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单词 Mad
1. Whom the gods destroy, they first make mad
2. Don't get mad, get even.
3. Oppression maketh a wise man mad
4. Mad dog bites his master.
5. Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad
6. What a mad thing to do!
7. The chase was mad, mad now retire.
8. He was mad with me for losing his watch.
9. The man was mad, completely mad.
10. She seemed to have gone stark raving mad.
11. I think I must be going mad.
12. The mad man came at us with a knife.
13. There was a mad scramble for the exits.
14. He must be teasing,or else he's mad.
15. Don't fight with him, he is a mad man.
16. Inventors are not mad scientists.
17. A mad dog may bite people.
18. She made after him like a mad woman.
19. He is mad on gambling.
20. Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.
21. Her behaviour drives me mad.
22. They realized that he had gone mad.
23. Loving me when I'm mad.
24. 'You're mad,' the driver blurted out.
25. Are you still mad at me?
26. He's mad keen on football.
27. Mad laughter follows the drought of tears.
28. When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
29. You can tell the size of a man by the size of the things which make him mad
30. The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad.
1. He was mad with me for losing his watch.
2. The man was mad, completely mad.
3. She seemed to have gone stark raving mad.
4. I think I must be going mad.
5. The mad man came at us with a knife.
6. There was a mad scramble for the exits.
7. He must be teasing,or else he's mad.
8. Don't fight with him, he is a mad man.
9. Inventors are not mad scientists.
10. A mad dog may bite people.
11. She made after him like a mad woman.
12. He is mad on gambling.
13. Her behaviour drives me mad.
14. They realized that he had gone mad.
15. 'You're mad,' the driver blurted out.
16. Are you still mad at me?
17. He's mad keen on football.
18. When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.
19. The builder looked at me as though I was barking mad.
20. She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.
21. The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
22. I'm mad at you.
23. The woman charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.
24. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.
25. He went mad and spent the rest of his life locked up in a mental hospital.
26. The mad man laid about him with a big stick.
27. The next few days were a mad whirl of parties.
28. Are you stark raving mad, jumping off a moving train?
29. The horses broke into a mad gallop when they heard the gunshot.
30. A revolver is the only way to stop a mad dog.
31. She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.
32. The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country.
33. I'm mad at you.
34. The woman charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.
35. She had an image of a mad scientist working in his laboratory.
36. He went mad and spent the rest of his life locked up in a mental hospital.
37. The mad man laid about him with a big stick.
38. The next few days were a mad whirl of parties.
39. Are you stark raving mad,() jumping off a moving train?
40. The horses broke into a mad gallop when they heard the gunshot.
41. A revolver is the only way to stop a mad dog.
42. You must be mad to risk it.
43. He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.
44. He was mad about being waked up so early.
45. This noise will send me mad.
46. He's been driving me mad recently!
47. He described the new regulations as bureaucracy gone mad.
48. She's not as mad about sport as I am.
49. It makes me really mad when people waste food.
50. Look at this mess! Mum will go mad!
51. The team won and the fans went mad.
52. There was a mad scramble for the best seats.
53. "Are you mad?" David asked explosively.
54. The doctor certified the prisoner mad.
55. She was mad with me for losing my keys.
56. He's mad keen on planes.
57. She got mad and started cussing him out.
58. He is mad for fame.
59. She was afraid of going mad.
60. His wife will be really mad with him.
31. I was very frightened and clinging on like mad.
32. His mad mistakes amused all of us.
33. He seemed drived by some mad compulsion.
61. The director cast me as a mad priest.
62. Some of the things she does are completely mad.
63. The children are driving me mad!
64. You must be mad to drive so fast!
65. We all made a mad dash for the door.
66. The trip to Paris was all a mad rush.
67. She is mad about going to dance.
68. There was a mad dash for the exit.
69. His complete lack of responsibility drives me mad.
70. You make make me so mad !
71. My mum's absolutely mad with me!
72. He was mad at pain.
73. I've been in a mad rush all day.
74. The noise outside the building nearly drove me mad.
75. He's mad about computer games.
76. She was badly savaged by a mad dog.
77. He looked at me like I was mad.
78. She was mad at/with him for losing the match.
79. He's always been mad about kids.
80. Unemployment can drive you mad with boredom.
81. It was a mad idea.
82. Bill's untidiness drives me mad.
83. I was very frightened and clinging on like mad.
84. A mad man lunged at me with a knife.
85. It's enough to send you barking mad .
86. She ran like mad to catch the bus.
87. All the girls at school are mad for him.
88. We went a bit mad and ordered champagne.
89. Her colleagues thought her quite mad.
90. There's no need to get mad about it!
91. The world had gone completely mad.
92. This cough is driving me mad!
93. His mad mistakes amused all of us.
94. When Italy scored, the crowd went mad .
95. The crowd went absolutely mad. It was bedlam.
96. A mad rage possessed her.
97. She's mad at me for being late.
98. 'You must be mad!' he thundered.
99. Sober her down; she's mad.
100. He flew at his brother like a mad thing.
101. Don't get mad, I was only kidding.
102. You've agreed to marry him! Are you mad?
103. She's out on a mad spending spree.
104. What a barking mad idea!
105. He's always complaining and it makes me so mad.
106. She flounced about like a mad woman.
107. The crowd is mad with excitement!
108. Isn't that a rather mad idea?
109. They were mad about missing the train.
110. He bites at anyone when he is mad.
111. My nine-year-old is mad about Robbie Williams.
112. He seemed drived by some mad compulsion.
113. He nearly drove Elsie mad with his fussing.
114. People will think you've gone mad.
115. I completely lost it. I went mad,[sentencedict .com] berserk.
116. The woman had gone mad.
117. He is mad about her.
118. This itching is driving me mad.
119. He was weight training like mad.
120. Why all this mad rush?
121. The crowd made a mad rush for the exit.
122. He's working like mad at the moment.
123. The mad dog was foaming at the mouth.
124. He went mad towards the end of his life.
125. You'd be mad to work with him again.
126. He got mad and walked out.
127. He was mad with joy.
128. My friends all think I'm stark raving mad .
129. He refused to listen to their mad ramblings.
130. He's gone stark raving mad.
131. She's mad keen on hockey / on Arthur Higgins.
132. We made a mad dash for the train.
133. That noise is driving me mad.
134. I'm afraid Jean-Paul has gone raving mad.
135. You must be stark raving mad!
136. When the boss gets mad, leave him alone.
136. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
137. His obstinacy drives me mad!
138. He must be joking or else he's mad.
139. I was mad, but I didn't want to make a scene .
140. Haig and Robertson saw it as the lunatic ravings of a mad politician.
141. He's mad about his biology teacher, but it's only puppy - love.
142. He must be mad spending all that money on a coat.
143. He must be mad.
144. Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time.
145. The only explanation for his behavior is that he's mad.
146. All the girls in my house are mad about Ryan, they think he's gorgeous.
147. He was mad to such an extent that he threatened to kill his father.
148. He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad.
149. The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.
150. She went into a mad panic when she couldn't find the exit.
151. His experiences in the First World War drove him mad.
152. I tell you, I was so mad I came close to hitting her.
153. Everyone's mad for him and I just don't see the attraction.
154. He's mad about football.
155. She's been saving like mad because she wants to buy a car.
156. It's very sad, his wife went mad and had to be locked up in the special hospital.
157. She's by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention.
158. He's mad on trains.
159. An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
160. The insult made him go mad as a March hare.
161. He's mad about you.
162. You are either a total genius or else you must be absolutely raving mad.
163. You must be stark raving mad to risk your money like that!
164. The film stars a famous actor in the part of the mad scientist.
165. He turned towards me with a mad look in his eyes.
166. You're just mad at me because I don't want to go.
166. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
167. The children are mad keen to go to the zoo.
168. He never got mad at me. He was great in that way .
169. Surely no one would be mad enough to fly in this weather?
170. Holiday mad Brits are packing their buckets and spades and heading for the sun.
171. He was driving me mad, moping about the house all day.
172. She must have been barking mad to lend him so much money.
173. I'm lucky that I'm interested in school work, otherwise I'd go mad.
174. This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.
175. He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists.
176. When she heard of her son's death, she was mad with grief.
177. That makes me mad!
178. It's mad to force your foot into a shoe that's too small for you.
179. I know you've got a lot to do but don't go mad.
180. When the alarm went there was a mad dash for the exit.
181. If I had your problems, I'd be mad as hell.
182. We get mad at each other sometimes, like any family.
183. He is quite mad.
184. I translated this as a mad desire to lock up every single person with HIV.
185. Mother said lunch was ready and there was a mad dash for the table.
186. The boss is hopping mad about it and 'mad' is the operative word.
187. A lot of people are classed as mad and shut away unnecessarily.
188. He followed the famous American dictum, 'Don't get mad, get even'.
189. Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.
190. She must have been mad to do such a thing.
191. That made me hopping mad and determined to prove him wrong.
192. There are certain things he does that drive me mad.
193. Oh, don't get mad - it's just good clean fun !
194. It figures that she'd be mad at you, after what you did.
195. He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me mad.
196. In Britain, BSE is popularly known as Mad Cow Disease.
196. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
197. I get so mad when people don't take me seriously.
198. Dad got really mad at me for scratching the car.
199. Don't show your father your school report before he has his dinner, as it's sure to get him mad.
200. I'd go mad if I was stuck at home all day.
201. She began to wonder whether she wouldn't go mad with the tedium of the job.
202. I caught my thumb in the door and it hurt like mad.
203. He can't possibly get that finished in time. He must be mad !
204. He's the first real boyfriend she's had and she's mad about him.
205. Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.
206. He's quite mad: he goes round in very odd clothes.
207. At five past twelve there was a mad rush to the dinner hall.
208. There was a mad rush to seats on the bus.
209. 'I'm going to buy some new clothes.' 'Well, don't go mad .'
210. I was in a mad panic/rush trying to get everything ready.
211. Do I look like some mad old woman in this hat?
212. He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend. We have to go halves on the phone bill which drives me mad.
213. I was mad keen on dinosaurs when I was little.
214. Mad guard dogs slavered at the end of their chains.
215. It was a mad scramble trying to get things ready in time.
216. I think you're raving mad to agree to do all that extra work without being paid for it.
217. It's ridiculous to play it cool if someone you're mad about is mad about you too.
218. I went mad with joy and danced a little jig.
219. You only have an hour to complete the game so it's a mad dash against the clock.
220. The audience went mad.
221. I had to run like mad to catch the bus.
222. He was hopping mad.
223. Get mad, then get over it. Colin Powell 
224. Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight. Phyllis Diller 
225. They deem me mad because I will not sell my days for gold; and I deem them mad because they think my days have a price. Kahlil Gibran 
226. When you see a married couple walking down the street,[http:///mad.html] the one that's a few steps ahead is the one that's mad. Helen Rowland 
227. They sat around and listened with abashed smiles as Carlo Marx read them his apocalyptic, mad poetry.
228. Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long.
229. If I do not write to empty my mind, I go mad. Lord Byron 
230. If we can be glad. But we choose to be sad, we are mad! RVM 
231. Stay mad, but behave like normal people. Run the risk of being different, but learn to do so without attracting attention. Paulo Coelho 
232. They ran like mad t catch the moving bus.
233. His constant moralizing drove me mad.
234. We are both stark raving MAD!
235. It's leaking like mad, but it's better than nothing.
236. They ran like mad to catch the bus.
237. His thoughts are whacked, he's mad so he's talkin'back.
238. Tom was mad at me like sin.
239. He was very frightened and clinging on like mad.
240. Fred is up in the john spewing like mad.
241. This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.
242. They ran like mad to catch the moving bus.
243. Network Like Mad in Your Chosen Field.
244. Father was mad at me for wrecking the car.
245. Terry ran like mad to catch the bus.
246. Antibody test may diagnose and treat mad cow disease.
247. You'll drive mum mad one of these days.
248. Mad cow disease is caused by the misfolding of a small protein called Prion.
249. Forgive me, a child who studied discreet mathematics till mad,() Mina San.
250. The children are infected with a mad desire to swim in the lake in midwinter.
251. My sister turns into a wildcat when she gets mad.
252. He does nothing every day while I work like mad.
253. It begins in the present tense –'Why will you say I am mad?
254. I think all read the satanic bible are the mad!
255. I'm at the end of my tether. I shall go mad if this goes on.
256. They got drunk and danced like mad in the garden.
257. It certainly had the sour - faced Arsene Wenger hopping mad on the touchline.
258. The ninja will get mad and run to the edge.
259. My girlfriend is angry mad,[http:///mad.html] ransack boxes and chests finds out a dish mosquito - repellent incense comes.
260. Like mad scientists, they fail because they have not imbued their creations with humanity.
261. Monday, it's reported that mad cow disease been found in Japan.
262. Europe should take measures to prevent the spread of mad cow disease to other countries.
263. Everywhere, the girls are sucking, licking and fucking like mad.
264. He was mad and had to be sent to the mental hospital.
265. Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease is the human version of mad cow disease.
266. Don't be mad at him, this poor person is just unable to reason.
267. You paid $ 50 for that hat? You must be stark raving mad!
268. He went stark raving mad and began smashing the place up.
269. Conditions such as mad cow disease are caused by abnormally shaped proteins, called prions.
270. He was not a fame - monger , but merely one of God's mad lovers.
271. South Korea banned U.S. beef in 2003 due to concerns about mad cow disease.
272. Many South Koreans fear that American beef is not safe from mad cow disease.
273. In mental hospital, two mad men were talking about the marriage.
273. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
274. Are you still mad about, you know, the Louisiana Purchase?
275. Having got the basics right , I'll next cross disciplines like mad.
276. He's making a ruckus, and all the neighbors are mad!
277. With the same center as the bearing, the spherically formed outer ring raceway can mad self - alignment.
278. Mad cow disease has spread through the village so a further action should be taken immediately.
279. The mad elephant went on the rampage and killed its keeper.
280. The fierce flames of his mad desire to destroy suddenly rose to white heat.
281. Consummers panicked by mad cow disease continue to shun steak and roasts.
282. The boss's misapprehension mad her want to weep with frustration.
283. They had to drive like mad to get there on time.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:56:15