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单词 Compelled
1 Love cannot be compelled.
2 Her illness compelled her to give up her job.
3 I was compelled to do so by absolute necessity.
4 The rain compelled us to stay indoors.
5 Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust.
6 They were often compelled to work eleven or twelve hours a day.
7 Local housing authorities have been compelled by the housing crisis to make offers of sub-standard accommodation.
8 The students ought not to be compelled to go back of academic titles to find out what they mean.
9 He was compelled to give in.
10 Your cleverness and skill has compelled our admiration.
11 His performance compelled the audience's attention .
12 He was compelled to liquidate his securities.
13 She felt compelled to resign because of the scandal.
14 If only you hadn't felt compelled to meddle.
15 Adverse circumstances compelled him to close his business.
16 Last year ill health compelled his retirement.
17 I felt morally compelled to help.
18 They found themselves compelled to relocate.
19 Circumstances have compelled a change of plan.
20 Large numbers of MPs felt compelled to break ranks over the issue.
21 I could not understand why she felt compelled to behave so rudely to a friend.
22 Thousands have been compelled to flee the country in makeshift boats.
23 I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.
24 She has been compelled to dub up out of her own pocket.
25 He was compelled on pain of punishment to answer the question.
26 Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.
27 He spoke with an authority that compelled the attention of the whole crowd.
28 Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.
29 Even Massachusetts felt compelled to expel many free blacks.
30 So, of course, I felt compelled to look.
1 Her illness compelled her to give up her job.
2 The rain compelled us to stay indoors.
3 Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust.
4 Local housing authorities have been compelled by the housing crisis to make offers of sub-standard accommodation.
5 Your cleverness and skill has compelled our admiration.
31 These people are compelled by poverty to commit crime.
32 County officials felt compelled to comply.
33 Forest townships were compelled to pay the warden large sums of money if they did not attend Forest inquests at his summons.
34 This case also established the important principle that issues 13.7.8 Reasons Can the expert be compelled to produce reasons for his decision?
35 As he and Dooley unpacked it on the kitchen counter, he felt compelled to say something positive.
36 United California sued, and Prudential countered that it could not be compelled to lend money that obviously would not be repaid.
37 Unfortunately, there is always one person at these affairs who feels compelled to offer sympathy and encouragement.
38 Such undertaking may be given orally or in writing, though a solicitor can never be compelled to give an undertaking.
39 I am compelled to get involved in praying for those who are physically able to do the work that I can not.
40 Prosecutors, grand jurors, marshals and court stenographers are legally compelled not to reveal what happens in the grand jury room.
41 In other words, they were compelled by need to seek extra income.
42 Adjustment to their customers' needs compelled them to establish an international presence that had hitherto been unnecessary.
43 Somehow, with the glasses on, she felt compelled to look back over her shoulder all the time.
44 And what was it that had compelled her to cut her wrists?
45 All the young men in the area were compelled to work in the quarries and coal mines.
46 They are compelled to do this because most of the forest trees protect themselves against molesters with a poisonous sap.
47 After completing his apprenticeship he suffered a breakdown in health and was compelled to abandon his intended profession.
47 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
48 Marie said, her low voice steady and sure like a dark path they were compelled to follow.
49 Many councillors said they felt compelled to vote against the motion because they believed in the tenant farmers freedom of choice.
50 But the painful stalemate wrought on this issue by divided government in Washington compelled a new approach.
51 The Master tried both persuasion and threats but ... was compelled at length to send for a constable and resort to force.
52 No one spoke. After several moments of silence, Bowling himself felt compelled to express the other side.
53 I was compelled to ask him in, although it could have scarcely been less convenient.
54 For a discussion of whether an expert can be compelled to give reasons for his decision, see 13.7.8.
55 He was aware of dangers, but compelled by the promise of unimaginable rewards.
56 Then they are trucked long distances to toil on remote plantations where they are held prisoner and compelled to work at gunpoint.
57 Newly married and ecstatically happy, he yet felt compelled to offer himself for one of the war's most hazardous enterprises.
58 Reno apparently felt compelled to deny not just that she was a lesbian, but that she had any sexuality at all.
59 It lasted until 1879, when ill health compelled his premature retirement.
60 Most clients are compelled against their better nature by the voice of the devil on the end of the telephone.
61 By February he felt compelled to commit himself to summoning a Consultative Assembly.
62 Ten soldiers had not been compelled to give evidence and had indicated they would not attend the inquest.
63 Leapor in many places feels compelled to defend the pleasure she takes in writing poetry and reading books.
64 Supporters hope the agreement will stigmatize the weapons, and other countries eventually would feel compelled to sign, too.
65 Is there not one prominent rugby union footballer or journalist who is compelled to criticize this scandalous and absurd state of affairs?
66 She was compelled to sue for peace and under the terms of the Treaty of Paris was disarmed on the Black Sea.
67 Much of the worldwide loss was the result of impoverished farmers being compelled to clear the land for subsistence agriculture.
68 People will be compelled to spend the money on the truly needy recipients and not on administrative costs.
69 Reading him like this, so stripped of context, you no longer feel compelled to read the poems as a student.
70 The artist is often compelled to work with the photographic reproduction in mind.
71 She might be compelled to seek help in a more distant village.
72 Although he returned to the School staff after the war, he was later compelled to spend some time in a sanatorium.
73 Such results are not only not compelled by the Constitution, but, it seems to me, are prohibited by it.
74 Mike Teague felt compelled to punch the wild Tinnock away and was in turn punched.
75 Small peasant farmers, who own their own plots have often been compelled to sell land through poverty and debts.
76 That privilege aims to protect all citizens against being compelled to condemn themselves.
77 These rulings compelled the reapportionment of the great majority of state legislatures.
78 A child might need to be prodded or compelled to keep a promise, or simply pressured to do a job well.
79 As noted above many management researchers are almost compelled by the design of their post-graduate study to research their immediate employment environment.
80 Mr Sodhi said he intended to give Miss Dixon a final warning but her attitude meant he felt compelled to sack her.
81 I am compelled to add my personal plea to the current campaign for all young adults to receive the Salk vaccine.
82 I share this hesitation; but I also feel compelled to face reality.
83 By this she meant society women who were compelled by their roles as wives and hostesses to live empty and meaningless lives.
84 Sam seriously injured the fellow, and was then compelled to jump ship.
85 I think every guy who can scribble slightly better than he dribbles has felt compelled to share the same old tale.
86 Force of habit compelled her to stop and straighten the quilt.
87 The assurance of power is in having compelled against spontaneous inclination.
88 The attorney-client privilege against compelled testimony is the most venerable privilege in the law.
89 Such a policy intensified opposition to the Forest system: as early as 1277 the king was compelled to offer certain concessions.
90 Vernacular cosmopolitans are compelled to make a tryst with cultural translation as an act of survival.
91 So his son, no doubt unwillingly, was compelled to mount an expedition to discipline the count.
92 The Crowland chronicler goes further and states bluntly that Bourgchier was compelled to play his part.
93 In some cases a patentee can be compelled to grant a licence to use his patent on reasonable terms.
94 Although fertility clinics must have independent, trained counsellors available by law, clients are not compelled to attend counselling.
95 But because there were those who wanted me to fail, I felt compelled to succeed.
96 David is compelled to choose between three classical punishments - disasters, famine or pestilence.
97 Christians had been compelled to give up meetings for corporate worship(), but still kept up small prayer meetings in houses.
98 The court considered it important that individual students were not compelled to recite the Pledge.
99 A person who has proof can therefore believe and can be compelled by belief to act with conviction.
100 Because of the threat of poll tax capping this year, it was compelled to cut £5 million from its budget.
101 Another related a story about a friend who got pregnant unintentionally while drunk and only then was compelled to stop drinking.
102 Why was it that Miguel felt compelled to somehow break with Spider on amicable terms?
103 In the summer he crushed Geoffrey's rebellion and compelled him to renounce his claim.
104 But she, too, felt compelled to whip herself into the dominant feminine ideal.
105 We have eating disorder programs in certain major cities-in cities where people feel compelled to have a certain physical presence.
106 Disunity in Congress also compelled the administration to look for allies if it was to risk military involvement.
107 Unlike the membership register a company is not compelled to maintain a register of debentureholders.
108 Situations of enforced anonymity; being compelled to wear uniforms,(sentence dictionary) clothes chosen by others that offend your aesthetic sense.
109 Meredith, recalling her brief conversation with Deanes in the queue, felt compelled to defend him.
110 Even Mr Lukashenko, like Mr Milosevic before him, feels compelled to feign democracy.
111 Meanwhile Pope, the master of the Lower School, had been compelled to resign through ill-health at the end of 1854.
112 His lips trembled, and he felt strangely compelled to shout a defiant slogan.
113 The aged naturalist was thus kept in touch with London affairs when compelled to stay in Essex on account of ill health and slender means.
114 In 1960, though, he felt compelled to return to the painting.
115 This in turn compelled me to further investigate the fascinating world of rocky shores.
116 Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods. Christopher Hitchens 
117 Being compelled to live in accommodation not of one's own choosing.
118 He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment.
119 No men can be compelled to criminate himself.
120 The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign.
121 They were compelled to abjure their faith.
122 The UK owner be compelled to repatriate foreign earnings.
123 Her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened.
124 The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms.
125 He was compelled from voicing his opposition.
126 Every minute or so he was compelled to rest.
127 These goods were compelled restitution.
128 Otherwise, they would not feel compelled to make ex gratia payments to customers they have wronged.
129 Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.
130 The Commandant has nevertheless been compelled to look into the problem.
131 Whole villages were compelled, by force of arms, to accept the collectivization of their holdings.
132 Finally, section 555 ( b ) applies only to those compelled to appear, not those who appear voluntarily.
133 And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there.
134 Unfortunately, a number of legislators, who thought conservation amounted to subversion of the free-enterprise system, raised so much hell that APL felt compelled to shelve the program.
135 We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order.
136 No one should be compelled to take such drugs as a condition of employment, It'says.
137 The army had been compelled to retreat from Vilna owing to various complex considerations of state, of policy(http:///compelled.html), and tactics.
138 Acts induced or compelled by the occupant are nonetheless its acts.
139 I was sick exceedingly , and dizzy andand thus compelled perforce to accept lodgings under his roof.
140 People with hypochondria resemble those with OCD: They worry excessively and feel compelled to do something, like visit the doctor over and over.
141 But how many off-duty doctors would feel compelled to alert strangers to symptoms they spot?
142 As America's best friend, with privileged access to intelligence, it feels compelled to take part in America's wars.
143 Another reason was that the objective situation compelled us to start the counteroffensive at an early date.
144 Compelled with the normal letter of credit and the letter of indemnity, the standby letter of credit is a kind of bank guarantee in the letter of credit form essentially.
145 The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.
146 He had a presence that inspired and a voice that compelled.
147 Martin Lara discovered the science of Uropathy when his own health problems compelled him to analyze his diet and lifestyle.
148 Athena : As usual, I feel compelled to restate the problem.
149 He was compelled to give the signal for the infernal work to proceed.
150 He felt compelled to translate some of Nixon's musings into action.
151 We are instinctively compelled to find fault in our lives. By human nature, we begin our "fault-finding"mission the moment we're capable of free-thinking.
152 We regret to inform are compelled to return the disqualified goods at your expense.
153 The delay of the steamer have compelled postponement of delivery.
154 As a saving grace , counter - cyclical measures aside , we would be compelled to restore long - term fiscal order.
155 No man shall be compelled to do more service for a knight's fee, or for any other land free-holding, than is due from it .
156 We are compelled to get up at 5:30 every morning. So we make a virtue of necessity.
157 He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will.
158 So too for insurance companies, which were compelled to buy government paper.
159 The injured right halfback was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
160 No tortfeasor is compelled to make contribution beyond his own prorata share of the entire liability.
161 An operator presses the handle, which acts on sternums by the connecting rod and the sternum massager, and hearts are pressed. Blood in the hearts and aortas is compelled to flow and circulate.
162 Pity carmakers, for example, who are compelled to dream up new names for their many models.
163 Folk psychology compelled us to search for the homunculus in the brain—a ghost in the machine—a mind somehow disconnected from the brain.
164 If you can't keep your promise, I shall be compelled to sue you in a law-court.
165 The authorities are also trying to make e-bikes themselves greener: manufacturers are being compelled to invest in lighter materials and to replace lead-acid batteries with lithium ones.
166 All this he asidethough it were cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him.
167 Anything he writes is going to be forced, compelled - and with his forced fingers rude he violates the formal prosodic, the metrical, scheme of his elegy at its very opening.
168 So the proposition of "no history before the Eastern Zhou dynasty" is in fact a conclusion compelled by the rule of evidence.
169 The poor prognosis in amyloidosis and the importance of renal failure as a cause of death has compelled an interest in the treatment of this condition for the nephrologist(18).
170 We must i ist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel the order.
171 The challenge of global economic integration compelled member states speed and deepens the procedure of the integration. But the difference of interest made them would not take out their signory .
172 Money problems eventually compelled his master to send Henson, his wife and children to a brother in Kentucky.
173 Dickens felt compelled to return to the stage for a final good-bye.
174 He was determined to keep to his plan until circumstances compelled him to curtail it.
175 He and his wife would be compelled to live perpetually as second-class citizens.
176 Drastic environmental changes compelled all animals to adapt and readapt themselves continually to new conditions.
177 I was 13, doing my homework in front of my family's broken-down television, when I felt strangely compelled to look up at the screen.
178 Leonie's mother was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.
179 She was compelled to fulfil the dying wishes of her mother.
180 Is compelled, but the taciturnity, is pondering own wrong and right.
181 We are instincively compelled to find fault in our lives. By human nature, we begin our "fault-find-ing"mission the moment we're capable of free-thinking.
182 This pressure, coming collectively the next day, had compelled him to close his doors.
183 Nothing that is not forbidden by Law may be hindered, and no one may be compelled to do what the Law does not ordain.
184 If you still feel compelled to cyber porn - go to a professional.
185 We were compelled by force of circumstance to take action.
186 Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum, the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship.
187 Arendt said he felt compelled to speak out about the treatment of prisoners at the camp.
188 We must insist on immediate delivery otherwise we be compelled to cancel the order.
189 The surface material under the condition of half melting is compelled to flow to the reverse direction, that is none restraint free surface. Thus, the grinding triturate is formed.
190 Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it.
191 How do you feel? Compelled to masturbate or compelled to do something else?
192 Lord NEBO, what spirit, on earth or in the heavens, is not compelled by the Magick of Thy spells?
193 Vernon's wish that she should have her free will, compelled her to sound it carefully.
194 Was suspecting as Europe representative, Madame Thatcher is compelled to resign from prime minister the duty.




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