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单词 Suspended
1. We saw smoke suspended in the still air.
2. A painting of Ingres was suspended on the wall.
3. Sailings were suspended in the high winds.
4. Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
5. Her body was found suspended by a rope.
6. John was given a four-month suspended sentence.
7. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.
8. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
9. The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
10. After the explosion dust was suspended in the air.
11. The project was suspended because of the shortage of fund.
12. A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.
13. Tom is suspended from school for a week for bad conduct.
14. She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight,[Sentencedict] when she would rise.
15. The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
16. Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.
17. Several employees were suspended amid allegations that financial improprieties had been committed.
18. The policeman was suspended while the complaint was investigated.
19. We suspended the building work during the rain.
20. He suspended the constitution and assumed dictatorial powers.
21. All mail deliveries were suspended during the strike.
22. He was suspended for using a banned substance .
23. Smoke hung suspended in the still air.
24. A large light was suspended from the ceiling.
25. She was suspended from school for a week.
26. The drug is suspended in a saline solution.
27. Dave was suspended from school for a week.
28. A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.
29. Small droplets are held suspended in the atmosphere.
30. His superiors suspended him, and then downgraded him.
1. We saw smoke suspended in the still air.
2. Sailings were suspended in the high winds.
3. Funding for the new building has been temporarily suspended.
4. Her body was found suspended by a rope.
5. John was given a four-month suspended sentence.
6. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
7. The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.
8. After the explosion dust was suspended in the air.
9. The project was suspended because of the shortage of fund.
10. A UN official said aid programs will be suspended until there's adequate protection for relief convoys.
11. She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.
12. The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
13. Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.
14. Several employees were suspended amid allegations that financial improprieties had been committed.
15. The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstraters.
16. The spider hung suspended on its slender thread.
17. The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.
18. The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.
31. The meeting has been suspended to next week.
32. She was suspended from school for fighting.
33. He was given a non-custodial/suspended sentence.
34. He was suspended on full pay until the hearing.
35. Rail services are suspended indefinitely because of the strike.
36. The players have been suspended pending appeal.
37. The judge gave him a nine-month suspended sentence.
38. She was suspended from school for stealing.
39. The University suspended the most recalcitrant demonstraters.
40. The party's activities have been suspended.
41. He was suspended from school.
42. Flights were suspended pending investigation of the crash.
43. Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended.
44. Talks between the two countries have now been suspended.
45. The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.
46. He has been suspended without pay.
47. He had been suspended from practice,[http:///suspended.html] pending legal investigations.
48. Hibernating animals survive the winter in suspended animation.
49. The spider hung suspended on its slender thread.
50. He was suspended by his feet and beaten with metal bars.
51. The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out.
52. The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.
53. The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.
54. The football player was red-carded and suspended from the game.
55. When he suspended the constitution and dissolved Congress[], he had the imprimatur of the armed forces.
56. Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.
57. Some animals, such as hedgehogs, exist in a state of suspended animation during the winter.
58. The UN has suspended relief flights because of shelling around the airport.
59. The story had soon got about that he had been suspended.
60. The judge gave him a suspended sentence and demanded that he pay $30,000 to a children's charity.
61. The council chief was suspended over allegations of jobs for the boys.
62. He admitted attempted robbery and was given a suspended sentence.
63. A judge has suspended a ban on the magazine pending a full inquiry.
64. The constitution was suspended and the army was placed in full control.
65. The match had just begun when the heavens opened and play was suspended.
66. The judge sentenced her to 6 months imprisonment suspended for 15 months.
67. Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out.
68. She had been suspended from her job for discreditable behaviour.
69. He was suspended for four matches after arguing with the referee.
70. It was very uncomfortable lying on the hospital bed with my legs suspended in the air.
71. We became suspended in some stately never-never land of pleasure, luxury and idleness.
72. The director has been suspended on full pay, pending an internal enquiry.
73. He was suspended for one year because he head-butted the referee after the match for being dissatisfied with his judgment.
74. She was lucky to get off with a suspended sentence.
75. On 1 October the US suspended a proposed $574 million aid package for 1991. Of this amount[http:///suspended.html], $250 million is for military purchases.
76. The builders worked on wooden platforms, suspended by ropes from the roof of the building.
77. The introduction of the new system has been suspended until next year.
78. The President has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.
79. He was suspended for a year from University after brawling with police over a speeding ticket.
80. The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated.
81. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.
82. The whole project is in suspended animation while we wait for permission to proceed.
83. It was bedlam at the football ground after the match was suspended.
84. The United States' political institutions were in suspended animation.
85. Everyone was in a state of suspended animation.
86. The presidential decrees were, however, suspended after telephone negotiations on April 9.
87. The trial was suspended the same day after the 19 defence lawyers walked out, and then postponed until July 12.
88. First, there was the Gorilla, flying through the air on a rope suspended from the ceiling before the game started.
89. His defence counsel contended that a suspended sentence would enable Chemouil to pay compensation to the victim.
90. Mr Doherty was suspended and court injunctions taken to freeze both his assets and those of the computer company.
91. Search operations had to be suspended temporarily at one stage while the roof was demolished because of the danger of it falling in.
92. Through the mouth there appears to be the remains of a chain link from which the knife would have been suspended.
93. Suspended midway between true creditors and true members they get the worst of both worlds.
94. It was nevertheless suspended for three years, the brothers forced to attend sensitivity-training sessions.
95. The man, who pleaded guilty, received an 18-month suspended jail term at Truro crown court in July.
96. But Fred's never really known what to do with it. Suspended animation between classes.
97. Each instantiation will appear in the suspended activities list and you may use the cursor control keys to select the appropriate instantiation.
98. The council-run Windsor Restaurant will be redecorated and get new carpets, a suspended ceiling and new furniture.
99. Firefighters suspend ballot Britain's firefighters have suspended a ballot on strike action after pay talks with local authority employers.
100. But the then naval chief suspended the prison sentences; the men returned the money and were dismissed from the navy.
101. Sound Diffusion ordinary shares were suspended in December at 22p and the group asked its bankers to appoint a receiver.
102. Five months later, the Maharashtra government suspended work, contending the project was too expensive.
103. It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air.
104. The United States suspended military and economic aid, but such support had been worth only US$16,400,000 in 1990.
104. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
105. With Jamie Pollock suspended for one match, Proctor could press his claims for a recall to the squad.
106. On his list of things to do, these delicate issues hung suspended like icicles from a limb.
107. Azharuddin and four other players who were suspended now face possible life bans.
108. When the summer sun shines on them, they become hard and brittle, and enter a state of suspended animation.
109. I've had probation, conditional discharge, deferred sentences, suspended sentences - everything.
110. The creature seemed to be in a state of suspended animation.
111. A gallery had been suspended around the wall at the height of two standing men - the only concession to spectators.
112. Some of the more complex structures may have had suspended timber floors.
113. The political life of the nation finally came out of its suspended animation.
114. They put the device on 200 pennants suspended from utility poles, and paint it directly on crosswalks in the downtown area.
115. Finally, the duck is suspended in an open-mouth wood-burning oven and roasted until it is crisp and mahogany colored.
116. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
117. The 1966 Constitution was suspended in 1973 and replaced by a military dictatorship.
118. In its present state of suspended animation, however, H-4 may look forward to a well-preserved life of undetermined longevity.
119. To stop the turntable behaving like a seismograph, it is suspended on isolating springs.
120. Sri Lanka's president, Chandrika Kumaratunga, has suspended parliament ahead of a referendum this month on constitutional reform.
121. On Jan. 5 eight journalists were suspended, apparently for opposing the ban.
122. Energy crisis Periodic power cuts were imposed from Oct. 29 after electricity supplies from the Soviet Union were suddenly suspended.
123. The first is the crawl space beneath any suspended timber floors, where rot can quickly develop unless ventilation is good.
124. Jed-Forest confirmed last night that they had suspended a player until next season because of misbehaviour on a recent trip to Twickenham.
125. Chrysler has already suspended production at one of its main assembly plants and cut back on managerial staff.
126. Finally, helped by a rope suspended from the cliff top, we found ourselves on the central plateau.
127. Husayn suspended the constitution, declared martial law, banned all political parties and arrested hundreds of politicians.
128. Others were subject to burns and suspended from prison walls for up to three consecutive nights.
129. The corals feed passively on bits of organic material suspended in the water.
130. Debt service payments to commercial creditor banks, suspended in November, were scheduled for resumption at the end of February 1991.
131. Some suspended flight display monitors also crashed to the floor.
132. Ceilings and walls are painted white and artificial lighting is provided by suspended fluorescent lights from Spectrum.
133. Sandy was suspended by a rope attached to an old beam next to the ladder leading to the tower.
134. Ramdoo was suspended from duty, the home was placed under independent control and the case progressed slowly to court.
134. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135. But when the Bush administration took office, it suspended negotiations while conducting the policy review.
136. Although they knew about the policy, several students wore armbands to school, refused to remove them, and were suspended.
137. It went against normal principles of materials suspended in liquid spreading randomly and as uniformly as possible.
138. Special effects can be obtained by strokes or rolls on a suspended cymbal, executed with timpani or side-drum sticks.
139. An annual contest for authors of programs that can fool human judges at least some of the time was suspended last year.
140. Suspended floors to allow air flow and prevent radon build-up.
141. Aid flights have been suspended for a week after fighting near the city's airport yesterday continued to block flights.
142. The paste contains collagen suspended in a salt solution mixed with a local anaesthetic, lignocaine.
143. If the fish is suspended in open water with no obstacles around, the lines are smooth curves.
144. The light, a single bulb in an ethnic basket, was suspended from the ceiling and lit just the table.
145. The other class of devices are designed to detect the relative movement of freely suspended massive blocks.
146. Throughout the dispute, unpaid ambulance staff suspended for their action remained at their posts in order to provide emergency cover.
147. In theory, logging was suspended by law in January 1990, but it is reported to be continuing apace.
148. The policy will be suspended from the day we receive the certificate.
149. Daniel was suspended for one game after being arrested for shoplifting last week....
150. Everything freezes on the court, like some one has hit the pause button and suspended the characters in a movie.
151. It can remain in this state of suspended animation for at least two years.
152. Suspended from the ceiling just behind the white marble altar, the cross is backed by a swath of deep purple fabric.
153. At a great distance, the ghostly frost of a snow peak seemed suspended from the clear sky.
154. The Wimbledon midfield player officially lodged an appeal with the Football Association against his £20,000 fine and six-month suspended ban.
155. But if the commonsense understanding of schooling is bracketed and belief suspended, another reality emerges, the life of the playground.
156. On May 16 the trial was suspended indefinitely because of demonstrations taking place outside the courthouse.
157. He gaped round the small room, realizing that he was suspended from a ceiling only fifteen feet high.
158. Philip's transformation looks like a suspended grey tent around the walls, supported by two huge red cross beams.
159. A code of practice had been drawn up whereby offenders would be suspended.
160. However, while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft.
161. The 1945 Potsdam and London agreements and the 1971 quadripartite accord on Berlin were thus suspended.
162. That was true, but it was also a ti me of shock, suspended animation.
163. We no longer possess the Susan Membrane that would allow a Marine to enter a state of suspended animation.
164. Groves signed after the midday deadline while Monkou is suspended.
164. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
165. A mosquito net was providentially suspended above the bed; the creek was certain to be thick with insects when night fell.
166. Are suspended pupils to be counted as absent or temporarily off-roll?
167. As soon as the political problem was resolved, he released military operations from their state of suspended animation.
168. On 3 April he was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment suspended for two years and was ordered to pay £1,500 compensation.
169. Its work was suspended during the election campaign and advisers fear that its draft report could now be shelved.
170. Jayawardene had Mrs Bandaranaike's civic rights suspended for seven years, for abuse of power.
171. The goods traffic was almost entirely suspended.
172. Many uncompleted, suspended building projects dot Pyongyang's skyline.
173. Suspended carriage for wind energy facility, rotary connecting device for wind egergy facility, wind egergy facility, driving method for wind egergy facility.
174. Two or three had a straw rope attached to the cross-bar of the dray, and suspended under them like a stirrup, which supported their feet.
175. The page who, at the castle of the king of France, was suspended by silken cords.
176. Effectively remove water, sediment, rust, red worm, micro-organisms and a variety of suspended particles.
177. Exposure to a gas leak in an abandoned mine induced a former Army Air Corps officer to lapse into a form of suspended animation.
178. As a new form of structure, its major difficulties of installation lie in the erections of central mast, suspended cable, steel roof trusses and the verticality control as well as node assembly.
179. Batch adsorption experiments of carbamate pesticide aldicarb on suspended particulate matter(SPM) in water were carried out in this paper.
180. It looks as if it's suspended between bridges to both of the Mur's shores, but it's actually on a floating platform.
181. At present, the electrostatic suspended gyroscope ( ESG ) is the most precise inertia instrument in the world.
182. Turbid: Term applied to wine which is not clear because of the presence of large amounts of colloidal material or suspended particles.
183. Entrained air in oil is comprised of tiny air bubbles suspended in the oil.
184. The company mainly produces cold, hot-box dual-use vertical type, the level of core-type radio and triethylamine gas generator , the balance suspended.
185. The works belonging to the 2008 series come wreathed in a semi-transparent, vividly blue atmosphere in which formally simplified figures appear suspended, as if floating in a liquid element.
186. This paper presents briefly the essential principle of inertial navigation system (INS) by using electrostatically suspended gyroscopes (ESG) and its gimbal structure.
187. Second[http://], it is successful to try applying the dripping method of suspended cells obtained by enzyme treatment instead of traditional method for pachytene chromosomes preparation.
188. Based on determining samples of Fuzhou West Lake, this paper concluded the effect of sampling volume and heat time on determination of Total Suspended Solids (SS).
189. With the intensifying of the dust weathers, the dust thickness, total suspended particulates (TSP) of dust at the surface will increase in geometric series at the rate of 3 times.
190. Thethe castle of the king of France, was suspended by silken cords.
191. Mr Zoellick's frank mea culpa sounded impressive, and the project has been suspended.
192. Common law countries take compensation as a independent criminal judgment, at the same time combine perpetrator's victim compensation with suspended sentence and commutable sentence.




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