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单词 Loaded
1, They loaded the cart with rice.
2, She came back carrying a loaded tray.
3, The tractor was loaded with strawberries.
4, The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities.
5, The truck was loaded down with bricks.
6, They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.
7, The computer verified that/whether the data was loaded correctly.
8, The ship is loaded with military equipment.
9, They loaded us down with gifts.
10, The lorry was loaded with crates of beer.
11, The ship was loaded down with extra cargo.
12, They were loaded on the railway trucks to go to Liverpool.
13, Try to avoid politically loaded terms like "nation".
14, Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder.
15, She loaded the camera with film.
16, Greg used to come home loaded almost every night.
17, The revolver was loaded with only one bullet.
18, Most fast foods are loaded with fat.
19, The cart was loaded with fruit.
20, The article was heavily loaded against Morrissey.
21, She was loaded down with bags of groceries.
22, A survey should avoid asking loaded questions.
23, The passengers loaded into the steamer.
24, We loaded the car in ten minutes.
25, She loaded the new software .
26, The army returned loaded down with plunder.
27, Sacks were being loaded onto the truck.
28, The vehicles were loaded up.
29, The odds were slightly loaded against us.
30, The rifle was loaded with 3 bullets.
1, They loaded the cart with rice.
2, She came back carrying a loaded tray.
3, The tractor was loaded with strawberries.
4, The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities.
5, The truck was loaded down with bricks.
6, They loaded up the van with sacks of flour.
7, The ship is loaded with military equipment.
8, They loaded us down with gifts.
9, The lorry was loaded with crates of beer.
10, The ship was loaded down with extra cargo.
11, They were loaded on the railway trucks to go to Liverpool.
12, The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
13, The barge was loaded up with coal.
14, All her attempts to find a better job were unsuccessful; It'seemed that the dice were loaded against her.
15, That's a loaded question.
16, A young man was bending low to push a heavily loaded barrow up a slope.
17, They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.
31, The tourists loaded into the boat.
32, I was loaded down with the heavy luggage.
33, What a party - everyone was loaded!
34, She loaded film into the camera.
35, The desk was loaded with books.
36, They loaded the carts with plunder.
37, She came into the room carrying a loaded tray.
38, The President's visit is loaded with symbolic significance.
39, They loaded her with gifts.
40, The audience loaded the champion with thunderous applause.
41, They loaded the ship with coal.
42, Emma loaded all the groceries into the car.
43, There was a loaded silence.
44, Loaded supermarket trolleys are often difficult to manoeuvre.
45, The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
46, Be careful, that gun's loaded.
47, They loaded the coach with praises.
48, I was loaded down with shopping.
49, He loaded the cups onto a tray.
50, The barge was loaded up with coal.
51, The sheep were loaded onto trucks.
52, Giles can afford it - he's loaded.
53, Jane felt loaded down with money worries.
54, He loaded his friends up with ghost stories.
55, He seemed loaded down with the burdens of office.
56, The air is loaded with dirt.
57, We loaded the truck with bananas.
58, Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne.
59, The pitcher loaded the bases by walking three batters.
60, Have you loaded the software?
61, This liquor has been loaded.
62, I've just loaded my truck up.
63, The phrase is loaded with irony.
64, Baggage loaded onto an aircraft must be evenly distributed.
65, The lorry was loaded with timber.
66, I loaded the gun with my last two bullets.
67, They loaded the lorry up.
68, She loaded up the car with camping gear.
69, The legislation is heavily loaded in favour of employers.
70, He fired, missed and loaded again.
71, The data can subsequently be loaded on a computer for processing.
72, She'd been so terrified that she had armed herself with a loaded rifle.
73, She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates.
74, It was a loaded question and I preferred not to comment.
75, She bluffed him into thinking that her gun was loaded.
76, The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.
77, Let her pay-she's loaded.
78, He went back home loaded down with parcels and packages.
79, All her attempts to find a better job were unsuccessful; it seemed that the dice were loaded against her.
80, I was loaded down with bags so I took a taxi.
81, Traffic from Jordan to Iraq is down to a dozen loaded lorries a day,(http:///loaded.html) compared with a high of 200 a day.
82, It seems that the report is loaded in favour of the developers.
83, The justice system is loaded against people from ethnic minorities.
84, Is the gun loaded?
85, All her attempts to find a better job were unsuccessful; It'seemed that the dice were loaded against her.
86, He took over the union when it was loaded with debt.
87, There were scores of boxes and crates, all waiting to be checked and loaded.
88, Having lost both his parents when he was a child he always felt that the dice were loaded against him.
89, Never point a gun at someone, even in fun,as it might be loaded.
90, He has always felt that the dice were loaded against him in life.
91, In the first pass all the addresses are loaded into the database.
92, The pistols were loaded so our escape is indeed providential.
93, Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date.
94, He inherited the family business - he must be loaded!
95, That's a loaded question.
96, We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare.
97, The press is loaded in favour of this present government.
98, A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town.
99, The fully loaded truck hit a rock and tumbled over.
100, Allow for greater braking distances when pulling a loaded trailer.
101, He chickened out when he learned that a supply of loaded guns was going along with them.
102, A young man was bending low to push a heavily loaded barrow up a slope.
103, A number of local people have been arrested for trying to obstruct lorries loaded with logs.
104, The poor car was completely loaded down with all my bags.
105, They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.
106, That gun's not loaded, is it?
107, He loaded up the car with camping gear.
108, Coast Guard officials loaded the marijuana onto a plane.
109, Charterers of a ship loaded it with benzine.
110, He carried a loaded gun.
111, Alternatively mines or depth charges could be loaded.
112, They were also very heavily loaded with ammunition.
113, It was loaded with three bullets.
114, Three hundred gallons of gasoline were loaded today.
115, And the program is still loaded with glitches.
116, Suns assistant coach Donn Nelson has a loaded itinerary.
117, The high-tech industry, for example, is loaded with jargon.
118, He wasn't shot and his pistol is fully loaded.
119, They gingerly loaded the patient into the ambulance.
120, Anyhow, we loaded kelp for Glasgow.
121, She deposited the loaded tray.
122, Ginter was unconscious when rescue workers loaded him on to a stretcher.
123, He grimaced at the smell of fresh blood, then pulled the loaded rifle from its holster.
124, When the first container was loaded on to a truck it was so heavy all four tyres promptly exploded.
125, Then, without more ado, he loaded the horses into the trailer.
126, Five steamboats loaded with thrill seekers arrived from Lake Erie, each with a brass band on deck.
127, However, these studies are criticized by many analysts as impressionistic and loaded with gross generalizations that greatly oversimplify political reality.
128, His dining room table was frequently loaded with files of papers.
129, The Soviet Union, however, once loaded the missile with a 1-megaton nuclear warhead.
130, What information they do have is often inaccurate and loaded with unreal expectations.
131, He held a loaded air pistol to her stepfather's neck and threatened to blow his head off.
132, And expect to pay from the mid-teens to upward of $ 50, 000 for top-of-the-line, fully loaded models.
133, Your average chocolate bar, far from being the energy snack advertisers would have you believe, is loaded with fat.
133, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
134, We loaded the trucks up again and at 5.00 am on 27 December 1984, we left.
135, But when it was time to break camp, it was loaded on Ram Rahim.
136, The S that Ford chose to show off to the press was understandably a fully loaded one.
137, By this time the respondent had loaded the goods into a van and rejoined Mr. A. in the key department.
138, As the trucks were being loaded, Jerome became philosophical about the move.
139, The following day I hired a van, loaded up my possessions and then handed over my keys to the landlord.
140, A fully loaded civilian plane crashes in mid-air with an armed military plane over Catterick Garrison.
141, A couple of geldings were being loaded into the Lambourne.
142, Well Loaded Much talked-about guitar rockers, generally regarded as destined for the bigger stadia of life, unless they self-destruct enroute.
143, With one giant heave, they loaded the sack onto the trailer.
144, The shuttle was then loaded atop a converted 747 jumbo jet and flown back to Kennedy.
145, Mickey had a ramp with pea sized objects rolling down to be dealt a mighty blow from a spring loaded mallet.
146, The drag of the loaded inflatable had slowed the catamaran so that they were making a bare five knots.
147, These are rocket-shaped projectiles loaded with vitrified waste, and dumped from ships to plunge into soft sediments on the ocean floor.
148, The run-time code is loaded on to a real processor and translated on the fly into the chip's native instruction set.
149, Hundreds of sailors and Marines yesterday loaded supplies and equipment aboard the amphibious ships.
150, A fully loaded set can easily add $ 300 to the final cost.
151, More faces can easily be loaded on to a machine, like stocking a larder with exotic ingredients.
152, Loaded into a laptop computer, they can make terrific travel companions.
153, Then they loaded the purchases into the car, and went with free hands to view the delectable older parts of Comerbourne.
154, A rancher who heard the deluge coming loaded his family in his truck and began to dash to safety.
155, The pistol she kept under her seat, on the other hand, was loaded with buckshot.
156, Four died when gunmen opened fire on a pick-up truck loaded with people near Port Shepstone in southern Natal.
157, All nine checkout counters are backed up with huge lines of people pushing loaded carts.
158, According to news reports, one train had 19 coaches and the other 14, both heavily loaded.
159, They drove a lorry across farm fields and loaded it up from the home of the Marquess of Cholmondeley yesterday.
160, With a fully-charged battery in place, the blank cassette can be loaded for recording.
161, Rita's flattened by a tram while chasing her across Blackpool Prom with fell intent and a loaded firearm.
162, They passed the last-minute shoppers loaded down with gifts wrapped in gold and silver paper rushing toward their high-rise condos.
163, The gang members moved down the alley, their guns loaded and ready.
163, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
164, This drop was overcome by means of an inclined plane, up and down which the loaded barges were carried on trolleys.
165, She loaded the oars and gas can and life vest, then turned to close the boathouse doors.
166, Teams of horses in single file hauled trains of a dozen flat-topped wagons loaded with granite along these rails.
167, Lightly loaded wings that fly slowly will be more affected by these alterations than heavily loaded wings that fly fast.
168, Why is it that most women will not go out of the house without bags loaded with objects of no immediate use?
169, But you needed a good depth of beer before you loaded up on the fancy stuff.
170, Upper classes are often heavily loaded with current world affairs and the complicated workings of the United Nations and its agencies.
171, He held a loaded rifle thrust before him, as though it were bayoneted and he was advancing on a rioting crowd.
172, We came back from the tour round the factory loaded down with free gifts.
173, By that time the respondent had loaded the machine into his van and had rejoined his employer in the key department.
174, To avoid the creation of extra synonyms, the file has to be loaded in two passes.
175, The table was loaded with files and books about the Stuarts.
176, Smell it almost, although the man, a natty dresser by Peter's standards, had loaded himself with aftershave.
177, She watched - helpless again - as Mrs Taxos loaded luggage in two panniers on one of the donkeys.
178, These latter pages can be loaded directly on to printing presses as plates.
179, Two thumbtack-size patches of neurons located on the brain stem are particularly loaded with adenosine receptors.
180, According to Culver, water mains in Baltimore and in most older, large metro areas are loaded with metal filings.
181, Then more cans of the gas, so carefully loaded the day before, went overboard.
182, Myat found ships loaded with scrap metal in the port of Chongjin.
183, You don't find out that the gun's not loaded until after you've heard the trigger click.
184, The statements quoted above were for the most part not coarse or vulgar, but just loaded with bigotry.
185, Nick, the ever-ready surveyor, whipped out his loaded camera and reeled off a few shots of the thief.
186, Painted with the intensity of fresco, they haunt the memory, loaded with illusion and nostalgia.
187, One of them actually had an artificial leg, and carried not only a loaded rifle but a cane.
188, Ed gave his typical response to a loaded moral question.
189, Elaine was loaded down with towels, and bags full of swimwear and sun creams.
190, The local people naturally defend their crops, usually with totally inadequate weapons such as ancient shotguns loaded with buckshot.
191, Trucks loaded with food and medicine waited at the border.
192, And his foreman makes sure the containers are loaded on to the trucks and dumped over the border.
193, Billy had heard that one man in each firing squad was customarily given a rifle loaded with blank cartridge.
194, I loaded the file and the first three lines were full of fall-out from the crash.
195, Outside, though, as he loaded it into the car,(http:///loaded.html) he was surprised to feel a sudden surge of confidence.
196, He loaded the bags on to the luggage rack of the Argyll.
197, Though prawns are low in calories, they are then smothered in a dressing loaded with them.
198, Close down Excel and load it again, but this time your command centre worksheet is automatically loaded.
199, Her boat is always loaded with new friends and ice-cold sodas.
200, By 7: 30 a. m., Bravo Company was loaded aboard 14 assault vehicles.
201, In order for this to work, the machine code program must be loaded into the same address each time.
202, The deep hulls of the Hokule'a were loaded with dried and canned food and three hundred one-gallon containers of water.
203, The tremendous weight of the ice sheet loaded and depressed that part of the lithosphere.
204, The badgers are loaded into vans for the 4 hour drive to Yorkshire.
205, Allow for greater braking distances with a loaded trailer and always use the lower gears going down steep hills.
206, I moved about uncomfortably, listening to the thumps on the roof as they loaded up the cargo.
207, People loaded with shopping shoved her aside: she was blocking the exit of a big supermarket.
208, I noticed that some of the upstart ash trees were already bearing seeds, and some were loaded with them.
209, The Whiteboard can then be saved as a file that can be loaded for a particular conference.
210, I got in and we followed Hubert to the brewery, where Jack paid for the beer and saw it loaded.
211, They loaded me with branches of lemons and bunches of stocks and carnations - overpoweringly sweet.
212, Intelligence here is her noticing how loaded and metaphoric and condensed something seen can be.
213, AWI7.tif I've placed the background as an event, and have also loaded up the big trees as an actor.
214, We made a joke of it, the way Charles always came loaded with books on some new subject.
215, She took the loaded wire basket to the outlet, paid, filled her carrier bags, and went homewards by Underground.
216, But he did carry a loaded gun, finally, just for Jack.
217, Whenever a malt ship is being loaded comes down to inspect the site and oversee the loading.
218, It was here that he spotted two men stealing a truck loaded with aluminium scrap.
219, The sirens went off, and we were loaded into trucks and told we were going out there as a reaction force.
220, Soldiers and policemen joined in, attacking vehicles loaded with ceremonial paraphernalia and grabbing armfuls of T-shirts and umbrellas.
221, Most of her life was spent pushing barges loaded with silt dredged from the narrow canals around Birmingham.
222, The company claims that these protocols can be loaded and accessed simultaneously without interrupting the LANtastic network connection.
223, It's a vague enough notion, that something unauthorized was then loaded under cover of the dark.Sentence dictionary
224, Analysing the series-voltage case first, the open-circuit and loaded voltage gains of the open-loop amplifier are defined as and respectively.
225, The advantage is that executables have full access to the computer when loaded.
226, A loaded revolver flying through the air brings extra instability into an already volatile situation.
227, At 8.30 we loaded all our gear into the boat, and cruised out to a spot a few miles offshore.
228, It was loaded with product, much of it marvelous, all of it printed.
229, It provides attenuation of potential difference represented by when it is negligibly loaded.
230, They would then take the loaded machine to the Royal Aircraft College, Cranwell for its next passing out parade.
231, An hour later, loaded down with awkward orange life-jackets, she trailed her cousin down to the beach.
232, Thus a suspended network, uniformly loaded, can be used as a negative model for a convex shell.
233, Between the listing buoys and sandbanks two mulish tugs were pulling a tanker loaded with glass from Pilkington's.
234, However. the departments involved are heavily loaded, and none of them want to contribute a key person for this purpose.
235, But sometimes it takes many hits to download one Web page, especially if the page is loaded with graphics.
236, His men would carry their standard-issue M16 rifles, although on mature reflection he decided that they should not be loaded.
237, The pack's got to be comfortable when it's fully loaded.
238, Once the software is loaded and the user sends his or her bank account number, writing checks takes only seconds.
239, They got the ballast out and loaded it into skips and the loco brought it along the line to the plant.
240, The program can be encoded on the disc's surface and then loaded into the microprocessor.
241, Victim James Monday found a loaded.38 calibre handgun in his parents' bedroom in Stockton, California.
242, After the van had been loaded it drove to another loading bay and backed up against a second wagon.
243, When the planes are fully loaded, they aren't able to take off from this runway, as it is too short.
244, Chicago had to be supplied by a mass of smaller stations where grain and stock were loaded.
245, Below the green Victorian wallpaper decorating the small den were wood paneling and shelving loaded down with books and videotapes.
246, The table before them was loaded down with jellies and ice cream.
247, For the dark lines of bare tree branches Martin uses a pen loaded with paint.
248, Scattered among them were the camp followers: women and young boys driving loaded mules and donkeys.
249, Every time he went abroad with the company he came back loaded up with western goods.
250, A body wrapped in a plastic bag is loaded on to a lorry and taken off to the morgue.
251, Cascaded identical sections that meet this criterion are all identically loaded and, therefore, behave identically.
252, He was drawn over a gravel bed and used a loaded waggler float with double white maggot hookbait.
253, The set-in neck is maple, with an ebony fingerboard that's loaded with twenty-four biggish frets.
253, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
254, She settled the loaded tray on Nicandra's knees and shook out a white napkin.
255, As we loaded up for one mission, a grunt got on board carrying an M-79 grenade launcher.
256, He filled the pipes that pacify the troubled, loaded the needles that puncture anxiety bubbles.
257, So Taylor's explanation for pulling out Carlton Palmer only loaded the ammunition for critics of both manager and player.
258, Grasses are applied in fine, light lines using a fine brush loaded with acrylic paint.
259, She tested a couple aluminum bats as the equipment was loaded into trucks.
260, Evidence showed that almost twice as much gas had been loaded into the underground cavern, resulting in the blast.
261, This superbly balanced, mediumbodied cabernet is loaded with bright black cherry fruit.
262, But then she'd practically loaded the gun that had shot her down and handed it to him.
263, Another went to the bakery warehouse, loaded her car, and created a pastry sculpture in the middle of her kitchen.
264, So I got out the original word processor program disks and loaded them into the directory.
265, How are the invoices for the loaded and off-loaded goods filed?
266, She loaded the revolvers, too, leaving the chamber beneath the hammer empty.
267, I find it hard to believe that he didn't know the gun was loaded.
268, As the coach was loaded on Sunday morning, the children looked on sadly.
269, Skepticism fully loaded, I agreed to meet with the dapper and charming McKenna.
270, If a machine is heavily loaded, its response times suffer.
271, Well Loaded are bursting with life and enough youth to get refused service at the bar.
272, And if these boxcars specially loaded were not so marked, where might our precious horses find themselves?
273, The man's clothing had been reduced to rags and he was loaded with fetters.
274, From thirty to sixty trucks were loaded with bricks daily for dispatch to London and its surrounding area.
275, It was compacted again and loaded into a trailer hauling 25 tons to the landfill.
276, They come four to an order,(http:///loaded.html) loaded with garlic and plenty of melted butter in a shallow casserole dish.
277, She loaded me down with around a dozen cassettes.
278, Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with stuffed flounder.
279, The vessel is fully loaded with cargo for Shanghai.
280, He loaded his vessel with another cargo and set sail.
281, I assembled the weapon, checked the firing and recoil mechanism and loaded it.
282, A loaded pin bears on a hole with small clearance.
283, He shouldered the loaded carrying pole and walked off with a swing.




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更新时间:2025/3/10 22:28:37