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单词 Radiant
1. He is doing research on radiant intensity.
2. She looked radiant in a white silk dress.
3. She was radiant with joy at her wedding.
4. She was radiant with health.
5. On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant.
6. They were both radiant with happiness.
7. She was radiant with joy.
8. The sun was radiant in a clear blue sky.
9. He gave a radiant smile when he heard her news.
10. He gave a radiant smile when he heard the news.
11. You look absolutely radiant!
12. Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
13. The radiant smile and the sparkle in her blue eyes were the clear signs of a woman still deeply in love.
14. Her smile grew radiant.
15. The bride looked radiant.
16. She looked a picture, radiant, all in white.
17. But Gabby was so healthy and radiant and strong.
18. She looked at him with radiant eyes.
19. I am radiant with love and joy.
20. Her face tipped up, radiant.
21. They were radiant when they returned.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. The bride looked beautiful -- radiant, even.
23. Name the day, bride in white, radiant, nuptial Mass.
24. His frown deepened, then transformed itself into a radiant grin.
25. Its radiant white light glares off of the snow around me.
26. Miller solos are complex and radiant; his harmonic support for the group, magnificent.
27. So bright it shone, so radiant with truth and discovery!
28. The evening sun warms the old red brick wall to a radiant glow.
29. The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun.
30. For 40 years she has captivated the world with her radiant looks.
1. He is doing research on radiant intensity.
2. She looked radiant in a white silk dress.
3. She was radiant with health.
4. On her wedding day the bride looked truly radiant.
5. She was radiant with joy.
6. He gave a radiant smile when he heard the news.
7. Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
8. The bride looked radiant.
31. With each step, they are becoming more and more radiant with light.
32. His need was to be perpetually arresting, radiant with fresh interest.
33. C., radiant with the autumn light, and headed north up into the hills.
34. By means of photosynthesis, plants convert the radiant energy of the sun into chemical energy.
35. Nina watched as Carys, clinging to the arms of her Sam, face radiant with relief, disappeared into her house.
36. Upon the steps, pushing by a stupefied Grand Duke and Duchess, stood a radiant figure.
37. The nurse brought Michael a cup of tea and he thanked her, giving her one of his radiant smiles.
38. 'Hi,' said Sophie, with the most radiant smile I have ever seen.
39. Miguel looked at him a moment, the tiny runt with the eyes gleaming and the face all radiant with boy.
40. Passing the window, he saw Olivia Davenport, muffled in fur, approach Hoppy with a radiant smile.
41. She looked up and saw him, resplendent in his formal clothes, his face radiant as he leaned over the microphone.
42. Early the following month a radiant Lucy walked up the aisle on her father's arm.
43. Courtiers who had come to expect her barely to acknowledge them were suddenly treated to radiant smiles and cheerful banter.
44. The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time interval taken for the radiant species present to lose half its radioactivity.
45. There was no idea as yet of the radiant gods of Olympus who would have loathed the hateful sacrifice.
46. Enjoy being radiant; who cares about the motive for the compliment?
47. Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud.
48. Bleak heights are carpeted in radiant colors; every crack and crevice of a frowning crag blossoms.
49. She announced, with a radiant smile, that she was going to have a baby.
50. He was radiant with excitement when he came off the stage.
51. This week it was 74F at lunchtime, with clear blue skies and radiant sun.
51. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52. He was often radiant with exhilaration as he surged off the stage and into the wings.
53. Solar water heating Harnessing the natural radiant energy of the sun seems an obvious way to cut down on ever-increasing fuel bills.
54. The leaves were radiant in the light, and the cool, sweet air touched the skin, exhilarating and chilly.
55. Herschel had found the infra-red detected invisible light in the form of radiant heat.
56. He was dressed in radiant white vestments and his hands were folded on his chest.
57. Some are intersected with elegant stripes or studded with radiant spots; others affect to be genteelly powdered or neatly fringed.
58. The countenances of all three were radiant, which created a special pool of light on the gospel side.
59. Constance thought, looking in surprise at this woman who seemed so radiant with health.
60. For years and years they crossed rivers and oceans to find the Simorgh, that fabulous creature, radiant and dazzling.
61. Selene was a mousy little creature, unlike the radiant Dinah, and with no prospects whatever on the stage.
62. Her Royal Highness who was looking radiant, assured everybody that she would be back on skis at next year's Championships.
63. Just then in walked Isabella with a radiant face.
64. The sun is a radiant body.
65. Kathy smiled at her daughter's radiant face.
66. Most of them are beautifuly radiant, displaying aposematic patterns.
67. Out on the bay the morning is radiant.
68. The radiant intensity is detected by the electric eye.
69. Increases cell turnover for visibly radiant and revitalized skin.
70. They give off discrete amounts of radiant energy.
71. The advertiser a gentle voice a radiant smile.
72. Provide a golden glow gold creates luminous, radiant skin.
73. The wind is gentle and the sun radiant.
74. Medical Devices: - Radiant Warmers, Incubators, Infant Warmes , Phototherapy Device, Temperature Monitor and Suction Units Medical Equipment.
75. The calculating method of radiant sensitivity and the principle of design for the scanner are given.
76. The cable floor radiant heating is a new heating system.
77. Raspberry, blackcurrant , rose, freesia, violet, musk, sandalwood and cedarwood - Have been blended together to create the vibrant and radiant fruity floral scent.
78. Compares low - temperature radiant floor heating radiator heating systems by economic cost analysis and exergy analysis.
79. On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine peachblow, her expression a happy one, tinged with reminiscence.
80. She gave her father, and incidentally Cowperwood, a gleaming, radiant, inclusive smile.
81. Ratio of the absorbed radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux.
82. But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues – inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.
83. And when cuteness and contrivance get too much, as in the film's ending, the radiant Thompson can be counted on to put a tart spin on sentiment.
84. The radiant cooler used in the sun synchronous orbit is always designed two stages with a W-shaped parabolic reflector .
85. She looked dazzling radiant rich brilliant voluptuous all at the same time.
86. A basic function module and the recognition process of this distributed recognition for radiant source and platform based on CORBA criterion are discussed in this paper.
87. The calculation and design procedures of airconditioning load, ground loop heat exchangers, radiant floor system, distribution system between heat pump and build are mainly introduced.
88. By using a 10 millicurie radiant source, the linear measurability may reach 180 millimeter with a non-linear error less than 2%.
89. floated a dazzling, majestic sun . Fragments of powdery cloud, like spray flung from a wave crest, sprinkled the radiant, like - blue heaven.
90. Materials and Methods:122 radiant quadrant sections drawn from 18 cases of gastric malignant ulcers were used to observe the juxta -ulcer mucosal changes comparing with radiological manifestation.
91. Of a source of radiation. Ratio of the radiant flux ( power ) emitted to the power consumed.
92. All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, analogous to those of waves that move through water.
93. A physical model and algorithm of radiant flux passing through a wave guide with plane light source is proposed in this paper.
94. Working principle, construction and control of the burner with integrated recuperator(BICR) provided with radiant tube and developed by Kromschroeder Co. of Germany were described.
95. After Kirchhoff's law a black body also emits the maximum possible amount of radiant heat.
96. For topical treatment and healthcare with radiant heat of the ray.
97. It's a token of knowledge, a measure of Radiant Thinking' reification and especially useful to learn symbolic level knowledge, which has been focused on by more and more people.
98. As a result, while human hair can look shiny clean, it can never achieve the brilliance and radiant coloration of a peacock's tail feather.
99. The space radiant cooler is one of the cryocoolers used in space technology.
100. Calculation of radiant sensitivity for space-borne multispectral scanner is presented. The calculating method of radiant sensitivity and the principle of design for the scanner are given.
101. In this paper, a new dimensionality reduction method for calculating the radiant heat transfer with two dimensional characteristics was defined on the basis of a plane angle.
102. Fragments of powdery cloud like spray flung from a wave crest , sprinkled the radiant, lake - blue heaven.
103. A brief analysis is given of the vertical radiant curing oven drying system with oil-heated air circulation and water-cooled air curtain used for manufacturing impregnated glassfibre fabrics.
104. Hyperspectral remote sensing is an art, which integrates the spectrum representing to the radiant attributes of ground object with the homological images standing for spatial and geometric relations.
105. This method can efficiently lower the radiant power to adjacent channel and reduce adjacent channel interferences, when applied to practical system.
106. ASTM E 648: Stard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source.
107. Before dawn, Perseus – radiant point of the Perseid meteor shower – is close to overhead.
108. A two stage radiant cooler applied in compound - refrigerating system ( CRS ) was developed.
109. On the company's website, Lynn is still the first radiant bride whose portrait appears in a gauzy veil, the brilliant blue sea behind her.
110. The article analyzes the formulation of the polarization of optical remote sensor and its regulation with the radiant sensitivity of remote sensing system.
111. Considering survival in winter and using effectively local radiant energy of sun, Algonquin, WL-232HQ, WL-323, Emperor could adapt to local environment and plant.
112. Simulates the dynamic thermal process of the low temperature floor radiant heating system and the convector heating system under different solar irradiances.
113. On this morning she was softly and shyly radiant. Her eyes were dreamily bright, her cheeks genuine 15)peachblow, her expression a happy one, 16)tinged with reminiscence.
114. Selecting the advanced Eddington coordinates, and adopting the statistical method, the instantaneous radiant emittance of non-static black hole is calculated out.
115. Carbon black is an opacifier which prevents radiant energy transmission to the interior of the propellant.
116. Maybe That day will never come , The future is as radiant as sunglow .
117. Lead halide radiant agent in High Intensity Discharge ( HID ) lamps used for professional reprography applications.
118. The unique design of reseau lipstick film makes lip smoother and keeps color constantly, leaves you a soft, moisturizing and radiant surprising for whole day.
119. Here Hare shows off an experiment in measuring the radiant temperature which is basically a ping pong ball painted gray connected to a temperature and humidity sensor.
120. Based on the conception of zonal method, the total radiant exchange area for flame zone to surface zone of the diesel in-cylinder was derived.
121. Calculation of radiant sensitivity for space-borne multispectral scanner is presented.
122. The paper focuses on discussing the relationship between thermal radiant temperature and the factors mentioned above.
123. For a fixed set of conditions, any free surface emits radiant energy of varying wavelengths.
124. Its radiant splendor emanates from the Lord Jesus Christ transfigured in this holy place.
125. Bring skin radiant, fair and beautiful luster, improve speckles and dull, black skin.
126. Standard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source.
127. The results show that the radiant temperature of snow - surface has great relationship with these circumstance factors.
128. Taking bath under radiant and enchanting sunlight, walking on green grassplot and breathing fresh air, realize degage life in the embrace of nature.
129. It must be noted, however, that refinery gas usually generates a certain amount of steam in the convection section of refinery gas-fired radiant furnaces.
130. It presents each distinguished guest with the verdant visual field, radiant sunshine and passionate happy moments.
131. There are no social workers here, just an army of local women cuddling babies, pushing toddlers on swings and generally being run ragged by these radiant bouncing children.
132. Its' radiant intension higher tenfold to hundredfold compare with the betatron, spending shorter time on radiogram. higher resolution rate. Hope stream to strong, spot to small commonly.
133. Then I research the three submodel of digital model of voice signal: inspired model, sound gate model, and radiant model.
134. Different kinds of radiant energy have certain fundamental characteristics in common.
135. This paper represents a numerical method to simulate the complex heat transfer in a radiant metal recuperator .
136. Mugridge was back in the galley, he became greasily radiant.
137. Radiant ceilings for cooling have not gained popularity in the U . K.
138. He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly pilot , his countenance radiant with benevolence.
139. Verlaine:Since he died, I see him every night, my great and radiant sin. We were always happy...always, I remember.
140. The effect of indoor mean radiant temperature on human thermal sensation was analyzed, according to the theory of thermal comfort.
141. Mean radiant temperature is low in deep underground engineering,( ) but traditional air-conditioning parameter cant content the thermal comfort.
142. When the radiant energy of the sun falls on the earth, it is changed into heat energy, and as a result the earth is warmed.
143. One of main reason induced a piece - wise function and the break point is the loss of radiant energy before the radiant energy reaches the surface of condensed phase.
144. As a result of infrared correction, curves of relationship between output signal and blackbody radiation were established to convert the original image data value into radiant emittance.
145. The repetition calculation was avoided by using the total exchange area to describe the radiant heat transfer in the furnace.
146. The concepts of radiant emittance and of irradiance are complementary.
147. Lead halide as radiant agent in High Density Discharge lamps used for professional reprography applications.
148. It can bring into playing city gather size benefit, promote urbanization course of Jiangsu province and boost up radiant capacity of city to accelerate course of city integration.
149. It obtain the temperature of room air and floor, mean radiant temperature of building envelope and draw a conclusion of human body comfort.
150. The paper introduces a new ripple type-eddy ripple mark, which is a small system of ripple composed of radiant form ripples.
151. Our most important source of radiant energy is, of course, the sun.
152. I 5 . n radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light.
153. Discusses the design of coil spaces, and compares the floor panel heating system with the general radiant heating system in construction cost.
154. The formulas of spectral radiant flux and background radiant flux are deduced.
155. Then, slowly, the trees around them begin to pulse with a faint radiant energy. The bioluminescence spreads throughout the roots, until they glow like a vast system of fiberoptics.
156. There is a decrease in the radiant energy received at a specified distance from the explosion.
157. Quantum theory proposes that radiant energy is transmitted in discrete units.
158. The amount of radiant energy needed to expose a photographic film.
159. Irradiance or its equivalent, the plane radiant temperature, can be simply measured.
160. As a result of the equal self-giving service of the volunteers, the blind readers can sense the social warmth, then "see" the radiant and enchanting sunshine.
161. Regular exfoliation encourages elimination of dead cells and impurities from skin. Awakens skin's natural vitality, and leaves skin feeling fresh and looking youthfully radiant.
162. A beam of high radiant power will have high divergence.
163. Enlivens cellular organization, improves tissue repair, provides sufficient nutrients, lightens skin color, reduces wrinkles around the eyes, restore natural elasticity and imparts a radiant beauty.
164. These tiny irregularities that are observed within the radiant center of the citta manifest just enough fluctuation to attract the attention of mindfulness and wisdom.
165. This diode produces about nine times more radiant power than that one.
166. The results indicate that drying thickness, radiant temperature and pressure of drying chamber are the most three significant factors.
167. Accompanying the visible light, a great deal of invisible radiation, or radiant heat, is emitted.
168. Radiant heat transfer in real enclosure with diffuse emission and specular reflection surfaces has been studied by the Monte Carlo method.
169. Working principle, construction and control of the burner with integrated recuperator(BICR) provided with radiant tube and developed by Kromschroeder Co.
170. In total heat of radiator, convection heat radiation accounts for about 61%, and radiant heat is about 39%.
171. Some matter is lost during nuclear fusion . The lost matter is emitted into as radiant energy.
172. The method is applied to not only radiant imperilment comprehensive ranking problems, but also other similar multiattribute decision making problems in military, economy and real life.
173. The dome was radiant, formed no longer of solid stone, but of light and sunshine.
174. Gas-fired infrared radiant heater is one of the advanced heating equipments. It is a low intensity radiant heater and mostly employed in high space buildings.
175. The radiant curiosity that finds adventure in simple things:the mystery of billowy clouds, the miracle of snowflakes, the magic of growing flowers.
176. Since no known surface completely absorbs radiant energy, the term blackbody refers to an ideal surface.
177. Material energy can be transformed into radiant energy only in units of a certain size.
178. The paper adopts the neutral network to anticipate the effects of factors such as material thickness, radiant temperature and pressure of drying chamber on vacuum freeze-drying.
179. Based on the original conception of total radiant exchange area, the total radiant exchange areas for non-gray medium with gray enclosure are derived.
180. The solar which is called radiant energy can be transformed to energy.
181. Lead halide as radiant agent in High Intensity Discharge ( HID ) lamps used for professional reprography applications.
182. Thereinto, radiant flax is a very important qualification of ultraviolet source.
183. They have a comparison, analysis and calculation to different radiant temperature measuring meter.
184. The copper pan was perched over the blue gas flame, a bronze Buddha on a blue lotus, pure and radiant in tranquil resplendence.
185. The best place to put panels for radiant heating is in the ceiling, not the floor.
186. He was not only rosy - cheeked, but radiant. He was the essence of sunshine and good - humour.
187. Such a surface would reflect no radiant energy, and hence would appear black in color.
188. Shortly the elegantly attired Widow Ward, now Mrs Moses Joy , came out, her smile radiant.
189. In the eyes following son, rich brocade scale up of the beauty is engaging, pure such as the face of jade send forth a radiant ray of light and show people heart to concuss perfect creature Chi.
190. We know that light is a variety of radiant energy.
191. On the other hand, in Pound's emphasizing or adjusting, some images in Cathay can impress readers with the implied energy and radiant cluster of endocentric relations.
192. The radiant floor heating coil pipe of low temperature hot water has important meaning for the system of safe operation.
193. Taking Zhengzhou as a case, this paper studies index system of radiant ability of regional central city and gives weights to indexes by AHP(analytical hierarchy process) method.
194. But today, transformed by her white bridal gown and eager virginity, she was so radiant as to be almost beautiful.
195. Introduces indoor air quality and noise level as integrated parameters along with air temperature, relative humidity, air velocity and mean radiant temperature.
196. The thermal radiant directionality of mixed pixel is very complicated under the influence of many factors.
197. This paper study in examination consequence of energy and economic effect of radiant panel heating system and katabatie unit heater system.
198. Two methods for radiation heat trnasfer in radiant tube furnace, the equivalent grey planes method and the imaginary planes method are introduced and compared with real conditions.
199. Being regular is nothing to snicker at apparently (though I can't help myself!) as it flushes out toxins to leave you with radiant skin.
200. ASTM E 648:Standard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source.
201. Prevent excuse me bask in frost to be able to rise to fight radiant action.
202. It is not until the radiant energy falls upon matter that it becomes heat energy.
203. The article discussed the nature of far infrared radiant material and its radian mechanism.
204. The technology of sunshade radiant heating and refrigeration system is low - energy - waste technology which combines heating refrigeration.
205. To solve the problem about the infrared radiant temperature field of a cylindrical object,(Sentencedict) the cylindrical temperature field in a two-dimensional space is studied.
206. Targets captured by passive sonar are currently the radiant noises of ships or torpedoes.
207. They have radiant heating.
208. Radiant and platen superheater's new method are more agree with the practice law.
209. The economy of gas - fired infrared radiant heating system is analyzed with the engineering example.
210. One of the earliest wireless telephones to be based on radiant energy was invented by Nikola Tesla.
211. Mrs. Thatcher appeared , looking radiant in a smart turquoise outfit, and gave a rousing speech.
212. In a similar way, radiant energy has a characteristic frequency and length associated with it.
213. The author then explains its respective aspects, which include radiant effect, polymeric effect, accelerating effect, transmutative effect, and interactive effect.
214. Of course, the shower's radiant point is in the eponymous constellation Auriga , the Charioteer.
215. The electromagnetic mass is another effect of the time rate of change of radiant reacting force.
216. No surface can absorb more than all of the radiant energy which strikes it.
217. In fact, he had, for some time past, been contemplating with terror that beauty which seemed to grow more radiant every day on Cosette's sweet face.
218. Who got his hindquarters pecked to make you radiant, huh?
219. A thermal radiant sensor is designed to measure the radiant heat flux of the cylinder head.
220. RADIANT ENERGY: In 1875, Sir William Crookes discovered the properties of Radiant Matter.
221. Due to the large thermal capacity of floor, it is necessary to consider the influence of indoor thermal lag in control of radiant floor air conditioning systems.
222. Welding environment is very bad. Radiant thermometric method can not accurately measure the temperature.
223. Clouds return radiant energy to the surface primarily via the atmospheric window.
224. The Theophany had ended. The Master returned to his normal appearance, no longer transfigured and radiant.




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