards.
(42) Moreover, the struggling organization should strive constantly to legitimize its policies and procedures, and the decisions and beliefs behind them.
(43) Trainees are taught to pay attention to details and to strive for perfection.
(44) The many affirmations are either on what the self or others should strive for-to do or to become.
(45) In this poem patronage is seen as corrupting; those who strive for it must sacrifice essential human values.
(46) They are elected or appointed officials who strive to meet the needs of their constituents through effective and efficient government.
(47) It is the power of thought that enables those who grew up in poverty to strive and achieve great success. Dr T.P.Chia 
(48) The Hebrew people did not strive to read and write in order to decipher technical instructions.
(49) A heavy bout of drinking will produce temporary withdrawal symptoms as the brain and body strive to rebalance themselves.
(50) Public entrepreneurs know that when institutions are funded according to inputs, they have little reason to strive for better performance.
(51) You need to work on yourself, to strive towards perfection of your self.
(52) The condescension can not be denied: look at how hard the poor chaps strive to keep up with the nuclear Joneses.
(53) As a general rule, firms should strive to match their loan maturities with their asset maturities.
(54) On the contrary, this book is for people who strive to do that.
(55) Previously she had come across as a driven, almost obsessed athlete, ever pushed by her father to strive for perfection.
(56) For these reasons, most finns strive to maintain a reasonably stable dividend payment from year to year.
(57) From now on, she thought, I shall strive to be virtuous.
(58) We must strive to create the economic framework in which record numbers of jobs will once again become available.
(59) The need to strive for such aims can only be thought of as fundamental and humanitarian.
(60) That sounds lofty and unrealistic, but this writer continues to strive for that kind of learning environment.
(61) Great athletes are marked by the ability to strive through hard times.
(62) The result is that should you strive for the tops, you plot your own route and live with the consequences.
(63) Those who believe that the family is a major force for good in our society should strive to move against this social trend.
(64) You should strive for a clear set of steps in a sequential arrangement.
(65) Both Naikan and Morita are based on the Buddhist principle that selflessness is the goal one should strive for.
(66) Strive for excellence, not perfection, because we don't live in a perfect world. Joyce Meyer 
(67) As a profession, we strive to promote a holistic approach towards our patients.
(68) Indeed the Customer Service Charter featured below sets out the level of service we strive to sustain.
(68) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(69) A well-run firm must strive to maintain an appropriate balance between business and financial risk.
(70) It was a more than intellectual comprehension; and to write of it she must strive to become that meeting.
(71) What you really need to strive for are balance and moderation, particularly when it comes to fats.
(72) We must all believe in the future and strive harder to carry out our responsibilities.
(73) Strive, therefore, for yoga.
(74) You will not win in life, if you are not prepared and lack the will to strive. Dr T.P.Chia 
(75) They then analyze performance trends by teams, and strive continuously for even higher first-pass yield efficiency.
(76) So while businesses strive to please customers, government agencies strive to please interest groups.
(77) But that is what we must all now strive to do.
(78) I do not understand how so many Black men stay sane, look after their children and strive to walk beside them.
(79) Doctors are held in high regard by society, teachers used to be and social workers strive to be.
(80) In most societies men strive to be polygamists but few succeed.
(81) MANY Japanese strive to keep up egalitarian appearances.
(82) Old strive corrects the Right deviation error of Comintern.
(83) The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.
(84) I just strive hard, spare no efforts.
(85) And they strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.
(86) It was her diligently strive after the attainment of.
(87) They have to strive with various difficulties.
(88) They are asked to strive for lower birth rate.
(89) To live means to strive with perspiration and bloodshed.
(90) The congress clarified the future goals to strive for.
(91) Strive for further development with untiring efforts.
(92) Why then toil and strive as the faithless do?
(93) Accordingly, way transportation enterprises should strive for capital financing hard, strive for equity financing especially.
(94) Prepare equipment safe operation instruction; strive on the operator's technical operation training and assessment.
(95) Whether using break bulk vessels or containerized shipments, we will continually strive to meet the needs of our clients by bring world-class service to their doorstep.
(96) You learn to watch other people , but you never watch yourself because you strive against loneliness.
(97) Have a good governance , and to strive for progress the leading in the prime of life.
(98) Strive to create a specialized and international clients the special features of membership agency shop supplies.
(99) Castling is a move that everyone should strive to make while playing chess.
(100) Accelerate breed electronic Information Industry,[http:///strive.html] strive to be predicted in microelectronics technology obtain materiality breakthrough.
(101) The duty-bound promise, though only taking root in the pure soil of my heart quietly, has always been my motive power to strive.
(102) Mission: With fair-trade channels, we strive to improve lives, and further personal development of craftspeople in underdeveloped areas.
(103) So they strive to earn money and are at pains to collect all kinds of books.
(104) Air transport, he added, should strive to become a zero - emissions industry.
(105) "Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that, " wrote Nietzsche in The Twilight of the Idols.
(106) Men with confidence can strive and boldly march in a morass of difficulty.
(107) We also will strive to lead on advanced safety and environmental technologies.
(108) Ruthanne Lum McCunn is the author of fiction and nonfiction works that strive to capture true-to-life experiences of Asian Americans.
(109) This point cannot leave company allstaff's uniting as one with courageously to strive for success thespirit.
(110) Considering the SAIC lessons of Ssangyong and Rover acquisitions, Geely and the Chinese industry should be able to be united as one , strive for consensus on Geely' industrial upgrading.
(111) As these contrary properties strive with each other they move towards unity and harmony, the concepts draw near to each other and "the path up and down is one and the same."
(112) With the adoption of a progressive disclosure policy, the World Bank has set the standard for which the other IFIs should strive as they review their respective information disclosure policies.
(113) Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness , with the.
(114) We will swear with oneself blue-black soul : We know efforts strive for the champion.
(115) Strive to eliminate fatalities, work - related injuries and health impairment of their workforce.
(116) The company has a hard , strive for progress, the team the prime of life.
(117) Manufacturers strive to maintain downward compatiblity when they develop new hardware and software, because it avoids the need for users to start from scratch every time they upgrade to a new version.
(118) How cruel it is not to allow men to strive after the things which appear to them to be suitable to their nature and profitable!
(119) A true love is what does not strive forfor extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.
(120) To honor their contributions to our Nation, let us strive with renewed determination to keep the promises we have made to all who have answered our country's call.
(121) We should all strive to reunify our motherland and revitalize our nation.
(122) Let the potsherd(02789) strive with the potsherds(02789) of the earth(0127).
(123) We strive to touch upon each of the elements mentioned above.
(124) I have attached a loquat tree, and strive upward Paqu.
(125) And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
(126) Make one side friend , serve a countrified hot" thought , strive without cease, realize "three labors of Jiangsu , help you to succeed "in uninterrupted growth!
(127) Nationalists such as Sukarno, Indonesia, set up the Republic of Indonesia to strive for national self-determination.
(128) Quxian Elettric Company Loudly raises the slogan"Seize the opportunity,[] Practise internal Capacity and strive for development" based on their own conditions.
(129) People of all ethnic groups should strive with one heart and one mind, and always maintain and carry forward the enterprising spirit of unceasingly striving to become stronger.
(130) So, I hope you young elite from all walks of life in Xialu District concentrate to study and work, strive to be a disseminator of scientific spirit by participating in this activity.
(131) At the level of collecting data, all the scientists strive for objectivity.
(132) In the premise of efficiency, and strive for the transportation cost minimization.
(133) Break the routine, strive to the innovation. Seeking for the breakthrough of marketing effectiveness for clients is our determination.
(134) Factory will strive to create innovative brand-name, to spare no effort to do high-quality, excellent products, excellent service to return the majority of users love.
(135) Have a cause, have ideal, have pursuit. Try hard indefatigably to strive for for it.
(136) We aim to be a cohesive alumnae that provide strong support to our Alma Mater, strive to be modern and caring women with virtue and contribute to our Nation and Community.
(137) Feudal ruler to safeguard oneself regnant, all along is strive is most person fasten on land, make its defend devoir to the ground is produced and live each.
(138) Here at Minuteman we strive to raise the bar on environmental requirements in today's environmental conscious market place.
(139) We can admit the intractability of depravation, and still strive for dignity.
(140) Although RUP does require supplementation to achieve Maturity Level 2, I would still recommend it to organizations that strive for CMMI compliancy.
(141) Using phonics, TPRS, Spelling, acting, reading, writing and description methods, he instills interest and language use abilities in his students while encouraging each one to strive for the best.
(142) In the world, as a woman, you can marry with a good guy, you can cultivate a excellent child, in a word, you will achieve a effulgent future except like a man to strive.
(143) Therefore the interpreter should strive to understand the background knowledge of the objective language in order to interpret the article exactly.
(144) We don't have to strive and labor and become heavy-laden with the burden of the Law in order to enter and enjoy our rest.
(145) Active model fund is the fund that a kind of strive surpasses fiducial combination to behave.
(146) There are problems socialising with the straight soccer guys, but all strive to join hands in a united effort to lead the team to victory.
(147) We are aim to persist improving, strive for perfection, and to provide the precision, steady, dependable and longevous injection moulding machines.
(148) We strive perseveringly for national prosperity and revival and our and our family members' happiness.
(149) One altar wine, plus a tasty porchetta, of course, should strive to get the.
(150) It is well worthy to strive arduously in pursuit of our own happiness and dream!
(151) This image can encourage women to stand up, to strive for equality, freedom and an independent life, and to realize their subjectiveness by living a more active life.
(152) Modern Chinese paintings strive to visual and conceptual knowledge, which shows the compromise with the depth of feeling, also must conform to the picture plane.
(153) We constantly strive for bigger paychecks, larger homes and fancier cars.
(154) Must strive to reverse the current trend of economic decline.
(155) School-running aim: Strive to make Yucai School provincially and nationally well-known for difference education.
(156) Let's strive together to maintain the unity and the peacefulness that was displayed this past Sunday.
(157) Most experts would suggest that designers strive to follow the first three rules, so that the data is said to be in third normal form.
(158) Company aim: integrity first, quality first, customer supremacy, and thoughtful service, and strive to better calm Guanxi pummelo .
(158) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(159) U.S. companies continue to strive to provide increased product and service value.
(160) Strindberg also demands that the naturalist playwright strive toward a new conception of character.
(161) The quality policy of EMMET company is "improve quality and service unceasingly and strive to exceed what the customer expected".
(162) Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.
(163) To man time is given like a piece of land, as it were, entrusted to him for faithful tilling; a space in which to strive incessantly, achieve self-realization, more onward and upward.
(164) We strive to become preferred partner relying on top-grade product cost performance, sincerely look forward to cooperating with you and make achievements!
(165) We don't want to be somebody's ware heeler . We don't strive for his vote to help him win the election.
(166) I'm longing for a place with so many splendid teachers and students and want to strive with them together.
(167) Paint half circles of yellow around the main circle . Don't strive for full coverage.
(168) When you design modern Web applications, you strive to provide your users with a rich experience that calls for more complex components than what the JSF specification provides.
(169) This marked the fall of man, and henceforth male and female would strive to reunite as one body through sexual intercourse .
(170) We strive for excellence do by executing flawlessly and ensuring high quality work at all times.
(171) The architect that serves as reform and the person that drive strive with the smallest " reform cost " will obtain the biggest " reform accrual " , but the result opinionses vary however.
(172) A life of slothful ease, a life of that peace which springs merely from lack either of desire or of power to strive after great things, is as little worthy of a nation as an individual.
(173) ECM (electronic countermeasures) and ECCM (electronic counter-countermeasures) always strive against each other and advance together, they play important roles in electronic warfare.
(174) Everyone starts to strive with living when entering manhood from childhood.
(175) Bukharin had famously said, in 1925, that peasants should strive to "get rich."
(176) Strive for the successful convocation of the Eighth National Congress of the Party in 1956!
(177) In the 19 century, it was common for many American executives to strive for revenue maximization.
(178) Those people continually strive after perfection, even though they know it's impossible to reach.
(179) It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the pope.
(180) Non-trade foreign exchange earnings, mainly from the provision of services, services, do not export, so most countries strive to improve the quality of service, for more exchange earnings.




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