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单词 Shivering
1. He is shivering with fear.
2. Jake stood shivering in the cold air.
3. The poor dog - it's shivering!
4. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.
5. They clung together, shivering with cold.
6. If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
7. The man was shivering with fatigue.
8. I was shivering with cold.
9. He found he was shivering.
10. I spent the winter mostly shivering.
11. They were both shivering slightly from the frosty air.
12. If the temperature drops below 80, I start shivering.
13. To her shivering body, he felt like a furnace.
14. She sat shivering, dozing off: home, or nearly.
15. Bitterly cold, shivering violently from several causes, but out.
16. He was standing there, shivering!
17. Sensitive to cold, always shivering.
18. Poor little Rosie stood dripping wet and shivering.
19. Alex stood shivering in the cold, damp air.
20. She stood shivering in her threadbare dress.
21. She was shivering with delight and pent-up desire.
22. You're shivering! Do you want to go indoors?
23. Miguel left, shivering when he hit the street.
24. I was shivering in my thin sleeping bag.
24. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
25. He was soaked in sweat and shivering.
26. She was still shivering when he finished, but the warmth gradually began to seep inwards to where her bones were chilled.
27. She was breathless, shivering with cold as she hid herself behind the curtains of the four-poster.
28. They were forced to wait outside for hours, shivering with cold.
29. She waited, shutting her eyes and shivering as the light waned.
30. He was a sorry sight, soaked to the skin and shivering.
1. He is shivering with fear.
2. Jake stood shivering in the cold air.
3. The poor dog - it's shivering!
4. I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear.
5. They clung together, shivering with cold.
31. What I felt I was doing, as I dressed my shivering body in layer upon layer, was protecting myself.
32. They were soaked right through to the skin and shivering in the cold.
33. Nails was laughing and shivering at the same time, so excited that he felt almost ill with it.
34. My hand hurt just as much and now I was shivering with cold.
35. Shivering, she pulled up her anorak zip and turned to the left.
36. So when the shivering fit is over I write my bellicose article and no one would guess that I ever hesitated.
37. He thinks it is a type of shivering similar to repeatedly tensing one's muscles.
38. He had a bad cold and was shivering inside his dressing gown.
39. Hairy tongues like fat black ferns spilled out of them, shivering in the draught of their passing.
40. Shivering, I closed the blinds more tightly -- wanted no offending sun yet, despite its potential for heat.
41. In the distance he saw a rabbit shivering under a pine tree.
42. I was already shivering with cold, but when I tried to walk faster my heart pounded unpleasantly.
43. She started shivering as her sweat dried in the freezing winter air.
44. She found she was shivering as if she were icy cold.
45. Shivering in the chilly air, she groped across to the light switch.
46. If this is passed, they stand shivering with fear, rooted to the spot.
47. As I left the cinema I was seized in an irresistible spasm of shivering.
48. The girl sits there muttering and shivering, with her last cigarette and an electric lighter.
49. They stood there naked and shivering, huddled together as a soldier walked round them, prodding them with a baton.
50. Shivering, Denver approached the house, regarding it, as she always did, as a person rather than a structure.
51. The trees shook, all their young leaves shivering as if with ague or fear of the approaching storm.
52. But to avoid it meant a long detour to get into Barn Street, and she was shivering with wet and cold.
53. When he had taken the tea and lay warmly wrapped and no longer shivering, Sister Cooney left him.
54. More a ghost than a man at that point, standing there in what looked like a gray sack, shivering.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
55. It sits there shivering in its damp towel until she comes with urine bottle and tube.
56. There were a couple of men under the tarp with us, shivering with fever.
57. To be on the safe side I spent two hours in the drain, shivering for most of the second hour.
58. Four retakes of my shivering acquaintanceship with the wintry waves were needed.
59. As they disappeared from sight, a bout of shivering swept over Jack.
60. So she stayed with him, on the dark landing, holding his shivering little body and trying to comfort him.
61. They pulled themselves to the top of the wall, sat there on the rough stone, shivering.
62. To step out of bed on to the cold lino, and to begin dressing and shivering, took considerable courage.
63. She stared at it for a long time, shivering, icy fingers trailing along her spine.
64. The blaze of lights in the evening was part of it, and the singing and shivering the rails made.
65. He sat there shivering until dawn, nodding occasionally, jerking awake with a cry.
66. Birds, also to some extent like mammals, have involuntary nervous controls to regulate heat; for instance, shivering.
67. Standing shivering in the rain was a boy of about sixteen.
68. Then waited, shivering, as the rain tipped off the brim of his top hat and spattered on the ground.
69. Towards morning she woke limp and exhausted, shivering with cold.
70. People were coming out, wrapping themselves in towels, shivering and complaining.
71. We gaze until the cold air makes our shivering unstoppable.
72. They changed in the changing rooms so thoughtfully provided and came out shivering in the cool evening.
73. There's 9,000 shivering punters in here, 7,500 of which have blank faces.
74. Her nerve-ends in total chaos, Robbie could hardly believe this was really happening, this shivering delight.
75. She felt guilty as she held her daughter until the shivering and the teeth chattering stopped.
76. It was bad to see him that way, angry and shivering a little like a dope fiend.
77. Still shivering, we were made to lie down, men and women in adjoining beds.
78. Shivering in the morning chill, Kelly got into her car and started the engine.
79. I still felt nauseated, both sweating and shivering, as we walked down the corridor to my room.
80. They arrived back at Chepstow Villas just before nine, shivering from the cold.
81. Dot sat rigid and shivering on the wicker armchair in the conservatory.
82. One night, this soldier came upon a peasant shivering in the doorway.
83. She was shivering uncontrollably as she walked to her cabin.
84. At 7.30 am we paraded outside for the Sergeant-Major, shivering at attention.
84. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
85. So innocent a scent, and yet ... Shivering, he took a long, slow breath of her.
86. She lifted her arms to his shoulders and ran her fingers through his crisp hair, shivering at the silken touch.
87. A shrill whistle is blown angrily by a shivering soldier, a sentry at the tomb.
88. That hot mouth moved over her hot, shivering skin, inciting fierce moans of desire as she stroked his dark hair.
89. The wind scored shivering channels through the ling and bilberries, the growth of fine, dry grass.
90. And the smell of those cigarettes in his tormentor's office, where he stood barefoot and shivering for hours on end.
91. Shivering, she realised the light was beginning to fade, and almost reluctantly she turned to make her way back inside.
92. If you want to survive, you shivering ninny, you might as well shoot off your big toe.
93. I stood in my pyjamas shivering in the middle of Katie's bedroom, not knowing what to do.
94. She stepped back, shivering slightly when fitzAlan's hand fell away from her face.
95. They landed on a ledge wide enough to hold them, the horse shivering with fear but knowing not to move at all.
96. Maria, who showed her in, was frightened and stood at the door shivering.
97. Not only had they not been made properly, they were shivering in resignation.
98. He passed her with one sidelong glitter of let eyes, and left her shivering.
99. I just stood, gawking and shivering, as it disappeared into the hurrying crowd.
100. Residents stood shivering in the chilly night air as Red Cross officials scrambled to find them lodging after they fled their homes.
101. The teacher came in like a colossus and the class shrank into a shivering line.
102. Urged to remove them, police were reluctant to turn shivering people out into the polar night.
103. The sneezing bouts continued for a couple of days, accompanied by shivering and coughing fits.
104. One afternoon I was bundled on to an open lorry where about 40 others were already shivering in the late autumn frost.
105. Her stomach was a ball of nervous excitement; she alternated between bouts of shivering and feeling too hot.
106. Sweating and shivering, she stumbled through the saloon to her cabin.
107. Shivering a little, she fumbled for her key and went towards the front door.
108. Bright and balmy, very warm, but John Wade found himself shivering.
109. The sharp crack of the pistol always brought her awake, cold and shivering.
110. He was shivering again and he swallowed another handful of tablets from his waist pouch.
111. He was so cold that he kept shivering.
112. The shivering Chaplain robed in white.
113. Later signs can include uncontrolled shivering, unconsciousness and death.
114. The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep.
115. The children are shivering -- turn on the heat!
116. He started for the shivering sand at a rate.
117. She was shivering like a leaf.
118. You're shivering fit to die,[] Gracie.
119. He was shivering with cold.
120. Protect your dog against frostbite by limiting exposure to cold temperatures, particularly for short-coated, thin-skinned breeds, and immediately bring your dog indoors if he or she is shivering .
121. Salt - water soaked and shivering he snarls at the incoming tide.
122. A poor woman dressed in rags and shivering with cold was struggling on a lonely road, while the merciless rain was beating her without pause.
123. I hoped my love would be saved from the shivering shame of the shelterless, but you turn your face away.
124. Shivering tourists had congregated in the only open bar in town. Some, desperate for the sun, headed down to Lisbon, while the rest of us decided to sample the sea air of Biarritz.
125. He drew closer. Shaking, shivering, breathing in short, sharp stabs, I could no longer see the whites of my father's eyes - only their brown centres, staring me down. There was no deviousness there.
126. This night, Edward knew Tristram would be dark and silent, the few remaining residents locked away in their own homes or shivering behind the shuttered windows and barred door of the tavern.
127. However, my brother's head and nose were hurt by the water scooter. After he came back, his nose was still bleeding and he kept shivering. My mother was really scared.
128. A gust of cold wind blows, and he can't help shivering.
129. Resting metabolic rate(RMR) and non shivering thermogenesis(NST)showed an increase of 12% and 85% respectively.
130. He drew closer. Shaking, shivering, breathing in short, sharp stabs, I could no longer see the whites of my father's eyes-only their brown centres, staring me down.
131. When my husband came home a few hours later he found me not quite asleep in his winter-weight winceyette pyjamas, clutching a hot-water bottle and shivering under two duvets and a blanket.
132. Square rely on Tong but is apt discommode more, rushed toward in his bosom, she still kept shivering.
133. Drinking warm, non - alcoholic liquids and eating something sugary can stop the shivering.
134. Groups of workmen bunched around the other tables in the candlelit gloom. Wrapped in woollen blankets and wearing baggy shalwar kameez trousers, they were drinking rounds of sweet tea and shivering.
135. Still Xiangzi said nothing. Shivering, he started to roll up his bedding.
136. The old craft dived into the green seas, and sent the shivering frost all over her.
137. Tommy and the others are marched in naked and shivering , covered with delousing powder, greeted by TAUNTS and JEERS.
138. They kept shivering beneath the buffalo robes and hugging each other.
139. He stood up hastily, shivering all over , his face turning pale.
140. Patricia was also frostbitten and she was still shivering from fall through the ice.
141. Fred escorted his two shivering party members to a nearby inn while I and the remaining two literally ran to the gendarmerie post.
142. You are shivering. Why not make yourself warm in the sun?
143. That day, I was spearing fish with my grandfather when I heard the faint crying and found the shivering wolf cub.
144. I pictured the poor woman shivering in the shower stall, silently counting, waiting for her three minutes to be up.
144. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
145. And they were there, the short-stemmed flowers, rustling and fluttering and shivering, so bright and alive, but with nowhere to hide their faces, as they turned them away from the wind.
146. When a patrol boat got the hungry and shivering dog, they found no identification on her other than a brown collar.
147. How do scientists explain why shivering over such scary things is fun?
148. I hope my love would be saved from the shivering shame of the shelterless, but you turn your face away.
149. As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold.
150. That night, streetlights shimmer in shivering puddles, darkened only briefly by the shadows of bicycles.
151. Symptoms Aching neck, dislike of bright lights, shivering, vomiting and, for meningococcal septicaemia, a rash which is visible after pressure is applied.
152. Drinking warmnonalcoholly, non - alcoholic liquids and eating something sugary can stop the shivering.




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