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单词 Stump
1. There was only a stump of the candle left.
2. He used the stump as a table.
3. Now then, you stump up for me.
4. It can be cheaper to stump up for a new washing machine than to get your old one repaired.
5. Customers do not have to stump up any cash for at least four weeks.
6. He sat on a tree stump.
7. He went on the stump in his home state.
8. I barked my shin on a tree stump.
9. Who is going to stump up the extra money?
10. The senator gave his standard stump speech.
11. The presidential candidates are on the stump today.
12. Can you stump up with conclusive evidence?
13. We left him sitting on the stump.
14. Your questions do stump me.
15. We were asked to stump up for the repairs.
16. They let me stump in New York next week.
17. The ball narrowly shaved his off stump.
18. I'm always being asked to stump up for school outings.
19. The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.
20. The boys used an old tree stump as a target.
21. If you have a tree stump, check it for fungus.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. You get into trouble and I have to stump up the money for you.
23. Chissano said Western governments should stump up the cash to fund land redistribution.
24. Is she given cold shivers by my stump?
25. Harkin plans to stump in Illinois this weekend.
26. But Lampitt got his revenge, removing Pollards off stump.
27. He has emphasized foreign policy in rare stump appearances.
28. We found a mossy stump with droppings on it.
29. They're all taking leg stump instead of middle.
30. He advanced on him only for an exquisite googly to dip and dart through the gap to bruise the off stump.
1. There was only a stump of the candle left.
2. It can be cheaper to stump up for a new washing machine than to get your old one repaired.
3. Customers do not have to stump up any cash for at least four weeks.
31. The stump she sits on is as dead as she is blind.
32. Clinton does not include his pro-choice stand in his standard stump speech, either.
33. In front of them, leaning against the stump of a tree, was an old, unshaven tramp.
34. It took me a while to realise that the elder daughter had only a stump instead of a left arm.
35. But he sat on the stump, tracing patterns in the earth.
36. Harvest tip Instead of harvesting the whole cabbage, cut the head leaving a short stump.
37. The old man stumbled in, flapping his stump toward the outside.
38. Alligator saw; a tree stump chipper; and even a bouncy castle!
39. During these kind ministrations, Glover felt himself to be the old stump on the lake.
40. Once more he struggled to maintain a line that did not drift towards leg stump.
41. Then I got a short one outside the off stump - four, to go to 96.
42. Dermot Reeve clipped Waqar's first delivery for a single but his second ball uprooted last man Richard Illingworth's leg stump.
43. They campaigned for Hardaway while the Adelman ticket delivered a persuasive stump speech.
44. His left leg was almost severed when it was caught in the whirling blade of a tree stump cutter.
45. It has no tail fin like those of other fish, merely a fleshy stump.
46. Oliver tied the team to a stump and led her across as if it were as dangerous as a high wire.
47. Carried off by Constantine, mutilated by barbarians, the stump of it still stands in Constantine's Hippodrome.
48. He let the next ball go by outside leg stump.
49. He was gritting his teeth against the pain, keeping it at bay while he studied the stump, the severed hand.
50. Sure I bumped my stump, showing off how mobile I am and how cunningly I have converted all stairs to ramps.
51. It involves cutting down the main trunk to encourage new growth from the edge of the stump.
51. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
52. If you skewered a Huey on a sharp stump during an assault, it was pilot error.
53. He lay naked on his back with the ragged stump of his leg pointing out the side door.
54. You have to trench around the stump and sever all the roots.
55. Pringle's feeble push forward failed to save his off stump.
56. The managers of such funds are on the stump, spreading the message that their day has come at last.
57. You can have the stump removed by hiring some one to grind it out with a machine.
58. All that was left was a stump of what used to be a statue.
59. Then two byes low past the off stump, horror or horrors.
60. I floated over a very large stump and nosed into the slot.
61. The stump where the umbilical cord breaks after foaling is a potential route for pathogens into the foal's system.
62. Then she rears upward, and up it comes, naked and pink, her hairy baby, its stump bright red.
63. No shot surpassed Hollioake's square-leg six off Harvey, which he contrived to play outside leg stump.
64. City must stump up the cash and planned to watch Viscaal yesterday against Mechelin.
65. He loves it when we stump him, when he has to go look up something.
66. My stump is twitching and my seat is numb from four or five hours in the chair.
67. Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief?
68. If he drops it short on the off stump, cut him.
69. Dark hair sprouted off the stump as if off a swollen knuckle.
70. Private firms are expected to stump up £400 million of the Pounds 1.8 billion cost of the 10-mile route.
71. He has asked the bank's 160(),000 shareholders to stump up another 90 billion roubles to finance modernisation.
72. They're hoping retired people, or those looking for a second home in the country will stump up the cash.
73. The bowler adjusted his line and dropped the next one on leg stump, on the half-volley.
74. Moments later we passed the stump of a tower, and the student sang out the date it was built: 1170.
75. You read the reviews, make up your mind and stump up the cash.
76. Confronted by the realities of office, even young men forget the carefree promises of the stump speech.
77. But the not-so-bright can sometimes secure a place if the parents stump up a large entrance fee.
78. They said they brought the tree stump to Riggs' office as a symbol of protest.
79. His strident 30-minute stump speech was interrupted only a couple of times with polite applause.
80. He looked down, and saw the planks beneath his shoe and stump turn transparent.
81. The great tower or Stump of St Botolph's church dominates both the town and the river which gave it its prosperity.
82. Jasper dashed out of sight behind a stump between the two.
83. The elder female sank down on a tree stump to rest(/stump.html), fanning herself with her hand.
84. John Glendenen was dropped at gully on two and also survived a couple of injudicious waves outside the off stump.
85. Last year 1,050 people lost the right to call themselves chartered accountants because they didn't stump up by 30 June.
86. Pete Magowan should have brought Clark back to give stump speeches about the horrors of Candlestick.
87. No soap box, no stump speech, no calling out, in a beer-barrel voice, to hit the bricks.
88. They had grown up and gone to work picking stump out of every other burned off field in this Florida county.
89. Voinovich, 59, is described as a roll-up-the-sleeves fiscal manager and a good stump speaker.
90. We sat on a tree stump.
91. Farmer Jack settled down on a nearby tree stump.
92. We sat on a stump to take a rest.
93. Test the BOP stack on the stump.
94. The tree stump serves as a table.
95. the stump of a pencil.
96. Traditional bonsai stump about six, three up, a.
97. He was on the stump in his home state.
98. For example, patients control some motorised devices by flexing musclesintheir stump, shoulder or chest.
99. Results There were no postoperative bronchopleural fistula and thoracic empyema in all patients. 554 cases successfully sutured while 8 cases had air leakage in the stump.
100. We sat on a tree stump and ate some very tasty ham sandwiches.
101. But as the terebinth and oak leave stumps when they are cut down, so the holy seed will be the stump in the land.
102. Yes — or he soon will, said Cecelia Ruggles, a Connecticut dog breeder who owns Stump, the Sussex spaniel who won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club show this year.
103. The tried and trusted method of getting batsmen out is to bowl in the channel just outside off stump and wait for a misjudgement.
104. On the stump, he defended his proposal to ban assault weapons by pointing out that you don't need an Uzi to hunt deer.
105. They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on.
106. They had used that stump for many years as a chopping block.
107. Babbitt sat on the stump, facing the dark pond, slapping mosquitoes.
108. The ECAs have been asked to stump up additional cover.
109. The secondary key factors were the slope position, tree stump density and fallen log density.
110. Conclusion THSWD could improve the VEGF expression of callus tissue, accelerate the micrangium regeneration in bone stump and promote the healing of fracture.
111. Conclusion:The axonal reinnervation of sensory nerve endings from the proximal stump to distal implanted nerve in end-to-side nerve neurorrhaphy is feasible.
112. Its tip flicked twice around the tumbleweed, jerked it off the ground and back to the feed opening in the imitation tree stump within which the rest of the slurp was concealed.
113. Black Tooth McPhee stepped from the jolly boat, the shallow salt water seeped into his left boot through the holes, the wooden stump of his right leg sank slowly into the sand.
114. The Maine woodsman sits on a stump whose rings number centuries of growth.
115. Sales of all kinds of potted plants, potted plants, old tree stump of a tree.
116. Last Thursday, Brown gave what amounted to a stump speech on the subject, aimed foursquare at the white working class, which has been wooed to such alarming effect by the BNP.
117. They had given him a white slate with a stump of pencil tied to the corner.
118. Finally his lord father gave a command, and two of his guardsmen dragged the ragged man to the ironwood stump in the center of the square. They forced his head down onto the hard black wood.
119. The stump turned into a cow's head, and rolled all around the streets and roads of the city!
120. Apart from the bloody stump , the hand was so completely whitened as to resemblea plaster cast.
121. Conclusions Neu r o stump pain results from lack of nerve continuity and formation of neuroma.
122. I added his impeccable logic to my stump speech for the rest of the campaign.
123. More often he'd simply pace and finally off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone.
124. To investigate the effect of double-bevel suturing technique on preventing bronchopleural fistula in closing the bronchus stump.
125. His stump speech can seem quite esoteric at times, with references to the inaugural speech of William Harrison, America's ninth president, and to Japan's "lost decade" of economic stagnation.
126. Results:The anastomotic leakage rates of the two groups were very close, but other complications and residual stump cancer were less in the group of suprathoracic anastomosis.
127. Conclusion The clinical effects using bronchial occluder mechanical suture bronchial stump are reliable and safe, decrease the occurrence of bronchopleural fistula.
128. On his way, he met an old blind woodcutter sitting on a tree stump.
129. His stump speech offers a simple two-part explanation of what has gone wrong.
130. He is a black face Stump - tailed monkey , living in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.
131. Their shared ancestry became a popular laugh line in Mr Obama's stump speech and a spokesman joked that Mr Cheney was "the black sheep of the family".
132. No patient recurred. Conclusions Incisions choosing, treatment to hyoid and stump are the key of operation of thyroglossal cyst and fistula.
133. The new technique was described in detail from the aspects of stump selection, field selection, period selection, field cleaning, inoculation, management, harvesting(), processing etc.
134. If we all stump up a pound we'll have enough for a round of drinks.
135. Every 48)decayed stump and 49)moss-grown stone and rail, and the dead leaves of autumn, are concealed by a clean napkin of snow.
136. Objective To discuss the treatment of traumatic stump pain by preventing formation of neuroma.
137. A common goldeneye duck paddles past a snowy bank and toward the reflection of a gnarled tree stump in Lake McDonald, part of Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park.
138. Stump line: The last line of a page ending with a hyphen . Consider undesirable.
139. Conclusion The clinical effects using bronchial occluder mechanical suture bronchial stump are reliable and safe, decrease.
140. The random factors were the canopy, slope degree, vegetation type, tree height, shrub height, tree stump height, tree hole density and human disturbance.
141. Every 48)decayed stump and 49)moss-grown stone and rail, and the dead leaves of autumn, are concealed by a clean napkin of snow. In the bare fields and 50)tinkling woods, see what virtue survives.
141. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
142. Finite element models of a complete stump socket contains geometric model, material characteristics, load condition and model boundary condition.
143. Every decayed stump and moss-grown stone and rail, and the dead leaves of autumn, are concealed by a clean napkin of snow.
144. Santorum delivered his nascent stump speech to a partially empty hall, struggling to connect as he mixed a religious message—"America belongs to God"—with a muddled criticism of Obama.
145. Rinse the cabbage, remove stump, and cut in half lengthwise.
146. For the end to - end enurorrhaphy , the peroneal stump was directly anastomosed end to - end .
147. Up at 5:30 a.m., McCain raced through his stump speech and confidently predicted victory at morning stops in Tampa, Florida, and Blountville, Tennessee.
148. Results: All of the 64 cases were clinically cured; there was no duodenal stump rupture, no stomal leak, and no abdominal cavity infection.
149. Much of the address, though delivered at one of the most prominent moments of a presidential campaign, was little different from the stump speech he has been delivering across the country.
150. If you think I'm going to help you whip the devil round the stump, you're mistaken in your man...
151. A northern flicker flashes the dazzling gold of its wings near an old tree stump.
152. You are on your way and find a tree stump far with a fruit on it.
153. " Hi - Yi ! you're up a stump, ain't you! "
154. I can see a new branch sprouting from the tree stump.
155. The cool president has turned hot on the stump, stripping to shirtsleeves to lambaste doubters in New Jersey Thursday.
156. Gelded too: a stump of black guttapercha wagging limp between their haunches.
157. A standing dead tree or tree stump, especially one killed by fire.
158. In the state of Song there was a farmer in whose fields stood a tree stump.
159. Mr Green has had to stump up for his son's debts.
160. On the stump in New Hampshire we saw a rare sight: a Republican candidate and a Democratic candidate standing together to pledge they would push for reform and not touch soft money themselves.
161. A skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thought the stump stunk, and the stump thought the skunk stunk.
162. The tender shoots and the expanding flowers are nipped and withered, and of a vine that yearned to stretch its tendril round the world there is left but a sapless stump.
163. Plaza the main exhibition hall, Hui - feng Museum, on display were miniature tree stump, water, stone bonsai.
164. I looked at her stump and there was no sign of infection, despite the injury being 12 days old and unhealed.
165. He is hardly a commanding figure, but a thousand people chant his name and lean in to listen, ready to follow(), as Ron Paul delivers his genre-bending stump speech.
166. With one blow of his ax, the forester cleaved the tree stump down the center.
167. Its original meaning is a tree stump waiting for a rabbit to dash itself against it.
168. Set the BOP stack on the stump and close the hydraulic connector, and then secure it.
169. The eagle was resting on an old tree stump not far from where he sat.
170. Slugs love to attack unguarded eggs, but in this stump , father frog is on guard duty.
171. Objective : To explore the diagnosis and treatment of cystic duct stump concretion.
172. John McCain’s wife, Cindy, gazes adoringly at him on the stump but says little.
173. I can't for one instant believe that anything would stump her.
173. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
174. Al gave his best 2 a.m. version of the stump speech.
175. Objective To analyse the normal helical CT appearances of the bronchial stump or anastomosis after pulmonectomy for central bronchial carcinoma.
176. To many Democrats and the liberal faithful, the sight of Obama in full cry back on the stump will be a glimmer of light in an otherwise dim election season.




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