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单词 Fragmentation
(1) The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.
(2) It was partly the fragmentation of the opposition which helped to get the Republicans re-elected.
(3) A fragmentation bomb is one that explodes into small pieces.
(4) We can't accept the fragmentation or balkanization of the country.
(5) Road fragmentation kills vulnerable species, e.g. barn owls.
(6) This objectification and fragmentation received criticism at the time.
(7) Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business.
(8) The fragmentation of politics has made it extraordinarily difficult to bring a coordinated attack on overall questions about the system.
(9) These are the experiences of monotony, fragmentation and excessive pace in work and social interaction patterns.
(10) Yet the fragmentation of the Church makes it exceedingly difficult to implement anything like normal management practice.
(11) Winship's essay also draws attention to the increasing fragmentation of the body within recent commercial photography.
(12) The testimony of Venus is that aerial fragmentation of projectiles is extremely important.
(13) It tended towards the fragmentation of knowledge, the learning of facts divorced from their meaning.
(14) The problem of fragmentation continues to hinder progress in most development work in the bantustans.
(15) Any apparent fragmentation is a ruling class stratagem designed to divide exploited classes which develop revolutionary or reformist consciousness.
(16) Catastrophic fragmentation Catastrophic fragmentation is a likely means of producing an atmospheric explosion of a bolide.
(17) Further, fragmentation is encouraged in many states by the relative transience of the political authority compared with the permanent state administration.
(18) With so much change and fragmentation in the new career world, you need a solid core of self.
(19) Fragmentation is a problem because the vast majority of EFL schools are very small.
(20) Fragmentation depends on factors such as the nature of political representation.
(21) What was gained in fusion was a sense of wholeness more pleasurable than the feelings of fragmentation that preceded it.
(22) I also learnt of untoward knock on effects and serious concerns about fragmentation and dis-enfranchisement.
(23) There is no system of health care delivery that has not been adversely affected by this fragmentation of people and their services.
(24) The following month 14 fans were injured when Feyenoord fans threw fragmentation bombs at Ajax supporters at a game in Amsterdam.
(25) The longest-lasting is the struggle for the working class to constitute itself as a class, to overcome its internal fragmentation.
(26) Ultrasound was used for localisation of the stones, constant monitoring of fragmentation and refocusing of the larger fragments during lithotripsy.
(27) Globalization is the overarching process, linked in different ways to both integration and fragmentation.
(28) This situation persists today, though strong movements towards interdisciplinary research help to avoid total fragmentation of scientific understanding.
(29) The cometary events responsible for these multiple episodes of fragmentation are clearly important to the terrestrial planets.
(30) The dream of the unified global village has given way to the reality of global fragmentation and diversity.
(31) The mistakes of fragmentation have already been made in London, with disastrous results for cycling facilities.
(32) Land fragmentation, as a result of inheritance laws and social custom, compounds the widespread problem of small farm size.
(33) Fragmentation and alienation quickly entered the visual vocabulary of artists associated with early modernism.
(34) The fragmentation of the state apparatus also conveniently diverts the class struggle to multiple fronts.
(34) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(35) This fragmentation of the school day gives rise to teaching that is mainly talking, learning that is mainly seat time.
(36) It could lead to the dilution and fragmentation of the strengths and skills of the primary health care team.
(37) Would this be an opportune time to suggest a move to help reduce the fragmentation of the industry?
(38) Regional bodies of this sort encourage the representation of interests as interests, rather than their fragmentation through electoral politics.
(39) Once Bismarck had gone, there was a great fragmentation of power and responsibility.
(40) The partitions are used to combat memory fragmentation and to enable users to configure the size of target systems' memory pools.
(41) The general lack of attention to whole curriculum issues has resulted in what Becher and Maclure call fragmentation.
(42) Indeed, for many the very idea of attaining a political focus has been discarded in favour of a celebration of fragmentation.
(43) In Table 5.1 housewives' experiences of monotony, fragmentation and speed are compared with those of a sample of factory workers.
(44) A sprawling double album of many moods, and even the upbeat numbers have an undertow of fragmentation.
(45) Fragmentation is the process most supportive of the concept of sovereign, independent statehood which is central to realist analysis.
(46) Fragmentation is rampant in the entertainment business. Vertical integration of media conglomerates adds pressure to the marketplace and the creative process.
(47) Mauss's underlying concern was with individualism as an aspect of the fragmentation and disembedded nature of capitalist society.
(48) The challenge is seen as identifying the optimum level of specialization before alleged dysfunctions of fragmentation and introversion emerge.
(49) My next point also stems from this underlying tendency of the reforms to produce fragmentation and deregulation.
(50) The clear definition of objectives is also impeded by the fragmentation of political authority that was discussed in chapter 3.
(51) The growth a zygote a morula is called fragmentation.
(52) How do you also want SM fragmentation?
(53) And put forward the sectoring of fragmentation.
(54) Asexual reproduction is by FRAGMENTATION.
(55) Other common themes are social fragmentation and transience.
(56) Fragmentation works best when PDQ priority is applied.
(57) DNA fragmentation localized to glomerular cells.
(58) The second part elementarily discussed the characteristic fragmentation oferemophilenolides isolated from S. dianthus in ESI-MS.
(59) Fragmentation of endothelial cell membrane, vacuolization of cytoplasm and hazy mitochondrial structures were seen under electron microscope.
(60) The research shows that the thermal expansion and fragmentation of coal particles mainly occur in the stage of devolatilization during the coal combustion.
(61) The landscape fragmentation led to the regroup of tree species in spatial distribution within the old growth forest landscape in Fenglin, and the second growth forest landscape in Lilin and Yangshuhe.
(62) These results show that the mechanism of the decomposition is basically the concerted process of the 6-membered cyclic fragmentation.
(63) This fragmentation sounds unnerving -- yet another blow to the deep - focus linearity of the print - book tradition.
(64) And the addition time was before fragmentation and after separation.
(64) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(65) Fragmentation by devolatilization may not happen if the volatile matter content is extremely small.
(66) The political Balkanization and Fragmentation in the great metropolis makes it difficult to solve a series of problems.
(67) Conclusion Sulfur mustard intoxication induces early and long lasting decreases in serum IL 2 and IL 6 levels and lymphocyte DNA fragmentation in dog peripheral blood.
(68) Its narration is characterized by indeterminacy and fragmentation, combining with immanence.
(69) In order to elucidate the location of chorismate mutase and prephenate dehydrogenase on E. coli T-protein, protein limited digestion and fragmentation cloning were employed.
(70) Conclusion Increase in cytoplasmic calcium activates endonuclease (s) which causes DNA fragmentation at internucleosomal sites and neuronal apoptosis.
(71) Operation was performed 17 days later after invalid anticoagulant treatments and unavailing catheter fragmentation.
(72) The apoptotic features of apoptotic positive cells found in TUNEL staining were shrinking cell body, nuclear pyrosis, nuclear fragmentation and the formation apoptotic body.
(73) Electron Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry(ESI-MS) and Electron Ionization Mass Spectrometry(EI-MS) were used to elucidate the structure and fragmentation pathway of Cryptotanshinone(CT).
(74) Industrial solid waste which is mainly caustic sludge, slag and fly ash, there is a source of fragmentation, not easy to collect and so on.
(75) Yet they used a fragmentation bullet, the kind which splinters inside the target.
(76) With the royal line broken, the power of the Zhou court gradually diminished, and the fragmentation of the kingdom accelerated.
(77) This segmentation was thought to aid fragmentation and increase the grenade's deadliness.
(78) Combat gear of the 21st century American soldier: One 5.56mm M16A4 combat rifle, two M67 fragmentation hand grenades, 60 rounds ammunition, full metal jacket... and an iPod?
(79) Significantly, the borescope inspections were marked by fragmentation of the process-flow.
(80) Its binary cell division characteristic with wall invagination and possible trichome fragmentation resulting from a dead cell, are typical reproductive modes of modern cyanobacteria.
(81) It affects the efficiency of each subsequent production processes such as loading, transportation and fragmentation, and the total cost of mining.
(82) Through the summaries of economic literatures, it was also found that land fragmentation would incur scale diseconomy , decrease total income of rural household and waste rural labors.
(83) Mountain material is characterized by fragmentation of the large and small, showing angular shape, quality and often not asg.
(84) A multi - center fragmentation is governed by steric factors.
(85) Fragmentation , Liu Yu - thick cut pieces of the system - Hill, excellent ornamental effect.
(86) The cause of dust tail striae are not known for sure, but are possibly related to fragmentation of comet's nucleus.
(87) Experiment description dot fragmentation even in the most ideal is instill a.
(88) Paging and Registry file fragmentation can be one of the leading causes of performance degradation related to file fragmentation in a system.
(89) The fragmentation reactions of the saturated urushiol biscrown ether sized paper.
(90) More messy hot site, features of fragmentation of funds is particularly evident.
(91) Fragmentation of rule writing, supervision and enforcement led to finger-pointing in place of effective action.
(92) Isolate and correct potential problems in the code, such as floating point precision issues, memory leaks and fragmentation that can hinder the correct functioning of a game after an idle period.
(93) Synthesized the useful reversible addition - fragmentation transfer ( RAFT ) agent dithiobenzoic acid.
(94) The results are as follows:(1) Cold induced apoptosis in yeast cells, moreover, yeast cells display representive features such as chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation and chromatin margination.
(94) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(95) The MULTICS system solved problems of external fragmentation and lengthy search times by paging the segments.
(96) It was learned from the patch area and the patch density that the fragmentation of farmland and garden plot is high, but it is low in the woodland.
(97) Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable.
(98) He relied heavily on the Mk II fragmentation hand grenade to keep the enemy at bay or bleeding inside a machinegun bunker.
(99) Through the thick broken ore, its fragmentation, and no more than alternate 1 m, fine crushing, through the sieve into ore size distribution is less than the final product 12mm send grinding slots.
(100) The results show that regular consumption of this fruit can improve the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma and also the resistance of red blood cells to oxidative haemolysis (fragmentation).
(101) The quantitative relation between dynamic nominal fragment size and porosity is developed by employing the energy description of dynamic fragmentation.
(102) Results showed that the freshness decreases with increasing time being out of water and loosening tissue cells and myofibril fragmentation can be observed as well as the further particles formation.
(103) "At the moment, we are living through a phase of fragmentation but as more and more of the world is covered by compliance schemes, there will be pressure to internationalise the system," he adds.
(104) Analysis shows that the modes of erosion wear for stainless steels consist of microcutting, furrowing, fatigue wear for matrix as well as spalling and fragmentation for carbide.
(105) Should I decrease the amount of fragmentation and interruption in my work?
(106) Furthermore, we have developed a background monitoring function which automatically protects your computer against heavy fragmentation without your having to get involved.
(107) If the rock is homogeneous, the large size fragmentation can generally be attained more easily.
(108) A solid example of file fragmentation with a single hard drive can be shown simply by running a disk defragmenter on your own computer.
(109) The experimental data support the radiation-induced DNA DSB statistical fragmentation model.
(110) Morphological changes including chromatic agglutination, karyopyknosis, and nuclear fragmentation could be observed in some of the cells under inverted microscope.
(111) This fragmentation is not wholly positive admits Mr. Medina Mora.
(112) The fragmentation char combustion behavior in a fluidized bed combustor.
(113) The fragmentation which induces thermal expansion can be neglected after the main devolatilization.
(114) To alleviate the fragmentation issue, some collectors implement a compaction, or defragmentation, phase to their collection cycle.
(115) The Fragmentation Bomb Launcher releases an unstable projectile that, after reaching a certain range from the firing ship, explodes into multiple fragments that impact any nearby ships.
(116) If a model file is very large, fragmentation can also prevent collisions at the file level.
(117) How do we end the ethnic fragmentation that is making us an increasingly hyphenated people?
(118) Genetic consequences of forest fragmentation might be obvious in Ardisia crenata var. bicolor due to its short generation length (about 3 years) and relatively low density.
(119) On this basis, the major factors affecting depth of fragmentation and operation cycle of the furnace are analyzed by using the model and suggestions on operation are stated.
(120) The ultimate goal of fragmentation is to reduce the retrieval time by directly accessing the fragment that contains the data that satisfies the SQL query.
(121) The calculated ionization potentials are larger than the fragmentation energies of these small phosphide clusters, exhibiting a dominance of dissociate over ionization.
(122) Unlike China, Europe was united only for brief periods, and the fragmentation helped to roil the status quo and drive political change.
(123) Using moderate resolution capabilities of a desk time-of-flight(TOF)instrument, the fragmentation regularity from electron impact mass spectra of vitexin was studied.
(124) It is only one fragmentation, one small portion of the bigger picture.
(125) After a period of heavy fragmentation within the regions of modern France, the Capet family were rewarded with the title "Duke of the Franks".
(126) The heterogeneity level of microenvironment conditions under the forest was high, the number of bryophyte patch was numerous, which means the fragmentation level was high.
(127) Fission begins with division of the nucleus by mitosis, followed by cytoplasmic division, and sometimes sporulation. Compare budding; fragmentation.
(128) Severe beating at blow room which has caused seed coat fragmentation.
(129) Opossum populations in the U.S. are down due to the fragmentation of their forest habitats.
(130) Fukuyama notes. Unlike China, Europe was united only for brief periods(), and the fragmentation helped to roil the status quo and drive political change.
(131) By assuming that the polarized parton distributions and the polarized parton fragmentation functions in a photon satisfy an inhomogenous evolution equation, their moments are obtained.
(132) Landscape fragmentation is one of the major reasons drastic degression loss of biodiversity over the world.
(133) It is recommended that fragmentation be avoided by applications wherever possible.
(134) Then the isospin effect of the isotopic distribution produced in the fragmentation reaction was investigated via the modified statistical abrasion-ablation model.
(135) Myocyte cells of central zone of I/R heart showed intracellular edema, swollen and damaged mitochondria, and fragmentation of cristae and concentrated nucleus.
(136) Fragmentation and PDQ priority also have a huge effect on the speed of data retrieval and will help table scans.
(137) Litter breakdown or fragmentation is due to the litter fauna.
(138) File fragmentation is no problem with an USB-stick, because there are practically no seek overheads!
(139) With the index of cut hole's volume, depth and blasting fragmentation in the thesis, the simulated tests have been carried out upon cut blasting of bottom air column and conventional charge.
(140) Several targets, such as patch number, average patch area, form index of patch, fragmentation index, sub-dimension, heterogeneity index of landscape and homogeneity index of landscape were studied.
(141) It is proved that the elastic potential energy induced by ground stress is first of all consumed in coal solid fragmentation, which creates conditions for gas energy release from coal solid.
(142) Once fragmentation, interlayer can still protect the building until it is replaced.
(143) Degree of ore-rock fragmentation and composite economic benefit could be improved by application of the digital electronic detonator during electric shovel excavation.
(144) Many nuclei have become shrunken and dark and have then undergone karorrhexis ( fragmentation ) and karyolysis ( dissolution ).
(145) Moreover, in order to rationalized these fragmentation processes, the bimolecular proton-bound complex between benzyne and acetylene intermediate has been proposed.
(146) The fragmentation of health services is a major handicap to combat AIDS.
(147) The cytoplasmic islands produce platelets by fragmentation from the megakaryocyte.
(148) Data fragmentation and distribution, distributed database design, query processing and optimization, distributed concurrency control, reliability and commit protocols, and replicated data management.
(149) As shown by Wilson et al, best-fit schemes (of various kinds and approximations) tend to produce the least fragmentation on real loads compared to other general approaches such as first-fit.
(150) Ultimately, all this will likely produce a fragmentation of the country and a proxy war between Saudi-supported Sunni and Iranian-supported Shia, with the Kurds eventually going their own way.
(151) For Tallis, this period in the apartment was a time of increasing fragmentation.
(152) The distribution of red panda in Qionglai Mountains was discrete and existed many gaps and fragmentation trend. Thus, the protection of red panda in Qionglai Mountains should be further enhanced.
(153) Objective:To report a new way for the treatment of fragmentation of patella ligament with skin defect by retroversal flap of great adductor muscle tendon with saphenous vessel.
(154) It caused pulmovascular internal elastic membrane fragmentation, necrotic small angiitis , and large artery endothelial cell diffuse or papillate proliferation.
(155) The continued fragmentation of media markets , and rapid growth of interactive media and online services are also creating new methods to reach consumers.
(156) The target organ where virus located were chorioallantoic membrane and liver. The organelle changes included dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria swelling and crista fragmentation.
(157) This result reveals habitat fragmentation caused by the desertification in this region.
(158) Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution).
(159) Myofibrillar fragmentation, swelling of the cardiac myocytes, absence of the Z line, increases of the mitochondria and collagen fibers were found in ouabain group by transmission electron microscopy.
(160) Meyer-Lindenberg said that social fragmentation,[sentencedict .com] noise or over-crowding might all be factors.
(161) Result showed that the landscape fragmentation degree of nation-owned regions with large patch area and low patch density was lower than that of collective regions.
(162) Secondly, the paper introduces algorithm of fragmentation 、 reassembly and buffering of the system datagram.
(163) Romance is perhaps the most common cover - up for the sense of fragmentation.




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