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单词 Ostracize
1. He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.
2. His colleagues ostracized him after he criticized the company in public.
3. The princess was ostracized for marrying a rich bourgeois.
4. She found herself ostracized by erstwhile friends.
5. He was ostracized by the other students.
6. He was ostracized by the society.
7. She claims she's being ostracized by some members of her local community.
8. After her arrest, Lang was ostracized by her neighbors.
9. His client is broke, Baker said, and ostracized.
10. The ill are no longer ostracized as moral pariahs except by a few remaining primitive tribes ruled by superstition.
11. This explains why patriarchal legal codes sometimes ostracize and punish the victim of rape as much as the rapist.
12. Aristodemus went home and found himself ostracized,(http://) a national villain until he expiated his disgrace by dying a hero at Plataea.
13. Free riders may be ostracized because their colleagues can easily detect uncooperative attitudes to the company.
14. So she spends a good part of the movie getting back at everyone for ostracizing her.
15. Ever since I spoke up, my colleagues ostracize me.
16. In the podictionary episode on the word ostracize I talked about how the shells of oysters found their way into that word meaning "to shun" someone.
17. Ostracize is not, as says "An exercise program for ostriches."
18. I ostracize my right to express when I feel it's time.
19. You can see that our word ostracize comes from this "sending away for a decade" which in turn takes its name from the shell-like fragments.
20. She was afraid that if she spoke up her colleagues would ostracize her.
21. He was considered a heretic and was ridiculed and ostracized for his ideas.
22. He had committed crimes so appalling that even other prisoners ostracized him.
23. It wiped out their cattle and led farmer to ostracize farmer.
24. But it was too late to save Thernistokles; in 471 he was ostracized.
25. Many young people are unwilling to admit that they are gay because they fear being ostracized.
26. Ben will have to be told that if he takes his baby doll outside he will be ostracized.
27. The vote followed calls by some British academics last year to ostracize their Israeli counterparts .
28. What are we to do when others ridicule andsubtly ostracize us?
29. " I've even seen managers allow their teams to ostracize or marginalize the top performer so that other people won't "feel bad.
30. It must also win the hearts of Gadhafi's friends in order to ostracize him.
1. She was afraid that if she spoke up her colleagues would ostracize her.
31. To shut out from social or commercial participation; ostracize or '.
32. The statesman is ostracize because he betray many top secrets.
33. ostracize ("Go to your room!"), deprive ("No dessert for you!"), and induce vicarious distress ("Look at the pain you've caused!").
34. To shut out from social or commercial participation; ostracize or boycott.
35. Ostracize is in fact a word that ultimately traces back to the animal kingdom.




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