单词 | Sensible |
例句 | 1, To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning. 2, It might be sensible to get a solicitor. 3, I think that's a very sensible idea. 4, That seems to be a sensible idea. 5, It was sensible of you to lock the door. 6, This approach seems very sensible to me. 7, The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think. 8, I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home. 9, She seems very sensible. 10, I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up. 11, Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning. 12, If you are sensible you will study for another year. 13, There isn't a very sensible difference between a dog and a wolf. 14, Eat a sensible diet and exercise daily. 15, Wear loose clothing and sensible footwear. 16, He was sensible enough to mind his own business. 17, I gave her credit for being sensible. 18, Are you sensible of the dangers of your position? 19, How sensible she had been to resist his blandishments. 20, Oh come on(),[http:///sensible.html] let's be sensible about this. 21, The former option would be much more sensible. 22, She was reasoned into a sensible course of action. 23, He is sensible of the danger of his position. 24, Sensible? I don't do sensible. 25, She was a sensible girl and did not panic. 26, Sensible utilization of the world's resources is a priority. 27, His advice was always sensible and his energy unbounded. 28, for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I'd kill him for two pins. 29, Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes. 30, Once you reach middle age, you have to be sensible with your health. 1, It might be sensible to get a solicitor. 2, I think that's a very sensible idea. 3, That seems to be a sensible idea. 4, This approach seems very sensible to me. 5, for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I'd kill him for two pins. 6, Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes. 7, I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home. 8, Once you reach middle age, you have to be sensible with your health. 9, She seems very sensible. 10, I want us to be a bit more sensible this time and tighten up. 11, Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning. 12, If you are sensible you will study for another year. 13, There isn't a very sensible difference between a dog and a wolf. 14, She'll be amenable to any sensible suggestions. 31, The sensible thing is to leave them alone. 32, Let's find a more sensible way of doing it. 33, The government has called for sensible pay bargaining. 34, They adopted a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy on defence spending. 35, She'll be amenable to any sensible suggestions. 36, I've always thought of myself as a sensible person. 37, She gave me some sensible advice. 38, There's been a sensible rise in temperature recently. 39, They've turned sensible, if you take my meaning. 40, It would be sensible to take an umbrella. 41, She gave me some very sensible advice. 42, That advice sounds sensible enough. 43, You must try to be more sensible. 44, Actually, it would be much more sensible to do it later. 45, I think the sensible thing to do is phone before you go and ask for directions. 46, At that point she was still sober enough to ask sensible questions. 47, Usually, I am sensible with money, as I have to be, given that I don't earn that much. 48, With a few notable exceptions, doctors are a pretty sensible lot. 49, In the state I was in, this seemed a perfectly sensible remark. 50, Richard Dorrington was, in their eyes, a very sensible and reliable man. 50, try its best to collect and build good sentences. 51, We would view favourably any sensible suggestion for maintaining the business. 52, Birds are so sensible, migrating between the north and south, according to the weather. 53, Is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites ? 54, He did not appear to be sensible of the difficulties that lay ahead. 55, A sensible diet is vitally important if you want to remain in good health. 56, I am sensible of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject. 57, It was very sensible of you to bring your umbrella. 58, It would be sensible if we could harmonize our plans. 59, It could be cold and wet so pack some sensible clothes. 60, Are you going out to search for it at this time of night? It seems hardly sensible. 61, You can improve your chances of profit by sensible planning. 62, I agreed that this was the only sensible course of action . 63, We agreed that the sensible way forward was for a new company to be formed. 64, Moving house seemed like the sensible thing to do . 65, I find it's almost impossible to hold a sensible conversation with her. 66, It's sensible to keep a note of your passport number. 67, Throughout the entire altercation, not one sensible word was uttered. 68, No sensible person would put his money in a bank he knew to be unsound. 69, It wasn't very sensible to go out on your own so late at night. 70, He was very sensible of the difficult situation she was in. 71, Ben's usually pretty sensible. 72, We figured the sensible thing to do was to wait. 73, Cutting down on smoking and alcohol are sensible moves. 74, Sergeant Hanks gave us concise, sensible instructions. 75, There are sensible ways of dealing with it. 76, This can not have been an economically sensible decision. 77, At a sensible pace, however, it copes well enough. 78, It was all very sensible and creditable. 79, She looked at them with distaste in their sensible shoes and thick bandage. 80, This book achieves a sensible coverage of topics which should satisfy the majority of its audience. 81, She said that sensible people weren't led astray by infatuation. 82, Even a slight decrease, a sensible diet, will get you the results you want. 83, The placid and sensible character of the beginner's cob would be unsuitable for the racecourse, for example. 84, Her sensible cotton nightshirt must have been one of his discards. 85, This seems to me to be an eminently sensible arrangement, and I think this sort of structure could also work here. 86, How sensible she had been not to give way to any of his blandishments. 87, Art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an esthetic end. James Joyce 88, An appropriate time for Dole to speak his mind; and, at one level, an obviously sensible thing to do. 89, Can anything sensible be said about the marriages of our women compositors in terms of social equality or mobility? 90, It is also sensible to anticipate all the questions likely to be asked, particularly the potentially embarrassing ones. 91, This seems eminently sensible, and indeed studies indicate that this approach can work best for some people. 92, There is only one good solution to capital flight: shaky governments must restore confidence by adopting sensible policies. 93, Indeed - what the dickens was the matter with her? - she didn't want to be sensible. 94, But, after a management reshuffle, it has done the sensible thing and cut the dividend. 95, However, if you are going to fly solo, refusing is the only sensible thing to do. 96, By this time the body count was getting so high, sensible people refused to ride along with us. 97, It is always sensible to avoid contact with blood spillages as much as possible when giving first aid to anyone. 98, There were sensible, scientific explanations about the effect of the changes in air pressure. 99, Some of the reforms are eminently sensible and have been introduced. 100, Exercise and a sensible diet will help you get your figure back after having a baby. 101, Before going amongst outlandish strangers, it may be sensible to camouflage oneself. 102, That would be regarded by the House as a sensible courtesy. 103, Roy Jenkins, an extremely sensible man who is less vulnerable to criticism than most, regarded the matter with mild amusement. 104, It would be sensible for dioceses to establish procedures for arbitration in case these are needed to settle disputes. 105, He was sensible not to contest the leadership as he commands less support across the party than Smith. 106, It was evident that the sensible decision had been reached to let the two most concerned fight it out alone. 107, It would seem sensible, therefore, to try and avoid using them as far as possible. 108, This starts out as sensible cost-saving and value.engineering but imperceptibly the boundary is crossed arid we enter the realm of skimping. 109, The net result was rising crime and falling detection rates - an astonishing pattern in our sensible and law-abiding community. 110, However[/sensible.html], it is clearly sensible for a business to adopt standard contract formation procedures. 111, After hours of brain searching work I arrived at a formula that produced some sensible - but not accurate figures. 112, In many cases, the most sensible location for an extraction fan is in the ceiling. 113, I see my weapons as reflections of a sensible, realistic caution - that of a true professional. 114, What I am advocating is balanced view of your own work and a more sensible approach to its shortcomings. 115, By the final whistle he'd done the sensible thing and switched to Gazza. 116, It effectively disrupted the old established patterns but prevented new and more sensible patterns developing. 117, The question for a public inquiry is whether that is a sensible way of calculating the direct benefit. 118, This is the point where the sensible dude gets out and walks the rest of the way. 119, An experienced photographer should have pointed out these things but it is sensible to acquaint yourself with some basic knowledge. 120, The accurate measurement of area by this method must be achieved before it is sensible to talk about reflectance. 121, He went on to say all that was necessary to solve the small domestic problem was to be sensible. 122, He firmly believed this was the only sensible course to pursue. 123, If the drop goal were reduced to two points and the penalty goal to two points, that would be more sensible. 124, It is also sensible to plan a follow-up campaign with key media. 125, Are they all gym teachers with short fingernails, sensible shoes and leathery skin? 126, It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum. 127, This is a further, but eminently sensible, erosion of the principle of orality. 128, Drawing a bar chart Arrange the bars in some sensible order, such as in order of their lengths. 129, Yet many of us do not really know how much we drink or the medically recommended sensible drinking levels. 130, Again, professional financial advice on the advantages and disadvantages of this form of borrowing seems a sensible precaution against financial embarrassment. 131, Diana was treated with kid gloves when all she needed was some sensible advice, a cuddle and a consoling word. 132, What do you think is the most sensible assumption and the most questionable assumption of conservatism? 133, He knew the sensible thing to do was to remain silent and let her cry away. 134, Not at all the sensible woman she had always been until the moment he had erupted into her life. 135, I mean, I don't object to sensible changes - saying chairwoman when it's appropriate, for instance. 136, Ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time. 137, It seems sensible for the inspectorate to maintain that national curriculum. 138, As with all questions affecting retirement, it is sensible if possible to plan ahead. 139, A sensible person respected the sleeping beast and crept away. 140, Why would any nation hesitate to serve its own best interests by such sensible and humane redirection of its wealth? 140, try its best to gather and make good sentences. 141, You get sensible, straight forward dishes such as guinea fowl with honey and sesame seeds. 142, The acquisition by schools would seem sensible as this forms a useful and accurate guide to vessel and organ location. 143, Preparatory stages Before sensible planning for the future can begin, those taking part need to know the current situation. 144, It is sensible to give the carp a balanced diet for we want the carp to do well on our baits. 145, She was a strange little girl, advanced for her age and surprisingly sensible for one afflicted with the symptoms of epilepsy. 146, Sensible, efficient, and a heart as big as a football. 147, It is the peculiar nature of the bureaucracy that sensible initiatives like this arouse great resentment and efforts at evasion. 148, At face value, decentralisation of services into communities seems eminently sensible, and reference centres have been effective in some countries. 149, She placed another thick branch on the fire and tried to conceive a sensible agenda for the day. 150, They sometimes seem more concerned to punish those whose products end up on rubbish heaps than to encourage sensible behaviour. 151, Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. Socrates 152, Looked a sensible, down-to-earth type to me, and he might be a corrective to what we've just been hearing. 153, No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Alfred Tennyson 154, And it does have its attendant problems which it is only sensible to recognise. 155, This suggests that it is sensible to explore aspects of subjective risk in the controlled environment of even this relatively crude simulator. 156, There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership. 157, You won't need sensible work shoes anyway so leave them at home - they deserve a holiday from your feet. 158, The final question addressed was the need to institute a sensible programme for tourism. 159, Actually, they were one of the most sensible things that the earlier white explorers brought with them. 160, And the pledges were largely of the motherhood and apple pie kind-wholesome, sensible and entirely unobjectionable. 161, The additional assessment is a sensible and welcome attempt to differentiate students' performance by assessing higher-order skills. 162, Perhaps - in fact most certainly - it would be sensible to face the possibility. 163, Despite medical advice about sensible drinking, many people still over-indulge[], particularly in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year. 164, If Jolly Sensible was a restaurant, everyone would be speculating about what went on in the basement. 165, Some at least of the leading Romans felt and behaved in a way which seemed to him perfectly understandable and eminently sensible. 166, The idea of putting large numbers of people to sleep struck me at first as being eminently sensible. 167, After eventually losing interest in the scientific ramifications of UFOs, concerned CIA agents moved on to more sensible matters. 168, The role of Government should be to ensure that such pensions met sensible regulation so that the public interest was protected. 169, I tucked the binoculars into the holdall again and without any sensible plans wandered back towards the dining car. 170, It may be wise and sensible advice given certain circumstances. 170, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 171, Reagan was ahead of the curve in his sensible discussion of the economics of Social Security. 172, Sixthly, on environmental controls, I congratulate the Government on their more sensible and practical approach. 173, New sensible Bahama beige is ideal for concealing the ravages of muddy boots. 174, Yet this exceedingly sensible system has not always been applied in an even-handed manner. 175, Slowly, with some satisfaction, she peeled off her hand-knitted gloves and dragged off her sensible hat. 176, It was, Smith argued, an enlightened plan: sensible, efficient, conceived in harmony. 177, I strongly urge him to do so, if he can reach a sensible and reasonable compromise. 178, She wasn't going to be able to reach any sensible decision while she was anywhere near this house. 179, Just a business arrangement between two sensible people who no longer think of love. 180, While she respected Jane, the sensible member of the foursome, she hero-worshipped her eldest sister. 181, Mr Coleridge inherits a market that has made some sensible moves to improve its competitive edge. 182, Collaboration between the royal society and family health services authorities would be a sensible way forward in improving dispensing standards. 183, He felt that this would be a sensible preliminary to trying to negotiate with the aboriginal community. 184, If you decide to remortgage, put down as large a deposit as seems sensible to reduce the size of your loan. 185, For a human reader a discursive natural language definition is a more sensible format. 186, I agreed with her and thought that her comments were eminently sensible. 187, She was dressed in a sensible tweed skirt and a rather elegant cashmere sweater. 188, A sensible diet and plenty of exercise is the formula for weight loss. 189, Mr. Collins, to be sure, was neither sensible nor agreeable. 190, This taught them that burying bad news is not always sensible. 190, try its best to gather and create good sentences. 191, I am sensible of the importance of having an ally of such weight. 192, I opposed this at the time, but with hindsight it was a sensible economy. 193, The promise of a cure — the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow — often makes sensible people do irrational things. 194, Sensible reforms are needed to slow the unsustainable growth of entitlement spending. 195, Watson was a pious, sensible young man, of great integrity. 196, Without a sensible sex education all kinds of strange and fantastic ideas will take root. |
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