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单词 Liable
1, Offenders may be liable to a heavy fine.
2, Is a wife liable for her husband's debts?
3, You will be liable for any damage caused.
4, He is liable to get angry.
5, The car is liable to overheat on long trips.
6, Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.
7, This area is liable to flooding.
8, Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.
9, The chemical is liable to explode on contact with water.
10, The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.
11, Failureto pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution.
12, They could be found liable for the entire amount.
13, The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment.
14, Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.
15, All adult males will be liable for conscription.
16, Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine .
17, At 60, he was no longer liable for conscription.
18, Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution.
19, The houses in this area are liable to subsidence.
20, Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.
21, Children are liable to catch cold.
22, Offenders will be liable to a seven-year prison term.
23, It is liable to rain.
24, He was liable to just show up without warning.
25, Offenders are liable to fines of up to £400.
26, Not a single officer has been found criminally liable.
27, Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey,(http:///liable.html) we strain our eager gaze forward.
28, The court ruled he could not be held personally liable for his wife's debts.
29, Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.
30, The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.
1, You will be liable for any damage caused.
2, He is liable to get angry.
3, The car is liable to overheat on long trips.
4, Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.
5, This area is liable to flooding.
6, Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.
7, The chemical is liable to explode on contact with water.
8, The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.
9, The court ruled he could not be held personally liable for his wife's debts.
10, Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.
11, The Act states that anyone committing the offence is liable to imprisonment.
12, Children are liable to catch cold.
13, We are all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.
14, People are liable to judge others from their own first impressions.
15, People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.
16, Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.
31, The area near the river is liable to flood.
32, She's fully liable for the company's debts.
33, Statistics taken on their own are liable to mislead.
34, Perfume is liable to import duty.
35, Offenders are liable to fines of up to 100.
36, We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.
37, We are all liable to make mistakes when we're tired.
38, Steroids are used to reduce the inflammation, which makes the muscles of the airways liable to constriction.
39, Be careful if you have an accident I'll be liable.
40, Advertisers pretending to be private individuals will be liable to prosecution.
41, The right to demand payment from the endorser of a commercial paper when the first party liable fails to pay.
42, They are liable to face more mistreatment if they complain to the police.
43, Because of his occupation, he was not liable for call-up.
44, The company is liable if you are injured during the execution of your duty.
45, Anyone found trespassing is liable to a maximum fine of $100.
46, She will grow into a woman particularly liable to depression.
47, People who earn under a certain amount are not liable to pay tax.
48, Under this rule, if Y is employed by X, X will be vicariously liable for the actions of Y.
49, The insurance company should not be held liable for the wrongs of one of its agents.
50, People are liable to judge others from their own first impressions.
51, People who walk on the grass are liable to a fine.
52, As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.
53, Such a figure is liable to be attacked as a blasphemer.
53, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
54, It is for the courts to decide who is liable to pay damages.
55, The company is liable for any damage caused by faulty execution of the building work.
56, Under the new regime you will be liable for automatic penalties for late submission of tax returns.
57, Anyone stepping out of line is liable to get the chop.
58, The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.
59, Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not.
60, He is liable to abrupt mood swings / swings of mood .
61, If goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.
62, The airline's insurer is liable for damages to the victims' families.
63, This chemical is liable to explode on contact with water.
64, Tenants are jointly and severally liable for payment of the rent.
65, You know you are liable to be cross-examined mercilessly about the assault.
66, Partners are jointly and severally liable for a partnership's debts.
67, You're more liable to injury when you don't get regular exercise.
68, N.B. Charges are liable to be reviewed annually.
69, He's liable to behave very strangely, too.
70, Liable blow up in their faces.
71, A dead body is liable to do that.
72, Prostitutes are particularly liable to infection.
73, The card holder is liable for any unpaid debts.
74, The defendants were held liable in negligence.
75, The holder is vicariously liable for a contravention.
76, Can schools be held liable for educational malpractice?
77, Income: Liable to fluctuate wildly.
78, The corporation could be legally liable!
79, One-third of the world's human population lives on land that is liable to be inundated if the seas rise.
80, If they make a loss, management committees could be held liable personally under insolvency regulations for any such losses.
81, The matter before the high court involves only the theoretical issue of whether the government can be held liable for damages.
82, It is well known that an original tenant remains liable on the covenants in the lease, even after an assignment.
83, However, each case will depend on its particular circumstances(/liable.html), and equality monies are not always liable to ad valorem duty.
84, Athens asserted her rights over her citizens temporarily exiled, as she did over those at home and liable for service.
85, As soon as the reins are removed, the horse is liable to revert to his original way of going.
86, Moreover, the person responsible for inducing this state is likely to be held at least partially liable if misfortune does occur.
87, That person should be liable for the business expenses and entitled to the sale proceeds. 5.
88, The city is not liable for payment on the bonds even if the borrower defaults, Gittings said.
89, If you fail to provide a specimen you may be liable to prosecution.
90, The jury that held Simpson liable consisted of six men and six women, ranging in age from mid-20s to mid-70s.
91, People who have a second property may also be liable for the Standard Community Charge/Poll Tax.
92, That an offender can be held criminally liable for the unintended consequences of his or her actions is a well-established legal principle.
93, But farmers in Speyside, which was liable to flooding, saw the type of land as a likely constraint.
94, Anyone who voices support for a banned organisation is liable to be jailed.
95, Clause 74 places an upper limit on the amount of tax that any person can be liable to pay.
96, Those who joined knew full well that they were liable to be dropped behind enemy lines.
97, This makes them liable to prosecution long after the wastes have left their premises.
98, But arrangements of this kind were always liable to generate disputes.
99, Refugee children under the age of sixteen were liable to be evacuated; refugee children over sixteen risked being interned.
100, Benefits Because of its shaped construction it's less liable to be crushed as water passes through, and debris builds up.
101, This made it liable to punctures from rocks-as happened with Corsair-floating debris, or even hippos and crocodiles.
102, Schools will therefore be liable to lose pupils and funds if they fail to satisfy parents.
103, Very quick acting, it is quickly soluble and liable to cause scorch.
104, They were altogether sharper and funnier, liable to dash off on little fantasy runs.
105, Firstly, the mean velocity profile may be liable to local instability,() somewhat analogous to instability of laminar flow.
106, The seller was liable for breach of the condition of fitness for purpose.
107, No country has a monopoly on bravery; great deeds of heroism are liable to break out in the most unexpected places.
108, The Blackshirts deliberately concentrated on those areas where there were liable to be violent counter-demonstrations.
109, Each individual is granted allowances or exemptions that reduce the total amount of income liable to tax.
110, Failure to disperse after it has been read publicly by a magistrate or other official may render an offender liable to imprisonment.
111, Both parties knew before the election that vote-counting would be done by machines that are liable to reject many votes.
112, She therefore would not have been liable for breach of contract.
113, Under this theory, the courts have held schools liable for student injuries that are reasonably foreseeable.
113, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
114, Under certain circumstances a person will be liable to another for failing to exercise a required duty of care.
115, The Court of Appeal held the defendants liable in negligence for damage caused to the dress.
116, Here, as the name suggests, the members remain personally liable to meet the obligations of the company.
117, The defendants were liable to a penalty clause in the main contract if the work was not completed on time.
118, Under our law, a subsidiary can go bankrupt and normally the parent company will not be liable for its debts.
119, As agent for the owner he was not personally liable under the Act.
120, New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment.
121, If Simpson is found guilty, he could be liable for millions of dollars in damages.
122, Any work carried out after then becomes liable to enforcement procedures.
123, As a merger between genetic enterprises it is, like any other business with two partners, liable to discord.
124, Anyone who is a taxpayer, especially those liable at 40p in the pound, will find these schemes attractive.
125, It is, though, not entirely clear to what extent they were liable for tax collection and assessment.
126, Where the injuries to a student are not foreseeable, however, the school district will not be held liable.
127, However, computer hackers might also be liable under the law of confidence, depending on the circumstances.
128, One reason for this is the need to maintain an up-to-date register of those liable to pay.
129, Can schools be held liable for negligent hiring or retention of unfit employees?
130, Directors of limited companies are not personally liable for their companies' debts unless you get a guarantee from them.
131, You are more liable to injury when you exercise infrequently or irregularly.
132, Long-standing museum collections are liable to find their status redefined as perspectives lengthen.
133, Clerical Medical is liable to United Kingdom tax on the income and certain gains arising from the assets backing this policy.
134, Candidates found guilty of malpractice were liable to be disenfranchised and banned from holding elective office for 10 years.
135, In that instance, the insurer was legally liable for the loss.
136, Reform of the law which makes businesses still liable for their successors' defaults even after they have assigned the lease.
137, In the 1980 budget, the Government announced that unemployment pay, sickness and invalidity benefit would be liable to tax.
138, They are not liable in negligence for the cost of remedial measures caused by a defect in the building's construction.
139, Tory politicians are also liable to misread the trade-off in voters' minds between taxation and spending.
140, If he is liable to the plaintiffs at all it can only be on the basis of professional negligence.
141, The defendant was held liable for the loss, as the thief's act did not break the chain of causation.
142, The individual will be primarily liable and the health authority vicariously liable for its employees' negligence.
143, This means simply that the customers have the claim on these deposits and thus the institutions are liable to meet the claims.
143, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
144, He always checked the mechanism before firing because the Ruger/MAC Mark I was now vintage and occasionally liable to jam.
145, She would always be bad-tempered, liable to peck out an eye or lash out dangerously with those sharp claws.
146, The money comprised contributions from member States, which maintained their position of not being legally liable.
147, He has a number, many quite apt, which he is liable to produce to lend substance to his conversation.
148, Under the new regime, companies will be liable for automatic penalties for late filing.
149, The technique of hammering meant that sheet metal was liable to become brittle.
150, All it is liable to do is alienate your supporters.
151, The mortgage made Mrs. Jones personally liable, as guarantor, to pay the £1,000.
152, The remainder will be treated as investment income, which is liable to tax.
153, The producer of a defective product is liable for damage resulting wholly or partly from that defect.
154, First, he may be liable to conviction of an offence under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968.
155, It was but lately that realty had been made liable for the debts of its deceased owner.
156, He has been found liable for two brutal slayings, but is not a criminal in the eyes of the law.
157, A failure to fulfil this duty on the part of the innkeeper may render the innkeeper liable to criminal prosecution.
158, Small breeds like Dachshunds are liable to injure their backs, sometimes seriously, as a result.
159, Hollins was held liable to Fowler for the conversion of the cotton.
160, He may find himself liable for taxes that proper understanding would have enabled him to avoid.
161, But hypnosis makes subjects even more liable to make such errors, William Putnam of the University of California has found.
162, They do not poach in winter, but are liable to become desiccated in summer.
163, Of course, a teacher who breaks a contract will also be liable to the school; district.
164, Non-response is liable to be more of a problem in the larger-sample surveys, particularly those using postal questionnaire methods.
165, Some courts have carved out exceptions to governmental immunity, however, and found school boards liable.
166, Can teachers be held liable if a student injures another student or a teacher?
167, The more minor crimes are less liable to be known to the police and recorded in the statistics than are serious crimes.
168, As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company, the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt.
169, No one knew whether the civil jury would hold the former football star liable for two brutal murders.
170, Manchester s council-tax payers still remain technically liable for any losses.
171, We assume each member is individually and severally liable in what may be exceptional circumstances.
172, If Simpson is found liable, the jury would then hear arguments on what compensation to award.
173, As creative types, we're notoriously unpredictable, and thus liable to put our foot in it in front of touchy clients.
173, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
174, He could be liable for damages if it comes to court.
175, Damn, boy, you re liable to get a flat going that speed.
176, However, never park your trailer near one which has poor stands and is liable to swing in a wind.
177, The government called the plan dangerous, unconstitutional and liable to spin out of control.
178, The defendants supplied a chemical to the plaintiffs but failed to warn that it was liable to explode on contact with water.
179, The other preliminary matter is that the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 does not tell you whether the seller is liable.
180, The men, who are interested in cash, are more liable to go for the big wood.
181, If it were not given the Vendor would be liable for any breaches of warranty.
182, In an ordinary partnership each of the partners is liable without limit for all the debts and obligations of the firm.
183, It may be that tougher-looking delinquents are more liable to be put away than fragile looking ones.
184, Being nervous, highly strung or liable to sudden anger and 2.
185, Today every able-bodied man is liable to serve at the front - in a war in which casualties are sickeningly high.
186, Investors will be liable to tax on income and capital gains from distributor funds as they arise.
187, One makes bureaucrats criminally liable for giving out trading licenses without proper justification or for unwarranted restrictions on commercial activity.
188, Advertisers masquerading as private individuals will be liable to prosecution.
189, Act 1974 is liable to unlimited fines and/or up to two years imprisonment after conviction by a Crown Court.
190, If the debtor refuses to attend for oral examination he is liable to be committed to prison for contempt of court.
191, He was advised that if he did use the vehicle he and his employers may be liable to prosecution.
192, Armed forces: No standing army since 1868; citizens under 60 liable to military service in emergency.
193, Persons acting in the name of the company prior to its registration are jointly and severally liable.
194, Employers who are aware of a problem and who don't act are liable to be prosecuted.
195, The person using an expert system to advise a client will be potentially liable under the laws of contract and negligence.
196, If they just make a straight currency exchange, they will still be liable for the yen interest payments.
197, With only a few exceptions all those aged 18 or over are liable to pay the same basic charge.
198, Conception of oneself as a housewife or not is liable to influence a woman's behaviour in a variety of ways.
199, It followed that each seller was liable to his buyer for breach of the condition in section 12.
200, If there is an assets sale to Newco, the vendor company will be liable to tax.
201, Direct debits or standing orders are liable to make money disappear from your account stealthily, which may be very confusing.
202, This is a matter which can not be too carefully watched since failure to comply renders the member liable to heavy penalties.
203, In the past, juries have usually sided with the industry, holding smokers liable for the damage they inflict on themselves.
204, Is a social service agency liable for failure to protect the child after the abuse has been reported?
205, The system is therefore liable to suffer from inaccuracies of the type discussed above.
206, They discover to their horror that they are still legally liable.
207, Will trustees be liable for the actions of their agents, nominees or custodians?
208, Accountants will be held liable to third parties with whom they have no contractual or fiduciary relationship.
209, That seems to favour mass killing of all who are liable to feel pain at all.
210, Those engaged in illegal activities would be liable to sanctions, he added.
211, The House of Lords held that the valuer could be liable in negligence.
212, It was held that the defendant was liable in trespass.
213, In old age, less saliva is produced and the mouth becomes more liable to infection.
214, If their discharges are seen to be causing harm they can be liable in the civil courts.
215, On these facts the plaintiff was held to have acted reasonably and the defendant was liable for her injuries.
216, Inspector: I must warn that you may be liable under the Trades Descriptions Act.
217, The initiative would make corporate officers and directors personally liable to pay court-ordered judgments.
218, If we believe that humans have evolved, we are liable to assume that our subjective experiences are shared by other animals.
219, Also, the material when embanked would be liable to settlement and slippage.
220, An old galvanised iron cistern is liable to spring a leak eventually.
221, Rees J. held that nevertheless the sellers were liable for all the dam age.
222, It is not clear that producers of genetically modified organisms will be fully liable for any damage they may cause.
223, This has also been found in drinking water, but is not seen as liable to be banned in the near future.
224, The defendants were held not liable for this injury, as the plaintiff's unreasonable conduct broke the chain of causation.
225, Aside from shift workers, which groups of people are disproportionately liable to be stopped and questioned by the police?
226, If one animal suddenly turns tail, it is liable to be attacked and might get injured.
227, But with the thrust coming from the back the body is nose-heavy and liable to dive downwards.
228, For example, an educator can explain to a parent why a student was disciplined without being liable for defamation.
229, The plaintiff's horse ate some leaves and died and the defendants were held liable under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher.
230, Mere negligence on the part of the recipient with respect to the safe custody of the thing will not make him liable.
231, The producer will be liable for any defect in the product which causes damage.
232, Diabetics are liable to deficiencies, and 4 per cent of pregnant women are also at risk.
233, Since nothing that Chirac allegedly did was against the law,( ) he is not liable for prosecution over these supposed transactions.
234, Prior to the Visby Protocol there was a possibility that the carrier would be liable in tort in the four examples.
235, Such a ban would make the government liable to massive compensation to the 20,000 speculators who have already lodged planning applications.
236, He was held not liable as there was a real and imminent danger and he had done what was reasonably necessary.
237, It was a remarkable contrast from last Tuesday night, when the same jury found Simpson liable for the slayings.
238, Under the Consumer Credit Act the credit card company is also liable for any breach of contract.
239, The defendant will generally be liable for all damage flowing from the tort once factual causation has been established.
240, This shows all those who are liable to pay community charge and specifies the particular type the individual will pay.
241, However, the members will be personally liable to the company to the full extent for the debts of the company.
242, Participants who break any conditions are liable to arrest, conviction or a, 400 fine.
243, But the hatred they aroused meant that they were liable to be brutally slaughtered if captured afterwards.
244, The analogy between the diseases of the human body and those to which the horse is liable is very great.
245, She is now liable for the wasted costs of her abandoned case - more than £1,000.
246, The chemical was liable to explode on contact with water.
247, It is well established that in the delinquent-prone, home discipline is more liable to be too lax, strict or erratic.
248, Obviously the girls were liable to incur unpleasant finger or hand injuries from badly aimed blows.
249, It was that liability for which the original lessee was concurrently liable.
250, A drawback of this fire-setting technique is that it was liable to impair the value of the product by cracking it.
251, Neither was the Government legally liable to pay compensation, he said.
252, Anyone who failed to answer the summons was liable to be beaten.
253, Alas, the critics were liable to miss the point or deliberately find fault with it.
254, The result looks odd: she is guilty in criminal law but not liable in civil law.
255, When an agent makes a contract either the principal is liable or the agent is liable for a breach of authority.
256, As an absolute minimum they will hold the member liable for any failure to supervise.
257, For example, young children are held less liable than older children.
258, Such deliberation, while the youth of Britain were liable to go up in smoke, outraged many.
259, They do not want to adopt accounting policies that are liable to land them in front of it.
260, Smoothly synchronised endocrine function, an intrinsic factor in determining youthfulness, is also notoriously liable to become unbalanced through stress.
261, Therefore, eggs or fry of other fish are liable to be eaten.
262, The cost of this extended power is that governors will be liable to defend their decision before an industrial tribunal.
263, In such circumstances councillors and officials can be sanctioned and made personally liable for misappropriated funds.
264, Much of the money owed was Brian's personal debt that his widow is not liable for.
265, Indeed,(http:///liable.html) many of the complex molecules of which they are composed would be liable to fall apart.
266, The plaintiffs argued that Sony was liable for copyright infringement because it supplied the means for infringement.
267, Once oestrogen levels fall, the bone becomes less dense and strong and more liable to fracture.
268, Alternatively, the employer could be vicariously liable if Arthur was negligent in respect of his statement to Bert.
269, In contrast, partners are legally liable for all debts and unpaid bills of the partnership.
270, Denning had very much in mind the recent changes in the law making a valuer liable in negligence: see 14.5.
271, For young readers, however, the medially placed source marker is liable to increase the load on short-term memory.
272, A word of warning: be careful not to park illegally as your vehicle is liable to be towed away.
273, Like most emergent phenomena, wear is liable to self - reinforce.
274, Such colonists would be liable to modification, the principle of inheritance still betraying their original birthplace.
275, Persons liable can include officers and employees of corporate generators and transporters.
276, Such trilateration is liable to rapid accumulation of azimuth error.
277, The grain is liable to mildew when the humidity in the barn is too high.
278, Partners are taxed as individuals and are personally liable for torts and contractual obligations.
279, The other contracting party becomes liable to the agent on the contract.
280, Any pitcher is liable to crack during a tight game.




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