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单词 Dislodge
1 They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.
2 The rebels have so far failed to dislodge the President.
3 We need two wins to dislodge the French team from first place.
4 There's something between my teeth and I can't dislodge it.
5 This is sufficient to dislodge any particles.
6 It was 30 minutes before rescuers could dislodge the food from his throat.
7 Army commanders were preparing to dislodge the militia from the capital.
8 The most difficult volatiles to dislodge will be those borne in compounds such as carbonates and hydroxy silicates.
9 He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below.
10 Even so,[] these cautionary comments should not dislodge us from the main point.
11 Last December government troops stormed 20 prisons to dislodge prisoners from the dormitory wards.
12 She became champion in 1982 and no one has been able to dislodge her.
13 Once embedded in the skin, these savage spines are difficult to dislodge.
14 He may challenge the Prime Minister even if he decides he cannot dislodge her this time.
15 Her doubts about its truth do not, in equal measure, dislodge her belief.
16 Stick to big rocks that would be difficult to dislodge.
17 More than four dozen employees have been working in shifts round the clock since then, figuring out how to dislodge it.
18 Her husband was always with us but as a couple they were difficult to dislodge without rudeness.
19 The feeling that this discipline is somehow undignified is difficult to dislodge in some minds.
20 The snake began to choke as it tried to swallow his arm and simultaneously dislodge the obstruction from its windpipe.
21 He fights stubbornly, and has thus far resisted all our efforts to dislodge him.....
22 However, don't move the design around too enthusiastically in case you dislodge any unattached flowers completely.
23 The question came sneaking into her mind and, once there, it proved difficult to dislodge.
24 The position of the piece of gravel would have made it virtually impossible for the fish to dislodge it.
25 It was then time to call for the gunners and pilots to dislodge the defenders and exact vengeance for dead comrades.
26 Walk gingerly over the rocks and sand. Stick to big rocks that would be difficult to dislodge.
27 It stuck in my throat and I had to cough and cough to dislodge it.
28 Once an explanation has been accepted by the scientific community as a whole, it is very hard to dislodge it.
29 She looked sassy, she thought, as she swung her long jet hair, careful not to dislodge the jasmine.
30 Eventually divers provided first hand evidence that sea otters use rocks as hammers under water to dislodge the abalones.
31 Heavy gunfire dislodge the rebels from the jungle.
32 Unable to 5)dislodge the item, Copley walked into the school 6)hallway and encountered 13-year-old Amanda Rinks , a seventh-grader.
33 Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law?
34 The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery.
35 This will dislodge any fibers that may be in a vertical positions in the perforations.
36 Heavy rain or hail may dislodge many aphids from the plants.
36 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
37 She did not so easily dislodge the incident from her consideration.
38 He could not dislodge the images imprinted on his brain.
39 Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions.
40 Test results show that the multi-pipe ESCP can trap diesel particulate efficiently with low back-pressure at high gas volume and dislodge particles layer effectively.
41 Do not attempt to dislodge food when the appliance is plugged into electrical outlet.
42 Basically ultrasonic vibrations are used to dislodge both plaque and tartar from the tooth surface.
43 No one could dislodge them from their well - en - trenched positions.
44 No doubt, the iPad will dislodge some laptops from coffee tables and boot some e-book readers out of carry-on luggage.
45 Knock the mould against the table to dislodge the mooncake.
46 The bouncing grains strike the ground, either bouncing into the air again or dislodge other grains.
47 Once expectations converge on an inefficient norm, it can be very difficult to dislodge.




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